272 research outputs found

    Implementación de un centro cultural para fomentar el arte en sus diferentes manifestaciones en la ciudad de ibarra en el año 2013

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    Realizar un estudio para la creación de un Centro Cultural para fomentar el arte en sus diferentes manifestaciones en la ciudad de Ibarra.La conformación del Centro Cultural Nicolás Herrera tiene como objetivos la promoción y difusión del arte a través de la organización de eventos en las diferentes disciplinas del saber humano y de las artes. A manera de puente entre la comunidad del norte del país y la comunidad de artistas que han sido relegados por la sociedad actual sin tener espacios donde fomentar y hacer vivir su arte, pretende conformarse como un organismo vivo que sirve para la reflexión, el estímulo y desarrollo de las sociedades y diferentes manifestaciones artísticas, encontrándose en un mismo espacio gente de distintas procedencias e intereses que sienten que el ámbito cultural y el arte como parte de su cotidianidad. Y es que toda manifestación del ser humano es por naturaleza creativa, y la cultura de un pueblo es parte de su identidad como nación. Por tanto, es objetivo fundamental del Centro Cultural Nicolas Herrera, ser un ente productor de actividades al servicio de la comunidad, teniendo como objetivo la excelencia, contribuyan al enriquecimiento formativo y artístico de la sociedad ibarreña, así como del turismo local y del país. Es indispensable trabajar conjuntamente con otras naciones; el Centro Cultural Nicolás Herrera tiene el emprendimiento de ser parte de los ejes culturales nacionales, realizando intercambios de obras y artistas, con el fin de promocionar, e involucrar a la sociedad ibarreña, evitando el usual foro y debate interno, que se ha tornado excluyente; sino más bien acercando a la comunidad todo el arte y la cultura que se creía distante. Para el Centro es también primordial pensar en términos de globalización, en la medida en que ésta sirva para la integración latinoamericana. De esta forma se la proyecta a la comunidad, enfrentando el nuevo milenio con criterios amplios a través de una identidad latinoamericana y, por qué no, mundial

    Proposta de modelo de coordenação de veículos seguidores de linha utilizando uma abordagem de sistemas multiagentes

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Joinville, Engenharia Mecatrônica.Os veículos auto guiados são robôs móveis programáveis, unindo sistemas de automação com a mobilidade, capazes de transportar objetos. Contudo, a integração de múltiplos veículos autônomos em um ambiente exige que ocorra a cooperação. Sendo introduzido o uso de sistemas multiagentes e protocolos de comunicação, capazes de executar diálogos e alcançando os objetivos individuais e globais. Neste trabalho é proposta uma estratégia de coordenação para o deslocamento de veículos seguidores de linha, utilizando estratégias de sistemas multiagentes. É apresentado o estudo da viabilidade da utilização do Bluetooth como método para detectar outros veículos. Além disso, é realizado o levantamento das máquinas de estados e diálogos necessários para construir os agentes dentro do ambiente. Também são definidas as condições que podem causar impasses durante a execução de percursos pelos veículos. Por fim, é apresentada a simulação utilizada para comprovar a estratégia proposta e discutir sobre os resultados

    A novel pre-class learning content approach for the implementation of flipped classrooms

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    The nascent recognition of computing in curriculum across countries is also accompanied by several pedagogic inefficiencies especially concerning insufficient time available for teacher-student interaction. In this paper, a flipped classroom concept was identified as an effective approach to teaching students at various levels in the academia including Higher Education. Preparing the pre-class content and considering the format used to deliver it has not gained much consideration. There are several ways in which this content could be provided to students to prepare them before an in-class activity where a flipped-classroom approach can be implemented. The present study analyzed the success of the flipped classroom concept based on a comparative analysis of the two types of flipped classroom pre-class content delivery methods: online videos and online PowerPoint slides. Evaluation was performed using paired T-test. The results show that the two approaches have significantly different means and huge differences between them. The students preferred online videos to online PowerPoint (ppt) methods underlining the importance of the proposed flipped classroom approach

    Applying an entropic analysis to locate rapid transit lines in sprawled cities

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    Urban sprawl is a phenomenon that leads to an extensive use of motorized transport modes with negative environmental impacts such as congestion, time wasted in traffic jams, air and noise pollution and additional costs incurred by using non-renewable energy. Increasing the existing infrastructures is a decision, which often generates the installation of new urban settlements, whose degree of isolation is mitigated with a new increase in the demand for transport. This vicious circle can be broken by reducing the need of transport imposed by the urban model, which is only possible by bringing citizens closer to those services they demand. In the model of sprawled city, housing predominates as land use in the residential areas, where other complementary uses (such as commercial, cultural, institutional and industrial ones) are excluded in the urban development. When the urban districts don´t present enough complexity, an increase in traffic density between different zones into the city arises. Such forced mobility could be reduced if the functional diversity of the districts were greater, or if there was an urban rapid transit system connecting the areas that generate the greatest imbalances. To measure the complexity of the urban districts system, the Information Theory developed in the 1960s proposes the use of urban entropy. The paper addresses the problem of locating a rapid transit line (metro, tram, BRT) with the objective of maximize the functional diversity of the districts traversed by the alignment. In order to illustrate the proposed model a computational experience is carried out by using data from the metropolitan area of Seville (Spain).Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2015-67706-

    Pengenalan Penerapan Ergonomi Kantor dan 5S Kepada Pegawai Administrasi Kelurahan X

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    Office ergonomics talk about how to make the work area in the office suitable for people who work and support the work activities they do. Meanwhile, 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke) is a system that makes work activities better and of higher quality. If these two principles are applied properly to an office activity, it will certainly increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the work being carried out. The introduction of the two principles was carried out for Kelurahan X employees. Information was provided through an interactive webinar format through the Zoom Meeting platform. The purpose of this activity is to provide an understanding of the importance of Ergonomics in the office and the importance of implementing 5S to the employees of the X Village office. In the early stages of implementation, information is provided through the lecture method and collects data related to the knowledge that participants currently have using a questionnaire using Google Form, then in the next stage, participants are asked to actively participate in the application of the material that has been presented previously. In the final results of data collection, it was proven that participants had understood the benefits of applying these principles by increasing the percentage of participants' understanding obtained from the final questionnaireErgonomi kantor berbicara bagaimana membuat area kerja di kantor dapat sesuai untuk orang yang bekerja dan mendukung aktivitas pekerjaan yang dilakukannya. Sedangkan 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, dan Shitsuke) adalah sebuah sistem yang membuat aktivitas kerja menjadi lebih baik dan berkualitas. Jika kedua prinsip ini diterapkan dengan baik pada sebuah aktivitas kantor tentu akan meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas pekerjaan yang dilakukan. Pengenalan kedua prinsip tersebut dilakukan untuk pegawai Kelurahan X. Informasi diberikan melalui format webinar interaktif melalui platform Zoom Meeting. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pemahaman mengenai pentingnya Ergonomi di kantor dan pentingnya implementasi 5S kepada karyawan kantor kelurahan X. Pada tahap awal pelaksanaan informasi diberikan melalui metode ceramah dan melakukan pengumpulan data terkait pengetahuan yang peserta miliki saat ini dengan kuesioner menggunakan Google Form, kemudian pada tahap berikutnya peserta diminta untuk ikut berpartisipasi secara aktif terkait penerapan materi yang telah disampaikan sebelumnya. Pada hasil akhir pengumpulan data terbukti bahwa peserta telah memahami manfaat penerapan prinsip tersebut dengan meningkatkan prosentase pemahaman peserta yang diperoleh dari kuesioner akhir

    Electroflotation of ultrafine chalcopyrite particles with sodium oleate collector

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    The electroflotation behaviour of ultrafine chalcopyrite particles was investigated using a mechanically agitated cell. The use of sodium oleate as collector proved effective in the flotation of particles of average size of 5 µm. The results showed that chalcopyrite recovery increases with increasing pulp pH, and current density, but decreases with increasing pulp density. The successful flotation of chalcopyrite with oleate might be attributed to its electrochemical surface oxidation, resulting in the formation of cupric and ferric oxide species. Chemisorption of oleate ions onto oxidized chalcopyrite surface is suggested to be the main cause for the increase in chalcopyrite recovery

    Initiating count down - gamification of academic integrity

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    Any problem is a problem until a solution is designed and implemented. This paper reports on a workshop that highlights preliminary work done by the working group on Gamification in the scope of European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI), which aims to explore the possibility of developing and testing a gamified learning module on academic integrity values. In this paper, the group aims to look at proposing steps we are currently using to develop storyboards of scenarios for the first phase of the project, which were presented at the 6th International Conference Plagiarism Across Europe and Beyond 2020 held virtually in Dubai as a workshop. The study also presents updated findings and scenarios drawn from the workshop conducted and audience feedback, in the following sections that pave the way for the future stages of the gamification process. This serves as a guide to academics and researchers in academic integrity who may wish to study gamification and apply it to develop their own modules for their learning modules.N/