88 research outputs found

    Evolution of Universe to the present inert phase

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    We assume that current state of the Universe can be described by the Inert Doublet Model, containing two scalar doublets, one of which is responsible for EWSB and masses of particles and the second one having no couplings to fermions and being responsible for dark matter. We consider possible evolutions of the Universe to this state during cooling down of the Universe after inflation. We found that in the past Universe could pass through phase states having no DM candidate. In the evolution via such states in addition to a possible EWSB phase transition (2-nd order) the Universe sustained one 1-st order phase transition or two phase transitions of the 2-nd order.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Analysis of the training process of canoists teams of the Republic of Belarus

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    В статье сделан анализ тренировочных средств в годичном тренировочном цикле гребцов на каноэ национальной команды Республики Беларусь. Рассмотрены стороны подготовки гребцов в различных зонах интенсивности при подготовке к соревновательной дистанции 500 метров.The article analyzes the training facilities in the annual training cycle of canoe rowers of the national team of the Republic of Belarus. The sides of the training of rowers in different areas of intensity in preparation for the competitive distance of 500 meters are considered

    Orexin receptors exert a neuroprotective effect in Alzheimer's disease (AD) via heterodimerization with GPR103

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    Orexins are neuropeptides that regulate the sleep-wake cycle and feeding behaviour. QRFP is a newly discovered neuropeptide which exerts similar orexigenic activity, thus playing an important role in energy homeostasis and regulation of appetite. The exact expression and signalling characteristics and physiological actions of QRFP and its receptor GPR103 are poorly understood. Alzheimerâ €™ s disease (AD) patients experience increased nocturnal activity, excessive daytime sleepiness, and weight loss. We hypothesised therefore that orexins and QRFP might be implicated in the pathophysiology of AD. We report that the down-regulation of hippocampal orexin receptors (OXRs) and GPR103 particularly in the cornu ammonis (CA) subfield from AD patients suffering from early onset familial AD (EOFAD) and late onset familial AD (LOAD). Using an in vitro model we demonstrate that this downregulation is due to to Aβ-plaque formation and tau hyper-phosphorylation. Transcriptomics revealed a neuroprotective role for both orexins and QRFP. Finally we provide conclusive evidence using BRET and FRET that OXRs and GPR103 form functional hetero-dimers to exert their effects involving activation of ERK 1/2. Pharmacological intervention directed at the orexigenic system may prove to be an attractive avenue towards the discovery of novel therapeutics for diseases such as AD and improving neuroprotective signalling pathways

    The Baryonic Collapse Efficiency of Galaxy Groups in the RESOLVE and ECO Surveys

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    We examine the z = 0 group-integrated stellar and cold baryonic (stars + cold atomic gas) mass functions (group SMF and CBMF) and the baryonic collapse efficiency (group cold baryonic to dark matter halo mass ratio) using the RESOLVE and ECO survey galaxy group catalogs and a galform semi-analytic model (SAM) mock catalog. The group SMF and CBMF fall off more steeply at high masses and rise with a shallower low-mass slope than the theoretical halo mass function (HMF). The transition occurs at group-integrated cold baryonic mass M_coldbary ~ 10^11 Msun. The SAM, however, has significantly fewer groups at the transition mass ~ 10^11 Msun and a steeper low-mass slope than the data, suggesting that feedback is too weak in low-mass halos and conversely too strong near the transition mass. Using literature prescriptions to include hot halo gas and potential unobservable galaxy gas produces a group BMF with slope similar to the HMF even below the transition mass. Its normalization is lower by a factor of ~2, in agreement with estimates of warm-hot gas making up the remaining difference. We compute baryonic collapse efficiency with the halo mass calculated two ways, via halo abundance matching (HAM) and via dynamics (extended all the way to three-galaxy groups using stacking). Using HAM, we find that baryonic collapse efficiencies reach a flat maximum for groups across the halo mass range of M_halo ~ 10^11.4-12 Msun, which we label "nascent groups." Using dynamics, however, we find greater scatter in baryonic collapse efficiencies, likely indicating variation in group hot-to-cold baryon ratios. Similarly, we see higher scatter in baryonic collapse efficiencies in the SAM when using its true groups and their group halo masses as opposed to friends-of-friends groups and HAM masses

    Orexins/Hypocretins Acting at Gi Protein-Coupled OX2 Receptors Inhibit Cyclic AMP Synthesis in the Primary Neuronal Cultures

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    Orexins A and B are newly discovered neuropeptides with pleiotropic activity. They signal through two G protein-coupled receptors: OX1 and OX2. In this study, we examined the expression of orexin receptors and effects of the receptors’ activation on cyclic AMP formation in the primary neuronal cell cultures from rat cerebral cortex. Both types of orexin receptors were expressed in rat cortical neurons; the level of OX2R was markedly higher compared to OX1R. Orexin A (an agonist of OX1R and OX2R) and [Ala11-D-Leu15]orexin B (a selective agonist of OX2R) did not affect basal cyclic AMP formation in the primary neuronal cell cultures. Both peptides (0.001–1 μM) inhibited, in a concentration-dependent manner and IC50 values in low nanomolar range, the increase in the nucleotide production evoked by forskolin (1 μM; a direct activator of adenylyl cyclase), pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP27; 0.1 μM), and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP; 3 μM). Effects of orexin A on forskolin-, PACAP27-, and VIP-stimulated cyclic AMP synthesis were blocked by TCS OX2 29 (a selective antagonist of OX2R), and unaffected by SB 408124 (a selective antagonist of OX1R). Pretreatment of neuronal cell cultures with pertussis toxin (PTX) abolished the inhibitory action of orexin A on forskolin- and PACAP-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation. It is suggested that in cultured rat cortical neurons orexins, acting at OX2 receptors coupled to PTX-sensitive Gi protein, inhibit cyclic AMP synthesis

    The CLIC Potential for New Physics

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    The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a mature option for the future of high energy physics. It combines the benefits of the clean environment of e+ee^+e^- colliders with operation at high centre-of-mass energies, allowing to probe scales beyond the reach of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for many scenarios of new physics. This places the CLIC project at a privileged spot in between the precision and energy frontiers, with capabilities that will significantly extend knowledge on both fronts at the end of the LHC era. In this report we review and revisit the potential of CLIC to search, directly and indirectly, for physics beyond the Standard Model

    Angular Momentum of Early- and Late-type Galaxies: Nature or Nurture?

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    We investigate the origin, the shape, the scatter, and the cosmic evolution in the observed relationship between specific angular momentum jj_\star and the stellar mass MM_\star in early-type (ETGs) and late-type galaxies (LTGs). Specifically, we exploit the observed star-formation efficiency and chemical abundance to infer the fraction f_\rm inf of baryons that infall toward the central regions of galaxies where star formation can occur. We find f_\rm inf\approx 1 for LTGs and 0.4\approx 0.4 for ETGs with an uncertainty of about 0.250.25 dex, consistent with a biased collapse. By comparing with the locally observed jj_\star vs. MM_\star relations for LTGs and ETGs we estimate the fraction fjf_j of the initial specific angular momentum associated to the infalling gas that is retained in the stellar component: for LTGs we find fj1.11+0.750.44f_j\approx 1.11^+0.75_-0.44, in line with the classic disc formation picture; for ETGs we infer fj0.64+0.200.16f_j\approx 0.64^+0.20_-0.16, that can be traced back to a z<1z<1 evolution via dry mergers. We also show that the observed scatter in the jj_\star vs. MM_\star relation for both galaxy types is mainly contributed by the intrinsic dispersion in the spin parameters of the host dark matter halo. The biased collapse plus mergers scenario implies that the specific angular momentum in the stellar components of ETG progenitors at z2z\sim 2 is already close to the local values, in pleasing agreement with observations. All in all, we argue such a behavior to be imprinted by nature and not nurtured substantially by the environment