40 research outputs found

    A Test of Monopoly Price Dispersion Under Demand Uncertainty

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    Dana (2001) developed a model of price dispersion under demand uncertainty. The model predicts that, in the face of uncertain demand and inflexible prices, monopolists maximizes pro fits using ex ante price discrimination. We test the predictions of this model using a unique data set from Major League Baseball (MLB). Estimation of a two-way fixed effects model indicate that ticket price dispersion changes systematically with demand uncertainty in MLB, verifying the predictions of the model.price dispersion; demand uncertainty; sports

    Do Gamblers Think That Teams Tank? Evidence from the NBA

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    A growing body of literature indicates that sports teams face incentives to lose games at the end of the season. This incentive arises from league entry draft policy. We use data from betting markets to confirm the existence of tanking, or the perception of tanking, in the NBA. Results from a SUR model of point spreads and point differences in NBA games indicate that betting markets believe that tanking takes place in the NBA, even though the evidence that tanking actually exists is mixed. NBA policy changes also affect betting market outcomes.incentives; betting markets; tanking

    Consumer Behaviour in Lotto Markets: The Double Hurdle Approach and Zeros in Gambling Survey Data

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    Governments world-wide increasingly rely on gambling revenues, increasing the importance of understanding who gambles and why. Previous literature used Tobit and Heckman models to statistically analyze participation in gambling. These models make strong assumptions about the nature of gambling participation. We examine the double hurdle model as an alternative to other statistical approaches to modeling gambling participation and spending. Our results, based on data from a 2002 survey of gambling prevalence in Alberta, clearly prefer the double hurdle mode, which yields different results than the commonly used Tobit model.gambling; censored regression; double hurdle model

    “Are the Punishments Consistent?”: A Quantitative Analysis of NCAA Enforcement

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    Prior research on organizational misconduct within intercollegiate athletics focuses on the penalties administered by the NCAA and types of violations committed by member institutions, rather than the engagement of misconduct and the role of the NCAA as a social-control agent. Consequently, the purpose of this manuscript is to analyze the relationship between social control agents (i.e., the NCAA) and potential wrongdoers (i.e., member institutions), in addition to how the relationship affects the evolving line separating right from wrong. This quantitative study consists of a two-stage probit regression model which found evidence that the type of violations committed in major violation cases are significant in determining the likelihood of sanctions. This study will contribute to intercollegiate athletic administration by providing an opportunity to better comprehend NCAA enforcement procedures, along with utilizing the findings to discover how the NCAA functions as a social-control agent

    Sports Betting, Sports Bettors and Sports Gambling Policy

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    Die Autonomie des Sports, die verfassungsrechtlich verbrieft ist, wird durch das Gemeinschaftsrecht der EU nicht konsequent respektiert. So wird beklagt, dass die notwendige Kooperation der Verbände im Sport nicht hinreichend berücksichtigt wird. Hier setzen die Referenten des 9. Internationalen Hamburger Symposiums „Sport und Ökonomie“ an, wenn sie rechtliche und ökonomische Fragen um Sportgroßveranstaltungen aufgreifen und Vorschläge zur Stellung des Sports im europäischen Rahmen diskutieren. Aufgezeigt wirddass der sogenannte Sport ökonomisch geprägt wird, was noch keine angemessene Entsprechung auf europäischer Ebene gefunden hat. Das wird zum Beispiel bei Sportwetten und dem Glücksspielmonopol deutlich. Der Band wird die durch das EU-Weißbuch Sport und die Entschließung des Bundestages zum Sport in Europa entstandene Debatte weiter beleben.The autonomy of sport which is constitutionally recognised is not consistently respected by EU law. There are complaints that the necessary cooperation of the federations in sport is not sufficiently taken into account. This is where the speakers of the 9th International Hamburg Symposium "Sport and Economics" come in when they address legal and economic questions about major sporting events and discuss proposals on the status of sport in the European context. It shows that sport is economically shaped, which has not yet found an adequate equivalent at European level. This is evident, for example, in sports betting and the gambling monopoly. The volume will further stimulate the debate created by the EU White Paper on Sport and the Bundestag resolution on sport in Europe

    The Influence of a University’s Social Identity on NCAA Divisional Affiliation

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    Several scholars noted universities changing their intercollegiate athletic association are influenced by rival schools with similar social identities (Smith, 2011; Smith, Williams, Soebbing, & Washington, 2013; Washington, 2004, 2004–05; Weaver, 2010). Specifically, most of these studies reviewed institutions that were former members of the NAIA and moved to the NCAA since 1973, noting university officials affiliated with the NAIA considered the organization as a detriment to their own firm’s identity (Smith, 2011; Washington, 2004–05). Thus, many of these universities departed the NAIA to join the NCAA. However, NCAA affiliation requires institutions to review NCAA rules and regulations to determine which division best suit their respective school’s needs (i.e., Division II or III). Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine if a school’s many social identities influence the likelihood of movement from the NAIA to either Division II or Division III. The results from a logistic regression model showed schools located in the Southeast region of the United States, designated as an HBCU or a women’s college, considered a small or a large school according to the Carnegie Foundation or sponsor women’s basketball are more likely to leave the NAIA for Division II. Schools located in the Great Lakes region or affiliated with a Mainline Protestant denomination have higher tendencies to leave the NAIA for Division III. These results could assist the NAIA in the recruitment of new members and talk to current members possessing these identifies to create new mechanisms to retain their NAIA affiliation

    Professional Sporting Events Increase Seasonal Influenza Mortality in US Cities

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    The COVID-19 pandemic shut down sporting events worldwide. Local policy makers and league officials face important decisions about restarting play, especially in professional leagues that draw large numbers of spectators to games. We analyze the impact of professional sporting events on local seasonal influenza mortality to develop evidence that will help inform sports league reopening policy decisions. Results from a difference-in-differences model applied to data from a sample of US cities that gained new professional sports teams over the period 1962-2016 show that the presence of games in these cities increased local influenza mortality by between 4% and 24%, depending on sport, relative to cities with no professional sports teams and relative to mortality in those cities before a new team arrived. Influenza mortality fell in cities with teams in some years when work stoppages occurred in sports leagues. Sports league reopening policies should take into account the role played by sporting events in increasing local seasonal flu mortality

    Features of informatization of education in Poland and Ukraine

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    У тезах описуються пріоритети політики ЄС у сфері інформатизації освіти в контексті реалізації програми «Освіта та професійна підготовка 2020» за прикладом Польщі. Розглядаються стратегічні європейські документи щодо інформатизації освіти, розвитку цифрових компетентностей і переходу до відкритої освіти. Окреслено інфраструктуру розвитку дистанційної освіти у Республіці Польща.The theses describe the priorities of EU policy in the field of informatization of education in the context of the implementation of the program "Education and Training 2020", for example in Poland. The strategic European documents concerning informatization of education, development of digital competences and transition to open education are considered. The infrastructure of development of distance education in the Republic of Poland is outlined