31 research outputs found

    Effect of intraperitoneal electronic identification on productive performance of Sardinian suckling lambs

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    The electronic identification could represent a further step to improve the traceability of meat, considering that, starting from the 1st of January 2008, this method will be compulsory in the whole EU (Reg. CE n. 21/2004). The “Agnello di Sardegna” is a Protected Geographic Identification product (Provv. 13/03/2001) and it has to match up a series of requirements, such as the identification of animals in 20 days time from birth. In a previous work, Pinna et al. (2004) showed the results of a survey carried out for the development of the intraperitoneal identification systems in lambs. In the present work, the effects on the main productive in vivo and post mortem performance are taken into account

    Diets including Animal Food Are Associated with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

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    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a clinical condition with a prevalence of up to 25% in Western countries. Typical GERD symptoms include heartburn and retrosternal regurgitation. Lifestyle modifications, including diet, are considered a first-line therapeutic approach. To evaluate the impact of life habits on GERD in this cross-sectional study, we used data collected through an online survey from 1146 participants. GERD was defined according to the Montreal Consensus. For all participants, clinical and lifestyle characteristics were recorded. Overall, 723 participants (63.1%) consumed a diet including animal food (non-vegans), and 423 participants (36.9%) were vegans. The prevalence of GERD was 11% (CI 95%, 9–14%) in non-vegans and 6% (CI 95%, 4–8%) in vegans. In the multivariate analysis, after adjusting for confounding factors, subjects on a non-vegan diet were associated with a two-fold increase in the prevalence of GERD compared to vegans (OR = 1.96, CI 95%, 1.22–3.17, p = 0.006). BMI and smoking habits were also significantly associated with GERD. This study shows that an animal food-based diet (meat, fish, poultry, dairy, and eggs) is associated with an increased risk of GERD compared to a vegan diet. These findings might inform the lifestyle management of patients with GERD-related symptoms

    Genomics and premalignant breast lesions: clues to the development and progression of lobular breast cancer

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    Advances in genomic technology have improved our understanding of the genetic events that parallel breast cancer development. Because almost all mammary carcinomas develop in the terminal duct lobular units of the breast, understanding the events involved in mammary gland development make it possible to recognize those events that, when altered, contribute to breast neoplasia. In this review we focus on lobular carcinomas, discussing the pathology, development, and progression of premalignant lobular lesions from a genomic point of view. We highlight studies utilizing genomic approaches and describe how these investigations have furthered our understanding of the complexity of premalignant breast lesions

    26th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2017): Part 3 - Meeting Abstracts - Antwerp, Belgium. 15–20 July 2017

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    This work was produced as part of the activities of FAPESP Research,\ud Disseminations and Innovation Center for Neuromathematics (grant\ud 2013/07699-0, S. Paulo Research Foundation). NLK is supported by a\ud FAPESP postdoctoral fellowship (grant 2016/03855-5). ACR is partially\ud supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    Un automa cellulare per lo studio del distretto industriale

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    Gli automi cellulari sono modelli computazionali che consentono di rappresentare sistemi dinamici complessi costituiti da un elevato numero di unità mutuamente interagenti. L’automa permette di descrivere le interazioni locali tra le unità elementari che lo compongono discretizzando lo spazio evolutivo e di far derivare le proprietà globali del sistema e la sua evoluzione unicamente dalle leggi di interazione locale. Per queste sue caratteristiche, in queste pagine, si utilizza l’automa cellulare quale strumento per rappresentare un distretto industriale “idealtipico” e per studiarne alcune proprietà. Il distretto industriale, infatti, può essere considerato come un sistema costituito da un grande numero di imprese variamente e fittamente interconnesse che agiscono in virtù di interazioni locali e in assenza di strategie globali. La rete di rapporti e di relazioni tra le imprese all’interno del distretto è assai più ricca che in altri sistemi a produttivi a base territoriale meno sviluppati (forme proto-distrettuali, sistemi territoriali di piccola e media impresa presenti in aree arretrate, ecc.) o che in sistemi produttivi a carattere gerarchico, dominati dalle scelte di poche grandi imprese. L’interazione tra le imprese concorre a diffondere nel tessuto sociale (e in primo luogo tra gli imprenditori) informazione sulle tecnologie, sui materiali, sui prodotti: produce, in altre parole, informazione economicamente rilevante su possibili opportunità di profitto. In particolare, per ragioni in parte connesse all’organizzazione delle imprese e in parte connesse all’ organizzazione sociale, l’informazione che deriva dall’esperienza diretta di altri imprenditori si trasmette più rapidamente nel distretto industriale che in altri modelli di manifattura, inducendo effetti di vero e proprio contagio informativo. Nel lavoro si simula la dinamica del distretto industriale in relazione a questa capacità di produrre e diffondere informazione. I risultati sono importanti: mettono in evidenza come questa proprietà determini un aumento della redditività media delle imprese rispetto ad altri sistemi produttivi e, in rapporto ad essi, una distribuzione dei profitti più equa e una concentrazione aggregata e di mercato inferiore

    Un automa celllare per lo studio del distretto industriale

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    Gli automi cellulari sono modelli computazionali che consentono di rappresentare sistemi dinamici complessi costituiti da un elevato numero di unità mutuamente interagenti. L’automa permette di descrivere le interazioni locali tra le unità elementari che lo compongono discretizzando lo spazio evolutivo e di far derivare le proprietà globali del sistema e la sua evoluzione unicamente dalle leggi di interazione locale. Per queste sue caratteristiche, in queste pagine, si utilizza l’automa cellulare quale strumento per rappresentare un distretto industriale “idealtipico” e per studiarne alcune proprietà. Il distretto industriale, infatti, può essere considerato come un sistema costituito da un grande numero di imprese variamente e fittamente interconnesse che agiscono in virtù di interazioni locali e in assenza di strategie globali del sistema. La rete di rapporti e di relazioni tra le imprese all’interno del distretto è assai più ricca che in altri sistemi a produttivi a base territoriale meno sviluppati (forme proto-distrettuali, sistemi territoriali di piccola e media impresa presenti in aree arretrate, ecc.) o in sistemi produttivi a carattere gerarchico, dominati dalle scelte di poche grandi imprese. L’interazione tra le imprese produce e le regole che normano i comportamenti degli agenti concorrono a diffonde nel tessuto sociale (e in primo luogo tra gli tra gli imprenditori) informazione sulle tecnologie, sui materiali, sui prodotti: produce e diffonde, in altre parole, informazione economicamente rilevante su possibili opportunità di profitto. In particolare, per ragioni in parte connesse all’organizzazione produttiva e in parte connesse al organizzazione sociale, l’informazione che deriva dall’esperienza diretta di altri imprenditori si diffonde più rapidamente nel distretto industriale che in altri modelli sociali e organizzativi, inducendo effetti di vero e proprio contagio informativo. Nel lavoro si simula la dinamica del distretto industriale in relazione a questa capacità di produrre e diffondere informazione. I risultati sono importanti: mettono in evidenza come questa proprietà determini un aumento della la redditività media delle imprese, una distribuzione dei profitti più equa e una concentrazione aggregata e di mercato inferiore rispetto ad altri sistemi produttivi

    Identificazione Elettronica Intraperitoneale nel Capretto da Latte

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    The authors describe an innovative EID technique based on the application of a HDX injectable transponder (32,5 x 3,8 mm) in 47 sardinian suckling kids. The technique was experimented on 1-5 days old animals whose live weight ranged between 1,500 e 3,400 Kg. The trial aimed to verify: 1) the consequences of transponder application in vivo and post mortem; 2) the readability of the transponder; 3) the behavioural changes or clinical effects due to the presence of the transponder in abdomen cavity; 4) the recovery technique of the transponder after slaughtering. The readability of the transponder was evaluated in each animal using a portable reader immediately after his application and at 1d, 7d, 14d and 28d following as well as at the slaughtering. No changes in the health status and behaviour of animals was observed. The readability was 100% throughout controls performed in vivo as well as post mortem. The intraperitoneal electronic identification can represents an interesting method to improve the traceability of kids and meat.JRC.G.7-Traceability and vulnerability assessmen

    Effect of the Transportation on the Readability and Retention of the Endo-reticulum Transponder in Goats Sarda Breeds

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    The Authors report the results of an experiment designed to: a) verify ceramic bolus retention in goats during, and immediately after, transportation; b) verify transponder readability after transportation. Transponder retention and readability was evaluated during the 7th Provincial Goats Fair (Sardinia) on 104 goats. 63 adult and 41 younger than 1 year, came from 8 breeders who had identified their whole flocks electronically. Transponder retention and readability was verified, immediately before leaving the breeder and on return, using a portable reader (static reading). On arrival at the fair, the animals were read using a stationary reader fitted with an antenna located at one side of a corridor through which the animals passed (dynamic reading). No cases of loss or malfunctioning of the identifiers were observed. The readability of transponders proved to be 100% during the three different controls.JRC.G.7-Traceability and vulnerability assessmen

    Traceability Of Swine Meat: An Experience By EID+DNA In "Suino Tipico"

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    20 suckling piglets, "Suino Tipico Sardo" branded, at 1-7 days old and at an average weight of 2514±895 g, have been electronically identified (EID) by means of intraperitoneal transponders (HDX 32.5×3.8 mm, 134.2 kHz) and from each of them an auricle sample has been kept for DNA analysis. The readability of the transponder of each piglet has been detected by static and dynamic readings, in vivo and post mortem and was 100%. In the slaughtering chain, from each piglet, slaughtered at 29-35 days of age and at an average weight of 8902±1944 g, a second auricle sample has been kept for DNA analysis. The matching between the two samples of each piglet has been investigated by a genetic test, deploying n. 6 microsatellites ascribed in the FAO -ISAG panel for swine species. The DNA analysis of each electronically identified piglet confirmed the correspondence between the in vivo and post mortem samples. The pairing of EID+DNA can improve the traceability in the commercial net of the "Suino Tipico Sardo"JRC.G.7-Traceability and vulnerability assessmen

    Effect of Intraperitoneal Transponder on the Productive Performances of Suckling Piglets

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    32 piglets, 1 - 4 days old and weighting between 1,400 kg and 3,950 kg, have been separated into 2 groups: 16 piglets (group T) have been electronically identified by intraperitoneal injection of a bio-glass encapsulated transponder (HDX technology, TIRIS™); 16 piglets (group C) were the control. The time requested to apply a single transponder and record the data was of 2’ 30”, on average. The health and the welfare status of the animals have been evaluated during all the experiment. The readability of transponders in group T was evaluated both in live animals at the moment of injection using a portable reader supplied by a stick antenna and at slaughterhouse, by static reading in “ante mortem” visit and by dynamic reading in “post mortem” visit. The weight of animals at the moment of injection was 2651±786 kg vs 2705±581 kg and, at slaughterhouse, 9467±1762 kg vs 9645±1804 kg respectively for T and C group. No statistic difference on productive performances of the two groups rose. The transponder showed 100% readability and recovery. The intraperitoneal electronic identification provided a foolproof method to check animal identity in productive chain, both in farm and at slaughterhouseJRC.G.7-Traceability and vulnerability assessmen