686 research outputs found


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    The Indonesian foreign policy of free-active makes an enormous impact in many respects. One of the impacts is a mixed-married couple of an Indonesian citizen and a citizen from various countries. This research is about the interculturality of mixed-married couple, the couple is a Sundanese male and a foreign female from other country.The marriage among nations has led to a cultural diffusion little by little. Interculturality in mixed-marriage is important to be observed. The objectives of the research are to describe the five elements of the culture that affect the couple culture, and to describe the impact of each other cultureto his or her spouse. The method used in this research is qualitative-descriptive method with questionnaire. The data are taken from the mixed-marriage couple who lives in Bandung. The theories are taken from Samovar (2012) and Sumardjo (2012). The results of this research is interculturality of both cultures, Sundanese culture and foreign cultures,gives the impact of understanding to the spous’s behavior. The dominant culture in this mixed-marriage is the culture of the location where they live now

    Foreign Direct Investment And Regional Economic Growth In Indonesia: A Panel Data Study

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    The main objective of this study is to determine the effects of foreign direct investment on economic growth of twenty-six provinces in Indonesia during 1987-2000 using panel data analysis. Quantitative and qualitative analysis were used in this research. Qualitative analysis describes the foreign direct investment in Indonesia. Panel data analysis with fixed effect method was used as a quantitative analysis to capture the main objective of this research. The results of this study are : (1) Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia is positively correlated with the economic growth, although it is not statistically significant; (2) The factors that promote foreign direct investment in Indonesia are domestic investment; private consumption, export, import, and education; (3) There is a complementary relationship between foreign direct investment and domestic investment; (4) The quality of human resources gives a strong effect on economic growth and foreign direct investment.Foreign Direce Investment, growth, Indonesia

    Relationships between Vascular Leakage Factor and Pulmonary Dysfunction in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

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    Background: Mortality in Dengue patients hospitalized in Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang is very high. The most common cause of death were bleeding and Multiple Organ Dysfunction including pulmonary dysfunction that manifest as Acute Lung Injury (ALI) and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). The previous study have shown the incidence of ARDS in DSS but the incidence of pulmonary dysfunction in dengue hemorrhagic fever is unknown.Design and Methods: An analytical observational study was performed in Non DSS and DSS patients. Researsh subjects were patients, aged 3-14 years old, with DHF according to WHO criteria 1999 hospitalized in the pediatric ward and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang from February 2003 until August 2005.Result: Forty patients were included for analysis consisting of 20 Non DSS and 20 DSS. Mann-Whitney analysis showed a significant differences in the incidence pulmonary dysfunction between Non DSS and DSS patient (p < 0,05). Kendall’s Tau_b analysis showed a relationship between PEI value and pulmonary dysfunction, the low total protein plasma level with pulmonary dysfunction and the low albumin plasma level with pulmonary dysfunction with r = 0.552; 0.540; 0.353 respectively, (p= 0.01).Conclusion: The study showed that pulmonary dysfunction occured more frequent in DSS than Non DSS. There were relationships between vascular leakage factors (PEI, total protein level, albumin level) with incidence of pulmonary dysfunction in DHF patients (Sains Medika, 3(1):1-15)

    Population Based Estimates of Maternal Mortality in Mojokerto, East Java (the Application of Indirect Technique : Sisterhood Method)

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    Mendapatkan angka kematian maternal secara langsung merupakan kendala bagi berbagai negara ber­kembang. Oleh sebab itu mendapatkannya secara tidak langsung merupakan alternatif untuk dikembang­kan. "Sisterhood method", pendekatan tidak langsung yang dikembangkan oleh Wendy Graham dkk, adalah salah satu alternatif untuk dipertimbangkan. Penerapan metode tersebut dalam survei rumah tangga di Mojokerto memberikan hasil yang konsisten dengan penerapan di negara lain (Gambia dan Peru). Mater­nal mortality ratio (MMR) dari metode tersebut di Mojokerto (397 per 100.000) juga dapat dibandingkan dengan hasil penelitian MMR cara langsung di Indonesia setelah dipertimbangkan kekurangan cara langsung

    The Influence of Top Management Commitment on Firm Productivity Through Total Quality Management and Management Accounting Information System

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    This study examines the influence of top management commitment on firm productivity through implementation of total quality management and management accounting information systems. The research employed explanatory survey method. Data for this studywere drawn from a survey 73 Indonesia Manufacturing Firms having sertification of ISO 9000 series from 2004 up to 2006. The respondents of this research are production manager of each firm. Data were collected by indirect communication based on a questionnaireand study of documentation. Descriptive statistics were used to data analysis based on weighted mean score and path analysis. This studyused primary data and secondary data. The results are as follows : (1) there is a positive and significant influence of top management commitment toward implementation of total quality management; (2)there is a positive and significant influence of top managementcommitment on management accounting information systems; (3) there is a positive and significant influence of implementation of total quality management and management accounting information systems to firm productivity; (4) there is a positive and significant influence of top management commitment to firm productivity through implementation of total quality management; (5) there is a positive and significant influence of top management commitment to productivity through management accounting information systems; (6) there is a positive and significant influence of top management commitment on firm productivity through implementation of total quality management and management accounting information systems

    Sistem Pemerintahan Republik Indonesia

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    Tulisan ini bermaksud membahas tentang sistem pemerintahan yang dianut oleh UUD 1945 (pasca perubahan). Dengan menggunakan pendekatan bahwa di dunia ini, paling tidak ada dua sistem pemerintahan yang utama, yaitu sistem parlementer dan sistem presidensiel, tulisan ini mengkaji sistem pemerintahan Indonesia. Dikatakan bahwa perubahan undang-undang dasar 1945 telah membawa perubahan, tidak saja pada aspek kelembagaan, melainkan juga pada sistem pemerintahan. Semula dianut sistem pemerintahan campuran (semi presidentialgovernment)pasca perubahan undang-undang dasar ada ketidakjelasan sistem pemerintahan yang dianut. Untuk mengkaji hal itu akan dilihat dari hubungan an tar lembaga pasca perubahan undang-undang dasar


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    Higher education institution is expected to act as a knowledge creator and moral force, and therefore the institution should be competitive in the broader sense. Competitiveness will be the key factor for the institution to still exist. Unlike basic education which is mandatory for almost every one in the world, higher education or post secondary education is optional. For people to participate. Higher educations is considered as semi – public service or semi – private since part of (or a greater part of) the service will benefit the individuals rather than community ar large. Then it is rational if community contributes significantly to higher education. In order to be competitive, the higher educations should be equipped with the necessary instruments and apparatus so than they can perfom accordingly and they can be audited in conjunction with their accountability. The instruments are among others the legal entity, autonomy to govern, accountability measures, healthy organization, etc. In order to contribute to the nation’s competitiveness, the national higher education has to be organizationally, and the same requirement also applies to institutions. A structural adjustment in the existing system is, however, needed to meet this challenge. The structural adjustment aims, by the year 2010, of having a higher education system, effectively coordinated and demonstrated by quality, access & equity, and autonomy

    Cardiac arrest in a child during a combined general epidural anesthesia procedure

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    An increased risk of perioperative cardiac arrest in children, in comparison to adults, has been recognized. A number of factors associated with perioperative cardiac arrest have been identified, including young age, comorbidities, and emergency surgery. Since anesthesia-related cardiac arrest is uncommon, a multi-related database is required to understand the mechanisms of cardiac arrest and to develop preventive strategies. Most cardiac arrests occur during induction (37%) or maintenance (45%) of anesthesia, usually following one or more of the following antecedent events, i.e., bradycardia (54%), hypotension (49%), abnormality of oxygen saturation as measured by pulse oximetry (48%), inability to measure blood pressure (25%), abnormality of endtidal CO2 (21%), cyanosis (21%), or arrhythmia (18%). In 11% of cases, cardiac arrest occurred without recognized warning.1 There are only few reports in the literature, and in Kariadi Hospital, none has ever been reported. The aim of this report is to identify and discuss possible causes of cardiac arrest and to anticipate its complications

    Strategi Peningkatan Produksi Beras melalui Penekanan Susut Panen dan Pascapanen dengan Pendekatan Sistem Modeling: Studi Kasus Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat

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    Paddy loss during harvest and postharvest handling is a complicated system involving many elements, and they are inter-connected. Therefore, to overcome these issues, appropriate and sustainable strategies should be implemented. The purpose of this study was to analyze the leverage factors that can overcome the problems of post-harvest losses of rice by a dynamic system approach as a basis in formulating policy strategy. This research was conducted in Indramayu, West Java, from January to December 2012. The methodology used in this research was modelling system approach. Primary data collection was conducted by a questionnaire survey and interviews with stakeholders and farmers as respondents. Secondary data collection was obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics Centre (Jakarta) and regional (West Java), Regional Agriculture Services, Regional Industrial and Trade Services, Regional Population and Civil Registration Agency, Center for Agricultural and Food Security Agency. The results showed that the reduction of rice losses could be approached in two ways: technical approach and cultural approach. The technical approach could be developed by implementing a quality management system such as GHP and GMP, while the cultural approach could be implemented by creating new jobs. Application of the quality system would also encourage the revitalization in rice milling so that it would increase the yield, and so the application of the quality management system would contribute greatly to the production of dry unhulled rice as well as rice in Indramayu. The implementation of this strategy must consider the ability and readiness of the district, so that the strategies could be more realistic and easier to be implemented. The simulation results showed that the implementation of the strategy by using harvest and postharvest equipments to be accompanied by the implementation of GHP and GMP, may decrease shrinkage ranging from 5.58% to 10.14%, or the equivalent of rescuing MPD from 61,240 to 115,859 tons in 2020
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