1,413 research outputs found

    Class tournament as an assessment method in physics courses : a pilot study

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    Testing knowledge is an integral part of a summative assessment at schools. It can be performed in many different ways. In this study we propose assessment of physics knowledge by using a class tournament approach. Prior to a statistical analysis of the results obtained over a tournament organized in one of Polish high schools, all its specifics are discussed at length, including the types of questions assigned, as well as additional self- and peer-evaluation questionnaires, constituting an integral part of the tournament. The impact of the tournament upon student improvement is examined by confronting the results of a post-test with pre-tournament students’ achievements reflected in scores earned in former, tests written by the students in experimental group and their colleagues from control group. We also present some of students’ and teachers’ feedback on the idea of a tournament as a tool of assessment. Both the analysis of the tournament results and the students’ and teachers’ opinions point to at least several benefits of our approach

    Ochrona praw osób trzecich w arbitrażu : refleksje na temat zdatności arbitrażowej w prawie polskim i porównawczym

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    Artykuł rozpatruje wciąż sporny w polskiej doktrynie prawa problem zdatności arbitrażowej w kontekście ochrony praw osób trzecich, na przykładzie sporów o uchylenie uchwał spółek kapitałowych oraz unieważnienia patentów. Wykorzystując metodę prawnoporównawczą, artykuł przedstawia powyższy problem na gruncie różnorodnych europejskich porządków prawnych - polskiego, francuskiego, niemieckiego, belgijskiego i szwajcarskiego. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie możliwych rozwiązań, które mógłby zastosować polski ustawodawca podczas nowelizacji prawa arbitrażowego, przy założeniu, że problemem arbitrażu w kontekście praw osób trzecich jest nie tyle jego charakter kontraktowy, co poufność procedury.The present study refers to the still unresolved problem of arbitrability under Polish law, in the context of the protection of third party rights on the example of the validity of shareholder resolutions' and patent validity disputes. Using the methods of comparative law, the article presents the above problem on the level of various European legal systems - Polish, French, German, Belgian and Swiss. The aim of the study is to show the possible solutions that could be applied by the Polish legislator within the amendment of the arbitration law, assuming that the problem of arbitration in the context of third party rights results not only from its contractual character, but refers as well to the confidentiality of the procedure

    The concept and form of scientific work in light of copyright law

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    Przepisy ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych z 4 lutego 1994 r. nie definiują utworu naukowego, poprzestając na wymienieniu go w art. 1 ust. 2 pkt 1 i poświęcając mu art. 14, a także odwołując się do tego pojęcia w art. 29 PrAut. (cytowanie). Wśród poglądów doktryny na uwagę zasługuje stanowisko J. Barty i R. Markiewicza, zdaniem których utwory naukowe stanowią rezultat naukowego procesu poznawczego i które równocześnie, w swej podstawowej funkcji komunikacyjnej, są zorientowane nie „na siebie”, jak utwory artystyczne, lecz na przedstawienie obiektywnie istniejącej rzeczywistości.Kwestię definiowania utworu naukowego na gruncie przepisów prawa autorskiego nadal należy uważać za otwartą, pomimo prób podejmowanych w tym względzie w nauce i orzecznictwie. Wprawdzie trudno rekomendować definiowanie utworu naukowego w przepisach prawa, to jednak można oczekiwać stosownego definiowania w regulaminach zarządzania prawami autorskimi i prawami pokrewnymi w uczelniach wyższych.Należy podkreślić, że utwory naukowe mogą powstawać we wszystkich dyscyplinach naukowych, przybierając postać adekwatną do obranej formy wyrażenia oraz stosowną do metody przeprowadzonych badań i możliwości przedstawienia uzyskanych wyników badawczych. W szczególności zaś należy odrzucić pogląd, że utwór naukowy może zostać wyrażony wyłącznie w formie piśmienniczej.The provisions of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights of 4 February 1999 do not provide any definition of scientific work but merely make a reference to it in Article 1 clause 2 point 1, refer to it more broadly in Article 14, and also refer to it in Article 29 Copyright (citation). In the doctrine, an opinion that is worth mentioning is that of J. Barta and R. Markiewicz who claim that scientific works are the result of a scientific cognitive process and are, at the same time, in their basic function of communication, oriented not to ‘themselves’ as works of art, but focused on presenting the objective reality.The issue of defining scientific work within the framework of copyright law is still open, regardless numerous attempts undertaken by scholars and judges to formulate its definition. Although it may not really be advisable to recommend that a legal definition of scientific work be provided, it seems reasonable to expect that a definition of such work is available in rules governing establishments of higher education.It must be stressed, though, that scientific works may be produced in all kinds of scientific disciplines, and take the form that seems adequate and in line with the adopted method of research as well as with the capability of presenting research results. What is of particular importance though, is rejection of a view that scientific work may only take the form of a written paper or another paper form

    Rola komentarza lektorskiego jako tekstu podstawowego w nauczaniu obcokrajowców

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    Przedstawiona w artykule analiza nagrań rozmów lektora z grupą cudzoziemców pozwoliła na wysunięcie następującej tezy: komentarz lektorski jest tekstem podstawowym w nauczaniu obcokrajowców. Pełni różnorakie role: funkcjonuje jako korekta, uwaga dotycząca konkretnej wypowiedzi ucznia lub jako pouczenie. Jest też reakcją na wszystkie pozostałe zdarzenia, mające miejsce w klasie. Wielofunkcyjność komentarza, a także różnorodność tonacji (żartobliwa, poważna) sprawiają, iż jest on szeroko stosowany w nauczaniu jpjo.The article presents an analysis of the recordings of a teacher’s conversations with a group of foreigners, which allowed the following thesis: the teacher’s comments are a ‘primary text’ in the process of teaching foreigners. The comments fulfill a variety of roles: they function as an adjustment, a comment to the student’s speech, or as a remark. They can also be a reaction to all the other events taking place in the classroom. Multifunctionality of the comments and the diversity of tone (humorous, serious) cause them to be widely used in teaching Polish as a foreign language

    Electricity : electric current : lighting up the darkness!

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    The role of the architectural heritage in the process of creating the image of contemporary Polish cities. Its perception and evaluation

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    Architectural and urban heritage, can form and support the competitiveness of the town, opening up extra chances for employment, investment and social life - on a higher level than the concurrence does. But to achieve such a stage the local community must be conscious of the wealth of cultural heritage it has in the environment, people must be taught to recognize, to asses, to appreciate and – finally – to protect historical monuments and their details. In any conditions of rapid urbanization, social pressure can save many valuable architectural objects and complexes. Education and promotion of architectural heritage could improve these processes. The scope of the paper is to present how the city inhabitants understand the meaning of the selected historical urban and architectural structures, details, their expectations about the forms of information and the promotion of the historical heritage. I will also present the method of checking the knowledge of architectural heritage and the level of identity the city inhabitants have about the historical place. The study was included in the public space in the center of silesian cities within the limits set by the observation, according to the criterion of historical and aesthetic values in a given area's monuments. The criterion where the intensity of retail and service functions and the administration


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    Rules of social responsibility concept apply more to large enterprises activity than small ones. That is why there exists the need for indication of specificity of social responsibility in this enterprise group. The aim of the paper is to present social responsibility activities in selected areas of social responsibility in a small enterprise. The discussion is of theoretical and empirical nature

    Analysis of Research and Development Sector in Podlaskie Province and Its Potential of Development

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    The Research and Development sector is created by the institutions involved in activities of increasing the knowledge and exploring new applications. Products created in the sector are innovations which are a factor of rapid economic development.The problem of R&D sector is still a low level of funding, especially in the private sector. The number of patents and commercialization of solutions is small compared to other European countries. Enterprises do not use opportunitiesto cooperate with universities and other research institutions, and opportunities for the development of R&D sector, taking into account the potential of the existing academic and research institutes, are still huge. This is why the aim of this study is the analyze of the R&D sector structure and a short description of research and development activities in the Podlaskie Province. The level and method of financing the R&D sector in Poland is characterized by a relatively low share of expenditure on R&D activities, the domination of the public sector financed and a low spending on applied research and development work. Poland is among the group of countries with the highest share of basic research in the overall structure of [email protected] Skibicka-Sokołowska, Ph.D. – Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Bialystok5(65)12614