272 research outputs found

    FRW in cosmological self-creation theory: Hamiltonian approach

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    We use the Brans-Dicke theory from the framework of General Relativity (Einstein frame), but now the total energy momentum tensor fulfills the following condition [1ϕ(8πTμν(M)+Tμν(ϕ))];ν=0\rm[\frac{1}{\phi}(8\pi T^{\mu \nu (M)}+T^{\mu\nu (\phi)})]_{;\nu}=0. We take as a first model the flat FRW metric in the Hamilton-Jacobi scheme and we present the Lagrange-Charpit approach in order to find classical solutions. In the quantum scheme, once we determine the characteristic surfaces, the quantum solution is obtained. These two classes of solutions are found for all values of the barotropic parameter γ\gamma.Comment: 9 pages, latex2e. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1206.541

    Classical and quantum exact solutions for a FRW multi-scalar field cosmology with an exponential potential driven inflation

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    A flat Fiedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) multi-scalar field cosmology is studied with a particular potential of the form V(ϕ,σ)=V0eλ1ϕλ2σ \rm V(\phi,\sigma)=V_0 e^{-\lambda_1 \phi-\lambda_2 \sigma}, which emerges as a relation between the time derivatives of the scalars field momenta. Classically, by employing the Hamiltonian formalism of two scalar fields (ϕ,σ)\rm(\phi,\sigma) with standard kinetic energy, exact solutions are found for the Einstein-Klein-Gordon (EKG) system for different scenarios specified by the parameter λ2=λ12+λ22\rm\lambda^2=\lambda_1^2+\lambda_2^2, as well as the e-folding function Ne\rm N_{e} which is also computed. For the quantum scheme of this model, the corresponding Wheeler-DeWitt (WDW) equation is solved by applying an appropriate change of variables.Comment: Latex file, accepted in Advances and Mathematical physics, Hindawi. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1806.0119

    Comparative anatomy of the roots in development of nine epiphytes monocots from Brazilian Atlantic Forest/ Anatomia comparada das raízes em desenvolvimento de nove monocotiledôneas epífitas da Mata Atlântica Brasileira

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    This study describes and compares root anatomical adaptations in nine monocots: Orchidaceae (Brasiliorchis chrysantha, Gomesa flexuosa, Isochilus linearis, Leptotes bicolor and Trichocentrum pumilum), Bromeliaceae (Aechmea distichantha, Billbergia nutans and Vriesea flava) and Araceae (Philodendron propinquum) epiphytes in Parana state, Brazil. Orchidaceae and Bromeliaceae have velamen radicum. Evident exodermis and endodermis in all species, cortex in the Bromeliaceae divided in three parenchyma. The immature and mature regions of the roots are different between species. Anatomical characteristics of roots related to epiphytism, such as velamen, tilosome, thick exodermis and endodermis, tracheoid idioblasts, idioblasts with raphides and aerenchyma are presents. In species that grow in the sunniest strata, it was observed that the deposition of lignin in the cell wall of the exoderm and endoderm in "O" already occurs just above the differentiated region from the primary meristems. The number of strata of the velamen was higher in these species, reaffirming that the environmental pressure throughout the evolutionary process selected genotypes that are more resistant to conditions with less water availability

    Wind Ensemble Forecasting Using Differential Evolution

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    [en]In this work we propose to apply ensemble methods to a local scale adaptive wind forecasting model


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    Las ciencias geográficas y arqueológicas en conjunto revelan las relaciones humanas establecidas en el espacio pretérito, abarcando conceptos ambientales, sociales y simbólicos. El presente trabajo busca comprender el engendramiento de la producción del espacio del yacimiento Arqueológico CG3 en la ciudad de Campo Grande-MS, a partir del análisis de la categoría paisaje a través de una propuesta geográfica aplicada. Las reflexiones presentadas se anclan en la geoecología del paisaje, siguiendo las vertientes: investigación - acción, Investigaciones sobre el medio ambiente, metodología activa y educación ambiental crítica. El método científico que orientó este máster fue el hipotético deductivo con interacción de análisis hermenéutico-dialéctico, construyendo conjeturas a partir de hipótesis que permitieron incorporar la interpretación de los significados del discurso de los sujetos relacionados con su contexto social e histórico. Los resultados indican que las prácticas pedagógicas interdisciplinarias e inclusivas, presentadas cuando se realizan, potencian el proceso de enseñanza, el aprendizaje reflexivo en la comprensión de los componentes geoecológicos del paisaje en el sitio arqueológico, las relaciones sociales, ambientales, históricas, culturales engendradas, instigando el sentimiento de pertenencia identidad al grupo participante, repensando las relaciones que se establecen con el entorno. A modo de conclusiones, se espera que el recurso pedagógico presentado pueda ser instrumentos metodológicos útiles y diversificados en la enseñanza en espacios de enseñanza formales y no formales, sustentando las reflexiones.As ciências geográfica e arqueológica associadas desvendam as relações humanas estabelecidas no espaço englobando concepções ambientais, sociais e simbólicas. O presente trabalho busca – propor estratégias de ações pedagógicas facilitadoras no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem corroborando na internalização do conhecimento sobre o sítio arqueológico CG3 na cidade de Campo Grande - Ms, a partir da análise da categoria paisagem através de uma proposição dinâmica e aplicada. As reflexões apresentadas estão ancoradas nas seguintes ações: pesquisa - ação, estudo do meio, metodologia ativa e educação ambiental crítica. O método científico que guiou o estudo foi o hipotético dedutivo com interação de análise hermenêutico-dialética, construindo conjecturas baseadas em hipóteses permitindo incorporar interpretação dos sentidos do discurso dos sujeitos relacionado ao seu contexto social e histórico. Os resultados apontam que as práticas pedagógicas apresentadas ao serem executadas potencializam o processo de ensino, de aprendizagem reflexiva na compreensão dos componentes geoecológicos da paisagem no sítio arqueológico, as relações sociais, ambientais, históricas, culturais engendradas instigando o sentimento de pertencimento identitário ao grupo participante, repensando as relações estabelecidas com o meio. À guisa de conclusões espera-se que o recurso pedagógico apresentado possa ser instrumentos metodológicos útil e diversificado no fazer docente em espaços formal e não formal de ensino dando suporte as reflexões.The associated geographic and archaeological science unveil the human relationships established in space encompassing environmental, social and symbolic conceptions. This paper seeks to understand the engendering of the production of space of the Archaeological Site CG3 in the city of Campo Grande - MS, from the analysis of the category landscape through a applied geographic proposition. The reflections presented are anchored in the geoecology of the landscape through research - action, study of the environment, active methodology and critical environmental education. The scientific method that guided the study was the hypothetical deductive with interaction of hermeneutic-dialectical analysis, building conjectures based on hypotheses allowing to incorporate interpretation of the meanings of the discourse of the subjects related to their social and historical context. The results indicate that the interdisciplinary and inclusive pedagogical practices, presented when executed, enhance the teaching process of reflective learning in understanding the geoecological components of the landscape at the archaeological site, the social, environmental, historical, cultural relations engendered by instigating the sense of belonging to the group identity participant, rethinking the relationships established with the environment. As a conclusion, we hope that the pedagogical resource presented can be useful and diversified methodological instruments in the teaching process in formal and non-formal education spaces, supporting reflections

    Reflexiones respecto a modelos y procesos de gestión de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación

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    En el escrito se presenta un análisis de artículos científicos todos publicados en Iberoamérica y relacionados con los modelos para la gestión de la Ciencia la tecnología y la innovación lo cual impacta en los procesos de Ciencia tecnología e Innovación y sus resultados. Se establecieron siete criterios y mediante una tabla comparativa fue posible valorar los aportes principales para el desarrollo socioeconómico desde la producción de tecnologías apropiadas hacia la I+D y la I+D+i. Independientemente de identificar el reto principal consistente en lograr herramientas estratégicas particulares para la gestión universitaria de la ciencia la tecnología y la innovación en los centros e instituciones de investigación se concluye que es necesario apostar más por la predicción de resultados efectos e impactos tanto en los proyectos I+D como en los I+D+i consolidando estrategias acordes a los actores y el entorno. Es por ello que definir a corto mediano y largo plazo los grupos multi y tras disciplinares con actividades conjuntas para validar los resultados de los sistemas o registro de indicadores de la ciencia es una propuesta que se reafirma en el trabajo. Palabras clave: Gestión, tecnologías, innovación, impactos.   ABSTRACT The paper presents an analysis of scientific articles related to the models for the management of Science, technology and innovation carried out in Latin America, which has an impact on the Science, Technology and Innovation processes and their results. Seven criteria were established and by means of a comparative table it was possible to assess the main contributions for socioeconomic development is the production of appropriate technologies for I + D and I + D + i. Regardless of identifying the main challenge consisting of achieving particular strategic tools for university management of science, technology and innovation for research centers and institutions, it is concluded that it is necessary to bet more on the prediction of results, effects and impacts both in the I + D projects as well as I + D + i, consolidating strategies according to the actors and the environment. Define in the short, medium and long term the multi and disciplinary groups with joint activities to validate the results of the systems or registry of science indicators. Keywords: Management, technologies, innovation, impacts