143 research outputs found

    MetsĂ€nielujen kehityssuunnat vuosina 2021–2025 ja suhde EU-velvoitteisiin sekĂ€ ohjauskeinot nielujen vahvistamiseksi

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    Osana Pariisin ilmastosopimukselle antamaa sitoumusta Euroopan unioni on asettanut jĂ€senmailleen sitovat velvoitteet maankĂ€yttö, maankĂ€ytön muutos ja metsĂ€talous -sektorille (ns. LULUCF-sektori) kausille 2021–2025 ja 2026–2030. Osana LULUCF-asetusta on Suomelle mÀÀritelty hoidetun metsĂ€maan (mukaan lukien puutuotteet) vertailutasoksi -29,4 Mt CO2-ekv. vuodessa kaudelle 2021–2025. Metsien vertailutaso kuitenkin muuttuu, kun kasvihuonekaasuinventaariossa kĂ€ytettĂ€viĂ€ menetelmiĂ€ muutetaan vastaamaan kulloinkin kĂ€ytössĂ€ olevaa parasta tietoa, eli vertailutasoon tehtĂ€vien niin sanottujen teknisten korjausten seurauksena. TĂ€ssĂ€ raportissa tarkastellaan metsien ja puutuotteiden kasvihuonekaasutaseiden kehitystĂ€ Suomessa tilastohistorian aikana vuosina 1990–2021, sekĂ€ arvioidaan, miten taseet kehittyvĂ€t vuosina 2021–2025, miten Suomen metsien vertailutaso voi muuttua teknisten korjausten seurauksena, ja millaisiksi voivat Suomen laskennalliset hoidetun metsĂ€maan tilinpitoluokan kasvihuonekaasutaseet vuosina 2021–2025 muodostua. LisĂ€ksi raportissa on koostettu julkisuudessa ja kirjallisuudessa esitettyjĂ€ ohjauskeinoja metsien hiilinielun vahvistamiseksi Suomessa ja analysoitu niiden kustannustehokkuutta, hyvĂ€ksyttĂ€vyyttĂ€, luotettavuutta sekĂ€ tulonsiirtovaikutuksia. MetsĂ€t ovat Suomessa olleet nettohiilinielu koko kasvihuonekaasujen tilastohistorian (1990–2021) ajan. Metsien hiilinielu on kuitenkin alentunut 1990- ja 2000-lukujen tasosta selvĂ€sti 2010-luvulla. SyynĂ€ tĂ€hĂ€n ovat olleet erityisesti puuston tilavuuskasvun pieneneminen ja hakkuiden lisÀÀntyminen, joka on todennĂ€köisesti myös osittain pienentĂ€nyt puuston tilavuuskasvua. LisĂ€ksi orgaanisten metsĂ€maiden maaperĂ€pÀÀstöt ovat uusimman arvion mukaan kasvaneet, erityisesti 2010-luvulla. TĂ€llĂ€ hetkellĂ€ ei ole kĂ€ytössĂ€ ohjauskeinoja, joilla varmistettaisiin hoidetun metsĂ€maan nielun olevan riittĂ€vĂ€n suuri velvoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. TĂ€ssĂ€ raportissa arvioidulla puuston kasvun ja hakkuukertymĂ€n kehityksellĂ€ on olemassa merkittĂ€vĂ€ riski, ettĂ€ Suomi jÀÀ vertailutasosta ja LULUCF-velvoitteista jopa useilla kymmenillĂ€ miljoonilla hiilidioksidiekvivalenttitonneilla kaudella 2021–2025. TĂ€mĂ€n alijÀÀmĂ€n paikkaaminen lisĂ€pÀÀstövĂ€hennyksillĂ€ taakanjakosektorilla tai ostamalla nieluyksiköitĂ€ muilta jĂ€senmailta voi tulla hyvin kalliiksi. Ohjauskeinokategorioita ovat normiohjaus, taloudelliset ohjauskeinot sekĂ€ informaatio-ohjaus. Normiohjaukseen liittyy laaja kattavuus, edullisuus valtiolle ja toteutuksen suoraviivaisuus. Normien tiukkuus on yhteydessĂ€ niiden vaikuttavuuteen ja toisaalta hyvĂ€ksyttĂ€vyyteen. Taloudellisten ohjauskeinojen vahvuutena voidaan pitÀÀ niiden kustannustehokkuutta. Ne perustuvat tulonsiirtoihin, joilla on vaikutus ohjauskeinon hyvĂ€ksyttĂ€vyyteen, ja jotka voivat vahvistaa tai heikentÀÀ valtiontaloutta. Informaatio-ohjauksen vahvuuksina voidaan pitÀÀ sen edullisuutta valtiolle ja korkeaa hyvĂ€ksyttĂ€vyyttĂ€ toimijoiden keskuudessa ja haasteena vaikeutta ennakoida ohjauksen vaikuttavuutta. Ohjauskeinovalinnasta riippumatta on ensiarvoisen tĂ€rkeÀÀ kiinnittÀÀ huomiota ohjauskeinon kĂ€yttöönottotapaan ja kĂ€ytĂ€nnön toteutukseen muun muassa toimijoiden sopeutumisÂŹmahdollisuuksien parantamiseksi, epĂ€toivotun ennakoivan kĂ€yttĂ€ytymisen ja hiilivuodon ehkĂ€isemiseksi sekĂ€ hallinnointikulujen hillitsemiseksi. Abstract Development trends of forest carbon sinks in 2021-2025 and how they relate to EU obligations, as well as policy instruments for strengthening the sinks As part of its commitment made to the Paris Climate Agreement, the European Union has set binding obligations for its member states in the land use, land use change, and forestry sector (the so-called LULUCF sector) for the 2021–2025 and 2026–2030 periods. Finland's reference level for managed forest land (including wood products) was -29.4 Mt of CO2-eq. a year for 2021–2025. However, the reference level for forests changes when the methods used in the greenhouse gas inventory is altered to correspond to the best knowledge available at any given time – that is, as a result of technical corrections to the reference level. This report examines the development of the greenhouse gas balances of forests in Finland and harvested wood products during the statistical history in 1990–2021 and evaluates the development of the balances in 2021–2025, how the forest reference level of Finland can change as a result of technical corrections, and how Finland's calculated greenhouse gas balances in the accounting category for managed forest land develop in 2021–2025. In addition, the report compiles policy options that aim to strengthen the carbon sinks of forests in Finland and analyses their cost-efficiency, acceptability, reliability, and income transfer effects. Forests in Finland have been a net carbon sink as long as greenhouse gas statistics have been kept (1990–2021). However, in the 2010s the forest carbon sink has declined considerably from the levels of the 1990s and 2000s. The main reason for this has been the decline in the growth of the wood volume of the trees, as well as increased felling, which has probably also contributed to the decline in the growth in wood volume. In addition, the emissions from the soil of organic land have grown, according to the latest estimate, especially in the 2010s. At present there are no policy instruments in use that would ensure that the carbon sink effect of managed forest land would be adequate for the fulfilment of the requirements. The development estimated in this report on how the growth of trees and total felling develop includes a significant risk that Finland will fall behind the reference level and the LULUCF obligations by tens of millions of tonnes of CO2-eq. in the 2021–2025 period. Fixing this deficit through further reductions in emissions in the effort sharing sector, or by buying sink units from other member states could prove very costly. Policy instrument categories are regulation, economic instruments and informational instruments. Regulation entails broad coverage, low costs for the state and straightforward implementation. The strictness of the regulation has implications for its effectiveness and acceptability. Economic instruments are cost-efficient. They are based on income transfers which affect their acceptability and can have positive or negative effects to the state budget. Informational instruments bear low costs for the state and enjoy high acceptance. Their effectiveness is, however, difficult to predict beforehand. Special attention needs to be paid to the way that the policy instruments are taken into use, and to their practical implementation, to reduce undesirable proactive behaviour and carbon leakage, to limit the governance costs, and to give actors the possibility to adapt to the change in the operating environment. Sammandrag SkogssĂ€nkornas utvecklingstrender 2021–2025 och förhĂ„llande till EU-förpliktelser samt styrmedel för att förbĂ€ttra sĂ€nkorna Som en del av Ă„tagandet för klimatavtalet frĂ„n Paris har Europeiska unionen Ă„lagt sina medlemslĂ€nder bindande skyldigheter för sektorn för markanvĂ€ndning, förĂ€ndrad markanvĂ€ndning och skogsbruk (den s.k. LULUCF-sektorn) för perioden 2021–2025 och 2026–2030. ReferensnivĂ„n för skogsmark som brukas i Finland (inklusive trĂ€produkter) Ă€r -29,4 Mt CO2-ekv. per Ă„r för perioden 2021–2025. Skogarnas referensnivĂ„ Ă€ndras dock nĂ€r metoderna som anvĂ€nds i inventariet av vĂ€xthusgas Ă€ndras sĂ„ att de motsvarar den bĂ€sta tillgĂ€ngliga informationen, det vill sĂ€ga till följd av sĂ„ kallade tekniska korrigeringar som görs i referensnivĂ„n. I denna rapport granskas utvecklingen av balansen för vĂ€xthusgas för Finlands skogar och trĂ€produkter under statistikhistorien Ă„ren 1990–2021. I rapporten bedömer vi Ă€ven hur balansrĂ€kningarna utvecklas Ă„ren 2021–2025, hur referensnivĂ„n för Finlands skogar kan Ă€ndra till följd av tekniska korrigeringar och hur Finlands kalkylmĂ€ssiga vĂ€xthusgasbalanser i markbokföringskategorin för brukad skogsmark kan bildas Ă„ren 2021–2025. Dessutom har man i rapporten sammanstĂ€llt styrmedel för att förbĂ€ttra kolsĂ€nkan i skogarna i Finland, och analyserat deras kostnadseffektivitet, acceptabilitet, tillförlitlighet och inverkan pĂ„ inkomstöverföringar. Skogarna i Finland har varit en nettokolsĂ€nka under hela den tid som vĂ€xthusgaserna har statistikförts (1990–2021). Skogarnas kolsĂ€nka har dock tydligt minskat pĂ„ 2010-talet jĂ€mfört med nivĂ„n pĂ„ 1990- och 2000-talen. Orsaken till detta har i synnerhet varit att trĂ€dbestĂ„ndets volymtillvĂ€xt har minskat och avverkningen ökat, vilket sannolikt ocksĂ„ delvis har minskat trĂ€dbestĂ„ndets volymtillvĂ€xt. Dessutom har de organiska markernas utslĂ€pp frĂ„n marken ökat enligt den senaste bedömningen, sĂ€rskilt pĂ„ 2010-talet. För nĂ€rvarande finns det inga styrmedel för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla att den vĂ„rdade skogsmarkens sĂ€nka Ă€r tillrĂ€ckligt stor för att uppfylla skyldigheterna. Den uppskattade utvecklingen av trĂ€dbestĂ„ndets tillvĂ€xt och avverkningsmĂ€ngden i denna rapport medför en betydande risk för att Finland inte nĂ„r referensnivĂ„n och LULUCF-förpliktelserna. Enligt uppskattningen skulle Finland ligga under referensnivĂ„n och efter i förpliktelserna med upp till flera tiotals miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter under perioden 2021–2025. Det kan bli mycket dyrt att korrigera detta underskott med ytterligare utslĂ€ppsminskningar inom ansvarsfördelningssektorn eller genom att köpa sĂ€nkkrediter frĂ„n andra medlemslĂ€nder. Styrmedelskategorierna Ă€r normstyrning, ekonomiska styrmedel och informationsstyrning. Normstyrningen har en bred tĂ€ckning, en rak implementation och lĂ„ga kostnader för staten. Normernas strikthet Ă€r relaterad till deras effektivitet och acceptabilitet. De ekonomiska styrmedlen Ă€r kostnadseffektiva. De bygger pĂ„ inkomstöverföringar som pĂ„verkar acceptabiliteten och som kan förstĂ€rka eller försvaga statsbudgeten. Informationsstyrningen har lĂ„ga kostnader för staten och en hög acceptabilitet, men det Ă€r svĂ„rt att förutsĂ€ga styrningens effektivitet. SĂ€rskild uppmĂ€rksamhet ska fĂ€stas vid hur styrmedlen tas i bruk och hur de genomförs i praktiken för att minska oönskat förutseende beteende och koldioxidlĂ€ckage, begrĂ€nsa förvaltningskostnader, och ge aktörerna möjlighet att anpassa sig till förĂ€ndringar i verksamhetsmiljön

    Top-down approaches for sharing GHG emission reductions : uncertainties and sensitivities in the 27 European Union Member States

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    To reduce GHG emissions, the EU27 countries committed themselves in 2007 to reduce emissions from 1990 levels by 20% by 2020. In January 2008, the EU commission gave the first country-specific proposals to reduce emissions in sectors outside the EU emission trading system (non-ETS). In this study, we looked at several ways of sharing emission reductions in the non-ETS sector. We considered population and economic growth as significant drivers of the development of emissions. In particular, we analyzed development in GHG intensity of economies. Reduction requirements vary greatly among countries depending on the principle of effort sharing. The results of our calculations can be perceived as examples of how effort sharing between the EU Member States could look like when certain assumptions are made. Generally they illustrate the sensitivity of the results to data used, assumptions made, and method applied. The main strength of simple top-down approaches is transparency. A major weakness is a very limited ability to consider national circumstances. Political negotiations are ultimately crucial; an analysis like this provides material for negotiations and makes a contribution to solving the effort-sharing problem. As future development is partly unpredictable, implementation of some kind of subsequent adjustment could be considered during the process

    MetsÀt biotalouden raaka-aineena ja hiilinieluna

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    On the trade-offs and synergies between forest carbon sequestration and substitution

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    Forest biomass can be used in two different ways to limit the growth of the atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations: (1) to provide negative emissions through sequestration of carbon into forests and harvested wood products or (2) to avoid GHG emissions through substitution of non-renewable raw materials with wood. We study the trade-offs and synergies between these strategies using three different Finnish national-level forest scenarios between 2015 and 2044 as examples. We demonstrate how GHG emissions change when wood harvest rates are increased. We take into account CO2 and other greenhouse gas flows in the forest, the decay rate of harvested wood products and fossil-based CO2 emissions that can be avoided by substituting alternative materials with wood derived from increased harvests. We considered uncertainties of key parameters by using stochastic simulation. According to our results, an increase in harvest rates in Finland increased the total net GHG flow to the atmosphere virtually certainly or very likely, given the uncertainties and time frame considered. This was because the increased biomass-based CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere together with decreased carbon sequestration into the forest were very likely higher than the avoided fossil-based CO2 emissions. The reverse of this conclusion would require that compared to what was studied in this paper, the share of long-living wood products in the product mix would be higher, carbon dioxide from bioenergy production would be captured and stored, and reduction in forest carbon equivalent net sink due to wood harvesting would be minimized.Peer reviewe

    Land use in life cycle assessment

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    As human population is continuously increasing, productive land is becoming even more limited resource for biomass production. Land use and land use change cause various environmental impacts. At the moment the focus is on land use related greenhouse gas emissions, but changes in carbon cycles and storages, soil quality and soil net productivity, and loss of biodiversity are growing in importance. Additionally, changes in land use and land cover also affect water quality and availability. Currently, land use related terminology is diverse, and the methodologies to assess the impacts of land use and land use change are still partly under development. The aim of this study was to discuss how land use induced environmental impacts can be taken into consideration in the life cycle assessment (LCA).  This report summarises the results of the FINLCA project’s (Life Cycle Assessment Framework and Tools for Finnish Companies) two tasks (WP 2.1 land use and WP 5.2 biomaterials). The study was conducted in co-operation with the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. As a result, we show that it is possible to make land use impact assessment with LCA. Indicators are available for climate impacts and for all the other identified land use impact categories (resource depletion, soil quality, and biodiversity). However, limited land use related data reduces the reliability of the results. Most widely used life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methods (e.g. ReCiPe, CML or EI99) cover only one aspect of land use induced environmental impacts. Additionally, some of the land use indicator results are difficult to understand and communicate. From the company perspective, we considered that accounting of land occupation (m2a) and transformation (m2 from and to) is a good starting point together with the relatively simple ecological footprint indicator for productive land occupation (resource depletion). A more comprehensive and challenging approach to land use impact assessment in LCA is to include all three impact categories and add the SOC/SOM indicator for soil quality impacts and EDP or PDF indicator for biodiversity. In case no quantitative assessment can be done, we propose that companies would map their raw materials’ origins. Even a qualitative assessment related to products’ life cycles would help to identify if there are any potential land use or direct and indirect land use change risks

    Metsien hiilinielut otettava mukaan biotalouden kestÀvyystarkasteluihin

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    18.7.2016 julkaistu versio korvaa 15.7.2016 julkaistun version

    Wood substitution potential in greenhouse gas emission reduction - review on current state and application of displacement factors

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    Background: Replacing non-renewable materials and energy with wood offers a potential strategy to mitigate climate change if the net emissions of ecosystem and technosystem are reduced in a considered time period. Displacement factors (DFs) describe an emission reduction for a wood-based product or fuel which is used in place of a non-wood alternative. The aims of this review were to map and assess DFs from scientific literature and to provide findings on how to harmonise practices behind them and to support coherent application. Results: Most of the reviewed DFs were positive, implying decreasing fossil GHG emissions in the technosystem. The vast majority of the reviewed DFs describe avoided fossil emissions either both in processing and use of wood or only in the latter when wood processing emissions were considered separately. Some of the reviewed DFs included emissions avoided in post-use of harvested wood products (HWPs). Changes in forest and product carbon stocks were not included in DFs except in a few single cases. However, in most of the reviewed studies they were considered separately in a consistent way along with DFs. DFs for wood energy, construction and material substitution were widely available, whereas DFs for packaging products, chemicals and textiles were scarce. More than half of DFs were calculated by the authors of the reviewed articles while the rest of them were adopted from other articles. Conclusions: Most of the reviewed DFs describe the avoided fossil GHG emissions. These DFs may provide insights on the wood-based products with a potential to replace emissions intensive alternatives but they do not reveal the actual climate change mitigation effects of wood use. The way DFs should be applied and interpreted depends on what has been included in them. If the aim of DFs is to describe the overall climate effects of wood use, DFs should include all the relevant GHG flows, including changes in forest and HWP carbon stock and post-use of HWPs, however, based on this literature review this is not a common practice. DFs including only fossil emissions should be applied together with a coherent assessment of changes in forest and HWP carbon stocks, as was the case in most of the reviewed studies. To increase robustness and transparency and to decrease misuse, we recommend that system boundaries and other assumptions behind DFs should be clearly documented

    PÀÀstökompensaatiot ilmastonmuutoksen hillinnĂ€n keinona Suomessa – nyt ja tulevaisuudessa

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    Vapaaehtoista pÀÀstökompensointia ja sen tuomaa yksityistÀ rahoitusta tarvitaan tulevaisuudessa yhÀ tiukkenevien ilmastotavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Suomessa vapaaehtoinen pÀÀstökompensointi on mÀÀrÀltÀÀn vielÀ melko vÀhÀistÀ. Markkinat ovat kuitenkin kasvamassa kansainvÀlisesti ja kansallisesti. TÀmÀ selvitys antaa kokonaisnÀkemyksen vapaaehtoisen pÀÀstökompensoinnin nykytilanteesta ja roolista suomalaisten toimijoiden (valtiot, kunnat, yritykset, organisaatiot ja yksilöt) ilmastonmuutoksen hillintÀtyössÀ. LisÀksi tarkastellaan pÀÀstövÀhennysyksiköitÀ tuottavia hanketyyppejÀ, niihin liittyviÀ kansainvÀlisiÀ standardeja, eurooppalaisia kompensaatiojÀrjestelmiÀ sekÀ hankkeiden laadunvarmistusta. Raportti kokoaa yhteen vapaaehtoisten pÀÀstökompensaatiomarkkinoiden haasteita ja kehittÀmistarpeita sekÀ ehdotuksia alan kehittÀmiseksi Suomessa. Luotettavan ja hyvÀksyttÀvÀn kompensaatiotoiminnan ja kuluttajansuojan toteutumisen varmistamiseksi toimialalle tarvitaan yhtenÀiset vÀhimmÀiskriteerit ja selkeÀt sÀÀnnöt, jotka mÀÀrittelevÀt eri kÀsitteiden sisÀllön ja linjaavat toimintaympÀristön. Alan markkinalÀhtöinen kehittÀminen on tÀrkeÀÀ, mutta pÀÀstökompensaatiojÀrjestelmÀllÀ tulisi olla myös valtiollinen vastuutaho. LisÀksi voitaisiin perustaa tieteellinen asiantuntijapaneeli vastuutahon, kuluttajaviranomaisen ja toimijoiden tueksi. Markkinoiden kansainvÀlinen kehitys ja mahdolliset muutokset Euroopan unionin sÀÀntelyssÀ on huomioitava myös kansallisen jÀrjestelmÀn kehittÀmisessÀ
