12 research outputs found

    Physico-chemical quality and homogeneity of folic acid and iron in enriched flour using principal component analysis

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    The aim of the present work was to determine parameters of the corn and wheat flour matrix, such as protein, lipid, moisture, ash and carbohydrates, folic acid and iron contents. Three principal components explained 91% of the total variance. Wheat flours were characterized by high protein and moisture content. On the other hand, the corn flours had the greater carbohydrates, lipids and folic acid levels. The concentrations of folic acid were lower than the issued value for wheat flours. Nevertheless, corn flours presented extremely high values. The iron concentration was higher than that recommended in Brazilian legislation. Poor homogenization of folic acid and iron was observed in enriched flours. This study could be useful to help the governmental authorities in the enriched food programs evaluation.6016417

    Avaliação da intensidade da reação de Maillard, de atributos físico-químicos e análise de textura em doce de leite

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    Produzido e comercializado na América Latina, o doce de leite é muito apreciado por seus consumidores, com grande importância para o mercado brasileiro. A padronização das características desse produto, assim como sua adequação ao que é preconizado pelo Regulamento Técnico de Identidade e Qualidade, é dificultada pela grande diversidade cultural e variações tecnológicas da sua produção. Por essa razão, o estudo das características físico-químicas e reológicas do doce de leite torna-se de grande importância para se alcançar uniformidade, principalmente pela escassez de literatura técnica e científica sobre este produto. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar e relacionar os atributos físico-químicos e de textura. Foram analisadas doze marcas de doce de leite quanto aos teores de umidade, atividade de água e análise de textura, com posterior análise estatística dos dados. A análise estatística descritiva para os atributos de textura mostrou elevada variação entre as amostras. Quanto ao teor de umidade, 51,11% das amostras tiveram resultados em desacordo com os padrões legais vigentes. As análises realizadas apresentaram resultados de HMF livre e total elevados. Pela Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA), verificou-se que a principal fonte de variação e de contribuição para agrupamento das marcas avaliadas está relacionada com os elementos que compõem as características reológicas do produto. Os resultados mostraram elevada correlação entre atividade de água, umidade e atributos reológicos. A combinação dos atributos físico-químicos e reológicos mostra-se útil para caracterização e avaliação da qualidade do doce de leite. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho contribuem para ampliar os conhecimentos científicos e podem servir de subsídios para as indústrias de laticínios e a comunidadeThe Dulce de Leche, a product which is marketed and produced in Latin America, is much appreciated by consumers, with great importance for the Brazilian market. The standardization of the characteristics of this product as well as the suitability for recommendations of the Technical Identity and Quality Regulation becomes difficult due to the large cultural diversity and technological changes. In this context, the study of physical-chemical and rheological characteristics the Dulce de Leche becomes of great importance to achieve such uniformity, mainly by the lack of technical and scientific literature about this product. This work aimed to evaluate and relate the physical-chemical and texture attributes. Twelve Dulce de Leche brands were analyzed to moisture, water activity and texture analysis with statistical analysis of the data. Descriptive statistical analysis for texture attributes showed high variability between samples. As for the moisture content, 51.11% of the samples were outside the statutory standards. The analysis had results of free HMF and elevated totals. Through the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) it was found that the main source of variation and contribution to group of the appraised brands is related to the elements that make up the rheological characteristics of the product. The results showed high correlation between water activity, moisture and rheological attributes. The combination of physical, chemical and rheological attributes were shown to be useful for characterization and evaluation of Dulce de Leche quality. These results expand scientific knowledge about Dulce de leche favoring the dairy industry and the scientific communit

    Recommendations for folate intake in women: implications for public health strategies Recomendações para ingestão de folato por mulheres: implicações para as estratégias de saúde pública

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    Folate deficiency has been associated with anemia and other adverse outcomes in pregnancy such as neural tube defects. The current recommendations for prevention of such outcomes are difficult to achieve through diet only, and folic acid supplementation and food fortification are feasible public health strategies. However, it is necessary to determine the usual diet and supplement use among women of reproductive age, including an accurate assessment of other dietary micronutrients. In addition to the beneficial effects observed in randomized clinical trials, health risks to the population have also been widely evaluated and discussed in the scientific community: for a minority to benefit from fortification programs, many are exposed to high folic acid intake levels.<br>A deficiência de ácido fólico tem sido associada ao risco de anemia e outros desfechos adversos na gravidez, como os defeitos no tubo neural. As recomendações atuais para prevenção de tais agravos são consideradas difíceis de se alcançar apenas por meio da dieta, e a suplementação com ácido fólico e a adição dessa vitamina a alimentos sob a forma de fortificação representam esforços centrais no controle da sua deficiência. É necessário, porém, conhecer as características da dieta habitual e o uso de suplementos entre mulheres em idade reprodutiva, com avaliação adequada de outros nutrientes da dieta. Ao lado dos efeitos benéficos observados em ensaios clínicos aleatórios controlados, riscos à saúde da população têm sido avaliados e largamente discutidos no meio científico: para que uma fração seja beneficiada pela fortificação, centenas de pessoas são expostas a quantidades de ácido fólico talvez elevadas e provavelmente incomuns, em quantidade e apresentação química, ao organismo humano

    Brain aging in major depressive disorder: results from the ENIGMA major depressive disorder working group

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is associated with an increased risk of brain atrophy, aging-related diseases, and mortality. We examined potential advanced brain aging in adult MDD patients, and whether this process is associated with clinical characteristics in a large multicenter international dataset. We performed a mega-analysis by pooling brain measures derived from T1-weighted MRI scans from 19 samples worldwide. Healthy brain aging was estimated by predicting chronological age (18–75 years) from 7 subcortical volumes, 34 cortical thickness and 34 surface area, lateral ventricles and total intracranial volume measures separately in 952 male and 1236 female controls from the ENIGMA MDD working group. The learned model coefficients were applied to 927 male controls and 986 depressed males, and 1199 female controls and 1689 depressed females to obtain independent unbiased brain-based age predictions. The difference between predicted “brain age” and chronological age was calculated to indicate brain-predicted age difference (brain-PAD). On average, MDD patients showed a higher brain-PAD of +1.08 (SE 0.22) years (Cohen’s d = 0.14, 95% CI: 0.08–0.20) compared with controls. However, this difference did not seem to be driven by specific clinical characteristics (recurrent status, remission status, antidepressant medication use, age of onset, or symptom severity). This highly powered collaborative effort showed subtle patterns of age-related structural brain abnormalities in MDD. Substantial within-group variance and overlap between groups were observed. Longitudinal studies of MDD and somatic health outcomes are needed to further assess the clinical value of these brain-PAD estimates

    Advances in anisotropy of plastic behaviour and formability of sheet metals

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    This paper reviews the most recent models for description of the anisotropic plastic behavior and formability of sheet metals. After a brief review of classic isotropic yield functions, recent advanced anisotropic criteria for polycrystalline materials of various crystal structures and their applications to cup drawing are presented. Next, the discussion focuses on novel formulations of anisotropic hardening. A brief review of the experimental methods used for characterizing and modeling the anisotropic plastic behavior of metallic sheets and tubes under biaxial loading is presented. The experimental methods and theoretical models used for measuring and predicting the limit strains, development of new tests for determining the Forming Limit Curves (FLC), as well as on studying the influence of various material or process parameters on the limit strains are presented.11Nsciescopu