3,769 research outputs found

    Classification of natural flow regimes in the Ebro basin (Spain) by using a wide range of hydrologic parameters

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    Clasificación de tipos de régimenes naturales de caudales a partir de parámetros de tres componentes del régimen fluvial: magnitud, frecuencia y duración

    Erratum to: Non-decoupling SUSY in LFV Higgs decays: a window to new physics at the LHC

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    Journal of High Energy Physics 2015.10 (2015): 192 reproduced by permission of Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)We wish to thank Andreas Crivellin for his several remarks and discussions on our first (wrong) results for these LR and RL cases which were not showing the decoupling behavior that he was expecting. Our corrected results included here manifest clearly this expected decoupling behavior with the SUSY mass scale mSUS

    The crystal structure of lead (II) indium (III) chalcogenide: PbIn2S4, a synthetic phase closely related to the lillianite group

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    PbIn2S4, Mr. =565.1, orthorhombic, Pnma, a = 11.675 (2), b =3.848(l), c =13.754(3) A, Z =4,Dm =Dc=6.1g.cm -3  F(000) =976,,u (Moka) = 363 cm-1. The structure was solved by heavy atom method and refined by blockdiagonal least-squares method to a fmal R =0.057 for all observed reflections. The lead and indium atoms have a distorted 8 and 6  coordination, respectively. This synthetic phase is closely related to the lillianite group. Avera e bond lengths in PbIn2S4 are: Pb-S 3.08 (3) and In-S 2.63 (4) A

    Pd(II) and Pt(II) Complexes of Schiff Thiobases Derived From 2-Carbonylpyridine

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    Pd(ll) and Pt(ll) complexes of three series of Schiff thiobases derived from 2- carbonylpyridine have been synthesized and characterized. The crystal structure of the Pt(ll) derivative of methyl-3-(2-pyridylmethylene)hydrazinecarbodithioate (HFp) was resolved. The ligand coordinates the platinum ion in tridentate fashion by heterocycle and imine nitrogen and thiocarbonyl sulfur. The fourth ligand is a chloride ion. The structure of the complexes is suitable for the formation of monofunctional adducts with DNA. Studies on the interaction of the complexes with Calf thymus DNA by CD reveal modifications in the B form of lineal DNA. Interaction with plasmid DNA was also confirmed in the images obtained by atomic force microscopy

    Structure of (8-amino-5,7-dichloroquinoline)dinitratocopper(II), [Cu(NO3)2(C9H6Cl2N2)]

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    Mr=400.62, monoclinic, C2/c, a=20.901 (5), b=7.439(2), c=18.708(4)A, β=114.59(3)º, V = 2645 (2)A3, Z = 8, Dx = 2.01Mg m-3, F(000) = 1592, (Mo Ka)= 0.71069 A, µ(Mo Ka)= 2.152 mm-1, room temperature, R=0.016, Rw=0.021 for 1132 observed reflections. The Cu atom displays a distorted octahedral coordination, being linked to four O atoms of two NO3 groups and two N atoms of the aminoquinoline. The different hybridization states of the N atoms produce variations in equatorial Cu-O bond distances, while the apical Cu-O lengths are larger than the equatorial lengths: Cu-Oeq 1.990(2), 2.039(3)A; Cu-Oax 2.488 (3), 2.473 (3) A

    What is the initiation step of the Grubbs-Hoveyda olefin metathesis catalyst?

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    Density function theory calculations reveal that the Grubbs-Hoveyda olefin metathesis pre-catalyst is activated by the formation of a complex in which the incoming alkene substrate and outgoing alkoxy ligand are both clearly associated with the ruthenium centre. The computed energies for reaction are in good agreement with the experimental values, reported here

    Value-based healthcare in Catalonia: challenges and opportunities to contribute to the future

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    Atenció sanitària basada en el valor; Serveis de salut; Nous models assistencialsAtención sanitaria basada en el valor; Servicios de salud; Nuevos modelos asistencialesValue-based Healthcare; Health services; New healthcare modelsL'atenció sanitària basada en el valor -en anglès Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC)- representa un nou paradigma en la provisió de serveis de salut. L'AQuAS publica aquest treball de reflexió on s'explora la definició d'aquest nou paradigma i es proposa un nou model que permeti incrementar el valor de l'atenció sanitària al sistema de salut de CatalunyaThe health care based on the value -in English Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC) - represents a new paradigm in the provision of health services. Published work explores reflection on the definition of this new paradigm and proposes a new model that would increase the value of health care in the health system of Catalonia.La atención sanitaria basada en el valor -en inglés Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC) - representa un nuevo paradigma en la provisión de servicios de salud. El AQuAS publica este trabajo de reflexión donde se explora la definición de este nuevo paradigma y se propone un nuevo modelo que permita incrementar el valor de la atención sanitaria en el sistema de salud de Cataluña

    Complexes of Pd(II) and Pt(II) with 9-Aminoacridine: Reactions with DNA and Study of Their Antiproliferative Activity

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    Four new metal complexes {M = Pd(II) or Pt(II)} containing the ligand 9-aminoacridine (9AA) were prepared. The compounds were characterized by FT-IR and 1H, 13C, and 195Pt NMR spectroscopies. Crystal structure of the palladium complex of formulae [Pd(9AA)(μ-Cl)]2 · 2DMF was determined by X-ray diffraction. Two 9-acridine molecules in the imine form bind symmetrically to the metal ions in a bidentate fashion through the imine nitrogen atom and the C(1) atom of the aminoacridine closing a new five-membered ring. By reaction with phosphine or pyridine, the Cl bridges broke and compounds with general formulae [Pd(9AA)Cl(L)] (where L = PPh3 or py) were formed. A mononuclear complex of platinum of formulae [Pt(9AA)Cl(DMSO)] was also obtained by direct reaction of 9-aminoacridine and the complex [PtCl2(DMSO2]. The capacity of the compounds to modify the secondary and tertiary structures of DNA was evaluated by means of circular dichroism and electrophoretic mobility. Both palladium and platinum compounds proved active in the modification of both the secondary and tertiary DNA structures. AFM images showed noticeable modifications of the morphology of the plasmid pBR322 DNA by the compounds probably due to the intercalation of the complexes between base pairs of the DNA molecule. Finally, the palladium complex was tested for antiproliferative activity against three different human tumor cell lines. The results suggest that the palladium complex of formula [Pd(9AA)(μ-Cl)]2 has significant antiproliferative activity, although it is less active than cisplatin

    Bimetallic derivatives of the [M(en)3]3+ ion (M=Cr and Co): A series of compounds with unusual magnetic and structural properties (abstract)

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    Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to their work.The crystal structure and magnetic susceptibility of a series of [M(en)3]3+ (M=Cr or Co) derivatives are described. In particular, the crystalline structures of (1) [Cr(en) 3]3[FeCl6]Cl6·H2O, (2) [Co(en)3]3[FeCl6]Cl6· H2O, and (3) [Cr(en)3][FeCl6]·11H 2O are reported. Structural data, in Å, for these compounds are as follows: (1) space group R3, a=15.447(4), c=21.060(6), Z=3; (2) space group R3, a=15.346(3), c=20.880(5), Z=3; (3) space group P3c1, a=11.654(3), c=15.508(4), Z=2. The main structural feature of the first two isomorphous materials is that they consist of a three-dimensional network of triangular antiprisms formed by the [M(en)3]3+ (M=Cr or Co) ions and connected with each other by sharing corners. An [FeCl 6]3- ion is placed at the center of each antiprism. Compound (3) contains a sc arrangement of [Cr(en)3] 3+ and [FeCl6]3- octahedra. In addition, the magnetic susceptibilities of the above-mentioned isomorphous compounds and of [M(en)3][FeCl6] (M=Cr and Co) and [Cr(en)3][InCl6] are reported. While [Cr(en) 3]3[FeCl6]Cl6·H2O orders as a ferrimagnet at 0.91 K, [Cr(en)3][FeCl6] exhibits antiferromagnetic properties with Tc=2.26 K, a temperature rather similar to the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature of [Co(en) 3][FeCl6].Peer Reviewe

    Preventive treatment can reverse cognitive impairment in chronic migraine

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    Objective: To study the impact of chronic migraine (CM) on the cognition and quality of life (QoL) of patients in the interictal period, and to analyse the degree of reversibility of any observed alterations following the use of preventive treatment. Background: CM is a highly disabling disease, and migraineurs often have associated comorbidities, such as subjective memory problems, that are involved in the development of cognitive impairment. Our hypotheses are that patients suffering from chronic migraine experience objective cognitive alterations that are not only due to the pain that they suffer or their current emotional state. Furthermore, preventive treatment should be capable of reversing, or at least reducing, the impact of CM on the cognition and QoL of migraineurs. Methods: The cognition and QoL of 50 control subjects and 46 patients with CM were assessed using a battery of tests, prior to the use of preventive treatment based on botulinum toxin or oral drugs and after 3 months of this treatment. Results: Compared with controls, patients with CM had lower scores on the assessment of cognitive performance (Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure test [ROCF] (p<0.05), Trail Making Test [TMT] B) (p < 0.05) and QoL (p < 0.05). Three months after the use of preventive treatment, improvement was observed in all cognitive parameters (p < 0.05) and QoL (p < 0.05), except the ROCF copy task (p = 0.79). No statistically significant differences were observed when these outcomes were compared based on treatment. Conclusions: This study confirms poor cognitive performance that is not explained by migraine pain itself, as it occurs in the interictal period, irrespective of the patient's emotional status. Our findings show that these effects are reversible in some cases with preventive treatment of CM, reaffirming the important impact of this condition on the QoL of these patients, and the need to establish preventive treatment guidelines