160 research outputs found

    Comparative studies of internal socio-political conflicts: a case study of Russia (1895-1914) and Pakistan (1950-1987)

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag entwickelt ein dynamisches Modell, das den qualitativen und quantitativen Vergleich sozialpolitischer Spannungen in Rußland (1895-1914) und Pakistan (1950-1987) anhand einer Anzahl von ökonomischen und politischen Indikatoren erlaubt. Erkenntnisleitendes Interesse ist es, ein Maß für politische Stabilität zu finden. Durch die Kombination von historischen Daten und aktuellen Ereignissen sollen weiterhin kurzfristige Prognosen der politischen Entwicklung für andere (vergleichbare) Länder ermöglicht werden. (pmb)'The study has the purpose to build a dynamic model which allows to make a quantitative and qualitative comparison of the socio-political tension dynamics in Russia and Pakistan in the first half of the 20th century reflected by political and economic indicators. Despite the difference between political and economic factors determining socio-political tension in Pakistan and Russia the relationship existed (in case of Pakistan more conspicious one) between socio-political groops of factors and indicators of political stability. Apart from the purpose of adding knowledge, the approved method allows to make short-term forecasting.' (author's abstract

    Science & Technology Digital Library

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    This document contains information on the activities carried out within the project Science & Technology Digital Library and in particular, it describes the Metadata Core Reference Model. Metadata are strategic for semantic interoperability to and, from the repository. Metadata are essential for available and safe management of digital objects, and for their sustainability and preservation. For these reasons, the project needs to define a specific metadata model. The purpose of this document is to define and share a Metadata CoreScheme called STDLPMetadataCore. STDLPMetadataCore consists of a set of hierarchically structured metadata with variable granularity, mapped through metadata crosswalks with Dublin Core and other common international standards. The scheme is a flexible and extensible set of interoperable metadata, useful to support the research, the communication and the transmission of cultural and scientific content

    Uno sguardo sul futuro semantico dell’universo bibliografico

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    Il Web semantico è progettato in modo da consentire non solo ai programmi informatici di implementare da un punto di vista semantico raccolte di dati già esistenti, ma anche alle diverse comunità di utenti di connettere, condividere e comprendere in modo semplice e veloce informazioni strutturate e semi-strutturate. Il movimento Linked Data risponde allo sforzo del Web semantico di sviluppare buone pratiche per la pubblicazione e la connessione di dati strutturati sul Web. Come possono le biblioteche sfruttare quest'opportunità e allo stesso tempo affrontare le sfide che si preannunciano per il futuro semantico dell'universo bibliografico? Come fare in modo che Linked Data e Open Data non si riducano a uno slogan effimero ma guadagnino terreno nello scenario delle future infrastrutture digitali della biblioteca? Obiettivo principale dell'articolo è analizzare alcune questioni teoriche e pratiche diffuse nell'ambiente del web semantico, mettendone in luce vantaggi e svantaggi in relazione all'universo bibliografico.Semantic Web is designed to enable computer programs to enrich semantically big data solutions, as well as to connect, share and understand structured and semi-structured information easily by different user agents. The Linked Data movement is an effort of Semantic Web to develop best practices for publishing and connecting structured data on the Web. How could libraries take advantage of these opportunities and how can they handle the challenges of the semantic future of the bibliographic universe? How to guarantee that Linked Data and Open Data won't be a temporary hype but that they will gain ground in the scenery of future digital library infrastructures? The main objective of this paper is to survey some theory and practical issues used in Semantic Web environment and summarize some of their advantages and drawbacks in dealing with the bibliographic universe

    Repository Istituzionali Open Access e strategie Linked Open Data

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    The purpose of this book is to highlight the relevance of the international Open Access (OA) movement, which aims at supporting and promoting strategies for the dissemination of scientific research products with the support of network technologies and open access policies. The OA Institutional Repositories (IRs) will be presented within the framework of: some guidelines, research evaluation mechanisms, intellectual property issues, long-term storage, Data and Process Management Plan and Trusted Digital Repositories. The work will also present a survey on a sample of 23 (Italian and international) digital repositories in support of communication and of open access to online research content. On the basis of this investigation, a ToolKit will be presented which could be useful for programming and monitoring several different features of an IR. Subsequently, the reader will be presented with a metadata scheme for the description of the scientific research products in IRs, which takes into consideration the Guidelines for the creation and management of metadata in Institutional Repositories (CRUI, 2012) and the Linked Open Data-enabled Bibliographical Data Recommendations (Subirats, Zeng, 2015). Metadata enabled as limit of detection (LOD) data will play a key role in qualifying the semantic profile of the properties of the considered metadata and, consequently, of the information resources they represent. They will also contribute to the enhancement of semantic interoperability and to the online promotion of collaborative dynamics of scientific research content on an Italian and international level, strengthening the effectiveness and efficiency of research itself

    Forming of communicative competence of future managers

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    В тезисах рассмотрена педагогическая технология формирования коммуникативной компетентности будущих менеджеров

    Financial and Economic Security of the Public-Private Partnership: Theoretical and Methodological Framework

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    The article aims to formulate the author’s own approach to presentation of the content of financial and economic security of the public-private partnership on the basis of analysis and generalization of the existing research into the financial and economic security of agents of varying levels of the management hierarchy and the character of the public-private partnership. Studying scientific works dealing with the questions of financial and economic security allowed affirming that there is certain fragmentariness in formation of the terminology for ensuring the financial and economic security for agents of varying levels of the management hierarchy in modern research, whereas the general notion of “financial and economic security” still remains insufficiently studied. This study substantiated the reasonability of singling out a new manifestation of financial and economic security, namely financial and economic security of the public-private partnership; the author proposed to introduce the terms “financial and economic security of the public partner” and “financial and economic security of the private partner” into the scientific use and formulated the author’s own viewpoint on the essence of the notions; the study also substantiated the necessity of developing a comprehensive methodology for the strategic protection of financial and economic interests of parties to the public-private partnership. Prospects for further research in this area consist in clarification of the essence and content of the strategic protection of the interests of partiesto the public-private partnership

    Structural peculiarities of quench-condensed pure and argon-doped nitrous oxide

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    Electron diffraction studies have been carried out for condensed N₂O and N₂O–Ar films. Deposition took place at substrate temperatures of 10 and 20 K. The growth process of N₂O deposits was studied. A strong effect of argon impurities on the structure of the nitrous oxide matrix has been observed. The phase separation of the solutions was studied. The equilibrium solubility of argon atoms in nitrous oxide is very low. Introduction of a small amount of argon impurity into the molecular lattice destroyed the crystal structure. An effect of the size of the sample on its structure was also studied

    Structure of nitrous oxide-carbon dioxide alloys

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    Structure of N₂O–CO₂ solid mixtures was investigated by transmission electron diffraction over the entire range of their mutual concentrations. In the temperature range 5–65 K the experimental data indicate no phase separation in these alloys. The average structure of the solutions belongs to the Pa3 symmetry. The behavior of the concentration dependence of the lattice parameter has a nonmonotonic character, displaying a sharp step, the positions of which on the concentration scale depends on the deposition temperature. A possible explanation of this phenomenon is suggested

    Use of Lignosilicon to Improve the Harvest and Quality Parameters Of Potato

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    Lignosilicon (LSi), a plant growth activator, was synthesized at the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (LS IWC) on the basis of the wood lignocellulosic complex. It is shown that LSi, used for treatment of potato tubers before sowing at low application rates of 20-40 kg/ha, has a favourable action on the yield and quality of the tubers. In comparison with the control, the additional yield achieved on the background of LSi (20-40 kg/ha) was 18-20%. The best biochemical composition was for the tubers wetted with water and LSi-treated before the sowing, i.e., the content of dry matter and starch increased by 16% and 18%, respectively, but the content of nitrates in the tubers decreased 1.6 times. LSi can be recommended for potato cultivation under conditions of conventional and organic agriculture