75 research outputs found

    Development of nanolubricant based on impregnated multilayer graphene for automotive applications: Analysis of tribological properties

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    [EN] This paper shows novel formulations of nanolubricants added with multi-layer graphene (MLG), multi-layer graphene impregnated with copper (MLG-Cu), and multi-layer graphene impregnated with polyaniline (MLG-PANI) for applications in automotive engines. These nanofluids were prepared using commercial motor oil as the base fluid. The tribological properties were measured at 100 degrees C, and significant reductions were found in the coefficient of friction and wear. The concentrations used were 0.5% and 2% by weight, obtaining reductions in the friction coefficient and wear of up to 43% and 63%, respectively, in the case of motor oil with copper-impregnated graphene. All formulations of MLG, MLG-Cu, and MLG-PANI did not show any sedimentation when dispersed in engine oil, even three months after being produced. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The authors would like to thank Tecnologico de Monterrey (ITESM) through the focus group of Energy and Climate Change for the support of this project and CONACYT for funding the stay at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (UPV).Ramon-Raygoza, E.; Rivera-Solorio, C.; Giménez Torres, E.; Maldonado-Cortes, D.; Cardenas-Aleman, E.; Cué-Sampedro, R. (2016). Development of nanolubricant based on impregnated multilayer graphene for automotive applications: Analysis of tribological properties. Powder Technology. 302:363-371. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2016.08.072S36337130


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    El presente artículo muestra la implementación de la plataforma educativa Classroom, aplicada a la educación, para ofrecer a los estudiantes de educación superior herramientas que empleen alternativas de aprendizaje, portabilidad y  colaboración en las actividades escolares. En este trabajo se reflejan las ventajas y  características de Classroom plataforma, utilizada como recurso tecnológico vinculado al curso presencial de Introducción a la Computación en el Centro Universitario de los Lagos de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Pretendiendo reforzar en los estudiantes el uso y empleo de las nuevas tecnologías; donde los docentes de manera particular podrán evaluar las ventajas de esta plataforma (Classroom) sobre Moodle que de igual manera proporciona a educadores, administradores y estudiantes un sistema integrado para crear ambientes de aprendizaje personalizados. PALABRAS CLAVE: plataformas educativas; desarrollo de habilidades tecnológicas; educación superior. EDUCATION 4.0: APPROACHING A NEW WAY TO LEARN WITH ONLINE TOOLS ABSTRACT This article shows the implementation of the Classroom educational platform, applied to education to offer students of university education tools that employ alternatives of learning,  portability and collaboration in school activities. This work reflects the advantages and characteristics of Classroom platform, used as a technological resource linked to the classroom course of Introduction to Computing in the Centro Universitario de los Lagos. Intending to reinforce in students the use it and use of new technologies; Where teachers in a particular way, will be able to evaluate the advantages of Classroom vs Moodle that equally provides educators, administrators and students an integrated system to create customized learning environments. KEYWORDS: educational platforms; development of technological skills; higher education

    Ruminant Brucellosis in the Kafr El Sheikh Governorate of the Nile Delta, Egypt: Prevalence of a Neglected Zoonosis

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    Brucellosis is a zoonosis of mammals caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella. It is responsible for a vast global burden imposed on human health through disability and on animal productivity. In humans brucellosis causes a range of flu-like symptoms and chronic debilitating illness. In livestock brucellosis causes economic losses as a result of abortion, infertility and decreased milk production. The main routes for human infection are consumption of contaminated dairy products and contact with infected ruminants. The control of brucellosis in humans depends on its control in ruminants, for which accurate estimates of the frequency of infection are very useful, especially in areas with no previous frequency estimates. We studied the seroprevalence of brucellosis and its geographic distribution among domestic ruminants in one governorate of the Nile Delta region, Egypt. In the study area, the seroprevalence of ruminant brucellosis is very high and has probably increased considerably since the early 1990s. The disease is widespread but more concentrated around major animal markets. These findings question the efficacy of the control strategy in place and highlight the high infection risk for the animal and human populations of the area and the urgent need for an improved control strategy

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Study of Applications of Parabolic Trough Solar Collector Technology in Mexican Industry

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    In Mexico, a local enterprise has developed a parabolic trough solar collector to produce thermal energy. This collector has modular characteristics and it has been installed in some industries around the country to meet the thermal load for their processes or diminish the consumption of fossil fuels. Besides this, a local university has made a computational program that predicts the energy output of system with this type of solar collector. This paper presents the results of two systems installed comparing the results with computational and experimental data. © 2016 The Authors

    Generación a partir de carbón – Autoevaluación

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    Preguntas de autoevaluación del video Colectores solares térmicos

    Educación ambiental y su intervención en la actividad turística

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    By way of reflection and from a theoretical basis as the fundamental basis of this work, let us remember that environmental education (EE) acquired importance from the environmental and ecological crises that have historically taken place at the planetary level, for which reason the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO for its acronym in English) after the Belgrade conference in 1975, specified the goal and objectives of it, in which he exhorted: "to form a world population aware and concerned about the medium and the problems related to it, a population that has the knowledge, skills, predisposition, motivation and sense of commitment that allows you to work individually and collectively in the resolution of current problems and in which they do not return to pose and; Regarding the objectives, he pointed out the following: 1. Awareness, 2. Knowledge 3. Attitudes 4. Competencies 5. Assessment capacity and 6. Participation (Giordan & Souchon, 1999, page 10). For the year 1977 in Tbilisi (Georgia), through UNESCO itself, at the Intergovernmental Conference on Education, the foundations were laid for environmental education, with the postulate that students learn to solve problems. This meant that, when proposing, the most appropriate and prudent solution to a certain difficulty, it was aware of the complexity of interdependent factors that intervene for its better understanding (Boada & Toledo, 2003), so twelve guiding principles of the environmental education. Regarding tourism, we can comment that long-term trends, such as the increase in population and some such as the reduction of the weekly workday or the change in work ethics influence travel and tourism. The average life of the human being also has a great influence on travel, that is, longer life expectancy, more years of retirement life and more free time. Lifestyles and diversity of cultures eminently determine the scale of values that transcend and impact the destinations visited, generating positive or negative experiences in and with the host communities. Therefore, the aim is to identify the concepts of environmental education and Tourism as a tourist activity and its intervention from the first to the second; the latter being in many cases the cause and effect of global environmental degradation. Understood the above, it is about vindicating attitudes and values for environmental and ecological transformation.A manera de reflexión y desde un sustento teórico como base fundamental de este trabajo, recordemos que la educación ambiental (EA) adquirió importancia a partir de las crisis ambientales y ecológicas sucedidas históricamente a nivel planetario, por lo que la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO por sus siglas en inglés) posterior a la conferencia de Belgrado en el año 1975, precisó la meta y objetivos de ésta, en la que exhortó: “formar una población mundial consciente y preocupada por el medio y por los problemas relativos a él, una población que tenga los conocimientos, las competencias, la predisposición, la motivación y el sentido de compromiso que le permita trabajar individual y colectivamente en la resolución de los problemas actuales y en que no se vuelvan a plantear y; referente a los objetivos señaló los siguientes: 1. La toma de conciencia, 2. Los conocimientos 3. Las actitudes 4. Las competencias 5. La capacidad de evaluación y 6. La participación (Giordan & Souchon, 1999, pág. 10). Para el año 1977 en Tbilisi (Georgia), por conducto de la misma UNESCO, en la Conferencia Interguberidntal sobre Educación, se sentaron las bases para la educación ambiental, con el postulado de que los discentes aprendieran a resolver problemas. Esto significó, que, al proponer, la solución más adecuada y prudente a cierta dificultad, se estuviese consciente de la complejidad de factores interdependientes que intervienen para su mejor comprensión (Boada & Toledo, 2003), así que se establecieron doce principios rectores de la educación ambiental. Referente a la actividad turística podemos comentar que las tendencias a largo plazo, tales como el incremento de la población y algunas como la reducción de la jornada semanal o el cambio de la ética del trabajo influyen sobre los viajes y el turismo. El promedio de vida del ser humano también tiene gran influencia en los viajes, esto es, a mayor esperanza de vida, más años de vida de retiro y más tiempo libre. Los estilos de vida y la diversidad de culturas determinan eminentemente la escala de valores que trasciende e impacta en los destinos visitados generando experiencias ya sean positivas o negativas en y con las comunidades receptoras. Por lo anterior, se pretende identificar los conceptos de educación ambiental y el Turismo como actividad turística y su intervención del primero con el segundo; siendo éste último en muchos casos, causa y efecto de la degradación ambiental global. Entendido lo anterior, se trata de reivindicar actitudes y valores para la transformación ambiental y