7 research outputs found

    Punish and Voice: Punishment Enhances Cooperation when Combined with Norm-Signalling

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    Material punishment has been suggested to play a key role in sustaining human cooperation. Experimental findings, however, show that inflicting mere material costs does not always increase cooperation and may even have detrimental effects. Indeed, ethnographic evidence suggests that the most typical punishing strategies in human ecologies (e.g., gossip, derision, blame and criticism) naturally combine normative information with material punishment. Using laboratory experiments with humans, we show that the interaction of norm communication and material punishment leads to higher and more stable cooperation at a lower cost for the group than when used separately. In this work, we argue and provide experimental evidence that successful human cooperation is the outcome of the interaction between instrumental decision-making and the norm psychology humans are provided with. Norm psychology is a cognitive machinery to detect and reason upon norms that is characterized by a salience mechanism devoted to track how much a norm is prominent within a group. We test our hypothesis both in the laboratory and with an agent-based model. The agent-based model incorporates fundamental aspects of norm psychology absent from previous work. The combination of these methods allows us to provide an explanation for the proximate mechanisms behind the observed cooperative behaviour. The consistency between the two sources of data supports our hypothesis that cooperation is a product of norm psychology solicited by norm-signalling and coercive devices. © 2013 Andrighetto et al.The work presented in this paper has been performed in the frame of the following projects: 1. MacNorms(Intramurales de frontera CSIC – PIF08-007); 2. GLODERS (Grant: Gloders 315874; FP7/2007-2013); 3. The Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Grant: ECO2011-29847-C02-01); 4. The Generalitat de Catalunya (Grant: 2009 SGR 820 and Grant 2009SGR1434); and 5. The Antoni Serra Ramoneda Research Chair (UAB-CatalunyaCaixa)Peer Reviewe

    Counter-punishment, norm-communication and accountability

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    Presentado como comunicación en HEIDI-CORTEX Behavioral Economics Workshop GATE, celebrado los días 29 y 30 de octubre de 2014 en Ecully (France). Presentado como comunicación el 17 de abril de 2015 en el Second International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences, celebrado del 15 al 17 de abril de 2015 en Toulouse (Francia)We study whether communication can limit the negative consequences of the use of counterpunishment in a public goods environment. The two dimensions of communication we study are norm communication and accountability, having to justify one’s actions to others. We conduct four experimental treatments, all involving a contribution stage, a punishment stage and a counterpunishment stage. In the first stage there are no communication possibilities. The second treatment allows for communication at the punishment stage and the third asks for a justification message at the counter-punishment stage. The fourth combines the two communication channels of the second and third treatments. We find that the three treatments involving communication at any of the two relevant stages lead to significantly higher contributions than the baseline treatment. The detrimental effect of allowing for counter-punishment is neutralized in the presence of communication possibilities. We find no difference between the three treatments with communication. Separately norm communication and being held accountable work equally well and we find no interaction effect from using them jointly. We also relate our results to those of other treatments without counter-punishment opportunities. The overall pattern of results shows that the key factor is the presence of communication. Whenever it is possible contributions are higher than when it is not, regardless of counter-punishment opportunitiesThe work presented in this paper has been performed in the frame of the MacNorms project (Intramurales de frontera CSIC – PIF08-007) and of the Gloders project (Seventh Framework EU Programme FP7/2007-2013 Grant: 315874). The authors thank the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC-CNR, Rome), the European University Institute, the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Grant: ECO2011-29847-C02-01) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (Grant: 2009 SGR 820 and Grant 2009SGR1434) for research supportPeer Reviewe

    Statistical analysis of the long-term influence of covid-19 on waste generation - a case study of Castellón in Spain

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    [EN] Existing research recognizes the COVID-19 impact on waste generation. However, the preliminary studies were made at an early pandemic stage, focused on the household waste fraction, and employed descriptive statistics that lacked statistical support. This study tries to fill this gap by providing a reliable statistical analysis setting inferential confidence in the waste generation differences found in Castellón. Repeated measures ANOVA were carried out for all the waste fractions collected and recorded in the city landfill database from 2017 to 2020. Additionally, Bonferroni¿s multiple comparison test (p < 0.05) was used to assure confidence level correction and identify which pairs of years¿ differences appeared. The longitudinal study identified trends for each waste fraction before the pandemic and showed how they changed with the advent of the crisis. Compared to 2019, waste collection in 2020 significantly grew for glass and packaging; remained unchanged for beaches, paper and cardboard, and dropped substantially for households, streets, markets, bulky waste, hospitals, and recycling centres. Total waste showed no differences between 2017 and 2019 but dropped significantly in 2020. These findings may help us better understand the long-term implications of COVID-19 and improve municipal solid waste management in a similar crisis.Artacho Ramírez, MÁ.; Moreno-Solaz, H.; Lo-Iacono-Ferreira, VG.; Cloquell Ballester, VA. (2022). Statistical analysis of the long-term influence of covid-19 on waste generation - a case study of Castellón in Spain. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health (Online). 19(10):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19106071117191

    Recogida puerta a puerta de la fracción orgánica de los residuos sólidos urbanos: resultados de la experiencia piloto aplicada en los colegios de Castelló de la Plana (España)

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    Ponència presentada al IX Simposio Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Residuos, Panamá, del 20 al 24 de setembre de 2021La recogida separada en origen de los residuos sólidos urbanos (RSU) es la mejor forma de incrementar y mejorar el reciclaje de los diferentes materiales que los forman. Esta forma de recogida permite aumentar la eficiencia en las plantas de separación de envases y de tratamiento de la fracción orgánica. Existen diferentes modelos de recogida separada, uno de los más exitosos es el de puerta a puerta, consistente en el depósito de los residuos en un cubo/contenedor por parte de los generadores, en el mismo punto de generación. El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación ha sido determinar la cantidad y composición de la fracción orgánica de los RSU procedente de colegios públicos de la ciudad de Castelló de la Plana (España), recogida separadamente y puerta a puerta. Para ello, se diseñó una experiencia piloto que duró 90 días y en la que participaron todos los colegios. Como principales resultados, se ha obtenido que el porcentaje de materia orgánica depositada en el contenedor es del 83,8%, de ellos el 43,6% es comida desperdiciada. Respecto a la tasa de recogida media diaria, ha sido de 0,022 kg/alumno-día, observándose que la tasa bajó en la segunda mitad de la experiencia. Como principales conclusiones, se determinó que el grado de separación de la fracción orgánica fue muy elevado, así como la participación. Sin embargo, esta última decayó al final del experimento, lo cual demuestra la importancia de hacer campañas informativas constantes para mantener la participación en los programas de recogida selectiva de residuos.The municipal solid waste (MSW) selective collection is the best option to increase and improve the recycling of the different materials that compose the waste. This type of collection allows to increase the efficiency of the sorting packaging facilities and the organic fraction treatment plants. There are many selective collection systems, one of the most successful systems is the door-to-door system. In this system, generators take out their waste to a garbage bin at the generation point. The aim of this research work is to determine the amount and composition of the organic fraction of the MSW coming from primary public schools in Castelló de la Plana (Spain) which is collected door-to-door separately. For this purpose, a pilot experience that lasted 90 days was designed. All the primary public schools of the town participated in this experience. The main results show that the percentage of organic fraction deposited in the bin was 83,8%, from that, 43,6% was profitable food. The average daily collection rate was 0,022 kg/student-day and this value decreased in the second half of the experience. The main conclusions extracted were that the separation degree of the organic fraction was very high as well as the participation. However, the involvement declined at the end of the experience. This fact shows the importance of the continued awareness campaigns to get people involved in the waste selective collection programmes

    Análisis y mejora del sistema integral de gestión de resíduos sólidos urbanos en la ciudad de Castellón de la Plana respondiendo a demandas de sostenibilidad y circularidad

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La estrategia de la Unión Europea para la gestión de residuos se articula a través de una serie de directivas que toman como punto de partida la Directiva 2008/98/CE. En ella, se establece un marco jurídico para el tratamiento de los residuos diseñado para preservar el medio ambiente, poniendo el foco en la importancia del empleo de las mejores técnicas disponibles para la gestión, recuperación y reciclado de residuos, reduciendo así el uso de los recursos naturales. Ello ha derivado en diferentes normativas que obligan a las economías a ser más sostenibles, priorizando la minimización de residuos y, cuando no sea posible, favoreciendo su reutilización y reciclado. En España, todo ello ha sido traspuesto al ordenamiento jurídico a través de la reciente Ley 7 /2022, de 8 de abril, de residuos y suelos contaminados para una economía circular, en la que el papel protagonista recae en los municipios. La ciudad de Castelló de la Plana es una ciudad mediterránea de tamaño medio que dispone de un sistema completo de gestión de residuos sólidos urbanos y que, como todo sistema, presenta oportunidades de mejora. El objetivo fundamental de esta Tesis Doctoral es, por tanto, la mejora del sistema de gestión de residuos actual partiendo de un análisis detallado de sus principales dimensiones. Concretamente, se ha analizado la evolución histórica de las principales fracciones de residuos de la ciudad observando cómo los factores externos pueden afectar a su tendencia; se ha estudiado la composición de los biorresiduos recogidos selectivamente para ayudar al dimensionamiento de los servicios de recogida y de nuevas instalaciones de valorización provinciales; se ha propuesto la mejor tecnología de motorización disponible para la renovación de la flota de vehículos recolectores y se ha desarrollado una metodología para priorizar los planes de acción incluidos en el Plan Local de Residuos de la ciudad, a través de un análisis de sus principales indicadores. Estas propuestas de mejora están encaminadas al cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible fijados para el año 2030 y atienden, por tanto, a demandas de sostenibilidad y circularidad. En cuanto a la forma de presentación de este trabajo, debe reseñarse que ha sido elaborado mediante el compendio de publicaciones en las que se han evaluado las cuatro dimensiones del sistema citadas anteriormente. Para ello, se han analizado investigaciones anteriores y, utilizando los datos propios del municipio, se han realizado análisis estadísticos y de decisión multicriterio para obtener resultados que facilitan los procesos de toma de decisiones estratégicas, tácticas y operativas que mejorarán la gestión de los residuos sólidos urbanos. De estos análisis, se han extraído importantes conclusiones que permitirán manejar mejor futuras situaciones extraordinarias (como la reciente crisis sanitaria), realizar acciones encaminadas a la mejora en la separación en origen, mejorar las flotas de vehículos de recogida de residuos y optimizar los recursos municipales mediante la priorización de planes de acción. Estos resultados pueden suponer una aportación muy útil para los responsables municipales en gestión de residuos ya que, mediante el uso de los métodos aquí definidos, se proporcionan aportaciones teóricas y prácticas para la toma de decisiones, así como para el desarrollo de futuros trabajos de investigación.[CA] L'estratègia de la Unió Europea per a la gestió de residus s'articula a través d'una sèrie de directives que prenen com a punt de partida la Directiva 2008/98/CE. En ella, s'estableix un marc jurídic per al tractament dels residus dissenyat per a preservar el medi ambient, posant el focus en la importància de l'ús de les millors tècniques disponibles per a la gestió, recuperació i reciclatge de residus, reduint així l'ús dels recursos naturals. Això ha derivat en diferents normatives que obliguen les economies a ser més sostenibles, prioritzant la minimització de residus i, quan no siga possible, afavorint la seua reutilització i reciclatge. A Espanya, tot això ha sigut transposat a l'ordenament jurídic a través de la recent Llei 7 /2022, de 8 d'abril, de residus i sòls contaminats per a una economia circular, en la qual el paper protagonista recau en els municipis. La ciutat de Castelló de la Plana és una ciutat mediterrània de grandària mitjana que disposa d'un sistema complet de gestió de residus sòlids urbans i que, com tot sistema, presenta oportunitats de millora. L'objectiu fonamental d'aquesta Tesi Doctoral és, per tant, la millora del sistema de gestió de residus actual partint d'una anàlisi detallada de les seues principals dimensions. Concretament, s'ha analitzat l'evolució històrica de les principals fraccions de residus de la ciutat observant com els factors externs poden afectar la seua tendència; s'ha estudiat la composició dels bioresidus recollits selectivament per a ajudar al dimensionament dels serveis de recollida i de noves instal·lacions de valorització provincials; s'ha proposat la millor tecnologia de motorització disponible per a la renovació de la flota de vehicles recol·lectors i s'ha desenvolupat una metodologia per a prioritzar els plans d'acció inclosos en el Pla Local de Residus de la ciutat, a través d'una anàlisi dels seus principals indicadors. Aquestes propostes de millora estan encaminades al compliment dels Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible fixats per a l'any 2030 i atenen, per tant, a demandes de sostenibilitat i circularitat. Quant a la forma de presentació d'aquest treball, ha de ressenyar-se que ha sigut elaborat mitjançant el compendi de publicacions en les quals s'han avaluat les quatre dimensions del sistema citades anteriorment. Per a això, s'han analitzat investigacions anteriors i, utilitzant les dades pròpies del municipi, s'han realitzat anàlisis estadístiques i de decisió multicriteri per a obtindre resultats que faciliten els processos de presa de decisions estratègiques, tàctiques i operatives que milloraran la gestió dels residus sòlids urbans. D'aquestes anàlisis, s'han extret importants conclusions que permetran manejar millor futures situacions extraordinàries (com la recent crisi sanitària), realitzar accions encaminades a la millora en la separació en origen, millorar les flotes de vehicles de recollida de residus i optimitzar els recursos municipals mitjançant la priorització de plans d'acció. Aquests resultats poden suposar una aportació molt útil per als responsables municipals en gestió de residus ja que, mitjançant l'ús dels mètodes ací definits, es proporcionen aportacions teòriques i pràctiques per a la presa de decisions, així com per al desenvolupament de futurs treballs de recerca.[EN] The European Union's strategy for waste management is articulated through a series of directives that take Directive 2008/98/EC as a starting point. It establishes a legal framework for waste treatment designed to preserve the environment, focusing on the importance of using the best available techniques for waste management, recovery and recycling, thus reducing the use of natural resources. This has led to different regulations that oblige economies to be more sustainable, prioritizing waste minimization and, when this is not possible, favouring its reuse and recycling. In Spain, all this has been transposed into the legal system through the recent Law 7 /2022, of April 8, on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy, in which the leading role falls to the municipalities. The city of Castelló de la Plana is a medium-sized Mediterranean city that has a complete system of solid urban waste management and that, like any system, presents opportunities for improvement. The main objective of this Doctoral Thesis is, therefore, the improvement of the current waste management system based on a detailed analysis of its main dimensions. Specifically, the historical evolution of the main waste fractions of the city has been analysed, observing how external factors can affect their trend; the composition of bio-waste collected selectively has been studied to help the sizing of collection services and new provincial recovery facilities; the best available motorization technology has been proposed for the renewal of the fleet of collection vehicles and a methodology has been developed to prioritize the action plans included in the Local Waste Plan of the city, through an analysis of its main indicators. These improvement proposals are aimed at meeting the Sustainable Development Goals set for the year 2030 and therefore address sustainability and circularity demands. With regard to the presentation of this work, it should be noted that it has been prepared by means of a compendium of publications in which the four dimensions of the system mentioned above have been evaluated. For this purpose, previous research has been analysed and, using the municipality's own data, statistical and multi-criteria decision analyses have been carried out to obtain results that facilitate the strategic, tactical and operational decision-making processes that will improve the management of urban solid waste. From these analyses, important conclusions have been drawn that will make it possible to better manage future extraordinary situations (such as the recent health crisis), carry out actions aimed at improving separation at source, improve waste collection vehicle fleets and optimize municipal resources by prioritizing action plans. These results can be a very useful contribution for municipal waste management managers since, by using the methods defined here, theoretical and practical contributions are provided for decision making, as well as for the development of future research work.Moreno Solaz, H. (2023). Análisis y mejora del sistema integral de gestión de resíduos sólidos urbanos en la ciudad de Castellón de la Plana respondiendo a demandas de sostenibilidad y circularidad [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/199548Compendi

    Do children of the first marriage deter divorce?

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    International audienceIn terms of economics, individuals divorce if their expected gains from marriage fall short of their expected utility outside the current marriage, and children represent a marriage-specific type of investment, which generally increases the value of marriage for the spouses. However, children may also disrupt marital stability as they will induce dramatic changes into the household allocation of money and time. In particular, children conceived before or after first marriage may be valued differently by the spouses and this may lead to marital conflicts. It is difficult to assign a priori the direction of the effect of children on marriage stability, and causality may run either way, as couples who anticipate a separation are more likely to have fewer children than those who are happy together, while children born before first marriage may be associated with a lower marriage attachment of their parents. Here, we follow an empirical approach and take advantage of the richness of the data on pre-marital history from the 24 waves of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth79, to estimate the effect of children conceived before or after first marriage on marital stability. We find a significant deterrent effect of young children conceived during first marriage to the likelihood of divorce, while children conceived before first marriage are found to have a disruptive effect on marital stability

    Which Children Stabilize Marriage?

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    Children can be considered as a marriage-specific investment that increases the value of the marriage, making a divorce more costly. We exploit the richness of pre- and post-marital information from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 79, for the United States, to investigate the relation between fertility and marriage instability. In our model of marriage breakdown, we use the number of siblings of the respondent and, alternatively, multiple births, to instrument the number of children conceived during first marriage. Our results indicate that the presence of children significantly reduces the probability of marital disruption. In addition, the younger the children, the greater the deterrent effect. In contrast, we conclude that children conceived before first marriage increase the risk of marital disruption. Finally, the higher the parents' level of education, the larger the positive effect of fertility on marital stability