1,686 research outputs found

    The Responsible Inclusion of Students Receiving Special Education Services for Emotional Disturbance: Unraveling the Practice to Research Gap.

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    The majority of students receiving special education services for emotional disturbance (ED) receive a significant amount of instruction in general education classrooms, which emphasizes curriculums based on college and career readiness standards. In turn, those teachers who provide instruction to students with ED in inclusive settings are responsible for using evidence-based practices (EBPs) for those teaching situations in which they exist to meet free appropriate public education (FAPE) mandates. However, the identification of EBPs is a necessary pre-condition to eventual school adoption and teacher use of such practices. In this investigation, we completed a synthesis of syntheses to (a) determine the degree to which academic intervention research has focused on students with ED in general education classrooms and (b) identify practices that are effective at improving the academic performance of students with ED in these settings. Overall, few studies were identified. Of those studies identified, half did not disaggregate outcomes for students with ED. A quality indicator coding based on the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) design standards revealed that no studies with disaggregated outcomes permitted causal inferences. Implications for school practice and areas for future research are discussed


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    The Devonian Frog Mountain Formation thickens abruptly eastward across the Eastern Coosa thrust fault from \u3c12 m on the west to\u3e70 m on the east. The thin Frog Mountain on the west unconformably overlies the Cambrian-Ordovician Knox Group. The thin Frog Mountain (mostly shale) is overlain by the Mississippian Maury Shale (~1 m thick) and Fort Payne Chert (~50 m thick). The thick Frog Mountain on the east rests on the Middle Ordovician Athens Shale, a black shale \u3e150 m thick. The Athens overlies the Knox Group. The thick Frog Mountain is nearly all sandstone and is overlain by Fort Payne Chert which is only ~1 m thick In the Eastern Coosa hanging wall, an upper-level out-of-the-syncline thrust fault with thick Frog Mountain in the hanging wall cuts more than 290 m stratigraphically down section from Athens to lower Knox in the footwall. The upper-level Frog Mountain thrust sheet crosses over the Eastern Coosa fault, and truncates folds in the Eastern Coosa footwall, moving ~2 km. The thick Frog Mountain Formation associated with the Eastern Coosa thrust sheet has been transported ~100 km cratonward. The Frog Mountain Formation was deposited over a low topographic high, which was in the location of the Blountian peripheral foreland bulge

    The Impact of Biofuels on the Propensity of Land-Use Conversion among Non-Industrial Private Forest Landowners in Florida

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    A hypothetical market for renting and converting forested land into row cropping for biofuel production revealed that nearly half of the 1,060 non-industrial landowners sampled in Florida are willing to accept payments for land type conversion and the resulting supply function is inelastic and positive. While respondent’s previous involvement with forest management cost-share program increased their probability of accepting payments for forest type conversion, those who indicated forest aesthetics as the primary reason for the land ownership were less likely to participate in this hypothetical market.NIPF landowners, Probit regression, Land-use conversion, United States, Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use,

    Efficient estimation of conditional covariance matrices for dimension reduction

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    We consider the problem of estimating a conditional covariance matrix in an inverse regression setting. We show that this estimation can be achieved by estimating a quadratic functional extending the results of \citet{daveiga2008efficient}. We prove that this method provides a new efficient estimator whose asymptotic properties are studied

    Calidad de servicio de atención de una empresa de transporte de carga, Lima 2021

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    La presente tesis planteó como objetivo Determinar el nivel de la calidad de servicio de una empresa de transporte de carga, Lima 2021., considerando una clasificación metodológica de enfoque cuantitativo, alcance descriptivo, diseño no experimental y corte transversal; a la vez de elegir como técnica a la encuesta y al cuestionario como instrumento; contando con una muestra de 35 clientes. Dicho cuestionario estuvo conformado por 21 ítems, los cuales se relacionan con las 5 dimensiones del modelo Servqual para la medición de la Calidad de Servicio; a la vez de atravesar un proceso de juicio de expertos y un análisis de confiabilidad a través del coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach (0.720). Se presentaron resultados descriptivos, tanto agrupados como por pregunta, determinando así el nivel en el que se encuentran la variable y sus respectivas dimensiones a partir de la percepción de los clientes partícipes del cuestionario. Finalmente, se concluyó que el 85.71% calificó a la calidad de servicio dentro de un nivel regular, los cuales fueron consultados por los 5 elementos del modelo Servqual (Elementos tangibles, fiabilidad, capacidad de respuesta, seguridad y empatía). A su vez el 14.29% detalló que el nivel de dicha variable se encuentra en un nivel adecuado; mientras que ningún cliente la catalogó como deficiente.The present thesis proposed as an objective to determine the level of the quality of service of a freight transport company, Lima 2021., considering a methodological classification of quantitative approach, descriptive scope, non-experimental design and cross-section; at the same time choosing the survey as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument; counting on a sample of 35 clients. Said questionnaire was made up of 21 items, which are related to the 5 dimensions of the Servqual model for measuring Service Quality; at the same time going through an expert judgment process and a reliability analysis through Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.720). Descriptive results were presented, both grouped and by question, thus determining the level at which the variable is found and its respective dimensions from the perception of the clients participating in the questionnaire. Finally, it was concluded that 85.71% rated the quality of service within a regular level, which were consulted by the 5 elements of the Servqual model (Tangible elements, reliability, responsiveness, security and empathy). In turn, 14.29% detailed that the level of said variable is at an adequate level; while no client classified it as deficient

    Formation and termination of runaway beams during vertical displacement events in tokamak disruptions

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    A simple 0D model which mimics the plasma surrounded by the conducting structures (Kiramov and Breizman 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 100702) and including self-consistently the vertical plasma motion and the generation of runaway electrons during the disruption is used for an assessment of the effect of vertical displacement events on the runaway current formation and termination. The total plasma current and runaway current at the time the plasma hits the wall is estimated and the effect of injecting impurities into the plasma is evaluated. In the case of ITER, with a highly conducting wall, although the total plasma current when the plasma touches the wall is the same for any number of injected impurities, however the fraction of the plasma current carried by runaway electrons can significantly decrease for large enough amounts of impurities. The plasma velocity is larger and the time when the plasma hits the wall shorter for lower runaway currents, which are obtained when larger amounts of impurities are injected. When the plasma reaches the wall, the scraping-off of the runaway beam occurs and the current is terminated. During this phase, the plasma vertical displacement velocity and electric field can substantially increase leading to the deposition of a noticeable amount of energy on the runaway electrons (?hundreds of MJ). It is found that an early second impurity injection reduces somewhat the amount of energy deposited by the runaways. Also larger temperatures of the companion plasma during the scraping-off might be efficient in reducing the power fluxes due to the runaways onto the PFCs. The plasma reaches the qa = 2 limit before the runaway electron current is terminated and by that time the amount of energy deposited on the runaway electrons can be substantially lower than that expected until the beam is fully terminated. Negligible additional conversion of magnetic into runaway kinetic energy is predicted during the runaway deconfinement following the large magnetic fluctuations after qa = 2 is crossed for characteristic deconfinement times lower than 0.1 ms which is a characteristic timescale for ideal MHD instabilities to develop

    Hipotiroidismo oculto en adultos mayores de Lima – Perú.

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    La prevalencia de hipotiroidismo aumenta con el envejecimiento y clínicamente es muy difícil de diagnosticarlo en los adultos mayores. En este trabajo investigamos la prevalencia y etiología de hipotiroidismo oculto en el grupo de 190 gerontes supuestamente eutiroideos de Lima. Veinte pacientes (10.47%) tuvieron niveles elevados de tirotrofina: 2 de ellos (1.04%) tenían hipotiroidismo “clásico “ y 18(9.42%) hipotiroidismo “subclínico” (con valores normales de T4 libre pero significativamente más bajos que en los eutiroideos). No se encontró diferencias en la frecuencia de síntomas y signos clínicos entre los gerontes hipotiroideos y eutiroideos. De las 20 personas hipotiroideas, 13 (65%) presentaron títulos positivos de anticuerpos antitiroideos (antimicrosomales), 1 había recibido radioterapia cervical y 2 yodo radioactivo en el pasado y en 4 no se pudo definir la etiología. En  conclusión, existe una alta prevalencia de insuficiencia tiroidea entre los adultos mayores “supuestamente eutiroideos” que hemos estudiado, siendo la etiología mas frecuente la secundaria a tiroiditis autoinmune