23 research outputs found
Empathy among health science undergraduates toward the diagnosis of chronic pain: An experimental study.
Objectives: To analyse the empathetic response of future health professionals toward people diagnosed with chronic pain differentiated by the degree of visibility and credibility of symptoms. Methods: A total of 203 undergraduates performed an experimental task using vignettes depicting different diagnoses of chronic pain and completed questionnaires measuring dispositional and situational empathy. A MANCOVA analysis was conducted. Results: The main effects of chronic pain diagnoses did not significantly affect situational empathy (p = .587, η2 = 0.007, d = 0.229). The dispositional empathy variables perspective-taking and personal distress affected the situational empathy scores (p = .002, η2 = 0.072, d = 0.906, and p = .043, η2 = 0.032, d = 0.547, respectively). Conclusions: It would seem appropriate to foster intra-individual empathy factors among health science undergraduates such that they can more readily understand the process of individual adaptation to chronic pain and thus manage it more effectively. Practice implications: It would be useful for dispositional empathy to form part of the transversal competences of the training programmes of future health professionals from the beginning of their studies
Metales Pesados (Ba, Cu y Hg) en tejidos de Mugil curema (Valenciennes, 1836) de la laguna de Tampamachoco, Veracruz, México
A nivel mundial, las lagunas costeras son consideradas como ambientes de alta productividad y una elevada riqueza en biodiversidad. Están situadas a lo largo del litoral que en la mayoría de los casos tienen una comunidad permanente con el mar como es el caso de la laguna de Tampamachoco, Veracruz. Biológicamente, la zona costera y marina del Golfo de México representa una región de gran valor ecológico y económico para México ya que tiene una gran diversidad de ecosistemas marinos y recursos naturales. Los metales pesados son elementos naturales de la corteza terrestre, rocas, suelos, sedimentos, erupciones volcánicas y del agua. Existen cambios en sus concentraciones debido al uso extensivo en la industria y actividades humanas. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo el determinar si se encuentran presentes los metales pesados Ba, Cu y Hg en organismos de lebrancha (Mugil curema Valenciennes, 1836). Se muestrearon peces para el análisis cuantitativo de los metales pesados. El método que se utilizó se hizo en base a la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-117-SSA1-1994 mediante la técnica “Espectrometría de absorción atómica”. Se hicieron 14 muestreos del 2009 al 2010. La concentración promedio en tejidos para el músculo fue de Ba= 9.66 mg/kg, Cu= 3.33 mg/kg; en piel fue de Ba= 14.40 mg/kg, Cu= 6.28 mg/kg; en branquias fue de Ba= 43.26 mg/kg, Cu= 8.13 mg/kg; y finalmente en hígado fue de Ba= 7.57 mg/kg, Cu= 25.99 mg/kg. Las concentraciones que se hallaron en los tejidos de M. curema principalmente en las branquias son el tejido principal de recolección de los metales pesados, ya que la respiración es un factor determinante en la bioacumulación de estos contaminantes
Efficacy of prompted voiding for reversing urinary incontinence in older adults hospitalized in a functional recovery unit: Study protocol
Aims: To assess the efficacy of a prompted voiding programme for restoring urinary continence at discharge in hospitalized older adults who presented with reversible urinary incontinence (UI) on admission to a functional recovery unit (FRU). To assess the maintenance of the outcomes achieved after hospitalization. To identify modifiable and unmodifiable factors associated with the success of the prompted voiding programme. Design: Quasi-experimental, pre-/post-intervention study without a control group. Methods: Participants were aged 65 and over with a history of reversible UI in the previous year who had been admitted to a FRU and were on a prompted voiding programme throughout their hospitalization period. The sample consisted of 221 participants. A non-probabilistic sampling method, in order of recruitment after signing the informed consent form, was used. The primary outcomes were UI assessed at discharge and 1 month, 3 months and 6 months after discharge. Funding was granted in July 2019 by the Spain Health Research Fund (PI19/00168, Ministry of Health). The proposal was approved by the Spanish Research Ethics Committee. Discussion: The prompted voiding programme described can reverse UI or decrease the frequency and amount of urine loss in hospitalized older adults. Impact: Urinary incontinence is highly prevalent in hospitalized older adults. There is a need for care aimed at prevention, recovery and symptom control. Prompted voiding is a therapy provided by the nursing team during hospitalization and can also be provided by family caregivers at home after receiving proper training by the nursing team. Prompted voiding will enhance the health, functional ability and quality of life of older adults with UI, resulting in the reduction of associated healthcare costs and the risk of developing complicationsThis study has been funded by
Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the
project “PI19/00168” (Co-funded by
European Regional Development Fund/
European Social Fund “A way to make
Europe”/“Investing in your future”
Charming and bewitching : considering the Harry Potter series
Aquest document està relacionat amb: Addictive and wonderful : the experience of reading the Harry Potter serie
Accuracy of Xpert Ultra for the diagnosis of paediatric tuberculosis in a low TB burden country: a prospective multicentre study
[Introduction] Childhood pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) remains a diagnostic challenge. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of Xpert Ultra for the diagnosis of pulmonary TB in children in a low TB prevalence setting.[Methods] Prospective, multicentre, diagnostic accuracy study. Children with clinical or radiological suspicion of pulmonary TB were recruited at 11 paediatric units in Spain. Up to three gastric or sputum specimens were taken on 3 consecutive days, and analysed by Xpert MTB/RIF, Xpert Ultra and culture in parallel.[Results] 86 children were included (median age 4.9 years, IQR 2.0–10.0; 51.2% male). The final diagnosis was pulmonary TB in 75 patients (87.2%); 33 (44.0%) were microbiologically confirmed. A total of 219 specimens, comprising gastric aspirates (n=194; 88.6%) and sputum specimens (n=25; 11.4%), were analysed. Using culture as reference standard and comparing individual specimens, the sensitivity was 37.8% (14/37) for Xpert MTB/RIF and 81.1% (30/37) for Xpert Ultra (p<0.001); specificity was 98.4% (179/182) and 93.4% (170/182), respectively (p=0.02). In the per-patient analysis, considering positive results on any specimen, the sensitivity was 42.9% (9/21) for Xpert MTB/RIF and 81.0% for Xpert Ultra (17/21, p=0.01); specificity was 96.9% (63/65) and 87.7% (57/65, p=0.07), respectively.[Conclusions] In children with pulmonary TB in a low burden setting, Xpert Ultra has significantly higher sensitivity than the previous generation of Xpert assay and only marginally lower specificity. Therefore, in children undergoing evaluation for suspected pulmonary TB, Xpert Ultra should be used in preference to Xpert MTB/RIF whenever possible.This study did not receive any project-specific funding. DA-A was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Health – Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and cofunded by the European Union (FEDER) (Contrato Río Hortega CM18/00100). AN-J was supported by 'Subvencions per a la Intensificació de Facultatius Especialistes' (Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Programa PERIS 2016-2020) (SLT008/18/00193). DBG was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation – Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Fondos FEDER by 'Contratos para la intensificación de la actividad investigadora en el Sistema Nacional de Salud, 2020 (INT20/00086)'. BS-G was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Health – Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and cofunded by the European Union (FEDER) (Contrato Juan Rodés JR16/00036).Peer reviewe
Addictive and wonderful : the experience of reading the Harry Potter series
Aquest document està relacionat amb: Charming and bewitching : considering the Harry Potter serie
Caracterización del hábitat de dos poblaciones de toninas (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu 1821) en la costa Norte del estado de Veracruz, México
Los mamíferos marinos requieren ciertas características de hábitat para su reproducción, crianza y alimentación. En México no se cuenta con estudios sobre caracterización de hábitat en mamíferos marinos en la costa norte del estado de Veracruz. El objetivo de la investigación fue caracterizar el hábitat de dos poblaciones de toninas (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu 1821) en la costa norte del estado de Veracruz. Durante 18 meses se estudiaron dos zonas: Tamiahua y Tuxpan, efectuando 22 navegaciones en las cuales en 16 se avistaron toninas. Las variables analizadas incluyen profundidad, tipo de fondo, temperatura superficial del mar, pH, estado del mar, conductividad eléctrica, salinidad y sólidos disueltos totales; igualmente se estimó la concentración de clorofila (clorofila mg/m3), a través de las imágenes del satélite SeaWiFS. Las variables que caracterizaron la distribución espacial para los 16 avistamientos de delfines fueron: tipo de fondo, profundidad y concentración de clorofila. En las dos zonas los delfines prefirieron los fondos arenosos sobre otros tipos de fondos. En Tamiahua los ejemplares fueron observados en sitios con una profundidad promedio de 25,9 m (d.e. ±18,33) y en Tuxpan de 28,9 m (d.e. ±26,50). Los delfines se reportaron en zonas con una concentración de clorofila promedio en la zona de Tamiahua fue de 663,6 mg/m3 (d.e. ±871,08) y para la de Tuxpan fue de 1.579,63 mg/m3 (d.e. ±1525,68).Este estudio muestra que hay diferencias en las características del hábitat de las dos poblaciones estudiadas
Caracterización del hábitat de dos poblaciones de toninas (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu 1821) en la costa Norte del estado de Veracruz, México | Habitat characterization of two populations of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus Montagu 1821) in the Northern coast of the State of Veracruz, Mexico
Los mamíferos marinos requieren ciertas características de hábitat para su reproducción, crianza y alimentación. En México no se cuenta con estudios sobre caracterización de hábitat en mamíferos marinos en la costa norte del estado de Veracruz. El objetivo de la investigación fue caracterizar el hábitat de dos poblaciones de toninas (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu 1821) en la costa norte del estado de Veracruz. Durante 18 meses se estudiaron dos zonas: Tamiahua y Tuxpan, efectuando 22 navegaciones en las cuales en 16 se avistaron toninas. Las variables analizadas incluyen profundidad, tipo de fondo, temperatura superficial del mar, pH, estado del mar, conductividad eléctrica, salinidad y sólidos disueltos totales; igualmente se estimó la concentración de clorofila (clorofila mg/m3), a través de las imágenes del satélite SeaWiFS. Lasvariables que caracterizaron la distribución espacial para los 16 avistamientos de delfines fueron: tipo de fondo, profundidad y concentración de clorofila. En las dos zonas los delfines prefirieron los fondos arenosos sobre otros tipos de fondos. En Tamiahua los ejemplares fueron observados en sitios con una profundidad promedio de 25,9 m (d.e. ±18,33) y en Tuxpan de28,9 m (d.e. ±26,50). Los delfines se reportaron en zonas con una concentración de clorofila promedio en la zona de Tamiahua fue de 663,6 mg/m3 (d.e. ±871,08) y para la de Tuxpan fue de 1.579,63 mg/m3 (d.e. ±1525,68). Este estudio muestra que hay diferencias en las características del hábitat de las dos poblaciones estudiadas.Palabras clave: Caracterización de hábitat, Tursiops truncatus, población, batimetría, parámetros físico-químicos.ABSTRACTMarine mammals require special habitat characteristics for their reproduction, breeding and feeding. There are no studies regarding marine mammal habitat characterization in the northern coast of the state of Veracruz, Mexico. The goal of this study was to characterize the habitat of two populations of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu 1821) along the northern coast of Veracruz, Mexico. The study area was divided into two zones: Tamiahua, and Tuxpan; 22 boat-based surveys were carried out during 18 months, and dolphins where sighted in 16 of these surveys. The environmental variablesmeasured included: depth, bottom type, sea surface temperature, salinity, pH, sea conditions, conductivity, salinity and total dissolved solids. Also, we estimated chlorophyll concentration (mg/m3) using images obtained by the SeaWifs satellite. The main factors that characterized bottlenose dolphins’ habitat for these 16 sightings were: bottom type, water depth, seaconditions and chlorophyll concentration. In all the areas dolphins preferred the sandy bottom over other bottom types. Mean bottom depth for sightings were observed was 25,9 m (s.d. ±18,33) in Tamiahua, and 28,9 m (s.d. ±26,50) in Tuxpan. Mean chlorophyll concentration for dolphin sighting locations were 663,6 mg/m3 (s.d. ±871,08) in Tamiahua, and 1.579,63 mg/m3 (s.d. ±1525,68) in Tuxpan. This study shows that there are differences in habitat characteristics among the two bottlenose dolphins’ populations studied.Key words: Habitat characterization, population, bottlenose dolphins, bathymetry, physical-chemical parameters
Multiple Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Action of Lycopene in Cancer Inhibition
Epidemiological studies suggest that including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in regular dietary intake might prevent and reverse cellular carcinogenesis, reducing the incidence of primary tumours. Bioactive components present in food can simultaneously modulate more than one carcinogenic process, including cancer metabolism, hormonal balance, transcriptional activity, cell-cycle control, apoptosis, inflammation, angiogenesis and metastasis. Some studies have shown an inverse correlation between a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and carotenoids and a low incidence of different types of cancer. Lycopene, the predominant carotenoid found in tomatoes, exhibits a high antioxidant capacity and has been shown to prevent cancer, as evidenced by clinical trials and studies in cell culture and animal models. In vitro studies have shown that lycopene treatment can selectively arrest cell growth and induce apoptosis in cancer cells without affecting normal cells. In vivo studies have revealed that lycopene treatment inhibits tumour growth in the liver, lung, prostate, breast, and colon. Clinical studies have shown that lycopene protects against prostate cancer. One of the main challenges in cancer prevention is the integration of new molecular findings into clinical practice. Thus, the identification of molecular biomarkers associated with lycopene levels is essential for improving our understanding of the mechanisms underlying its antineoplastic activity