703 research outputs found


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    The objective of this research are (1) to describe the learning activity of student at Junior High School State 1 Semarang in reading fast skill of narration script, (2) to describe the learning activity of teacher at Junior High School State 1 Semarang in reading fast skill of narration script. The research’s kind is qualitative research. This research is conducted in Junior High School State 1 Semarang. The main subjects in this research are principal, teacher and student. Data collection method used interview with snowball technique, observation, and documentation. Data analysis is started from (1) data reduction, (2) data display, and (3) drawing conclusion. Data validity test used credibility, transferability, conformability and dependability. The research’s results are (1) the student at Junior High School State 1 Semarang is active in reading fast skill of narration script by following the instruction that is given by teacher. The students is read narration script and counted word that they read with stopwatch. The student reads used skimming technique according toe teacher’s request. But the way, the students still doing an activity that can pursuing the learning ability of reading fast in narration script such as reading habit by voices, less concentration, less understanding of the content of narration script and also bad habit that is done by students in class. (2) Teacher at Junior High School State 1 Semarang is active in reading fast skill of narration script. The activities are done by using many strategies such as extending the eye’s movement, reducing repetition, eliminating the noisy habit, and also increase reading concentration. Teacher at Junior High School State 1 Semarang used skimming technique in learning of narration script, and doing learning activity in language laboratory that which has been attached silencer appliance so that the student is not disturbed from the outside laboratory

    Penggunaan metode pembelajaran cooperative script dan media website blog dalam pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia

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    Penelitian tindakan kelas dilaksanakan untuk memecahkan segala permasalahan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Problema yang mendasar dalam pembelajaran adalah rendahnya hasil belajar Bahasa Indonesia pada siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 18 Kota Tangerang Selatan Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018. Salah satu permasalahan umumnya siswa kesulitan dalam memahami materi Resensi buku cerita pendek. Hal ini disebabkan karena guru dalam pemberian materi pembelajaran lebih bertitik tolak pada metode ceramah, diskusi dan membaca buku materi saja. Hal ini terlihat pada hasil ulangan harian Bahasa Indonesia rata-rata siswa memperoleh nilai 66 atau 52% belum memenuhi Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM), yaitu 78

    Sistem Switching pada Automactic Transfer Switch (ATS) menggunakan Arduino UNO

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    Panel merupakan bentuk energi alternatif yang banyak digunakan oleh manusia saat ini untuk dikelola menjadi energi listrik. Panel surya dibuat dari material semikonduktor terutama silikon yang dilapisi oleh bahan tambahan khusus. Ketika cahaya matahari mendekati cell, maka electron akan terlepas dari atom silikon dan mengalir membentuk sirkuit listrik sehingga energi listrik dapat dibangkitkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa sistem kerja switching pada Automatic Transfer Switch dengan menggunakan Arduino Uno dan Relay yang terhubung dengan sumber PLN dan PLTS. Hasil dari penelitian, dimana perpindahan atau switching yan dilakukan oleh relay itu diatas perintah kodingan dari arduino uno. Pada saat sebelum terjadinya perpindahan atau switching, arduino uno akan mendelaykan dahulu beberapa detik untuk melakukan perpindahan sumber tersebut. Dimana ATS ini kinerjanya dikendalikan melalui gaya magnet kondisi terbuka menjadi kondisi tertutup. Sebagai pemutus dan penghubung daya, alat ini mempunyai materi berupa kontak penghubung dan meningkatkan kemampuan kerjanya yang dapat menanggung beban daya besar. Maka titik kontaknya memiliki ukuran yang besar, salah satu contohnya alat pemutus dan penghubung jenis ialah relay AC dan DC sebagai alat pengatur otomatis. Dari hasil analisa diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Proses kerja Switching Automatic Transfer Switch dapat dilakukan oleh relay atas perintah kodingan dari Arduino UNO secara otomatis


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    Chicken bone is a waste of chicken meat processing industry and restaurants that has not been used widely, even though it contains valuable organic compounds that are functionals, such as collagenous and non collagenous protein. This research was conducted to investigate the effect of temperature and particle size on the protein extraction from chicken bones using dilute sodium hydroxide solution. Controlled parameters in this study were the solvent in the form of sodium hydroxide solution, extraction time for 1 hour, pH 10.5, the ratio of chicken bone powder: solvent (1:4 w/v), and stirring speed 200 rpm. While the operating variables included the extraction temperature of 30C, 55C, and 80C, and particle size of 150 and 250 μm. Experiments were carried out by heating of 300 mL of sodium hydroxide solution with pH 10.5 in a three-necked flask equipped with Leibig condenser, thermometer, mechanical agitator and sampling device to reach the desired temperature (30C, 55C, and 80C). Then, a total of 75 g of chicken bone powders with desired particle size (150μm and 250μm) was introduced into the sodium hydroxide solution and the stirrer was operated at speed of 200rpm. At every 10 minutes interval, as much as 10 mL samples were withdrawn for total protein analysis using Lowry-Folin method. The experiment was terminated after 1 hour. The results show that both increase in temperature and particle size caused an increase in the amount of extracted protein. Highest concentration of protein extracted was achieved at 630.99 mg/L, when the extraction was carried out using 250μm bone particles and temperature 80oC

    Rancang Bangun Pembangkit Listrik Alternatif dengan Bantuan Pully dan Belt Motor DC sebagai Penggerak Alternator

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    ABSTRAC Electricity is a source of energy that is widely used for the needs of household electrical appliances that are needed within 24 hours of continuously supplying electricity. Most of the mains voltage is supplied from the state 220 volt. When the electricity goes out, the electrical equipment cannot function properly, therefore there must be an alternative source of electricity to replace it. The purpose of this research is to design an alternative power plant from the initial drive system of a dc motor with mechanical motion transfer using pully and van belt as the drive for the dc alternator. The research method used in this research has the following stages: 1). Designing a dc motor and a dc alternator as a producer of electrical energy, 2). Installing AS bearings, vanbelt and pully, 3). testing and measuring dc motors and dc alternators, 4). Calculate and analyze the design results. From this research, the direct current generated by the accumulator with a voltage of 12 Vdc with a current charge of 10 AH, so that it can be used to turn on the inverter as a means of converting the voltage of a direct power source into an alternating current with a voltage of 220 V to turn on household electrical appliances when supplied. from PLN experiencing a blackout. So that our daily work can run smoothly without any constraints on the flow of electricity.Keywords: MotorDC, PullyVanBelt, Alternato


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    The Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea) is one of the plants whose all parts have functional benefits for the human body. Theflower petals are reported to be useful as antioxidants, antidiabetic, antiobesity, anticancer, anti- inflammatory, antibiotic andprotect liver issue. One of the natural pigments that may be used as natural dyes is anthocyanin. Butterfly Pea (Clitoriaternatea) is a source of blue pigment or anthocyanin. One of the ways so thatthe butterfly pea can be consumed by the public isby utilizing the potential of natural pigments from the extract ofthe telang flower and some of the content in it can be done byapplying it as a natural food coloring. This is one of the efforts that can be done to prevent the increasing use of unsafesynthetic dyes by replacing them with the manufacture of natural dyes. Anthocyanin is a natural pigment that gives blue colorto the butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea). Anthocyanin extraction using soxhletation method with aquadest solvent and extractiontime (90, 120 and 150 minutes). This study aims to determine the best extraction time for the extraction of anthocyanins frombutterfly pea. The research parameters included qualitative and quantitative analysis of anthocyanins (extract yield, totalanthocyanin concentration, and antioxidant activity) of butterfly pea extract. From the results of the study, it was found thatthe best condition is extract with time variation 90 minutes and 10 times circulation using aquades as a solvent with extract ofyield 2.36%, total of anthocyanin concentration 80.105 mg/L, and antioxidant with IC50 35.91.The Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea) is one of the plants whose all parts have functional benefits for the human body. Theflower petals are reported to be useful as antioxidants, antidiabetic, antiobesity, anticancer, anti- inflammatory, antibiotic andprotect liver issue. One of the natural pigments that may be used as natural dyes is anthocyanin. Butterfly Pea (Clitoriaternatea) is a source of blue pigment or anthocyanin. One of the ways so thatthe butterfly pea can be consumed by the public isby utilizing the potential of natural pigments from the extract ofthe telang flower and some of the content in it can be done byapplying it as a natural food coloring. This is one of the efforts that can be done to prevent the increasing use of unsafesynthetic dyes by replacing them with the manufacture of natural dyes. Anthocyanin is a natural pigment that gives blue colorto the butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea). Anthocyanin extraction using soxhletation method with aquadest solvent and extractiontime (90, 120 and 150 minutes). This study aims to determine the best extraction time for the extraction of anthocyanins frombutterfly pea. The research parameters included qualitative and quantitative analysis of anthocyanins (extract yield, totalanthocyanin concentration, and antioxidant activity) of butterfly pea extract. From the results of the study, it was found thatthe best condition is extract with time variation 90 minutes and 10 times circulation using aquades as a solvent with extract ofyield 2.36%, total of anthocyanin concentration 80.105 mg/L, and antioxidant with IC50 35.91

    Analisis Kerja LVD (Low Voltage Disconnect) Multsistem Pada Akumulator 12 Volt Pada Panel Surya

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    Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) merupakan Pembangkit energi alternative yang banyak digunakan pada saat ini, di mana sumber energinya tidak akan pernah habis, untuk menunjang kinerja sistem PLTS tersebut dibutuhkan akumulator yang berfungsi sebagai penyimpan muatan listrik dengan kapasitas sebesar 12 Volt, 105 Ah. dengan Low Voltage Disconnect multisistem 12 Volt sebagai protector. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa kerja akumulator terhadap sistem protector LVD multisistem 12 Volt pada saat pengisian dan pengosongan pada pembangkit listrik panel surya. Metode yang dilakukan mulai dari proses pengisian dan pengosongan pembangkit listrik panel surya serta pengambilan data dan evaluasi. Hasil percobaan yang didapat sudah di rancang dan mampu menganalisa kerja akumulator terhadap sistem protector LVD multisistem pada saat pengisian dan pengosongan pembangkit listrik panel surya dengan kapasitas yang bervariasi


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    Kemampuan membaca bagi anak usia saat ini sudah menjadi kebutuhan dan tuntutan berbagai pihak bagi orang tua maupun sekolah dasar. Oleh karena itu sejak TK. Kegiatan membaca permulaan sudah dilaksanakan hanya saja kegiatan bermain sambil belajar yang digunakan cenderung konvensional. Hal ini terjadi di TK Kemala Bhayangkari 8. Sehingga seringkali menimbulkan rasa bosa pada anak, semangat belajar kurang bagus, dan hasilnya kurang memuaskan.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk : 1) untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan permainan kartu kata gambar dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan anak, 2) Untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan permainan kartu kata gambar pada anak.Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif berbentuk tindakan kelas dan dirancang dalam 2 siklus. Masing-masing siklus terdiri dari 4 tahapan, yaitu perencanaan (Planning), pelaksanaan tindakan (Action), pengamatan (Observation), dan refleksi (Reflection). Subyek penelitian adalah kelompok TK A Kemala Bhayangkari 8 Kec. Pakal Benowo Surabaya. Metode pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui lembar observasi aktivitas anak selama proses pembelajaran, wawancara tentang kesan-kesan anak, dokumentasi berupa foto selama pembelajaran.Hasil analisis penelitian kemampuan membaca permulaan pada pra tindakan diperoleh 39%. Pada siklus I dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali pertemuan, pada pertemuan I dan II diperoleh rata-rata 65% dengan kategori B, dan pada siklus II diperoleh rata-rata 89% terdapat kenaikan skor sebesar 24%.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa permainan kartu kata bergambar dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan. Bagi guru TK disarankan agar pembelajaran lebih menyenangkan, tidak membosankan dan menarik minat anak, maka disarankan menggunakan permainan kartu kata bergambar.Kata kunci : penerapan permainan kartu Bergambar, Membaca Permulaan.INCREASE READING SKILL FOR CHILDREN TO PICTUREWORD CARD GAME APPLICATION OF GROUP AIN TK KEMALA BHAYANGKARI 8ABSTRACTSiti SofiahReading skill for early children has become a needs and demands of various parties for parents or elementary school. So that, since in the kindergarten beginning reading activities has implemented but learning whil playing activities that applied disposed conventional. This is happened Kemala Bhayangkari 8 . So, it often makes the children feel bored, the spirit of learning is nood good, and the results is not satisfied.The purpose of this research are : 1) To describe picture word card game application in increase the beginning reading skill of children, 2) To describe an increase in beginning reading skill by using word card game for children.The research method that used in this research is qualitative and quantitative classroom research and planned in 2 cycles, every cycle consist of 4 stages. Planning, action, observation and reflection. The subjects of his research is the children of Group A in TK Kemala Bhayangkari 8, Pakal, Benowo Surabaya. The data collection method is collected through the observation sheet of children activities during learning process, interview about the impression of children, picture documentation during learning process.The research analysis result of beginning reading skill before research is 39%. In cycle I implemented twice meeting, in the first and second meeting obtained an average of 65% in B category. And in cycle II obtained in average of 89% there is an increase about 24%.Based on the research result, it can be concluded that picture card game can increase beginning reading skill. For the teacher of kindergarten suggested that learning more fun, not boring and attract interest of children, it is advisable to use picture word game.Keywords : Picture Card Game Application, Beginning Readin


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    The aim of the community service is to provide training for starter breeding and making nata de coco. This activity is expected to provide motivation for entrepreneurship in the field of nata de coco for the Gandus community. The result of making nata de coco training, knowledge of participants including benefits and how to manufacture increased to 80-90%. Competence before practice was only around 20% and increased significantly after practice to 80%. The benefits of training and the suitability of the material provided and the video presented got a good response (85-90%). The residents' desire to retry nata de coco making and entrepreneurship was only around 60-75% of the total attendees. In the future, further training is needed such as Nata de coco production techniques, entrepreneurship training, and programmed and sustainable marketing and production management training


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    ABSTRAK Abstrak: Nurul Sofiah, 2020, Pemanfaatan Dana Desa Dalam Pembangunan Infrastruktur Sebagai Bentuk Civic Responsibility Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya permasalahan yang seringkali terjadi dalam pemanfaatan Dana Desa khususnya dalam pembangunan infrastruktur yaitu seperti penyalahgunaan atau penyelewengan Dana Desa. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran atau deskripsi mengenai pemanfaatan Dana Desa dalam pembangunan infrastuktur sebagai bentuk civic responsibility di Desa Manggungharja. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar wawancara dengan narasumber Pemerintah Desa, BPD, dan Masyarakat Desa, lembar observasi, dan lembar studi dokumentasi. Temuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu 1) upaya pemerintah desa terkait pemanfaaatan Dana Desa dalam pembangunan infrastruktur dilaksanakan sesuai dengan perencanaan pembangunan yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya dalam musyawarah, 2) akuntabilitas pemerintah desa terhadap pemanfaatan dana desa dalam pembangunan infrastruktur sebagai bentuk civic responsibility dilakukan melalui keterbukaan informasi kepada masyarakat terkait pemanfaatan Dana Desa, 3) partisipasi masyarakat dalam melakukan penilaian terhadap kinerja pemerintah desa dalam pemanfaatan Dana Desa dalam pembangunan infrastruktur dilakukan secara langsung maupun secara tidak langsung melalui pemberian kritik dan saran. Kata Kunci: Dana Desa, Pembangunan Infrastruktur, Civic Responsibility. ABSTRACT Abstract: Nurul Sofiah, 2020, The Use Of Village Funds In Infrastructure Development As A Form Of Civic Responsibility This research is backed by problems that often occur in the use of village funds, especially in the development of infrastructure such as misuse or misappropriation of village funds. Therefore, this research aims to obtain a description of the use of village funds in the development of infrastructure as a form of civic responsibility in Manggungharja village. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The data collection techniques used are interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The instruments used in this study are interview sheets with village government, BPD, and village communities, observation sheets, and documentation study sheets. Findings in this research is 1) village government efforts related to the Village fund in infrastructure development implemented by the development planning that has been set before in deliberation, 2) The village government's accountability to the utilization of village funds in infrastructure development as a form of civic responsibility is conducted through the disclosure of information to the community related to the utilization of village funds, 3) community participation in conducting an assessment of the performance of village government in the utilization of village funds in the development of infrastructure conducted directly or indirectly through the provision of criticism advice. Keywords: Village funds, Infrastructure development, Civic Responsibility
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