1,516 research outputs found

    Search for glitches of gamma-ray pulsars with deep learning

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    The pulsar glitches are generally assumed to be an apparent manifestation of the superfluid interior of the neutron stars. Most of them were discovered and extensively studied by continuous monitoring in the radio wavelengths. The Fermi-LAT space telescope has made a revolution uncovering a large population of gamma-ray pulsars. In this paper we suggest to employ these observations for the searches of new glitches. We develop the method capable of detecting step-like frequency change associated with glitches in a sparse gamma-ray data. It is based on the calculations of the weighted H-test statistics and glitch identification by a convolutional neural network. The method demonstrates high accuracy on the Monte Carlo set and will be applied for searches of the pulsar glitches in the real gamma-ray data in the future works.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The Study of Thermal Reversibility of the Freezing-defrost Process of Browned Onion

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    The features and dynamics of the freezing-defrost processes of the studied sample of browned onion were established and studied. At the research it was revealed, that at freezing temperature –20 °С the value of maximal freezing speed does not change.The process of defrost of browned onion was carried out using calorimeter with the reverse connection on temperature and PID-regulator, on the temperature curve of its freezing. It was determined, that the process of defrost of the studied sample needs more heat that is educed at freezing. The modes of stepped defrost that testify to the possibility of thermal reversibility of freezing process were experimentally established.The direct dependence of educed and consumed heat quantity on the mode of thermal processing of studied sample was revealed. The more moisture was eliminated from the food product, the less heat must be consumed for defrost. The analogous dependence is typical also for the freezing process.The received data can be used for determination of the rational modes of freezing and defrost of the browned onion

    Healthiness from Duality

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    Healthiness is a good old question in program logics that dates back to Dijkstra. It asks for an intrinsic characterization of those predicate transformers which arise as the (backward) interpretation of a certain class of programs. There are several results known for healthiness conditions: for deterministic programs, nondeterministic ones, probabilistic ones, etc. Building upon our previous works on so-called state-and-effect triangles, we contribute a unified categorical framework for investigating healthiness conditions. We find the framework to be centered around a dual adjunction induced by a dualizing object, together with our notion of relative Eilenberg-Moore algebra playing fundamental roles too. The latter notion seems interesting in its own right in the context of monads, Lawvere theories and enriched categories.Comment: 13 pages, Extended version with appendices of a paper accepted to LICS 201

    Konus-Wind and Helicon-Coronas-F Observations of Solar Flares

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    Results of solar flare observations obtained in the Konus-Wind experiment from November, 1994 to December, 2013 and in the Helicon Coronas-F experiment during its operation from 2001 to 2005, are presented. For the periods indicated Konus-Wind detected in the trigger mode 834 solar flares, and Helicon-Coronas-F detected more than 300 solar flares. A description of the instruments and data processing techniques are given. As an example, the analysis of the spectral evolution of the flares SOL2012-11-08T02:19 (M 1.7) and SOL2002-03-10T01:34 (C5.1) is made with the Konus-Wind data and the flare SOL2003-10-26T06:11 (X1.2) is analyzed in the 2.223 MeV deuterium line with the Helicon-Coronas-F data.Comment: Published version. A list of the Konus-Wind solar flare triggers and figures of their time profiles are available at http://www.ioffe.ru/LEA/Solar

    Optimization of the subject matter of profile training disciplines for bachelors' vocational education on the basis of occupational standards

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    Applicability of the issue under study is conditioned by the need in development of principal educational programs by higher education institutions with accounting for requirements of appropriate occupational standards and necessity in reviewing of the requirements of occupational standards and reflecting them within the scope of competences formed. The paper is aimed at substantiation of the subject matter of profile training disciplines for vocational education of bachelors within the context of competence and process approaches and with accounting for occupational standards. The leading method of study of this issue is modeling which allows considering the issue under study as a process of recognized accounting of requirements of appropriate occupational standards wherein employers' opinions are fixed in the regulatory mode. The structural-functional model of selection of the subject matter of profile disciplines for the training program is developed; the following algorithms are developed: 1) of analysis of occupational standards; 2) of comparing of occupational standards with curriculum disciplines; 3) of analysis of the subject matter of labour functions, labour actions, knowledge and skills when developing working programs and assessment resources funds; the model has been successfully tested on the example of profile training of vocational education bachelors. The paper presents the structure-functional model of selection of the subject matter of profile disciplines of the educational program with taking into account of occupational standards requirements which define competences acquired by a graduate, i.e. his/her ability to use knowledge, skills and personal qualities in accordance with the occupational activity; the process approach to implementation of this model is applied. © Authors

    Характеристика биохимического состава и антиоксидантной активности Spinacia oleracea L. и Spinacia turkestanica Iljin.: сравнительное исследование

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    Spinach is an economically important vegetable crop widely cultivated and consumed worldwide. This early ripening leafy vegetable is rich in bioactive components, fiber, micro and macro elements, vitamins, and has high antioxidant activity. Results of numerous studies on the effects of spinach on human health confirm its beneficial effect. The species S. oleracea L. is cultivated commercially. The ancestor of cultivated spinach is S. turkestanica Iljin, which has a breeding potential for different economically valuable traits. Its biochemical composition has been studied extremely little. The present article offers a comparative evaluation of the biochemical profile and antioxidant activity of cultivated and wild spinach species. The material for the study was a representative sample of 48 collection accessions of spinach from the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR). The accessions were grown in 2019 and 2020 in the open ground of the Pushkin and Pavlovsk Laboratories of VIR. The antioxidant activity was studied spectrophotometrically by the DPPH assay of free radical scavenging at a wavelength of 515 nm. A significant similarity of the two species in most biochemical parameters was revealed, which confirms their phylogenetic relationship. Significant differences were found in the content of phenolic elements, which determine the elevated values of antioxidant and antiradical activity of S. turkestanica. The article presents correlation matrices of species biochemical composition, describes general trends, negative relationships and conjugated factors. The identified promising accessions of both cultivated and wild spinach are recommended for breeding for increased content of phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity. The result of the study helps to reveal the potential of the crop as a valuable source of bioactive components and high antioxidant activity.Шпинат - экономически значимая овощная культура, широко возделываемая и потребляемая во всем мире. Этот скороспелый листовой овощ богат биологически активными компонентами, клетчаткой, микро- и макроэлементами, витаминами, обладает высокой антиоксидантной активностью. Многочисленные результаты изучения влияния шпината на здоровье человека подтверждают его благотворное действие. В производстве культивируют вид S. oleracea L. Прародителем культурного вида шпината является вид S. turkestanica Iljin., обладающий потенциалом для селекции по различным хозяйственно-ценным признакам. Его биохимический состав изучен крайне мало. В настоящей работе дана сравнительная оценка биохимического профиля и антиоксидантной активности культурного и дикого видов шпината. Материалом для исследования послужила репрезентативная выборка из 48 образцов коллекции шпината ВИР. Образцы выращивались в 2019 и 2020 году в условиях открытого грунта Пушкинских и Павловских лабораторий Всероссийского института генетических ресурсов растений имени Н.И. Вавилова. Антиоксидантную активность изучали методом DPPH на спектрофотометре путем поглощения свободных радикалов раствора, измеряемое при длине волны 515 нм. Выявлено значительное сходство двух видов по большинству биохимических показателей, что подтверждает их филогенетическое родство. Существенные различия обнаружены в содержании фенольных элементов, определяющих повышенные значения антиоксидантной и антирадикальной активности S. turkestanica Iljin. В статье приведены корреляционные матрицы видового биохимического состава, описаны общие тенденции, отрицательные взаимосвязи и сопряженные факторы. Выделившиеся перспективные образцы как культурного, так и дикого видов шпината рекомендованы для селекции на увеличение содержания фенольных соединений, аскорбиновой кислоты и антиоксидантной активности. Результат исследования помогает раскрыть потенциал культуры, как ценного источника биологически-активных компонентов и высокой антиоксидантной активности


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    El artículo está dedicado al análisis de la implementación potencial de las áreas de libre comercio (TLC) sobre una base doble y múltiple y los principales problemas de desarrollo de las relaciones económicas entre la Unión Económica Euroasiática (EAEU) y el República Socialista de Vietnam (la SRV). El análisis del comercio exterior entre países de la EAEU y Vietnam se realiza sobre la base del modelo de gravedad del autor que puede usarse para analizar el desarrollo de las conexiones de comercio exterior entre la EAEU y otros países. Según el modelo de gravedad del autor, se demuestra que el Tratado de Libre Comercio es un instrumento bastante efectivo para las relaciones comerciales de desarrollo entre paísesO artigo é dedicado à análise da potencial implementação de áreas de livre comércio (TLC) em dois lados e em vários lados e os principais problemas de desenvolvimento das relações econômicas entre a União Econômica da Eurásia (EAEU) e a República Socialista do Vietnã (SRV). A análise do comércio exterior entre os países da EAEU e o Vietnã é realizada com base no modelo de gravidade do autor, que pode ser usado para analisar o desenvolvimento de conexões de comércio exterior entre a EAEU e outros países. De acordo com o modelo de gravidade do autor, está provado que o Acordo de Livre Comércio é um instrumento bastante eficaz para o desenvolvimento das relações comerciais entre os países.The article is devoted to the analysis of the potential implementation of free trade areas (the FTA) on a two-sided and many-sided basis and main problems of development the economic relations between the Eurasian Economic Union (the EAEU) and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (the SRV). The analysis of the foreign trade between countries of the EAEU and Vietnam is fulfilled on the base of author’s gravity model which can be used fo

    Efficiency of Application of Liquid Fertilizer Gumavit When Sprouting Seeds

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    The object of this study was Gumavit, a liquid humic fertilizer based on peat. This fertilizer is obtained by cavitation dispergation of peat in a shock pulse generator and subsequent alkaline extraction from a water-peat mixture of humic acids. This study examined the effect of Gumavit on the germination energy and germination capacity of barley seeds, wheat and tomatoes, as well as its effect on plant growth and development. It was found that Gumavit did not adversely affect the germination energy and germination capacity of seeds of grain crops and tomatoes. The use of a 0.2% (of humic acids - HA) Gumavit solution had a positive effect on the sowing quality of the studied cultures’ seeds. The use of a 0.01% (of HA) solution of Gumavit to moisten sand and germinate seeds after 14 days had a positive effect on the length and mass of Favorit wheat grain sprouts; as well as a positive effect on the root mass of Favorit and Kamyshanka-3 wheat, Volgogradskii-12 barley, Volgogradskii 5/95 tomatoes and Dar Zavolzhia tomatoes. The increase in the root mass of the studied cultures can be explained by the absorption of a small fraction of humic substances by the roots of these plants, leading to an increase in the number of lateral roots and their root hairs. Keywords: Gumavit, seed treatment, germination energy, germination capacity, grain crops, tomatoes, moistening sand, length and mass of sprout