47 research outputs found

    Legal aspects regarding prevention of food waste in Poland

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    El tema que se estudia en este artículo son las regulaciones legales polacas sobre la prevención del desperdicio de alimentos. Polonia, al igual que otros Estados miembros, adoptó instrumentos legales especiales para resolver este problema. El objeto de este artículo es intentar evaluar estas medidas nacionales especiales y, en particular, responder a la pregunta de si son suficientes. A pesar de las numerosas reservas y el limitado alcance normativo, el establecimiento de reglamentos legales específicos en Polonia merece una evaluación positiva. Dado que pueden ser el comienzo de un camino legislativo que lleve a la adopción de soluciones integrales para prevenir el desperdicio de alimentos en Polonia. Tengamos en cuenta que no deben limitarse exclusivamente a la etapa de distribución de los productos en forma de alimentos listos para el consumo. Es importante que la futura legislación prevea un "análisis global" del desperdicio de alimentos.The subject of considerations in this article are Polish legal regulations on the prevention of food waste. Poland, in line with other Member States, adopted special legal instruments to solve this problem. The aim of this article is to try to assess these special national measures and, in particular, to answer the question whether they are sufficient. Despite numerous reservations and a narrow normative scope, establishment of separate legal regulations in Poland deserves a positive assessment. They may be the beginning of a legislative path leading to the adoption of comprehensive solutions to prevent food waste in Poland. They should not be limited exclusively to the distribution stage and the products in the form of foodstuffs ready to be consumed. It is important that the future legislation takes into consideration the ‘broad understanding’ of food waste

    Polityka konkurencji Unii Europejskiej w kontekście współpracy gospodarczej ze Stanami Zjednoczonymi

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    Polityka konkurencji Unii Europejskiej stanowi jeden z najważniejszych elementów funkcjonowania całej Wspólnoty Europejskiej (WE), ponieważ jej zagadnienia oscylują wokół wspólnego rynku. Aspekt gospodarczy jest zasadniczy, żeby zrozumieć działania podejmowane wokół założenia Wspólnot Europejskich (Europejska Wspólnota Gospodarcza z 1957 r.). Początkowo WE miała charakter w dominującej części gospodarczy, dopiero po wejściu w życie traktatu z Maastricht w 1993 r. Unia Europejska przeorientowała się na wspólnotę polityczną. W niniejszej pracy zostanie zestawiony wpływ siły gospodarczej Unii Europejskiej i Stanów Zjednoczonych na światowe związki gospodarcze, ze szczególnym wyjaśnieniem specyfiki prowadzenia polityki handlowej przez UE i USA, a także sposobu, w jaki oddziałuje ona na wzajemne relacje handlowe. Następnie omówiona będzie polityka konkurencji Unii Europejskiej oraz jej specyficzne cechy, które odgrywają decydującą rolę w powstawaniu konfliktów gospodarczych pomiędzy partnerami z obydwu stron Atlantyku. Istotną funkcję w tej tematyce pełni również zagadnienie mechanizmu ISDS (Investor-State Dispute Settlement) oraz różnice w pojmowaniu praw pracowniczych w Stanach Zjednoczonych i w Unii Europejskiej

    Geopolityczne uwarunkowania Transatlantyckiego Partnerstwa w Dziedzinie Handlu i Inwestycji

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    The article considers the international factors shaping the negotiations of the TTIP trade agreement between the US and the EU. The rise of the economic power of the United States after World War II and the European Union after its creation in the 1990s is discussed first. The various elements of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, around which the various negotiating rounds took place, will be discussed. They are very ambitious and were intended to economically bind the area on both sides of the Atlantic. The most important of these is to point out the trade specificities of the transatlantic partners and clearly show the differences in US and EU legislation in this regard. The presentation of state immunity is intended to describe the difficulties that individual European Union member states faced in the context of approving the agreement. It accrues to the state as a subject of international law, being an attribute of its sovereignty and independence. It is not subject to limitation by another state, and any limitation of immunity or waiver of immunity can only take place with the consent of the state in question. The last issue discussed is a rearrangement of the various lobbying groups that regularly interacted with the European Commission negotiating with the U.S. side. The largest and most prominent multinational corporations and companies have representation in prominent lobbying groups. Their pressure on the bodies representing the United States and the European Union alike is very influential, hence a conclusion can be drawn that in the negotiations regarding the Transatlantic Partnership, private interests prevail over representatives of the public interest. Internationally, such arrangements could strengthen the position of the U.S. and the EU in important ways, but consumers could face many risks.Artykuł zawiera rozważania na temat międzynarodowych czynników wpływających na kształt negocjacji umowy handlowej Transatlantyckiego Partnerstwa w Dziedzinie Handlu i Inwestycji (TTIP – Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) pomiędzy USA a UE. Na początku zostanie omówiona kwestia wzrostu potęgi gospodarczej Stanów Zjednoczonych po II wojnie światowej oraz Unii Europejskiej po jej powstaniu w latach 90. XX wieku. Omówione zostaną poszczególne elementy TTIP, wokół których odbywały się poszczególne rundy negocjacyjne. Są one bardzo ambitne oraz mają na celu związać gospodarczo obszar po obydwu stronach Atlantyku. Najistotniejszym z nich jest wskazanie specyfiki handlowej partnerów transatlantyckich i wyraźne ukazanie różnic w prawodawstwie amerykańskim oraz unijnym w tym zakresie. Przedstawienie immunitetu państwa ma służyć opisaniu trudności, na jakie były narażone poszczególne państwa członkowskie Unii Europejskiej w kontekście parafowania umowy. Przysługuje on państwu jako podmiotowi prawa międzynarodowego, będąc atrybutem jego suwerenności oraz niezależności. Nie podlega on ograniczeniu przez inne państwo, a ewentualne ograniczenie immunitetu lub rezygnacja z niego może się odbyć wyłącznie za zgodą państwa, którego ta sytuacja dotyczy. Ostatnią z omawianych kwestii jest przedstawienie poszczególnych grup lobbingowych, które regularnie oddziaływały na Komisję Europejską prowadzącą negocjacje ze stroną amerykańską. Największe i najbardziej liczące się korporacje międzynarodowe oraz przedsiębiorstwa mają swoją reprezentację w liczących się grupach lobbingowych. Ich nacisk na organy reprezentujące zarówno Stany Zjednoczone, jak i Unię Europejską jest bardzo duży, stąd można wysnuć wniosek, że w negocjacjach dotyczących Partnerstwa Transatlantyckiego interes prywatny góruje nad reprezentantami interesu publicznego. W aspekcie międzynarodowym takie ustalenia mogą wzmocnić pozycję USA i UE w znacznym stopniu, ale wiąże się to z zagrożeniami dla konsumentów

    Z prawnej problematyki nowej żywności

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    Legal issues related to new food S u m m a r y The aim of the deliberations was an attempt to resolve the doubts related to the use of the concept ‘new food’, and also to establish how the existing legislation provides for the safety of that kind of food, and whether these regulations are sufficiently effective. The author concludes that the adoption of a common procedure and a harmonised system of assessing the safety level of food produced with the use of new technologies and new sources, to date not recognised as food, was a good decision. New food has no safety history and therefore may constitute a risk not only to the consumers’ health or life, but also to the natural environment. Therefore it is essential that the adopted regulation is in place, but is also open to new technological developments and production methods.Sulla problematica giuridica di nuovi alimenti R i a s s u n t o L’obiettivo delle considerazioni è quello di tentare di dissipare i dubbi legati al campo d’applicazione e all’uso del concetto di nuovi alimenti. È stato anche intrapreso un tentativo di rispondere alla domanda in quale modo il legislatore garantisca la sicurezza di questo tipo di alimenti e se le regolazioni da lui previste sono sufficienti. In conclusione l’autore scrive che bisogna valutare positivamente l’istituzione della procedura comune e del sistema armonizzato di valutazione della sicurezza degli alimenti prodotti ricorrendo all’uso di moderne tecnologie, provenienti da fonti completamente nuove, ed anche finora non trattati come alimenti. I nuovi alimenti, privi del passato e quindi dell’uso sicuro, possono costituire addirittura un rischio non solo per la vita e la salute del consumatore, ma anche per l’ambiente. È quindi importante che la regolazione in vigore sia aperta allo sviluppo della tecnica e all’uso di nuovi metodi di produzione.14121322710Przegląd Prawa Rolneg

    Procedura dokonywania zmian w rejestrze zakładów żywnościowych - aspekty prawne

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    The procedure of entering changes to the register of food companies – legal aspects S u m m a r y The aim of this paper was to resolve the doubts which arise in the process of ente ring changes to the register of food companies and, in particular, to answer the question of how information on modifications should be submitted to competent bodies, and the de lege ferenda postulates be presented. The current regulation as it is, may certainly seem to be inconsistent and internally contradictory. As such, it entails a number of practical problems, and those are encountered not by the approved and registered entities, but also by organs of administration and end-consumers whose life, health and fair interests should be given utmost legal protection. The currently biding and applicable legal state requires a change, or at least an adoption of such a practice by administrative organs, which will recognise an entry of a change to a register as an entry into a register, and in the case of the activity being modified, it will require an application filed, requesting an entry or an approval an entry in the register. However, it would be recommended and justified to enact legislation providing that an entry or a deletion of an entry (being struck out) also constitutes an entry to the register.La procedura di denuncia delle modifiche al registro degli stabilimenti alimentari – aspetti giuridici R i a s s u n t o L’obiettivo dello studio è quello di chiarire i dubbi relativi a come apportare modifiche al registro degli stabilimenti alimentari, in particolare la questione di come comunicare all’autorità competente le informazioni riguardanti le modifiche, e di presentare le proposte de lege ferenda. L’attuale regolazione in materia di modifiche apportate al registro degli stabilimenti alimentari può sembrare incoerente e contraddittoria. Essa fa nascere molti problemi pratici non solo per gli stabilimenti riconosciuti e registrati, ma anche per gli enti amministrativi e i consumatori finali, la cui vita, salute e interessi commerciali dovrebbero essere protetti dalla legge con la massima cura. L’attuale situazione giuridica in questa materia necessita di essere cambiata oppure che venga adottata presso gli enti amministrativi la pratica di considerare le modifiche apportate al registro come iscrizione al registro, invece nel caso di trasformazione dell’attività che venga richiesta la presentazione della domanda di iscrizione oppure quella di riconoscimento e iscrizione al registro. Tuttavia sarebbe opportuno introdurre la regolazione che preveda che la modifica apportata all’iscrizione oppure la cancellazione della stessa costituiscano una iscrizione.14124325512Przegląd Prawa Rolneg

    Ncs2* mediates in vivo virulence of pathogenic yeast through sulphur modification of cytoplasmic transfer RNA.

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    Fungal pathogens threaten ecosystems and human health. Understanding the molecular basis of their virulence is key to develop new treatment strategies. Here, we characterize NCS2*, a point mutation identified in a clinical baker's yeast isolate. Ncs2 is essential for 2-thiolation of tRNA and the NCS2* mutation leads to increased thiolation at body temperature. NCS2* yeast exhibits enhanced fitness when grown at elevated temperatures or when exposed to oxidative stress, inhibition of nutrient signalling, and cell-wall stress. Importantly, Ncs2* alters the interaction and stability of the thiolase complex likely mediated by nucleotide binding. The absence of 2-thiolation abrogates the in vivo virulence of pathogenic baker's yeast in infected mice. Finally, hypomodification triggers changes in colony morphology and hyphae formation in the common commensal pathogen Candida albicans resulting in decreased virulence in a human cell culture model. These findings demonstrate that 2-thiolation of tRNA acts as a key mediator of fungal virulence and reveal new mechanistic insights into the function of the highly conserved tRNA-thiolase complex

    E2/E3-independent ubiquitin-like protein conjugation by Urm1 is directly coupled to cysteine persulfidation.

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    Post-translational modifications by ubiquitin-like proteins (UBLs) are essential for nearly all cellular processes. Ubiquitin-related modifier 1 (Urm1) is a unique UBL, which plays a key role in tRNA anticodon thiolation as a sulfur carrier protein (SCP) and is linked to the noncanonical E1 enzyme Uba4 (ubiquitin-like protein activator 4). While Urm1 has also been observed to conjugate to target proteins like other UBLs, the molecular mechanism of its attachment remains unknown. Here, we reconstitute the covalent attachment of thiocarboxylated Urm1 to various cellular target proteins in vitro, revealing that, unlike other known UBLs, this process is E2/E3-independent and requires oxidative stress. Furthermore, we present the crystal structures of the peroxiredoxin Ahp1 before and after the covalent attachment of Urm1. Surprisingly, we show that urmylation is accompanied by the transfer of sulfur to cysteine residues in the target proteins, also known as cysteine persulfidation. Our results illustrate the role of the Uba4-Urm1 system as a key evolutionary link between prokaryotic SCPs and the UBL modifications observed in modern eukaryotes