486 research outputs found

    Tone burst sensitivity in normal and sensorineural hearing impaired listeners

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    This paper discusses a study to predict the pure tone audiogram from the results of electric response audiometry utilizing frequency-selective tone burst stimuli

    Exploratory Study on Parental Monitoring of Adolescent Cell Phone Use

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    Research shows that exposure to violence in the media contributes to “aggressive behavior, desensitization to violence, nightmares, and fear of being harmed” in children (American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP], 2001, p.1222). The accessibility and magnitude of variable electronic device usage adds to a growing concern for potential harm for children from media exposure (Solecki, McLaughlin, and Goldschmidt, 2014). The education of parents to monitor and limit cell phone use may be a protective mechanism for their adolescents. The purpose of this study is to better understand parents’ knowledge and attitudes toward online safety, the self-reported parental monitoring behaviors of adolescent cell phone use, and identify any gaps in parental knowledge related to risk reduction associated with media exposure by adolescents. This study also explores how the parent-adolescent relationship influences the monitoring process and its outcomes. This qualitative study included 20 semi-structured interviews of parents who discussed their monitoring experiences related to their adolescents’ cell phone use. This study’s findings indicate many parents’ lack of understanding, technical skills, and participation with their children’s online lives are creating a disconnection between parents and their technologically savvy teenagers. The findings identify psychosocial determinants of health that are barriers to parental knowledge of reducing risk associated with adolescent’s media exposure. Finally, this study’s findings illustrate that the monitoring process and the outcomes of the monitoring process are influenced by the parent-adolescent relationship.Dr.P.H., Community Health and Prevention -- Drexel University, 201

    Participatory Climate Research in a Dynamic Urban Context: Activities of the Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast (CCRUN)

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    The Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast (CCRUN), one of ten NOAA-RISAs, supports resilience efforts in the urban corridor stretching from Philadelphia to Boston. Challenges and opportunities include the diverse set of needs in broad urban contexts, as well as the integration of interdisciplinary perspectives. CCRUN is addressing these challenges through strategies including: 1) the development of an integrated project framework, 2) stakeholder surveys, 3) leveraging extreme weather events as focusing opportunities, and 4) a seminar series that enables scientists and stakeholders to partner. While recognizing that the most extreme weather events will always lead to surprises (even with sound planning), CCRUN endeavors to remain flexible by facilitating place-based research in an interdisciplinary context

    Climate Change in New York State Updating the 2011 ClimAID Climate Risk Information Supplement to NYSERDA Report 11-18 (Responding to Climate Change in New York State)

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    In its 2013-2014 Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that there is a greater than 95 percent chance that rising global average temperatures, observed since the mid-20th century, are primarily due to human activities. As had been predicted in the 1800s, the principal driver of climate change over the past century has been increasing levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases associated with fossil-fuel combustion, changing land-use practices, and other human activities. Atmospheric concentrations of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide are now approximately 40 percent higher than in preindustrial times. Concentrations of other important greenhouse gases, including methane and nitrous oxide, have increased rapidly as well

    Anatomic variability of groin innervation

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    Inguinal hernia repairs are very common yet fairly complex surgical procedures.Variations in the anatomical course of the inguinal nerves require that diligenceis taken in their proper recognition. Inadvertent surgical injury to these nerves isassociated with long term postoperative pain and complications. The aim of thepresent study was to highlight the complexity and variation in the innervation ofthe inguinal region in order to increase proper nerve identification during surgicalinterventions. Bilateral dissection of the inguinal and posterior abdominal regionsin one human male cadaver revealed an atypical anatomic topography of thegroin innervation. This unusual case was observed at the Jagiellonian UniversityAnatomy Department during routine cadaveric preparations. The left ilioinguinalnerve was absent. The left genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve arose higherthan expected from the lumbar plexus and supplied the groin region, which istypically innervated by the ilioinguinal nerve. Furthermore, the left lateral cutaneousfemoral nerve and the right genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve alsofollowed uncharacteristic courses. Awareness of topographical nerve variationsduring inguinal hernia repair will help surgeons identify and preserve importantnerves, thus decreasing the incidence of chronic postoperative pain

    Advances in studying phasic dopamine signaling in brain reward mechanisms

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    The last sixty years of research has provided extraordinary advances of our knowledge of the reward system. Since its discovery as a neurotransmitter by Carlsson and colleagues (1), dopamine (DA) has emerged as an important mediator of reward processing. As a result, a number of electrochemical techniques have been developed to measure DA in the brain. Together, these techniques have begun to elucidate the complex roles of tonic and phasic DA signaling in reward processing and addiction. In this review, we will first provide a guide for the most commonly used electrochemical methods for DA detection and describe their utility in furthering our knowledge about DA's role in reward and addiction. Second, we will review the value of common in vitro and in vivo preparations and describe their ability to address different types of questions. Last, we will review recent data that has provided new mechanistic insight of in vivo phasic DA signaling and its role in reward processing and reward-mediated behavior

    Diagnosis of Human Leptospirosis in a Clinical Setting: Real-Time PCR High Resolution Melting Analysis for Detection of Leptospira at the Onset of Disease:

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    Currently, direct detection of Leptospira can be done in clinical laboratories by conventional and by real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). We tested a biobank of paired samples of serum and urine from the same patient (202 patients) presenting at the hospital in an area endemic for leptospirosis using qRT-PCR followed by high resolution melting (HRM) analysis. The results were compared with those obtained by conventional nested PCR and with the serologic gold standard microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Differences were resolved by sequencing. qRT-PCR-HRM was positive for 46 of the 202 patients (22.7%, accuracy 100%) which is consistent with known prevalence of leptospirosis in the Azores. MAT results were positive for 3 of the 46 patients (6.5%). Analysis of paired samples allowed us to identify the illness point at which patients presented at the hospital: onset, dissemination or excretion. The melting curve analysis of Leptospira species revealed that 60.9% (28/46) of patients were infected with L. interrogans and 39.1% (18/46) were infected with L. borgpetersenii, both endemic to the Azores. We validated the use of qRT-PCR-HRM for diagnosis of leptospirosis and for identification of the Leptospira species at the earliest onset of infection in a clinical setting, in less than 2 hours.publishersversionpublishe

    Développement d'outils microbiologiques et chimiques permettant d'identifier l'origine des pollutions fécales dans les eaux de baignades

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    La pollution organique issue des effluents d'élevage et des stations d'épuration urbaines conduit à un problème essentiel de santé publique lié à la contamination des eaux de surface où s'exercent des activités sensibles telles que la baignade. S'il est possible de déterminer les pollutions localisées liées à un dysfonctionnement des systèmes de traitement, il est beaucoup plus difficile d'identifier les pollutions organiques diffuses qui participent pourtant majoritairement à la dégradation de la qualité des eaux de surface. La problématique des pollutions diffuses est d'autant plus importante que la nouvelle réglementation européenne concernant les eaux de baignade (Directive 2006/7/CE) demande de constituer des profils de baignade qui nécessitent une identification et une hiérarchisation des sources de pollutions fécales. Le dénombrement de Escherichia coli et des entérocoques intestinaux stipulé par les textes réglementaires européens, représente actuellement le seul outil analytique permettant la mise en évidence d'une contamination fécale du milieu aquatique, sans toutefois différencier l'origine humaine ou animale de cette contamination. Il est donc nécessaire de développer de nouvelles méthodes de détection de la pollution fécale qui puissent non seulement mettre en évidence une contamination mais aussi en indiquer l'origine. C'est d'ailleurs dans cet objectif que s'est développé depuis quelques années, le concept de "Microbial Source Tracking" ("Traceurs de Sources Microbiennes") qui consiste à identifier à l'aide de marqueurs microbiologiques ou chimiques les sources de pollutions fécales. Dans ce contexte, six laboratoires de recherche se sont associés pour développer des techniques de traçage des contaminations fécales afin de proposer un outil opérationnel utilisable pour différencier les sources de pollution, de leur point d'émission jusqu'au milieu récepteur final que constituent les eaux de surface. Les marqueurs qui ont fait l'objet de cette étude sont des molécules chimiques naturelles (stéroïdes, caféine), des molécules de synthèse retrouvées dans les effluents de stations d'épuration ou des rapports de fluorescence de la matière organique ainsi que des micro-organismes (bactériophages, bactéries). A la suite des développements méthodologiques, plusieurs marqueurs ont été sélectionnés : - bactéries appartenant aux groupes bactériens dominants du tractus intestinal humain (Bifidobacterium adolescentis) et porcin (Lactobacillus amylovorus) ; - Bacteroidales spécifiques des humains, porcins et bovins (HF183, Pig-2-Bac, Rum-2-Bac); - génogroupes humains des bactériophages F ARN spécifiques; - rapports de stéroïdes : coprostanol/(24ethylcoprostanol+coprostanol) (R1) et sitostanol/coprostanol (R2); - caféine, benzophénone et tri(2-chloroethyl)phosphate (TCEP)

    Morphological studies in modern teratological investigations

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    Despite the variety of modern molecular techniques available, examination of foetal anatomy is still a fundamental part of teratological studies in evaluating the developmental toxicity of xenobiotics or other non-chemical factors. The article presents contemporary methods of embryotoxicity and foetotoxicity assessment. A single alizarin red S and double alcian blue followed by alizarin red S staining, as well as various methods of soft tissue examination are discussed

    Cross-species epigenetics identifies a critical role for VAV1 in SHH subgroup medulloblastoma maintenance

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    The identification of key tumorigenic events in Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) subgroup medulloblastomas (MBSHH) will be essential for the development of individualized therapies and improved outcomes. However, beyond confirmation of characteristic SHH pathway mutations, recent genome-wide sequencing studies have not revealed commonly mutated genes with widespread relevance as potential therapeutic targets. We therefore examined any role for epigenetic DNA methylation events in MBSHH using a cross-species approach to candidate identification, prioritization and validation. MBSHH-associated DNA methylation events were first identified in 216 subgrouped human medulloblastomas (50 MBSHH, 28 Wnt/Wingless, 44 Group 3 and 94 Group 4) and their conservation then assessed in tumors arising from four independent murine models of Shh medulloblastoma, alongside any role in tumorigenesis using functional assessments in mouse and human models. This strategy identified widespread regional CpG hypo-methylation of VAV1, leading to its elevated expression, as a conserved aberrant epigenetic event, which characterizes the majority of MBSHH tumors in both species, and is associated with a poor outcome in MBSHH patients. Moreover, direct modulation of VAV1 in mouse and human models revealed a critical role in tumor maintenance, and its abrogation markedly reduced medulloblastoma growth. Further, Vav1 activity regulated granule neuron precursor germinal zone exit and migration initiation in an ex vivo model of early postnatal cerebellar development. These findings establish VAV1 as a critical epigenetically regulated oncogene with a key role in MBSHH maintenance, and highlight its potential as a validated therapeutic target and prognostic biomarker for the improved therapy of medulloblastoma
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