109 research outputs found

    Solar activity and Svalbard temperatures

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    The long temperature series at Svalbard (Longyearbyen) show large variations, and a positive trend since its start in 1912. During this period solar activity has increased, as indicated by shorter solar cycles. The temperature at Svalbard is negatively correlated with the length of the solar cycle. The strongest negative correlation is found with lags 10-12 years. The relations between the length of a solar cycle and the mean temperature in the following cycle, is used to model Svalbard annual mean temperature, and seasonal temperature variations. Residuals from the annual and winter models show no autocorrelations on the 5 per cent level, which indicates that no additional parameters are needed to explain the temperature variations with 95 per cent significance. These models show that 60 per cent of the annual and winter temperature variations are explained by solar activity. For the spring, summer and fall temperatures autocorrelations in the residuals exists, and additional variables may contribute to the variations. These models can be applied as forecasting models. We predict an annual mean temperature decrease for Svalbard of 3.5\pm2 oC from solar cycle 23 to solar cycle 24 (2009-20) and a decrease in the winter temperature of \approx6 oC.Comment: 14 pages, including 5 figure

    Solar Activity and Svalbard Temperatures

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    The long temperature series at Svalbard (Longyearbyen) show large variations and a positive trend since its start in 1912. During this period solar activity has increased, as indicated by shorter solar cycles. The temperature at Svalbard is negatively correlated with the length of the solar cycle. The strongest negative correlation is found with lags 10-12 years. The relations between the length of a solar cycle and the mean temperature in the following cycle are used to model Svalbard annual mean temperature and seasonal temperature variations. Residuals from the annual and winter models show no autocorrelations on the 5 per cent level, which indicates that no additional parameters are needed to explain the temperature variations with 95 per cent significance. These models show that 60 per cent of the annual and winter temperature variations are explained by solar activity. For the spring, summer, and fall temperatures autocorrelations in the residuals exist, and additional variables may contribute to the variations. These models can be applied as forecasting models. We predict an annual mean temperature decrease for Svalbard of 3.5 ± 2 • C from solar cycle 23 to solar cycle 24 (2009-20) and a decrease in the winter temperature of ≈ 6 • C

    WSO/UV: World Space Observatory/Ultraviolet

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    We summarize the capabilities of the World Space Observatory (UV) Project (WSO/UV). An example of the importance of this project (with a planned launch date of 2007/8) for the study of Classical Novae is given.Comment: 4 pages, To appear in the proceeedings of the "Classical Nova Explosions" conference, eds. M. Hernanz and J. Jose, AI

    The long sunspot cycle 23 predicts a significant temperature decrease in cycle 24

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    Relations between the length of a sunspot cycle and the average temperature in the same and the next cycle are calculated for a number of meteorological stations in Norway and in the North Atlantic region. No significant trend is found between the length of a cycle and the average temperature in the same cycle, but a significant negative trend is found between the length of a cycle and the temperature in the next cycle. This provides a tool to predict an average temperature decrease of at least 1.0 "C from solar cycle 23 to 24 for the stations and areas analyzed. We find for the Norwegian local stations investigated that 25-56% of the temperature increase the last 150 years may be attributed to the Sun. For 3 North Atlantic stations we get 63-72% solar contribution. This points to the Atlantic currents as reinforcing a solar signal.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics February 9, 201

    Miljøtilstanden i Mjøsa med tilløpselver 2018

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    Prosjektleder Anne Lyche SolheimKonklusjonen på overvåkingen av Mjøsa i 2018 er at innsjøen er i god økologisk tilstand. Biomassen av planteplankton var lav på alle måle-stasjonene med unntak av i september, da det var betydelig mer kiselalger på alle stasjonene. Algemengdene målt som klorofyll a var lave (2 μg/l) ved alle prøvestasjonene gjennom mesteparten av vekstsesongen. Kiselalger, svelgflagellater og gullalger dominerte planteplanktonet, og det var svært lite cyanobakterier (blågrønnalger). Samlet klassifisering av planteplankton ga god tilstand på alle stasjonene, men var nær grensen til moderat tilstand i Furnesfjorden. Konsentrasjonen av total-fosfor var innenfor tilstandsklasse god ved alle stasjonene, men har vært høyere i perioden 2009-2018 enn i perioden 2002-2008. Dette skyldes periodevis store tilførsler av næringsstoffer fra nedbørfeltet, spesielt i forbindelse med flommer i 2011, 2013, 2014 og 2016. Sommeren 2018 var imidlertid svært varm og tørr, noe som ga små fosfor-tilførsler. Siktedyp og total-fosfor var også innenfor de lokale miljømålene, som er noe strengere enn vannforskriften. Samlet sett var Mjøsas miljøtilstand god iht. vannforskriften i 2018. Flere av tilløpselvene hadde i 2018 høye konsentrasjoner av total-nitrogen og tarmbakterier, mens konsentrasjonen av total-fosfor var generelt lav. Den økologiske tilstanden basert på begroingsalger og bunndyr var moderat i nedre deler av Hunnselva og Vikselva, men god ved den øverste målestasjonen. I Lågen og Svartelva ble den økologiske tilstanden funnet å være god på alle de tre undersøkte målestasjonene basert på de samme kvalitetselementene.Vassdragsforbundet for Mjøsa med tilløpselverpublishedVersio

    The WET Coverage - How Well Do We Do?

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    The Whole Earth Telescope collaboration is build solidly on the interest of the participants. One of the goals of the collaboration is to produce a high signal to noise, as continuous as possible, light curve for a selected target. During the nearly 15 years of existence the operation of the network has been based on what the members have been able to provide of local funds for their own participation, in addition to NSF grants to run the headquarters activities. This has led to a very uneven geographical distribution of participating groups and observatories. An analysis of the coverage of some of the last WET runs shows that we still have large holes in the coverage, and this leads to aliasing and loss of precision in our final products

    Nordlysobservatoriet i dag

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    Da Det Norske Institutt for Kosmisk Fysikk ble del av Universitetet i Tromsø, opphørte Nordlysobservatoriet å eksistere som en formell enhet. Det som i dag omfattes av Nordlysobservatoriet, er dels en fortsettelse av den opprinnelige observasjonsvirksomheten til det gamle Nordlysobservatoriet - men også nye aktiviteter har kommet til - særlig innen feltene plasmafysikk og radiogeofysikk. I det følgende beskrives virksomheten både ved observatoriet og utestasjonene