64 research outputs found


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    Despite research into the links between market orientation and firm performance, research into the detail different measures of performance has been limited. This study develops different measures of performance in retail business and examines their relationship with market orientation. The results suggest that market orientation positively relate to nonfinancial indicators.  Also, indirect nonfinancial indicator can be treated as dominant mediator for the relationship between market orientation and financial indicator. Further, the findings suggest that different types of performance measurement affect the magnitude of market orientation and performance association

    In the Shadow of Jakarta City, Migrants and Exploitation in Secangkir Kopi Pahit

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    This article examines Secangkir Kopi Pahit (Bitter Coffee, 1985), Teguh Karya’s tenth feature film, in which the film uses a non-linier investigative narrative structure to tell a complex story of an urban migrant coming to live in Jakarta. Unlike his previous films, in Secangkir Kopi, Teguh develops a new and unique filmic storytelling approach (using complex flashback structure in addition to filming location; central character a photographer and reporter obsessed with the city and exposing situations), which arguably produces a reality effect in depicting the growing third world megacity of Jakarta in the early 1980s. Secangkir Kopi Pahit combines and arranges various plots to portray the experience of people living in a late 20th century, third world megacity. The use of a complex narrative form from the beginning puts pressure on the viewer’s capacity to comprehend events in the film

    Characteristic and Preferences of Green Consumer Stratification As Bases to Formulating Marketing Strategies of Ecolabel-Certified Furniture

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    International furniture markets certify ecolabel has been growing, but the domesticmarket has not yet developed. Unfortunate, because these products have two advantagesthat ensure environmental sustainability and promote a furniture market. This study wasexpected to open and developed the domestic market for ecolabel-certified furniture. Theaim of this study was to develop marketing strategies for ecolabel-certified furniture oneach of green consumer stratifications. Consumer stratification was conducted to group awider market. This grouping was meant to make the marketing strategies drawn up canbe used appropriately. The formulation of the marketing strategies for ecolabel-certifiedfurniture was done through an analysis of consumer preferences over the strategies inquestion. The components used were: satisfaction, safety, socialization, andsustainability, as well as government policies which could open markets. Therespondents were 408 potential consumers in Jakarta and its surroundings. The methodused was purposive and convenience sampling, in which the survey was conducted atexhibitions and showrooms. Ward Method, Stepwise Discriminant Analysis and BiplotAnalysis were used to generate consumer stratifications. Before that, reliability testswere conducted using Crombach Alpha method. In addition, data was explored andreduced using Component Principle Analysis. Preference analysis was performed usingthe method proposed by Thurston Case V. This study results four stratifications of greenconsumers. There were similarities and differences in preference on each of thestratification of the component of green marketing strategy as well as the marketingstrategies of furniture-certified ecolabel for the targeted consumers.Keywords: Green Consumer Segmentation, Green Marketing Strategies, Furniture,Jakarta, Indonesi

    Community-based Entrepreneurship: a Community Development Model to Boost Entrepreneurial Commitment in Rural Micro Enterprises

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    . Micro enterprises (MEs) have been proven to be significant contributors to the national economy, particularly for marginal communities. However, only a few programs are aimed to encourage ME improvement, especially in rural areas. The community-based entrepreneurship (CBE) program led by higher education institutions has been recognized as an effective instrument to accelerate capacity building for marginal communities. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of this program in boosting entrepreneurial commitment of rural MEs to help them develop their business. Applying the theory of planned behavior (TPB) framework, this research applies a direct survey to respondents from rural MEs. Then to analyze both data and output, this study applies PLS-SEM tool with SmartPLS software. Results reveal that social factors (social pressure and environmental influence) do not incline rural ME entrepreneurs to develop their business. Attitude factors (entrepreneurial benefit and willingness to take a risk) become the most dominant variables, and consistently have an impact on rural ME entrepreneurs in developing their business. To implement the business development of rural ME, perceived behavioral control becomes a main determinant. Demographic profiles (age, gender, and eduction) is also heavily as influential factors

    Modification of Fournier and Montuno's Triangulation Algorithm for Simple Polygons�

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    Triangulation of a simple polygon is an important part of the application of geometry problems in computer graphics. A conventional triangulation algorithm runs in O(n2). Faster tringulation methods have been developed but these methods are more complicated. A simpler triangulation method was developed by Fournier and Montuno, which runs in O(n log n). The modified triangulation algorithm presented here compares favorably with the Fournier and Montuno's triangulation algorithm and is simpler in the sense of elimination of recursion. The Fournier and Montuno's triangulation algorithm and the modified triangulation algorithm are implemented using c. The performance of the two algorithms is analyzed using various data.Computer Scienc

    Loyalty to Community Modeling Through Value Co-Creation Behavior Activities With Perceived Benefit Mediation: Organic Food Product

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    The current trend of people's lifestyles is to start consuming foods that are safe and environmentally friendly. The development of information on the usefulness of organic products more broadly becomes necessary. This study aims to determine the impact of value co-creation activities on loyalty to community, mediated by perceived benefit value. The analysis tool used in this study is Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis. The sampling method used is a convenience sampling approach with 385 respondents. The results show that consumer perceived benefits value have a strong effect on loyalty to the community. In addition, value co-creation activities in the community is shown to be measurable by customer participation behavior and customer citizenship behavior to obtain the desired perceived benefits. The role of the community with the support of the loyalty of its members can be an effective means of disseminating knowledge about organic food products more broadly to the public. Having these results, the recommended policy direction is to increase the perceived benefits of customer community participation and citizenship. Further studies are needed to refine and build a more comprehensive model that integrates other theoretically related constructs. Keywords: customer participation behavior, customer citizenship behavior, loyalty to community, organic food products, perceived benefi

    Constructing Value Co-Creation Behavior on Loyalty to Community of Organic Food Products in Indonesia

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    The awareness of consuming healthy food has been increased. It leads to the increasing demand for organic food products. On the other side, there are obstacles to developing the organic product business due to the low level of objective knowledge of the Indonesian people towards organic products, as well as doubts over the authenticity of organic products on the market. This study aims to develop the value co-creation behaviors and perceived values of a growing community to share knowledge of organic food products with the public. Participation and interaction among the community have been enriched the method of research using simple random sampling that involved 385 respondents in 4 organic product communities. The results showed that the main behaviors that must be overcome to improve the loyalty of organic-food-products community members are participation and citizenship behavior. Having these results, the recommended policy direction is to increase the perceived benefits of community participation. Further studies are needed to refine and build more comprehensive models that integrate theoretical constructs related to other perspectives and contexts. Keywords: loyalty to community, organic-food-products, perceived values, value co-creation behavior DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-16-07 Publication date:August 31st 202


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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media yang dapat digunakan untuk pembelajaran matematika anak usia 4-5 tahun dalam mengenalkan bentuk-betuk geometri. Media yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian adalah Media Match the Shapes. Penelitian menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Penelitian telah dilakukan di wilayah Kampung Sawah, Bekasi. Responden terdiri dari 5 orang anak usia 4-5 tahun. Validator dalam penelitian adalah ahli materi dan ahli media. Berdasarkan hasil uji validitas yang diberikan oleh ahli media, media Match the Shapes dikategorikan sangat layak dengan tingkat validitas 87%, sedangkan dari ahli materi media Match the Shapes dikategorikan sangat layak dengan tingkat validitas 95%. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba kepada anak dengan nilai rekapitulasi media Match the Shapes mendapatkan presentasi sebesar 96% dengan kategori sangat layak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, media Match the Shapes dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembelajaran anak untuk menstimulasi perkembangan kognitif khususnya pada pembelajaran matematika dalam mengenalkan bentuk-bentuk geometri. This research aims to produce a media that can be used for mathematical learning for children aged 4-5 years in introducing geometric shapes. The media developed in this research is Match the Shapes Media. This research uses the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) development model. This research has been conducted in Kampung Sawah, Bekasi. The respondents consist of 5 children aged 4-5 years. The validator in this research is a material expert and media expert. Based on the validity test results given by the media expert, Match the Shapes Media is categorized as very feasible with validity level of 87%, while from material expert Match the Shapes Media is categorized as very feasible with validity level of 95%. Based on trials on children with recapitulation value of Match the Shapes Media got percentage of 96% with a very decent category. Based on the research results, Match the Shapes Media can be used as children's learning material to stimulate the cognitive development, especially in learning mathematics in introducing geometric shapes

    Entrepreneur Orientation and Social Capital As A Key To Developing Dynamic Capability: A Conceptual Framework

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    Various economic problems can be solved with good entrepreneurship. SMEs are part of entrepreneurship that plays an essential role in the economy, including reducing unemployment and improving a country's economy. Environmental conditions that are VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) make SMEs have obstacles such as lack of competence, capacity, knowledge and skills of SME actors to adapt in running a business. The ability of SMEs to be able to continue to run their business makes SMEs must have dynamic capabilities that come from internal and external SMEs. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to review the relevant literature in determining the theories that can shape the dynamic capabilities of SMEs. Based on a literature review, this research generated the result that entrepreneurial orientation (internal) and social capital (external) is critical in developing SMEs' dynamic capability. Keywords: dynamic capability, entrepreneur orientation, literature review, small medium entrepreneur, social capita

    The role of participation in memorable tourism experience: a comparative case of cap go meh festival and linggarjati festival in Indonesia

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    The study aimed to analyze the role of participation in creating memorable tourism experience in Cap Go Meh festival and Linggarjati festival to create loyal visitors. This study used a questionnaire of 42 questions on 5-point Likert-scale ranged from one to five range (1 = strongly disagree up to 5= strongly agree) to the festival visitors after the event. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and the structural model using regression analysis. It showed that the visitors have different motives to attend and take a part in the festival. The group socializationhas a positive effect on participation, which lead to immersion, then influences vivid memory and loyalty in Cap Go Meh  while novelty has a positive effect on participation in Lingarjati vestival, which lead to immersion, then influences vivid memory and loyalty. Practicaly, it implied that this study has the benefit for event manager to understand the visitors characteristics. Cap Go Meh festival can be higher in group socialization. Event manager should facilitate visitors to participate as a group on God Statue parade. In Linggarjati, the visitors gain the novelty of historical site and city history merge with the stage of angklung -traditional music instrument- colossal
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