48 research outputs found

    Recerca i immigració VII : migracions dels segles XX i XXI: una mirada candeliana

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    Aquest volum recull les aportacions d'estudiosos vinculats principalment al Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics (CED) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. De fet, es basa en les ponències presentades al Museu d'Història de Catalunya el 17 de desembre de 2014 dins la jornada «Migracions dels segles XX i XXI a Catalunya. Una mirada candeliana. Anàlisi sociodemogràfica», organitzada pel CED, la Fundació Paco Candel i la Direcció General per a la Immigració del Departament de Benestar Social i Família

    Transient exposure to miR-203 expands the differentiation capacity of pluripotent stem cells

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    Full differentiation potential along with self‐renewal capacity is a major property of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs). However, the differentiation capacity frequently decreases during expansion of PSCs in vitro . We show here that transient exposure to a single microRNA, expressed at early stages during normal development, improves the differentiation capacity of already‐established murine and human PSCs. Short exposure to miR‐203 in PSCs (mi PSCs) induces a transient expression of 2C markers that later results in expanded differentiation potency to multiple lineages, as well as improved efficiency in tetraploid complementation and human–mouse interspecies chimerism assays. Mechanistically, these effects are at least partially mediated by direct repression of de novo DNA methyltransferases Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b, leading to transient and reversible erasure of DNA methylation. These data support the use of transient exposure to miR‐203 as a versatile method to reset the epigenetic memory in PSCs, and improve their effectiveness in regenerative medicine

    The magnetic flux of the quiet Sun internetwork as observed with the Tenerife Infrared Polarimeter

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    Recent observations with the HINODE satellite have found abundant horizontal magnetic fields in the internetwork quiet Sun. We compare the results on the horizontal fields with ground-based observations. We obtained 30 sec-integrated data of quiet Sun on disc centre during a period of very good seeing. The data have a rms noise in polarization of around 2 10^-4 of the continuum intensity. The low noise level allowed for an inversion of the spectra. We compare the inversion results with proxies for the determination of magnetic flux. We confirm the presence of the horizontal fields in the quiet Sun internetwork, with voids of some granules extent of nearly zero linear polarization signal. Voids in the circular polarization signal are only of granular scale. More than 60 % of the surface show polarization signals above four times the rms noise level. We find that the total magnetic flux contained in the more inclined to horizontal fields (gamma > 45 deg) is smaller by a factor of around 2 than that of the less inclined fields. The proxies for flux determination are seen to suffer from a strong influence of the thermodynamic state of the atmosphere. We suggest that the difference of the ratio of horizontal to transversal flux between the ground-based infrared data and the satellite-based visible data is due to the different formation heights of the respective spectral lines. We caution that the true amount of magnetic flux cannot be derived directly from the spectra. For purely horizontal flux, one would need its vertical extension that has to estimated by an explicit modeling with the observed spectra as boundary conditions, or has to be taken from MHD simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures + 5 pages appendix, 6 figures, submitted to A&

    Vigilancia tecnológica: Estudio sectorial. Sector de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación: Tecnologías inalámbricas

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    las Tecnologías Inalámbricas dentro del sector de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). Se ha abordado este sector al tratarse de uno de los sectores preferentes en la política de la Junta de Andalucía. El objetivo del Estudio es el de proporcionar una amplia información al sector TIC de Andalucía sobre todo lo que concierne a las tecnologías inalámbricas, haciendo hincapié en la información tecnológica y científica relacionada. En concreto, la vigilancia tecnológica está centrada en las siguientes tecnologías inalámbricas, que se han considerado más relevantes: < Tecnologías 3G y emergentes < Tecnologías WiFi < Tecnologías WiMax < Tecnologías Bluetooth < Tecnologías ZigBee < Tecnologías RFID En primer lugar, tras presentar de forma resumida los principales conceptos de la Vigilancia Tecnológica, se realiza un análisis exhaustivo de aquella información que es más relevante para el tejido empresarial andaluz. A continuación se señalan tendencias tecnológicas, normativa y legislación vigente que afecta a dicho campo sectorial. Para concluir el estudio, se incluye un Anexo técnico donde se describen en detalle aquellas tecnologías en las que se ha enfocado el estudio de vigilancia tecnológica

    Çédille, revista de estudios franceses

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    New logics of Integration in European Security and Defence Policy: Change in Conflict-Resolution Mechanisms in the Intergovernmental Decision-Making Process.

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    The EU is undertaking important developments in the area of European security without asserting new fundamental goals. This paper proposes a conceptualisation of new logics of integration in the ESDP, by focusing on the transformation of conflict-resolution mechanisms in the adoption and implementation of policy provisions in the area. I argue that since 1998, pressing external events have led to an integrative policy change in the area of European security, manifest in an increasing use of expert incrementalist methods within the intergovernmental framework of the EU. The urgency of collective decisions adopted in substantive negotiations at a high political level combines with the incrementalist “filling-in” in the operational phase. While bargaining is highly determinant in the adoption of key compromises, the operational phase has become infused with administrative management and expert consultation, corresponding with the proliferation of newly created specialized agencies and think tanks, thus creating dynamics for the introduction of novel program specifications. Integrative outcomes are manifest in the progress in military operational capacity, the actual accomplishment of EU-based “Petersberg” operations, the focus on a more pragmatic understanding of the relationship with NATO and the proposals for coordination and flexibility envisaged in the draft of the Constitutional Treaty. The focus on conflict-resolution mechanisms provides theoretical determinants to explain integration logics in the ESDP, as a process of development of practical goals

    La importancia de las artes como medio de transmisión de valores

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    Convocatoria proyectos de innovación de Extremadura 2018/2019Proyecto llevado a cabo en el IES Al-Qázeres (Cáceres) que tiene como objetivo principal dar relevancia a la educación artística como un método de desarrollo cognitivo, elemento de comunicación emocional y para el desarrollo de destrezas y habilidades, posibilitando el trabajo con diferentes valores éticos y morales. Dentro del proyecto también se incluyeron actividades para valorar la igualdad de género, el respeto y la empatía hacia el prójimo; apreciar las relaciones intergeneracionales entre el alumnado y las personas mayores y valorar y respetar el patrimonio histórico de Extremadura. Se trabajó a través de metodologías activas entorno a unidades didácticas dentro de las que se desarrollaban distintas actividadesExtremaduraES