147 research outputs found

    A specialized isotope mass spectrometer for noninvasive diagnostics of Helicobacter pylori infection in human beings

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    A specialized isotope mass spectrometer for noninvasive diagnostics of Helicobacter pylori infection in human beings based on the carbon-13 isotope breath test has been designed and constructed. Important stages of the work included (i) calculating a low-aberration mass analyzer, (ii) manufacturing and testing special gas inlet system, and (iii) creating a small-size collector of ions. The proposed instrument ensures 13C/12C isotopic ratio measurement to within 1.7‰ (pro mille) accuracy, which corresponds to requirements for a diagnostic tool. Preliminary medical testing showed that the mass spectrometer is applicable to practical diagnostics. The instrument is also capable of measuring isotopic ratios of other light elements, including N, O, B (for BF2+ ions), Ar, Cl, and

    Ionization of hydrogen and hydrogenic ions by antiprotons

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    Presented here is a description of the ionization of hydrogen and hydrogenic ions by antiproton-impact, based on very large scale numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation in three spatial dimensions and on analysis of the topology of the electronic eigenenergy surfaces in the plane of complex internuclear distance. Comparison is made with other theories and very recent measurements.Comment: RevTex document, 11 pages, 4 Postscript figures are available from the authors, in press Phys. Rev. Let

    Magnetohydrodynamic equilibria of a cylindrical plasma with poloidal mass flow and arbitrary cross section shape

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    The equilibrium of a cylindrical plasma with purely poloidal mass flow and cross section of arbitrary shape is investigated within the framework of the ideal MHD theory. For the system under consideration it is shown that only incompressible flows are possible and, conscequently, the general two dimensional flow equilibrium equations reduce to a single second-order quasilinear partial differential equation for the poloidal magnetic flux function ψ\psi, in which four profile functionals of ψ\psi appear. Apart from a singularity occuring when the modulus of Mach number associated with the Alfv\'en velocity for the poloidal magnetic field is unity, this equation is always elliptic and permits the construction of several classes of analytic solutions. Specific exact equlibria for a plasma confined within a perfectly conducting circular cylindrical boundary and having i) a flat current density and ii) a peaked current density are obtained and studied.Comment: Accepted to Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion, 14 pages, revte

    Projective Hilbert space structures at exceptional points

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    A non-Hermitian complex symmetric 2x2 matrix toy model is used to study projective Hilbert space structures in the vicinity of exceptional points (EPs). The bi-orthogonal eigenvectors of a diagonalizable matrix are Puiseux-expanded in terms of the root vectors at the EP. It is shown that the apparent contradiction between the two incompatible normalization conditions with finite and singular behavior in the EP-limit can be resolved by projectively extending the original Hilbert space. The complementary normalization conditions correspond then to two different affine charts of this enlarged projective Hilbert space. Geometric phase and phase jump behavior are analyzed and the usefulness of the phase rigidity as measure for the distance to EP configurations is demonstrated. Finally, EP-related aspects of PT-symmetrically extended Quantum Mechanics are discussed and a conjecture concerning the quantum brachistochrone problem is formulated.Comment: 20 pages; discussion extended, refs added; bug correcte

    Hydrogen atom in crossed external fields reexemined by the moment method

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    Recurrence relations of perturbation theory for hydrogen ground state are obtained. With their aid polarizabilities in constant perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are computed up to 80th order. The high orders asymptotic is compared with its quasiclassical estimate. For the case of arbitrary mutual orientation of external fields a general sixth order formula is given.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures (eps

    Magneto-intersubband oscillations in two-dimensional systems with an energy spectrum split due to spin-orbit interaction

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    In the present paper we study magneto-intersubband oscillations (MISO) in HgTe/Hg1-xCdxTe single quantum well with "inverted" and "normal" spectra and in In1-xGaxAs/In1-yAlyAs quantum wells with normal band ordering. For all the cases when two branches of the spectrum arise due to spin-orbit splitting, the mutual arrangement of the antinodes of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations and the maxima of MISO occurs opposite to that observed in double quantum wells and in wide quantum wells with two subbands occupied and does not agree with the theoretical predictions. A "toy" model is proposed that explains qualitatively this unusual result. © 2020 American Physical Society.We are grateful to A. A. Bykov, I. V. Gornyi, D. G. Polyakov, O. E. Raichev, M. A. Zudov, and V. Ya. Aleshkin for useful discussions. The work has been supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 18-02-00050), by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation (Agreement No. 02.A03.21.0006), by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Project No. FEUZ-2020-0054), and by the FASO of Russia (theme “Electron” No. 01201463326)

    From Heisenberg matrix mechanics to EBK quantization: theory and first applications

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    Despite the seminal connection between classical multiply-periodic motion and Heisenberg matrix mechanics and the massive amount of work done on the associated problem of semiclassical (EBK) quantization of bound states, we show that there are, nevertheless, a number of previously unexploited aspects of this relationship that bear on the quantum-classical correspondence. In particular, we emphasize a quantum variational principle that implies the classical variational principle for invariant tori. We also expose the more indirect connection between commutation relations and quantization of action variables. With the help of several standard models with one or two degrees of freedom, we then illustrate how the methods of Heisenberg matrix mechanics described in this paper may be used to obtain quantum solutions with a modest increase in effort compared to semiclassical calculations. We also describe and apply a method for obtaining leading quantum corrections to EBK results. Finally, we suggest several new or modified applications of EBK quantization.Comment: 37 pages including 3 poscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Dirac's Observables for the Rest-Frame Instant Form of Tetrad Gravity in a Completely Fixed 3-Orthogonal Gauge

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    We define the {\it rest-frame instant form} of tetrad gravity restricted to Christodoulou-Klainermann spacetimes. After a study of the Hamiltonian group of gauge transformations generated by the 14 first class constraints of the theory, we define and solve the multitemporal equations associated with the rotation and space diffeomorphism constraints, finding how the cotriads and their momenta depend on the corresponding gauge variables. This allows to find quasi-Shanmugadhasan canonical transformation to the class of 3-orthogonal gauges and to find the Dirac observables for superspace in these gauges. The construction of the explicit form of the transformation and of the solution of the rotation and supermomentum constraints is reduced to solve a system of elliptic linear and quasi-linear partial differential equations. We then show that the superhamiltonian constraint becomes the Lichnerowicz equation for the conformal factor of the 3-metric and that the last gauge variable is the momentum conjugated to the conformal factor. The gauge transformations generated by the superhamiltonian constraint perform the transitions among the allowed foliations of spacetime, so that the theory is independent from its 3+1 splittings. In the special 3-orthogonal gauge defined by the vanishing of the conformal factor momentum we determine the final Dirac observables for the gravitational field even if we are not able to solve the Lichnerowicz equation. The final Hamiltonian is the weak ADM energy restricted to this completely fixed gauge.Comment: RevTeX file, 141 page

    The Hyperspherical Four-Fermion Problem

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    The problem of a few interacting fermions in quantum physics has sparked intense interest, particularly in recent years owing to connections with the behavior of superconductors, fermionic superfluids, and finite nuclei. This review addresses recent developments in the theoretical description of four fermions having finite-range interactions, stressing insights that have emerged from a hyperspherical coordinate perspective. The subject is complicated, so we have included many detailed formulas that will hopefully make these methods accessible to others interested in using them. The universality regime, where the dominant length scale in the problem is the two-body scattering length, is particularly stressed, including its implications for the famous BCS-BEC crossover problem Derivations and relevant formulas are also included for the calculation of challenging few-body processes such as recombination.Comment: 66 pages, 33 figure