789 research outputs found

    Quasi-block Toeplitz matrix in matlab

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    In this paper we try to approximate any properties of quasi-block Toeplitz matrix (QBT), by means of a finite number of parameters. A quasi-block Toeplitz (QBT) matrix is a semi-infinite block matrix of the kind F = T(F) + E where T(F) = (Fj−k)j,k∈Z, that Fk are m × m matrices such that Ʃi∈Z|Fi| has bounded entries, and E = (ei,j )i,j∈Z+ is a compact correction. Also, we should say the norms ‖ F ‖w= Ʃi∈Z ‖ Fi ‖ and ‖ E ‖2 are finite. QBT-matrices are done with any given precision. The norm ‖ F ‖QBT = α ‖ F ‖w + ‖ E ‖2, is for α = (1 + √5)/2. These matrices are a Banach algebra with the standard arithmetic operations. We try to analysis some structures and computational properties for arithmetic operations of QBT matrices with some MATLAB commands.Publisher's Versio

    Numerical Experiments for Finding Roots of the Polynomials in Chebyshev Basis

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    Root finding for a function or a polynomial that is smooth on the interval [a; b], but otherwise arbitrary, is done by the following procedure. First, approximate it by a Chebyshev polynomial series. Second, find the zeros of the truncated Chebyshev series. Finding roots of the Chebyshev polynomial is done by eigenvalues of a nXn matrix such as companion or comrade matrices. There are some methods for finding eigenvalues of these matrices such as companion matrix and chasing procedures.We derive another algorithm by second kind of Chebyshev polynomials.We computed the numerical results of these methods for some special and ill-conditioned polynomials

    Developing an Improved Shift-and-Invert Arnoldi Method

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    An algorithm has been developed for finding a number of eigenvalues close to a given shift and in interval [ Lb,Ub ] of a large unsymmetric matrix pair. The algorithm is based on the shift-andinvert Arnoldi with a block matrix method. The block matrix method is simple and it uses for obtaining the inverse matrix. This algorithm also accelerates the shift-and-invert Arnoldi Algorithm by selecting a suitable shift. We call this algorithm Block Shift-and-Invert or BSI. Numerical examples are presented and a comparison has been shown with the results obtained by Sptarn Algorithm in Matlab. The results show that the method works well

    Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)

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    Review on Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML), with data on clinics, and the genes involved

    Direct cleavage of ROCK II by granzyme B induces target cell membrane blebbing in a caspase-independent manner

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    Caspase activation in target cells is a major function of granzyme B (grB) during cytotoxic lymphocyte granule-induced apoptosis. grB-mediated cell death can occur in the absence of active caspases, and the molecular targets responsible for this additional pathway remain poorly defined. Apoptotic plasma membrane blebbing is caspase independent during granule exocytosis–mediated cell death, whereas in other instances, this event is a consequence of the cleavage by caspases of the Rho effector, Rho-associated coiled coil–containing protein kinase (ROCK) I. We show here that grB directly cleaves ROCK II, a ROCK family member encoded by a separate gene and closely related to ROCK I, and this causes constitutive kinase activity and bleb formation. For the first time, two proteins of the same family are found to be specifically cleaved by either a caspase or grB, thus defining two independent pathways with similar phenotypic consequences in the cells. During granule-induced cell death, ROCK II cleavage by grB would overcome, for this apoptotic feature, the consequences of deficient caspase activation that may occur in virus-infected or malignant target cells

    Targeting PI3Kδ and PI3Kγ signalling disrupts human AML survival and bone marrow stromal cell mediated protection

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    Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) is an enzyme group, known to regulate key survival pathways in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). It generates phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate, which provides a membrane docking site for protein kinaseB activation. PI3K catalytic p110 subunits are divided into 4 isoforms; α,β,δ and γ. The PI3Kδ isoform is always expressed in AML cells, whereas the frequency of PI3Kγ expression is highly variable. The functions of these individual catalytic enzymes have not been fully resolved in AML, therefore using the PI3K p110δ and p110γ-targeted inhibitor IPI-145 (duvelisib) and specific p110δ and p110γ shRNA, we analysed the role of these two p110 subunits in human AML blast survival. The results show that PI3Kδ and PI3Kγ inhibition with IPI-145 has anti-proliferative activity in primary AML cells by inhibiting the activity of AKT and MAPK. Pre-treatment of AML cells with IPI-145 inhibits both adhesion and migration of AML blasts to bone marrow stromal cells. Using shRNA targeted to the individual isoforms we demonstrated that p110δ-knockdown had a more significant anti-proliferative effect on AML cells, whereas targeting p110γ-knockdown significantly inhibited AML migration. The results demonstrate that targeting both PI3Kδ and PI3Kγ to inhibit AML-BMSC interactions provides a biologic rationale for the pre-clinical evaluation of IPI-145 in AML

    Fitosociología de las lomas de Amoquinto Oeste y Bajo Huacaluna en los departamentos de Arequipa y Moquegua, 2021

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    En este trabajo descriptivo se brinda información Fitosociológica de las Lomas de Amoquinto Oeste y Bajo Huacaluna en los Departamentos de Arequipa y Moquegua, (sur de Perú) en el año 2021, el objetivo es Identificar Fitosociología de las Lomas de Amoquinto Oeste y Bajo Huacaluna, logrando identificarse 2 asociaciones, 2 alianzas, 2 órdenes de la clase de vegetación anual de lomas herbáceas Palauo dissectae-Nolanetea gayanae, la diversidad florística total en el lado oeste de las Lomas de Amoquinto y sector bajo de las Lomas de Huacaluna es de 33 especies, reunidas en 20 familias y 27 géneros, además se identificaron 12 especies endémicas, también se identificaron 30 spp. y de la zona baja de las lomas de Huacaluna fue de 4 spp. Dándose a conocer que la flora de las lomas de Amoquinto oeste y bajo Huacaluna es baja. Se corrige la taxonomía de once especies descritas en trabajos anteriores. Se sugiere realizar estudios fitosociológicos en los sectores analizados y en otros que mantienen vacíos de información biológica en el departamento
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