63 research outputs found

    Perubahan Penutupan/Penggunaan Lahan dalam Perspektif Perkembangan Wilayah dan Pengelolaan Taman Nasional Kepulauan Togean

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    Taman Nasional Kepulauan Togean (TNKT) ditunjuk pada tahun 2004 dengan fungsi utama sebagai area perlindungan sistem penyangga kehidupan, mempertahankan keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan dan satwa endemik, pemanfaatan secara lestari sumberdaya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya sekaligus mendukung perekonomian wilayah. Pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk, tingginya ketergantungan masyarakat terhadap sumberdaya alam dan meningkatnya aktivitas perekonomian memberikan tekanan terhadap kawasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) menganalisis perubahan penutupan/penggunaan lahan, 2) menganalisis hirarki perkembangan wilayah, 3) menganalisis tingkat tekanan penduduk, 4) menganalisis kesesuaian penutupan/penggunaan lahan dengan zonasi TNKT, dan 5) menyusun arahan pengendalian perubahan penutupan/penggunaan lahan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan teknik interpretasi citra, analisis skalogram, analisis indeks tekanan penduduk, dan tumpang susun peta. Hasil interpretasi menunjukkan 9 (sembilan) jenis penutupan/penggunaan lahan. Dalam periode tahun 2003-2017, penyusutan luas terbesar dialami hutan primer yaitu sebesar 6.157 ha (62,61%), sementara perkebunan mengalami peningkatan luas yang signifikan yaitu 5.497 ha (30,74%). Dalam perspektif perkembangan wilayah, luas perubahan penutupan/penggunaan lahan terbesar terjadi pada wilayah hirarki III. Hasil analisis tingkat tekanan penduduk menunjukkan 15 desa di daerah penyangga TNKT dengan tekanan penduduk tinggi. Terdapat ketidaksesuaian penutupan/penggunaan lahan eksisting dengan zonasi TNKT. Arahan pengendalian perubahan penutupan/penggunaan lahan antara lain melalui: 1) model desa konservasi, 2) revisi zonasi, dan 3) pemulihan ekosistem


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    The Regency of Yapen Islands is very potential and feasible to develop as a tourism attraction object. However, the present ecotourism management has not run optimally because of several constraints such as institutional capacity of ecotourism management, attraction management, spatial planning of tourism, promotion and marketing as well as regional security. On the basis of such objective conditions, this research was conducted to formulate strategies for the development of Yapen Islands ecotourism in Papua Province. The results showed that most tourism attractions of the sea, waters and land in the Regency of Yapen Islands are feasible for further development into ecotourism attractions. Some potential tourism objects are not yet possible to develop into ecotourism attractions due to some barriers and constraints, for example (1) unsupportive market potential, (2) objects located at a long distance and difficult to access, (3) below-standard management and services, (4) poor accommodation and (4) quite high relationships with other similar objects. With these objective conditions, the applicable strategy in the tourism development is at present the pessimistic strategy with the following efforts: (1) arrangement of tourism space, (2) development of attraction management (3) development of promotion and marketing, (4) development of regulations and management in ecotourism organization, and (5) creation of a conducive and secure situation both within and outside the tourist area. Keywords :  ecotourism, strategy, Yapen Island

    Crafting Local Institution Using Social-Ecological System Framework for Sustainable Rattan Governance in Lore Lindu National Park

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    Rattan is the most important non-forest timber product utilized by communities adjacent Lore Lindu National Park (LLNP). The establishment community conservation agreement (CCA) in 2001 was unable to prevent rattan depletion. Then, a local institution called community conservation partnership (CCP) has been recently proposed. Therefore, the objective of this study is to explore how to craft a local institution of CCP for sustainable rattan governance in LLNP using Social-Ecological Systems (SES) Framework. The study was conducted in LLNP area and Ngata Toro, a buffer zone village of LLNP. We conducted rattan inventory and collected social data by interview for analyzing CCP development using SES framework. The results showed that CCP is most likely to be successful in implementing due to several reasons. Firstly, the establishment of constitutional-choice rules made clear the nested enterprise. Secondly, the reallocation of CCP location to the traditional zone increase the boundary clarity. Thirdly, transferring rights to the Ngata Toro community will make effective co-management, increase the legitimacy of rattan utilization, decrease potential conflicts among resource unit users and reducing monitoring cost. Finally, deciding the rattan harvesting quota will ensure the rattan ecological and livelihood sustainability. With the clarity of system boundaries and property rights, we argue that CCP institutions will bring many benefits in many ways. Overall, most variables of SES framework can be used to analyses the readiness of CCP institutional arrangement for sustainable rattan management in LLNP.  &nbsp


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    Kemang (Mangifera kemanga Blume.) is a local fruit and has become the identity flora of Bogor Regency based on Decree of the Regent's Number 522/185/Kpts/1996. Currently, the existence of kemang is rare, and it is worried about becoming extinct. This study aimed to identify the ethnobotany of kemang in the community of  Bogor Regency and to develop a conservation strategy for kemang as the identity flora of Bogor Regency. The research was carried out from April-July 2021 in Kemang District, Sukaraja District, and Leuwiliang District. Based on criteria, the research was conducted through deeply personal interviews with the local community. The characteristic of the respondent was individual who has kemang and gardeners whose gardens contain kemang. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. Based on interviews with 30 respondents, kemang was identified by looking at leaf color, leaf shape, stem, flower, and fruit compared to mango (Mangifera indica). Kemang mainly was found growing in gardens (74%). Kemang propagation was done by seed. The most used parts were fruit (43%) and shoots (39%). Both parts were consumed directly in a fresh form. Besides having a role as a food ingredient, kemang has potential as an antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-degenerative. The reason people still maintain kemang because the existence of kemang is getting rare, and the selling price of kemang fruit is relatively high compared to other types of mango. In addition, kemang can also prevent soil erosion. The conservation strategies of kemang are optimizing the socialization and publication of kemang benefit, developing kemang cultivation, and developing kemang as a local fruit commodity.    Key words: conservation strategy, ethnobotany, kemang, local fruit, rar

    Patterns and Trends of Crocodile Trade from Tanah Papua, Indonesia

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    Crocodylus porosus and C. novaeguineae are two protected and tradable crocodile species in Indonesia. Therefore, precautionary principles are needed in their utilization to ensure sustainability. Although the commodity from these species is traded domestically and internationally, the broader picture of its use in Indonesia is less known. The objectives of the study were to: (1) analyze the domestic trade of crocodiles, and (2) analyze the international trade of crocodiles. The analysis was conducted using data of direct utilization sourced from the wild in the form of skin and hatchlings, data on domestic transport permits, CITES export permits, and the CITES trade database. The study suggested that the harvest of crocodile hatchlings and skin do not represent the actual condition since the skin recorded were only those sent outside of the province. Determining zero harvest quotas of C. porosus did not stop species harvest for domestic trade. The dominant source of C. porosus skin export was captive breeding, while C. novaeguineaewas sourced from the wild. Ranch-sourced skin of both species for export were very low

    Ecotourism Hazard Mapping in Torean Trail, Mount Rinjani National Park, North Lombok District

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    Mount Rinjani is a mountain located in Mount Rinjani National Park and is popular as a hiking tourist destination. The Torean Trail is one of 6 hiking trails on Mount Rinjani that has potential ecotourism hazards, namely physical hazards, biological hazards, and human activity hazards. The purpose of the study was to identify and assess potential hazards in hiking activities on the Torean trail based on physical, biological and human activity aspects. The type of data collected is data on potential physical, biological and human activity hazards that may pose a risk, the incidence of accidents, and the location where the hazards are found. Data were collected through literature study, field observations, and interviews. There are 3 kinds of hazards found in the Toreab Trail, namely physical hazards, biological hazards, and human hazards. These hazards can threaten tourists when hiking through the Torean Trail

    Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy of Communities Around the Natural Tourism Area of Situ Gunung in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused losses to the tourism sector and surrounding communities, including communities around the Situ Gunung natural tourism area. Adaptation and mitigation are needed to reduce the deterioration felt by the community. This research aims to analyze adaptation strategies and strategies for people in the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used is a household survey with an interview based on the method of determining samples with Isaac and Michael tables at a 10% error rate using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the quality of community adaptation is still low, adaptation strategies are carried out by people with vulnerable economic conditions based on the characteristics of their work. Tourist workers and non-tourists have different adaptation strategies but have similar mitigation strategies. Mitigation strategies are already owned by the community but are still in the initiative at the household level. In general, mitigation is planned with asset and financial management, resource allocation, finding primary and side job alternatives, and strengthening social relationships. The role of various parties, especially destination managers, is needed to strengthen adaptation and mitigation of communities at the village level to achieve resilience in the future

    Manajemen Kolaborasi dalam Rangka Resolusi Konflik di Taman Nasional Kelimutu

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    The management of Kelimutu National Park (KNP), who applied preservationist paradigm and centralized policy, had caused a conflict of interest among stakeholders. Therefore, the management strategies of the park by co-management approach were needed to conserve the park and resolve the conflict. The aims of this research were to analyze the application of the principle of co-management at the time, to identify relevant stakeholders, and to determine the management strategies of the park through co-management approach. The results showed that application of the principle of co-management in the Wologai Tengah village fell in the high/good category, while those applied in the Saga village fell in the category of middle. The results also showed that there were 15 (fifteen) stakeholders who were or could be affected by the decisions and the actions of the park's management. Based on the expert's assessment, the cores of the stakeholders were both the park management and the local community. They could influence the successful management of the park. The management strategies of the park was to implement some activities in the following priorities: 1) conduct a continuous meeting among the core stakeholders, provide assistance to increase the community of economic business, and conduct the KNP conservation extension; 2) coordinate stakeholders forum, establish stakeholders agreement, and conduct socialization of the programs


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    Pagar Alam City belongs to the administrative region of South Sumatera Province and has a variety of natural tourism to be developed. This research focuses on determining natural tourism potentials based on supply, demand and carry capacity in Pagar Alam City. The assessment used the analysis of potential objects and natural attractions using the guidelines for regional analysis of operations-objects and natural attractions (ADO- ODTWA) from Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation (2003) and carrying capacity’s analysis using the formula Douglass (1982). The results showed that Pagar Alam city has 7 natural tourism potential dan 29 natural tourism enough potential with the highest potency value index of the Dempo Mountain Tea Plantation Area 87.89% and the lowest 33.51% is Blange Water Fall. The number of tourists according to carrying capacity for each tourism activities are recreational activities 1.041.336 people/year and camping activities 555.685 people/year.Keywords: demand, carrying capacity, natural tourism, supply, tourist.AbstrakKota Pagar Alam termasuk dalam wilayah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan dan memiliki berbagai wisata alam untuk dikembangkan. Fokus penelitian adalah kajian potensi wisata alam di Kota Pagar Alam, Sumatera Selatan berdasarkan penawaran, permintaan dan daya dukung di Kota Pagar Alam. Penilaian yang digunakan adalah analisis potensi objek dan daya tarik wisata alam menggunakan pedoman analisis daerah operasi-objek dan daya tarik wisata alam (ADO-ODTWA) Direktorat Jendral Perlindungan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam (2003) dan analisis daya dukung menggunakan formula Douglass (1982). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kota Pagar Alam memiliki 7 wisata alam yang berpotensi dan 29 wisata alam cukup berpotensi untuk dikembangkan dengan indeks nilai potensi tertinggi yaitu Kawasan Perkebunan Teh Gunung Dempo dengan persentase 87.89% dan terendah 33.51% yaitu Cughup Blange. Jumlah wisatawan sesuai dengan daya dukung untuk masing-masing kegiatan wisata yaitu kegiatan rekreasi adalah 1.041.336 orang/tahun dan kegiatan wisata 555.685 orang/tahun.Kata kunci: daya dukung, penawaran, permintaan, wisawatan, wisata ala