541 research outputs found

    Semantics and Pragmatics of Language Units (according to Results of Theoretic and Methodological Seminar of Scientific School of Professor, Doctor of Philology E. P. Ivanyan)

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    The results of the theoretical-methodological seminar of scientific school of professor, doctor of philology E. P. Ivanyan (Samara) are presented. It is reported that the seminar discussed the topical issue of semantics and pragmatics of language units in modern Russian discourse, the main trends of language development and problems of their study in various research paradigms. The contents of the scientific papers presented during the seminar is highlighted. The main results of the research of the authors of the reports are given


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    The structural peculiarities of “Presenting Statistics in English” textbook aimed at formation and development of various graphs description skills as well as vocabulary activation and extension in order to analyze statistic information have been considered in the article; solid grounds concerning the necessity of the above mentioned course application in terms of professional teaching of future economists have been given.У статті розглянуто особливості побудови посібника “Подаємо статистичні матеріали англійською”, який орієнтований на розвиток та формування базових навичок побудови й опису різних видів графіків та активізацію й розширення відповідного лексичного запасу студентів для аналізу статистичної інформації, у тому числі графічної, англійською мовою. У статті також висвітлена необхідність практичного використання матеріалів даного посібника в межах професійно-орієнтованого навчання студентів економічних спеціальностей як невід’ємної частки в опануванні іншомовного ділового спілкування

    Horse tourism and features of its organization

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    The article provides material on the organization and characteristics of equestrian tourism. The popularity of equestrian tourism is now growing rapidly throughout the world. Everywhere, campsites are built to service riders, horse-riding routes are laid. Equestrian tourism squeezes into the background many traditional types of travel. Considering the huge interest shown to equestrian tourism by various strata of the population in many countries of the world, the International Equestrian Federation has paid serious attention to this issue in recent years. Within the framework of the Federation, a special commission has been set up under the supervision of the Italian professor Vittorio de Sanctis, who has begun working out rules for conducting international horse-riding tours, hikes and runs. Horse tourism is an integral part of eco-tourism. For the organization of equestrian tourism, a proper base is needed, horses are properly trained for horse riding and saddlery, a school of instructors and methods for training tourists to care for horses and handling them, arranging training for hikers, working out routes with halts, and preparing feed for horses. Equestrian tourism in Ukraine is developing, winning more and more supporters. This type of active tourism enjoys well-deserved popularity among horseback riding enthusiasts of natural, ethnic, historical, extreme, pilgrimage, hunting, fishing, and mountain destinations. Equestrian tourism is an attractive way of spending time and studying from inside the life of the inhabitants of the country. Any rest on horses is interesting and fascinating, and everyone can take with them a positive impression. In addition, the horse is a unique live simulator. It is thanks to this ability that a method of medical riding, or hippotherapy, has emerged, which has become one of the effective ways to rehabilitate the disabled.У статті подається матеріал щодо організації та особливостей кінного туризму. Популярність кінного туризму зараз стрімко зростає в усьому світі. Усюди будуються кемпінги для обслуговування вершників, прокладаються кінно-туристські маршрути. З огляду на величезний інтерес, що проявляється до кінного туризму з боку різних верств населення в багатьох країнах світу, Міжнародна федерація кінного спорту в останні роки приділяє цьому питанню величезну увагу. У рамках федерації створена спеціальна комісія під наглядом італійського професора Вітторіо де Санктіса, яка приступила до розробки правил проведення інтернаціональних кінно-туристських подорожей, походів і пробігів. Кінний туризм – невід’ємна частина екологічного туризму. Для організації кінного туризму необхідна належна база, власне навчені для верхової їзди коні і шорне спорядження, школа інструкторів і методи навчання туристів догляду за кіньми і поводження з ними, організація навчання туристів верховій їзди, відпрацювання маршрутів з привалами, заготівля корму для коней. Кінний туризм в Україні розвивається, завойовує все більше прихильників. Цей вид активного туризму користується заслуженою популярністю у любителів кінних прогулянок природничого, етнічного, історичного, екстремального, паломницького, мисливського, рибальського, гірського напрямків. Кінний туризм – це привабливий спосіб проведення часу та вивчення зсередини життя мешканців країни. Будь-який відпочинок на конях є цікавим і захоплюючим, і кожен зможе повезти з собою позитивне враження. Окрім того, кінь – це унікальний живий тренажер. Саме завдяки цій його здатності виник метод лікувальної верхової їзди, або іпотерапії, який став одним з ефективних способів реабілітації інвалідів

    Apple scab detection using CNN and Transfer Learning

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    Received: January 11th, 2021 ; Accepted: April 10th, 2021 ; Published: April 22nd, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] goal of smart and precise horticulture is to increase yield and product quality by simultaneous reduction of pesticide application, thereby promoting the improvement of food security. The scope of this research is apple scab detection in the early stage of development using mobile phones and artificial intelligence based on convolutional neural network (CNN) applications. The research considers data acquisition and CNN training. Two datasets were collected - with images of scab infected fruits and leaves of an apple tree. However, data acquisition is a time-consuming process and scab appearance has a probability factor. Therefore, transfer learning is an appropriate training methodology. The goal of this research was to select the most suitable dataset for transfer learning for the apple scab detection domain and to evaluate the transfer learning impact comparing it with learning from scratch. The statistical analysis confirmed the positive effect of transfer learning on CNN performance with significance level 0.05

    Rhizobacteria Effect on Arsenic Migration and Translocation of Biogenic Elements in Plants

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    The study was aimed at the transformation of arsenic compounds in the rhizosphere, its accumulation in plants, P and Si translocation to plants under the influence of Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum, and Bacillus mucilaginosus with various forms of As compounds in the soil. The authors describe the maximum effect of Bacillus megaterium var. Phosphaticum strain on As migration, its mobilization and immobilization in the rhizosphere due to arsenic leaching from mineral and difficult-todestroy compounds and its accumulation in plants. The forms of arsenic compounds were isolated from the rhizosphere based on sequential extraction procedures. The features of the inter-element As-P interaction in plants were established. With the intense accumulation of As in the rhizosphere inoculated with rhizobacteria, the intake of phosphorus into plants was not observed, as contrary to Si. The study of As and biogenic elements behavior under the influence of rhizobacteria is of great importance in the development of ecobiotechnologies related to soil remediation and crop production

    Cytotoxicity of Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules Encoded with Semiconductor Nanocrystals

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    Polyelectrolyte microcapsules are promising carriers of drugs and diagnostic agents for designing targeted and controlled delivery systems design. The use of quantum dots (QDs) as fluorescent labels in bioimaging is a promising approach to bioimaging tool development. The potential toxicity of QDs makes their applicability as fluorescent labels in vivo questionable. Therefore, the cytotoxicity of polyelectrolyte microcapsules encoded with semiconductor nanocrystals has been investigated. Keywords: Polyelectrolyte microcapsules, semiconductor nanocrystals, cytotoxicity, theranostic agents

    New behavioral forms of sportsman students identification in university digital educational reality

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    The relevance of the research is due to a wide range of changes in the University educational reality caused by the influence of the Internet, computers, smartphones, mobile devices and modern gadgets on the behavioural forms of student identification. These processes are becoming a matter of particular concern to the public and University teachers. In this regard, this study reveals the features of the value priorities of the University digital educational reality, which modify the behavioural forms of student identification. In the course of pedagogical modelling, which is the leading research method, the phenomenon of new behavioural forms of student identification is identified as the leading idea of the University digital educational reality. This article reveals the key values of student identity identification in the University digital educational reality. The structure and content of new behavioural forms of student identification are established. Based on the research materials, the correction module of new behavioural forms of student identification in the University digital educational reality is justified. The module effectiveness is proved by the results of using new behavioural forms of student identification in the University educational process. The materials of the article are recommended to teachers, methodologists, organizers of the educational process and University students

    Role of Pedagogical Artistry in Increasing Level of School Tolerance

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    The impact of the teacher’s artistry on forming tolerance in the educational environment of the school is considered. Teacher-actor is opposed to the so-called “lessons giver” - the teacher considers himself bound only to teach students, but not to raise them. The analysis is made of modern scientific literature on the pedagogical artistry. It is found that artistic teaching makes students (and to some extent teachers themselves) more tolerant, but this happens indirectly through positive emotions, creating a comfortable learning atmosphere. The link between the style of interaction between teacher and students and pedagogical level of artistry is revealed, the methods conducive to the development of this quality are considered. The study is particularly relevant in connection with the transition to inclusive education, established by the Federal law “On education in Russian Federation.” The novelty of this work is to present the fundamentals of the author’s theoretical-practical course “Acting skills in the practice of school teacher” and the commentaries thereto, prepared by one of the authors of the article - a teacher-practitioner with two higher educations: pedagogical and acting. The authors come to the conclusion that the students of pedagogical specialties should be trained in the artistry not by the Stanislavsky system, but by the system of V. Meyerhold and B. Brecht