12 research outputs found

    Bästa tillgängliga teknik (BAT) för fiskodling i Norden

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    Large-scale long-term passive-acoustic monitoring reveals spatio-temporal activity patterns of boreal bats

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    The distribution ranges and spatio-temporal patterns in the occurrence and activity of boreal bats are yet largely unknown due to their cryptic lifestyle and lack of suitable and efficient study methods. We approached the issue by establishing a permanent passive-acoustic sampling setup spanning the area of Finland to gain an understanding on how latitude affects bat species composition and activity patterns in northern Europe. The recorded bat calls were semi-automatically identified for three target taxa; Myotis spp., Eptesicus nilssonii or Pipistrellus nathusii and the seasonal activity patterns were modeled for each taxa across the seven sampling years (2015-2021). We found an increase in activity since 2015 for E. nilssonii and Myotis spp. For E. nilssonii and Myotis spp. we found significant latitude -dependent seasonal activity patterns, where seasonal variation in patterns appeared stronger in the north. Over the years, activity of P. nathusii increased during activity peak in June and late season but decreased in mid season. We found the passive-acoustic monitoring network to be an effective and cost-efficient method for gathering bat activity data to analyze spatio-temporal patterns. Long-term data on the composition and dynamics of bat communities facilitates better estimates of abundances and population trend directions for conservation purposes and predicting the effects of climate change

    A marine biodiversity observation network for genetic monitoring of hard-bottom communities (ARMS-MBON)

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    Marine hard-bottom communities are undergoing severe change under the influence of multiple drivers, notably climate change, extraction of natural resources, pollution and eutrophication, habitat degradation, and invasive species. Monitoring marine biodiversity in such habitats is, however, challenging as it typically involves expensive, non-standardized, and often destructive sampling methods that limit its scalability. Differences in monitoring approaches furthermore hinders inter-comparison among monitoring programs. Here, we announce a Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) consisting of Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) with the aim to assess the status and changes in benthic fauna with genomic-based methods, notably DNA metabarcoding, in combination with image-based identifications. This article presents the results of a 30-month pilot phase in which we established an operational and geographically expansive ARMS-MBON. The network currently consists of 20 observatories distributed across European coastal waters and the polar regions, in which 134 ARMS have been deployed to date. Sampling takes place annually, either as short-term deployments during the summer or as long-term deployments starting in spring. The pilot phase was used to establish a common set of standards for field sampling, genetic analysis, data management, and legal compliance, which are presented here. We also tested the potential of ARMS for combining genetic and image-based identification methods in comparative studies of benthic diversity, as well as for detecting non-indigenous species. Results show that ARMS are suitable for monitoring hard-bottom environments as they provide genetic data that can be continuously enriched, re-analyzed, and integrated with conventional data to document benthic community composition and detect non-indigenous species. Finally, we provide guidelines to expand the network and present a sustainability plan as part of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (www.embrc.eu).Peer reviewe

    Besta fáanleg tækni (BAT)við fiskeldi á Norðurlöndum

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    Skýrslan er útdráttur úr meginskýrslu með sama heiti. Í skýrslunni er lýst bestu fáanlegri tækni (BAT) til að draga úr mengun og nýta auðlindir í fiskeldisiðnaði á Norðurlöndum. Skýrslunni er skipt í tvo kafla: í öðrum er fjallað um fiskeldi á landi en í hinum um fiskeldi í sjó. Í skýrslunni er því lýst hvernig mismunandi tegundir eru framleiddar nú á dögum, lýst umhverfisálagi frá fiskeldinu, nýtingu auðlinda í mismunandi kerfum og mögulegum árangri varðandi nýtingu og mengum með því að beita bestu fáanlegri tækni (BAT)

    Beste tilgjengelige teknikker (BAT) for fiskeoppdrett i Norden : Kortversjon

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    Rapporten er en kortversjon av en hovedrapport med samme tittel. Rapporten beskriver beste tilgjengelige teknikker (BAT) for reduksjon av utslipp og bruk av ressurser i oppdrettsnæringen i Norden. Rapporten er delt inn i to seksjoner, den ene omhandler landbasert fiskeoppdrett, mens den andre omhandler havbasert fiskeoppdrett. Rapporten gir en beskrivelse av hvordan ulike arter produseres i dag, miljøbelastning fra oppdrettsvirksomheten, bruk av ressurser i ulike anlegg og oppnåelige forbruks- og utslippsnivå ved bruk av BAT

    Besta tøka tøknin (BAT) innan aling í Norðurlondum

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    Frágreiðingin er ein stytt útgáva av eini longri frágreiðing við sama heiti.Frágreiðingin lýsir best tøku tøknina (BAT) fyri minking av útláti og tilfeingis nýtslu innan alivinnuna í Norðurlondum. Frágreiðingin er býtt upp í tveir partar, fyrri parturin er um aling á landi, meðan seinni parturin er um aling á sjónum. Frágreiðingin lýsir, hvussu ymisk sløg verða ald í dag, hvørji umhvørvisárin stava frá aling, tilfeingisnýtslu í teim ymsu alistøðunum, og hvørji nýtslu- og útlátstøði kunnu røkkast við at nýta BAT

    Parhaat käytettävissä olevat menetelmät (BAT) kalanviljelyyn Pohjoismaissa : Lyhennelmä

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    Raportti on lyhennelmä samannimisestä laajemmasta raportista. Raportti kuvaa parhaitakäytettävissä olevia menetelmiä (BAT) päästöjen vähentämiseksi ja resurssien käyttämiseksikalanviljelyelinkeinossa Pohjoismaissa. Raportti jakaantuu kahteen osaan, toinen käsittelee maallatapahtuvaa kalanviljelyä, kun taas toinen käsittelee kalanviljelyä meressä. Raportissa kuvataan, miteneri lajeja tuotetaan nykyään, kalanviljelytoiminnan ympäristökuormitus, resurssien käyttö erilaisissalaitoksissa ja BAT ia käyttämällä saavutettavissa olevat kulutus- ja päästötasot

    Bästa tillgängliga teknik (BAT) för fiskodling i Norden : Kortversion

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    Rapporten är en kortversion av en längre rapport med samma titel. Rapporten beskriver bästatillgängliga teknik (BAT) för utsläppsminskning och effektivt resursutnyttjande i fiskodlingsindustrini Norden. Rapporten är indelad i två avsnitt. Den första behandlar landbaserad fiskodling, medanden andra behandlar havsbaserad fiskodling. I rapporten beskrivs hur olika arter produceras i dag,verksamhetens miljöbelastning, resursförbrukningen i olika anläggningar och möjliga förbruknings-och utsläppsnivåer vid tillämpning avBAT

    Beste tilgjengelige teknikker for fiskeoppdrett i Norden

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    Fiskeoppdrett i Norden omfavner mange ulike marine- og ferskvannsarter og representerer et betydelig årlig produksjonskvantum i forhold til total produksjon i Europa. Målet med denne rapporten er å anbefale beste tilgjengelige teknikker (BAT) som reduserer forbruk av vann og energi, belastningen fra fôr og fekalier, og forbruk av medisiner og kjemikalier i havbasert og landbasert fiskeoppdrett.Rapporten presenterer en oversikt over de prosesser som er tilgjengelig i fiskeoppdretts- industrien. Foruten en statistisk oversikt over produksjonstall m.m. innenfor oppdrettsindustrien, inneholder rapporten beskrivelser av teknikker som kan betraktes som BAT (beste tilgjengelige teknikker) for å redusere forbruk av ressurser og miljøpåvirkninger fra landbasert og havbasert oppdrett.Rapporten henvender seg spesielt til oppdrettsindustrien og til miljømyndighetene i de nordiske landene. Den ble finanisert av Nordisk Ministerråds arbeidsgruppe for Produkter og Avfall gennem den nordiske BAT-gruppen

    Chemicals from Marine Fish Farms : Monitoring of chemicals from marine fish farms in Nordic environments - veterinary medicines, biocides and persistent organic contaminants

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    Fish from Nordic fish farms have been criticized for containing "too high" concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) among others dioxin and PCB. These allegations have caused debate and may have a negative effect on the sale of products from Nordic fish farms in addition to giving a generally bad reputation that affects more or less all Nordic fish farms. It is generally agreed that the relatively high concentrations of POPs detected in fish from Nordic fish farms are caused by the high concentrations of POPs in the fish feed produced and used in the Nordic countries. Beside potential health effects caused by high POP contents in the fish fillet, the surrounding environment may be impacted as well, not only by excreted POPs but also by veterinary medicines used in the fish farms. In Nordic fish farms, veterinary medicines are mainly used therapeutically against different infectious diseases. The amount of veterinary medicines used varies from year to year and in some years, considerable amounts have been used. The major environmental concern in relation to the use of veterinary medicines is the potential occurrence of antibiotic resistance in the naturally occurring micro flora