18 research outputs found

    Growing apart from North Korea? Assessing the dynamics of identity development in South Korea

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    The ongoing panorama of nationalism in the Korean Peninsula constitutes a unique and neverseen- before case in the international arena where, despite a long-shared past with common history, language, traditions and culture, the insertion of South Korea into the global sphere seems to have separated the South from identification with the North. The display of South Korean flags, the active participation in International Organizations and the fast-paced lifestyle of Seoul leads one to question if these two nations are still compatible with one another or if the seven decades of division have proven to be more important than anticipated. This dissertation examines the current dynamics of South Korean society and, through the analysis of national surveys and thorough qualitative research, this study investigates the emergence of a South Korean national identity and questions its impact on the national willingness to unify. The final results argue that globalization has had an important role in reshaping the narratives of national identity within the South and has led to the creation of an exclusive form of ‘self’ that not only excludes the North, but constructs itself in opposition to their northern counterparts, hence presenting South Korea as the advanced, modern and developed Korea. The conclusions of this research provide fruitful contributions to the debate of nationalism in our contemporary world as well as it formulates an updated insight into inter-Korean relations and future unification processes.As atuais dinâmicas de nacionalismo na Península Coreana constituem um caso único na esfera internacional em que, apesar de haver um passado partilhado com história, língua, tradições e cultura comuns, a inserção da Coreia do Sul na cena global criou um distanciamento da Coreia do Norte. A exibição de bandeiras sul-coreanas, a participação ativa em organizações internacionais e o estilo de vida fast-paced de Seul leva-nos a questionar se estas duas nações ainda são compatíveis uma com a outra ou se as sete décadas de divisão se revelaram mais impactantes do que o antecipado. A presente dissertação examina as dinâmicas da sociedade Sul-Coreana contemporânea e, através da análise de inquéritos nacionais e de uma investigação qualitativa aprofundada, este estudo investiga a emergência de uma identidade nacional exclusiva à Coreia do Sul e questiona o seu impacto na disposição nacional de unificação. Os resultados finais argumentam que a globalização teve um papel fundamental na reformulação das narrativas de identidade nacional no Sul e levou à criação de uma forma exclusiva de "self" que não só exclui o Norte, como também se constrói em oposição a este, apresentando-se assim como a Coreia avançada, moderna e desenvolvida. As conclusões desta investigação contribuem de forma frutuosa para o debate sobre nacionalismo no nosso mundo contemporâneo bem como oferecem uma visão atualizada das relações entre as duas Coreias e a possibilidade de unificação

    Biology, ecology and conservation of mobulid rays in the Azores

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Integrados dos Oceanos, 12 de Dezembro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.Os Mobulídeos são elasmobrânquios altamente migradores, alguns dos quais aparentemente agregam em locais e épocas específicos. Devido às suas estratégias de vida conservadoras, têm uma baixa capacidade intrínseca de suportar e recuperar das actuais ameaças a nível global, incluindo pescarias direccionadas, captura acidental, destruição de habitat, poluição e turismo não regulamentado. Contudo, apesar de, hoje em dia, serem espécies icónicas que suportam importantes indústrias na área do ecoturismo, a maioria das questões relativas à sua biologia e ecologia permanecem por responder, impedindo a identificação e implementação de medidas de conservação e gestão adequadas. Este estudo providencia uma checklist actualizada da família Mobulidae para os Açores, Atlântico Norte, baseada numa base de dados extensiva de fotografia, vídeo e avistamentos visuais, e também na re-avaliação de citações existentes para a região. Existem, pelo menos, três espécies de mobulídeos que ocorrem nos Açores, possivelmente quatro: Manta birostris (ocasional), Mobula tarapacana (frequente sazonalmente), e uma ou ambas do complexo de espécies Mobula mobular/M. japanica (rara). Este é o primeiro estudo a fornecer informação detalhada acerca da ecologia espacial de M. tarapacana na sua distribuição circumglobal. Demonstrando que, na região, esta espécie mostra uma preferência marcada por montes submarinos de baixa profundidade, que alguns destes habitates suportam grandes e contínuas agregações de adultos (banco Princesa Alice e Ambrósio), e que estas agregações parecem estar restritas aos meses mais quentes. Uma base de dados fotográfica para mobulídeos e um programa para a foto-identificação de M. tarapacana, baseado nos seus padrões de coloração ventrais, foram também desenvolvidos e implementados, no que constitui a primeira, e promissora, tentativa mundial de uso da foto-identificação como ferramenta para estudos demográficos de uma espécie do género Mobula. Considerando a natureza altamente migratória destas espécies e a actual vulnerabilidade dos locais de agregação conhecidos mais importantes, os resultados deste estudo têm, muito provavelmente, implicações directas para a conservação das populações de mobulas no Atlântico Norte, em particular de M. tarapacana. Investigação futura é urgente para obter mais informação acerca da ecologia e biologia da família Mobulidae na região e no Atlântico.ABSTRACT: Mobulids are large migratory elasmobranchs, some of which appear to aggregate at specific locations and times. Due to their conservative life history traits, mobulids have low intrinsic capacity to sustain and recover from current threats globally, including directed fisheries, incidental capture, habitat destruction, pollution and unregulated tourism. Yet, although they are nowadays iconic species that support important ecotourism industries, most questions regarding their biology and ecology remain unanswered, hampering the identification and implementation of adequate conservation and management measures. This study provides an updated checklist of the family Mobulidae for the Azores, mid-North Atlantic, based on an extensive photographic, video and visual sighting database, and on the re-evaluation of previous citations for the region. There are, at least, three species of mobulids occurring in the Azores, possibly four: Manta birostris (occasional), Mobula tarapacana (seasonally frequent), and one or both of the Mobula mobular/M. japanica species complex (rare). This is the first study to provide detailed information on the spatial ecology of M. tarapacana across its circumglobal distribution. It demonstrates that, in the region, this species shows a marked preference for shallow seamounts, that some of these habitats support large and continuous aggregations of adults (Princesa Alice bank and Ambrósio reef), and that these aggregations seem to be restricted to the warmer months. A photographic database for mobulids and a program for the photo-identification of M. tarapacana based on ventral color patterns were also developed and implemented, in what constitutes the first and promising worldwide attempt to use photo-ID as a tool for Mobula demographic studies. Considering the highly migratory nature of these species and the current vulnerability of the most important, known aggregations sites, the findings in this study most possibly have direct implications for the conservation of the north Atlantic populations of Mobulas, in particular of M. tarapacana. Future research is urgent to learn more about the ecology and biology of the Mobulidae in the region and in the Atlantic

    Métodos aceleradores do movimento dentário : estado de arte

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas MonizHoje em dia existe uma demanda cada vez maior de rapidez em todos os sectores. Há uma crescente preocupação por parte dos pacientes relativamente ao tempo de duração dos tratamentos, havendo uma maior procura de soluções rápidas e eficazes. A ortodontia não está alheia a esta questão e existem vários métodos e técnicas aplicados na prática clínica com o objetivo de acelerar o movimento dentário ortodôntico com o intuito de diminuir o tempo de tratamento. Esta monografia tem como objetivo analisar os vários métodos e técnicas existentes para a aceleração do movimento dentário, abordando o seu mecanismo de ação, eficácia, bem como vantagens e desvantagens. Deste modo, foi feita uma pesquisa bibliográfica, na língua portuguesa e inglesa, utilizando o motor de busca Medline/Pubmed, inserindo as seguintes palavras-chave: “Accelerated Orthodontics”, “Tooth Movement”, “Orthodontic Movement”, “Corticotomy”, “Microosteoperforations”, “Photobiomodulation”,Today there is an increasing demand for speed in all sectors. There is a growing concern on the part of patients about the duration of treatments and there is a greater demand for quick and effective solutions. Orthodontics is part of this as well and there are several methods and techniques applied in clinical practice aiming to accelerate orthodontic tooth movement in order to shorten the treatment time. This monograph aims to analyze the various methods and techniques available to accelerate tooth movement, addressing its mechanism of action, effectiveness as well as advantages and disadvantages. Thus, a bibliographic search was made, in Portuguese and English language, using the Medline / Pubmed search engine, entering the following keywords: “Accelerated Orthodontics”, “Tooth Movement”, “Orthodontic Movement”, “Corticotomy”, Microosteoperforations, Photobiomodulation

    Os meus, os teus e os nossos : gerir e motivar trabalhadores em relações triangulares de emprego

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    Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologis dos Recursos Humanos, do Trabalho e das Organizações), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2015Nesta tese de doutoramento exploraram-se as percepções das práticas de gestão de recursos humanos (PGRH), enquanto método de comunicação entre empresas e trabalhadores contingentes em formatos triangulares de emprego, nomeadamente trabalhadores temporários de agência (TAW) e trabalhadores em outsourcing (OW). Foi ainda avaliado como a percepção das PGRH e as trocas sociais que origina, podem estar condicionadas por factores de variabilidade como: gerações, motivações, setor ou formato de contratação contingente. Com o primeiro estudo pretendeu-se adequar uma escala de percepção do sistema de PGRH a trabalhadores contingentes em relações triangulares de emprego. Para tal, foram testados os princípios de Messick (1995) numa população de 4451 TAW portugueses e considerada a relação de troca entre a medida, o duplo compromisso afectivo destes trabalhadores e dois setores de atividade distintos (i.e., serviços e indústria). Desenhado como ponto de partida, este primeiro estudo é transversal a toda a investigação. A medida aqui criada, adaptada e validada, esteve presente como variável central dos três estudos seguintes. No segundo estudo, adicionou-se uma outra perspectiva à análise das relações laborais dos trabalhadores contingentes em formatos triangulares de emprego: o efeito geracional nas relações de troca entre as PGRH, o duplo compromisso e o desempenho auto-percepcionado. Ao considerar como as diferentes gerações (Baby Boomers, 1943-1965; Geração X, 1966-1980; e Geração Y, 1981-1995) experienciam as transformações do mercado e os novos formatos de emprego, este estudo, reconhece e incorpora as mudanças sociais que têm vindo a ocorrer no mercado de trabalho e, por isso, lida diretamente com a crescente diversidade geracional no trabalho contingente. As hipóteses foram testadas com uma amostra de 3786 TAW e os resultados sugerem que as gerações podem ter um efeito moderador nas relações estudadas. Quanto ao terceiro estudo, este centrou o seu foco nas motivações dos trabalhadores e ambicionou a criação de uma tipologia motivacional capaz de amplamente captar as razões, mais ou menos autónomas, que levam os trabalhadores a enveredar por numa situação de trabalho contingente. Porém, o núcleo deste estudo continuou a ser a percepção do sistema de PGRH e o duplo compromisso destes trabalhadores, usando agora as motivações e os perfis criados, como factor de variabilidade na análise destas construtos. No final foi possível identificar, numa amostra de 3766 TAW, cinco perfis que se diferenciaram quanto aos níveis do duplo compromisso afetivo e da percepção das PGRH. Por último, o quarto estudo replicou parte da análise feita no estudo anterior, mas desta vez adicionando dois novos factores de variabilidade: o setor e o formato de contratação contingente. Este estudo permitiu a construção de uma tipologia de perfis motivacionais no setor do contact center, a comparação entre perfis motivacionais de OW e TAW dentro de uma mesma amostra e a análise da relação destes perfis com a percepção das PGRH e o compromisso afectivo para com a empresa contratante. As hipóteses foram testadas com uma amostra de 2078 trabalhadores contingentes e seis perfis foram identificados. De acordo com os resultados, ser OW ou TAW pode influenciar diferentemente as motivações dos trabalhadores, mas não a relação das motivações com outras variáveis, designadamente: as PGRH e o duplo compromisso afectivo. Através deste estudo, foi ainda possível explorar as especificidades do setor dos contact center.The present thesis explores the perceptions of the human resources practices (HRP) as a method of communication between companies and contingent workers in triangular employment relations, namely temporary agency workers (TAW) and outsourcing workers (OW). The studies examined the influence of different variability factors, such as: generations, motivations, sector and contingent work formats, on the workers’ perceptions of the HRP and their exchange relationship, both with the contractor and the client company. The first study developed and assessed the psychometric properties of an HRP system measure for contingent workers and cross-validated it with workers’ affective commitment towards both companies that are involved in this employment relation. The measure was administered to 4451 Portuguese TAW. The Messick’s validation framework (1995) was used and two sectors were compared (i.e., services and industry). This measure was a central variable of the following three studies. The second study explored a moderated mediation model that accounts for contingent workers affective commitment (toward the agency and the client company) and generation (Baby Boomers, 1943-1965; Generation X, 1966-1980; and Generation Y, 1981-1995) in the relationship HRP perceptions and overall perceived performance. By considering, simultaneously, the growth of the new work arrangements and the rising of a multigenerational workforce, this study incorporates the changes in the labor market and advances literature by studying the generational diversity inside the contingent work. The hypotheses were tested with a sample of 3786 TAW. Results suggested that generations moderate the relationships herein studied. Regarding the third study, it created a motivation profile typology, capable of broadly capture the workers' autonomous and extrinsic reasons for being in their current work situation. Five distinct motivation profiles were found on a sample of 3766 TAW. Moreover, by using the profiles as a variability factor, it was possible to understand that they differed in their affective commitment to the agency and to the client-company, and in the perception of the HRP. Finally the fourth study replied part of the analysis done in the previous study, but this time adding two other variability factors: sector and contingent work format. Therefore, the last study built a motivation profile typology of contingent workers in the contact center and compared OW and TAW profiles, and its relation with HRP perceptions and affective commitment toward the contractor. The hypotheses were tested in a sample of 2078 Portuguese contingent workers. Six profiles were identified. As expected, being OW or TAW can influence workers motivations. However, the contingent employment format did not moderate the relationship between motivation, HRP perceptions and affective commitment. Through this study, it was also possible to explore the specifics of the contact center sector

    Plastin and spectrin cooperate to stabilize the actomyosin cortex during cytokinesis

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    Cytokinesis, the process that partitions the mother cell into two daughter cells, requires the assembly and constriction of an equatorial actomyosin network. Different types of non-motor F-actin crosslinkers localize to the network, but their functional contribution remains poorly understood. Here, we describe a synergy between the small rigid crosslinker plastin and the large flexible crosslinker spectrin in the C. elegans one-cell embryo. In contrast to single inhibitions, co-inhibition of plastin and the βH-spectrin (SMA-1) results in cytokinesis failure due to progressive disorganization and eventual collapse of the equatorial actomyosin network. Cortical localization dynamics of non-muscle myosin II in co-inhibited embryos mimic those observed after drug-induced F-actin depolymerization, suggesting that the combined action of plastin and spectrin stabilizes F-actin in the contractile ring. An in silico model predicts that spectrin is more efficient than plastin at stabilizing the ring and that ring formation is relatively insensitive to βH-spectrin length, which is confirmed in vivo with a sma-1 mutant that lacks 11 of its 29 spectrin repeats. Our findings provide the first evidence that spectrin contributes to cytokinesis and highlight the importance of crosslinker interplay for actomyosin network integrity

    Prognostic value of Monocarboxylate Transporter 1 overexpression in cancer: a systematic review

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    Energy production by cancer is driven by accelerated glycolysis, independently of oxygen levels, which results in increased lactate production. Lactate is shuttled to and from cancer cells via monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs). MCT1 works both as an importer and an extruder of lactate, being widely studied in recent years and generally associated with a cancer aggressiveness phenotype. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the prognostic value of MCT1 immunoexpression in different malignancies. Study collection was performed by searching nine different databases (PubMed, EMBASE, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, OVID, TRIP and PsycINFO), using the keywords “cancer”, “Monocarboxylate transporter 1”, “SLC16A1” and “prognosis”. Results showed that MCT1 is an indicator of poor prognosis and decreased survival for cancer patients in sixteen types of malignancies; associations between the transporter’s overexpression and larger tumour sizes, higher disease stage/grade and metastasis occurrence were also frequently observed. Yet, MCT1 overexpression correlated with better outcomes in colorectal cancer, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and non-small cell lung cancer patients. These results support the applicability of MCT1 as a biomarker of prognosis, although larger cohorts would be necessary to validate the overall role of MCT1 as an outcome predictor.This work has been funded by National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)-project UIDB/50026/2020 and UIDP/50026/2020 and by the project NORTE-01- 0145-FEDER-000055, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). A.S., M.C.C. and J.A. received fellowships from FCT, references 2022.11018.BD (A.S.), 2022.10233.BD (M.C.C.) and SFRH/BPD/116784/2016 (J.A.)

    Leaders' grit and followers psychological capital: exploring moderating conditions

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    A garra (termo aqui traduzido de grit) tem sido encarada como crucial para o sucesso dos indivíduos e a eficácia dos líderes, embora alguns autores não sustentem essa tese. A investigação empírica é escassa e pouco conclusiva. Um possível caminho para melhor compreender este construto passa por considerar condições moderadoras. Aqui discutimos três dessas condições: (1) garra veiculada pelo líder versus garra autoatribuída; (2) humildade expressa pelo líder; (3) apoio social expresso pelo líder. O modelo concetual argumenta que o líder que veicula mais garra perante os liderados desenvolve o capital psicológico destes, mas esse efeito é mitigado, ou mesmo anulado, se o líder for desprovido de humildade e não facultar apoio social aos liderados. Distintamente, o líder estimula o capital psicológico dos liderados se, além de veicular garra, também expressar humildade e apoio social aos liderados.While it has been argued that grit (i.e., passion and perseverance for long-term goals) is crucial to the success of individuals and the effectiveness of leaders, some authors do not espouse such a perspective. Empirical research is scarce and inconclusive. We argue that, to better understand this construct, studies should include moderating conditions. We discuss three conditions: (1) conveyed leader grit versus self-attributed grit; (2) humility expressed by the leader; (3) social support expressed by the leader. In accordance with our conceptual model, (a) a leader who conveys high level of grit toward employees develop their psychological capital, (b) although this effect is mitigated or even nullified if the leader is devoid of humility and does not provide social support to employees. Distinctly, the leader fosters employees' psychological capital if, in addition to convey a high level of grit, he also expresses humility and social support toward employees.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Proteomics to Identify New Blood Biomarkers for Diagnosing Patients With Acute Stroke

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    Funding Information: UCIBIO-UID/Multi/04378/2019 also supported by FCT (CEEC Funding Information: This work was financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) with PTDC/MEC-NEU/28750/2017 grant, LA/P/0140/2020 funding,iNOVA4Health—UIDB/04462/2020, and UCIBIO-UID/Multi/04378/2019 units. A.S.C. is supported by FCT. R.M. is also supported by FCT (CEEC position, 2019–2025 investigator). Funding Information: This work was financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) with PTDC/MEC-NEU/28750/2017 grant, LA/P/0140/2020 funding, Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Authors.BACKGROUND: Blood biomarkers are a potential tool for early stroke diagnosis. We aimed to perform a pilot and exploratory study on untargeted blood biomarkers in patients with suspected stroke by using mass spectrometry analysis. METHODS AND RESULTS: This was a prospective observational study of consecutive patients with suspected stroke admitted within 6 hours of last being seen well. Blood samples were collected at admission. Patients were divided into 3 groups: ischemic stroke (IS), intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), and stroke mimics. Quantitative analysis from mass spectrometry data was performed using a supervised approach. Biomarker-based prediction models were developed to differentiate IS from ICH and ICH+stroke mimics. Models were built aiming to minimize misidentification of patients with ICH as having IS. We included 90 patients, one-third within each subgroup. The median age was 71 years (interquartile range, 57–81 years), and 49 participants (54.4%) were women. In quantitative analysis, C3 (complement component 3), ICAM-2 (intercellular adhesion molecule 2), PLGLA (plasminogen like A), STXBP5 (syntaxin-binding protein 5), and IGHV3-64 (immunoglobulin heavy variable 3-64) were the 5 most significantly dysregulated proteins for both comparisons. Biomarker-based models showed 88% sensitivity and 89% negative predictive value for differentiating IS from ICH, and 75% sensitivity and 95% negative predictive value for differentiating IS from ICH+stroke mimics. ICAM-2, STXBP5, PLGLA, C3, and IGHV3-64 displayed the highest importance score in our models, being the most informative for identifying patients with stroke. CONCLUSIONS: In this proof-of-concept and exploratory study, our biomarker-based prediction models, including ICAM-2, STXBP5, PLGLA, C3, and IGHV3-64, showed 75% to 88% sensitivity for identifying patients with IS, while aiming to minimize misclassification of ICH. Although our methodology provided an internal validation, these results still need validation in other cohorts and with different measurement techniques.publishersversionpublishe

    Psychosocial hazards and coping strategies: an exploratory study with victim support portuguese professionals

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    Considered a public health problem and a violation of human rights, interpersonal violence is present in all societies, affecting about 25% of the adult population. In order to guarantee their safety and recovery, the intervention of professionals specialized in victim support is essential. These professionals are part of multidisciplinary teams, whose work is characterized by lengthy and emotional contact with the victims, which can enhance the development of conditions such as occupational stress and burnout. However, the lack of representativeness of these professionals in scientific studies means that their working conditions and the protective factors they adopt in the face of stress are not known. The present investigation aims to identify the most pressing psychosocial hazards to which Portuguese professionals supporting victims of interpersonal violence are exposed and to characterize the coping strategies adopted in the face of stressful situations. Through a qualitative methodology, data was collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with 10 professionals from different academic backgrounds and belonging to six Portuguese Private Institutions of Social Solidarity (IPSS) in support of victims of violence. The results indicate that these professionals are exposed to psychosocial hazards related to the precariousness of their employment contracts and remuneration, the high emotional demands of their functions, the unpredictable tasks, the conflict between work and personal life and the high workload and that they adopt strategies that allow cognitive distance from the stressful situation and seek social support inside and outside the organization.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gestão de Marketing Aplicada à Empresa Norsecur - Mediadora de Seguros do Norte, Lda

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    No âmbito do mestrado em Direção Comercial e Marketing, realizado no ISAG – Instituto Superior de Administração e Gestão, o presente relatório tem como principal objetivo descrever as tarefas desenvolvidas no estágio curricular no departamento de marketing, realizado na empresa Norsecur – Mediadora de Seguros do Norte. O estágio teve a duração de 400 horas, com início a 10 de setembro de 2018 e término a 18 de novembro de 2018. De forma descritiva, as funções desempenhadas na empresa, citada previamente, focaram-se em atividades de natureza comercial, administrativa, atividades relacionadas com comunicação e, ainda, de marketing institucional. Realizou-se, complementarmente, a entrega e a análise de questionários baseados na escala SERVQUAL, aos clientes da presente companhia de seguros. O principal objetivo desta empresa é assegurar a maior e melhor qualidade nos serviços prestados, fazendo com que os seus clientes se sintam únicos e seguros das suas decisões. Relativamente ao planeamento estratégico de marketing digital, revelou-se a necessidade de introduzir um plano de ações direcionado tanto numa vertente de marketing digital - como por exemplo a otimização da presença em redes sociais - como na reformulação da carteira de clientes da Norsecur, numa tentativa de alargar o seu âmbito de atuação