707 research outputs found

    Corrupção Política em Portugal : O Jornalismo Judiciário como «Denunciante»

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    A relação entre a Justiça e os media gerou, desde sempre, um debate controverso nas sociedades. Há opiniões que advogam um afastamento total entre as duas áreas, em nome da imparcialidade e do rigor; outras vozes defendem a possibilidade de construção de pontes que favoreçam o dever de informar enquanto bem público, essencial à concretização de uma verdadeira democracia. A presente dissertação pretende averiguar o papel do jornalismo judiciário na «denúncia» de casos de corrupção política em Portugal. Pode o jornalismo assumir uma função de «denunciante»? Estarão os jornalistas preparados para essa tarefa? É necessária uma maior aposta ao nível da formação de jornalistas? A todas estas questões procurámos dar resposta nas páginas que se seguem. A contextualização histórica e a referência a alguns dos casos de corrupção mais mediáticos da última década em Portugal ocupam a primeira parte da dissertação; pareceu-nos relevante revisitar alguns processos conhecidos do grande público para melhor enquadrar a problemática abordada, uma vez que os temas da justiça marcaram presença na imprensa, desde sempre. O relato que a comunicação social faz sobre os casos de corrupção política é objeto de reflexão na segunda parte da tese, tendo em conta os valores-notícia. Selecionámos a cobertura mediática do processo Face Oculta pelo jornal Público e pelo Correio da Manhã como caso de estudo e direcionámos a nossa análise em três fases distintas: divulgação pública da investigação da Polícia Judiciária (outubro de 2009), início do julgamento no Tribunal de Aveiro (novembro de 2011) e leitura do acórdão (setembro de 2014). Para melhor nos documentarmos sobre o processo, entrevistámos agentes da Justiça e dos media, que nos apresentaram a sua perspetiva sobre questões como o segredo de justiça ou a possível criação de gabinetes de imprensa nos tribunais. Na terceira e última parte da dissertação, procurámos enquadrar um conjunto de recomendações quer ao campo da justiça, quer ao campo mediático, com vista a uma relação profícua entre ambos e à concretização de um trabalho pedagógico no combate e na prevenção da corrupção política. Ao longo desta investigação, verifica-se que houve já alguns avanços na comunicação da justiça, mas conclui-se também que há ainda muito caminho a percorrer

    Utilização de novas tecnologias em sala de aula: uma análise dos desafios e possibilidades na ótica da gestão escolar / Use of new technologies in the classroom: an analysis of the challenges and possibilities from the perspective of school management

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    A escola, enquanto parte elementar da sociedade, precisa adequar suas práticas no intuito de acompanhar as novas tecnologias e as transformações sociais oriundas desses novos tempos. O papel dos gestores é fundamental nessa adequação. A Gestão Escolar precisa incentivar e contribuir para uso de novas tecnologias no contexto educacional, bem como considerar as diversas opiniões dos diferentes segmentos envolvidos direta ou indiretamente no processo educativo. Nesse sentido, este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar o uso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) em sala de aula na perspectiva de gestores escolares e docentes. A pesquisa contou com uma entrevista realizada com as gestoras (diretora, diretora adjunta e coordenadora pedagógica) e de questionários aplicados aos professores do Colégio Estadual 10 de Maio, situado no município de Itaperuna - RJ. Os resultados demonstram uma boa participação da gestão escolar no estímulo ao uso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação em sala de aula. Outro dado relevante é que quase a totalidade dos participantes desta pesquisa (95,5%) acredita que o uso das TICs traz melhorias significativas para a aprendizagem, porém uma minoria (6,8%) utiliza essas tecnologias diariamente em suas aulas. A escola é um organismo vivo, portanto suscetível a mudanças e imprevistos constantes. O papel do gestor escolar nessa dinâmica é crucial a fim de acompanhar as demandas impostas pela sociedade, e, por conseguinte, formar cidadãos dotados de senso crítico e preparados para lidar com os desafios do mundo moderno e suas tecnologias


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    Diante da nova configuração da sociedade do conhecimento e da informação caracterizada por uma época de insegurança e incerteza, torna-se necessário desenvolver nos educandos competências que lhes garantam o desenvolvimento pleno da pessoa humana, que compreende tanto o desenvolvimento pessoal quanto profissional. Dessa forma, o mundo organizacional requer profissionais criativos, flexíveis, inovadores, solidários, éticos, autônomos, capazes de trabalhar em equipe, bons comunicadores, que tenham uma equilibrada competência sócio emocional e leve em consideração o respeito à dignidade da pessoa humana configurado numa educação para os direitos humanos. O AVA (Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem) pode se constituir em um benéfico canal por meio do qual torna-se possível desenvolver competências socioemocionais e valores humanos condizentes com a nova realidade organizacional do século XXI

    Mecanismos de modulação da inflamação e angiogénese por polifenois naturais

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    Metabolismo - Clínica e ExperimentaçãoDoctoral Programme in Metabolism - Clinical and Experimenta

    Comparing the effects of glazing and chitosan-based coating applied on frozen salmon on its organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics over six-months storage

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    The perishable nature of fish, with an increase in fish consumption in recent years, led to the improvement of fish preservation techniques. Chitosan coatings adds to the traditional water glazing. The effect of a chitosan solution of 1.5% on the sensory properties of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was studied over six months of storage. The sensory properties of the salmon were assessed through the use of a texturometer and a trained panel of judges. Microbiological parameters were studied in the form of Total Volatile Base Nitrogen (TVB-N) and Total Viable Count (TVC) tests. Microbiological analysis showed that chitosan had an anti-microbiological effect on the salmon samples, reducing the number of microorganisms present, while TVB-N values were maitained stable during experiment. Textural Profile Analysis (TPA) was performed and the results showed no significant differences between different coatings regarding texture. Sensory analysis by a trained panel showed that chitosan was a better choice in frozen samples, while in thawed and cooked samples no significant differences existed between chitosan-coated and glazed samples. Flavor diffusion from the chitosan coating was assessed, and analysis of the results showed no correlation between coating type and sample flavor, indicating that no flavor diffusion had occurred.The contribution of VANIBRU, Lda. regarding the PhD scholarship of Nuno Soares and the use of industrial facilities are gratefully acknowledged


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    Este estudo verifica as interações entre uma cursista e uma tutora em um fórum de curso on-line, com o objetivo de analisar a construção de identidades em seus aspectos sociais e institucionais. Foram selecionadas e analisadas nove postagens da cursista e da tutora. As trocas interacionais entre as participantes por meio do discurso escrito são analisadas pela perspectiva dos conceitos teóricos da construção de identidades sociais, construção de identidades institucionais e receptividade. Os estudos mostram que os comportamentos discursivos da cursista e da tutora no fórum podem estar baseados no desejo de construir identidades socioinstitucionais específicas no ambiente on-line. Palavras-chave: Discurso. Interação. Identidade

    Application of chitosan-based coatings on frozen salmon - Sensory assessment and retail simulation approach

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    GLUPOR 12 - 12nd International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Chemistry GroupDue to an increase in fish consumption over the past years , in comb ination with the perishable nature of fish , the fish industry has given an added focus on the improvement of the currently used fish preservation techniques. Chitosan coatings may add improvements to the traditional water glazing , name ly in physical and ant i- microbial protection , allowing for shelf life extension. Nevertheless , during retail storage , frozen fish products can suffer temperature variations that lead to a decrease in quality. These temperature var iations can be caused by a multitude of reasons , some of which are easy to control , while others are due to unforeseen circumstances . In either case , thermal stress can often affect frozen fish products and this effect is of considerable importance . This work was meant to determ ine the influence of chitosan coatings in the organoleptic characteristics of salmon as well as report a strategy to help mitigate the effects of thermal stress of frozen fish samples .A 15 g/L chitosan solution was applied on frozen salmon samples through dipping at a temperature of 8 °C, wi th a dipping time of 10 s; water glazing was applied as blank treatment at 0.5 °C, with a dipping time of 40 s. Some of the samples were submitted to retail- simulated thermal stress conditions (i. e. a temperature variation of -15 °C to -5 °C was enforced ), and studied during a 70-days long experiment , while others were used to assess the sensory properties of chitosan coat ings on Atlantic salmon (Sa/mo salar) and were compared with uncoated and water glazed samples over a six-month storage period at -18 °C. Retail simulation samples were tested for variations in pH , coat i ng loss and color , while samples used for sensory analys is were evaluated by a sensory panel (frozen , frozen+thawed and frozen +thawed+cooked samples were assessed ,) regarding its organolept ic properties , and textural analysis , by means of a TPA (texture profile analys is ). Samples analys is common to both exper iments were microbiological stabi lity, assessed through TVC (ISO 4833-1 :2013 standard) , and chemical stability , determined as TVB-N (N P 2930 :2009 standard ). Through coating loss, it was possible to verify that chitosan coatings offer better protect ion, with water glazed samples becoming virtually unprotected after the evaluation period, with losses of more than 80 % of its glazing , while chitosan coated samples maintained 50 % of its coating. Extrapolat i ng this data to complete loss of water glazing shows an increase in shel f life of at le ast 26 % in chitosan coated samples. No significant changes between samples were obtained in the other parameters assessed . The anti-m icrobial effect of chitosan was confirmed through TVC which showed a reduction in microbial counts in chitosan coated samp les , whi le while TVB-N results showed to remain stable , for both experiments . The proven anti - microbial effect of chitosan coated samples in conjunction with a slower coating loss leads to an expected increase in shelf life , even in unforeseen circumstances of temperature change in retail transportation. Textural results from the TPA analysis showed no significant differences between different coatings. Results of the trained panel indicated that for frozen samples ch itosan was the preferred choice , while no significant differences existed between chitosan -coated and glazed samples in thawed and cooked samples. Flavor diffu sion from the chitosan coating to the samples was assessed by Principal Component Analysis and no correlation between coating type and sample flavor could be established , meaning that no chitosan flavor was detected by the panellists.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/044691/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCl-01-0145-FEDER-006684) and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norteinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparação entre a água de coco em pó (ACP®) e o Tris como diluidores na criopreservação do sêmen de cães

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    The present study compared powder coconut water (ACP®) and Tris extenders on canine semen cryopreservation by classic evaluation and thermoresistance test. Five stud dogs were submitted to two semen collections by digital manipulation. Sperm fractions were analyzed regarding to its color, volume, sperm concentration, motility, vigor and morphology. Semen samples were divided into two aliquots: the first one was extended in Tris and second one in ACP®. Both extenders contained 20% egg yolk. Samples were cooled to 5ºC, glycerol added (6%), packaged in 0.25mL straws, frozen in nitrogen vapors and finally stored in liquid nitrogen. One week later, thaw was performed at 38ºC per 1min in water bath and new evaluations of sperm motility, vigor and morphology were conducted. Samples were kept at 38ºC in water bath and evaluated at 15 and 30min after thaw. No significant difference was observed between extenders throughout cryopreservation or thawing procedures, as well as during thermoresistance test, concerning to characteristics evaluated. Tris and ACP® were efficient in conserving 50% mobile spermatozoa and 70% morphologically normal sperm after thaw. Thus, ACP® can be used as an alternative extender for canine semen cryopreservation.O presente trabalho comparou a água de coco em pó (ACP®) com o diluidor Tris na criopreservação do sêmen canino através da avaliação clássica e do teste de termorresistência. Cinco reprodutores caninos foram submetidos a duas coletas de sêmen através de manipulação digital. As frações espermáticas foram avaliadas quanto à sua coloração, volume, concentração, motilidade, vigor e morfologia espermática. As amostras de sêmen foram divididas em duas alíquotas: a primeira foi diluída em Tris e a segunda em ACP®. Ambos os diluidores continham 20% de gema de ovo. As amostras foram refrigeradas, adicionadas de glicerol (6%), envasadas em palhetas de 0,25mL, criopreservadas em vapores de nitrogênio, e finalmente armazenadas em nitrogênio líquido. Após uma semana, foi realizada a descongelação a 38ºC por 1min em banho-maria, sendo realizadas novas avaliações de motilidade, vigor e morfologia espermática. As amostras foram mantidas a 38ºC no banho-maria e avaliadas aos 15 e 30 min após descongelação. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os dois diluidores no decorrer dos procedimentos de criopreservação e descongelação, bem como durante o teste de termorresistência, em relação às características avaliadas. O Tris e o ACP® foram eficientes em conservar 50% de espermatozóides móveis e 70% de espermatozóides morfologicamente normais após a descongelação. Assim, o ACP® pode ser utilizado como diluidor alternativo para a criopreservação do sêmen canino

    Biosurfactants as Multifunctional Remediation Agents of Environmental Pollutants Generated by the Petroleum Industry

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    Fuel and oil spills during the exploration, refining, and distribution of oil and petrochemicals are primarily responsible for the accumulation of organic pollutants in the environment. The reduction in contamination caused by hydrocarbons, heavy metals, oily effluents, and particulate matter generated by industrial activities and the efficient recovery of oil at great depths in an environmentally friendly way pose a challenge, as recovery and cleaning processes require the direct application of surface-active agents, detergents, degreasers, or solvents, often generating other environmental problems due to the toxicity and accumulation of these substances. Thus, the application of natural surface-active agents is an attractive solution. Due to their amphipathic structures, microbial surfactants solubilize oil through the formation of small aggregates (micelles) that disperse in water, with numerous applications in the petroleum industry. Biosurfactants have proven their usefulness in solubilizing oil trapped in rock, which is a prerequisite for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Biosurfactants are also important biotechnological agents in anti-corrosion processes, preventing incrustations and the formation of biofilms on metallic surfaces, and are used in formulations of emulsifiers/demulsifiers, facilitate the transport of heavy oil through pipelines, and have other innovative applications in the oil industry. The use of natural surfactants can reduce the generation of pollutants from the use of synthetic detergents or chemical solvents without sacrificing economic gains for the oil industry. Therefore, investments in biotechnological processes are essential. It is predicted that, in the not-too-distant future, natural surfactants will become viable from an economic standpoint and dominate the world market. The application of biosurfactants in these settings would lead to industrial growth and environmental sustainability. The main goal of this paper is to provide an overview of diverse applications of biosurfactants on environmental remediation, petroleum biotechnology, and the oil industry through a scientific literature review

    Biosurfactants: Chemical Properties, Ecofriendly Environmental Applications, and Uses in the Industrial Energy Sector

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    The exploitation of nature and the increase in manufacturing production are the cause of major environmental concerns, and considerable efforts are needed to resolve such issues. Oil and petroleum derivatives constitute the primary energy sources used in industries. However, the transportation and use of these products have huge environmental impacts. A significant issue with oil-related pollution is that hydrocarbons are highly toxic and have low biodegradability, posing a risk to ecosystems and biodiversity. Thus, there has been growing interest in the use of renewable compounds from natural sources. Biosurfactants are amphipathic microbial biomolecules emerging as sustainable alternatives with beneficial characteristics, including biodegradability and low toxicity. Biosurfactants and biosurfactant-producing microorganisms serve as an ecologically correct bioremediation strategy for ecosystems polluted by hydrocarbons. Moreover, synthetic surfactants can constitute additional recalcitrant contaminants introduced into the environment, leading to undesirable outcomes. The replacement of synthetic surfactants with biosurfactants can help solve such problems. Thus, there has been growing interest in the use of biosurfactants in a broad gamut of industrial sectors. The purpose of this review was to furnish a comprehensive view of biosurfactants, classifications, properties, and applications in the environmental and energy fields. In particular, practical applications of biosurfactants in environmental remediation are discussed, with special focus on bioremediation, removal of heavy metals, phytoremediation, microbial enhanced oil recovery, metal corrosion inhibition, and improvements in agriculture. The review also describes innovating decontamination methods, including nanobioremediation, use of genetically modified microorganisms, enzymatic bioremediation, modeling and prototyping, biotechnology, and process engineering. Research patents and market prospects are also discussed to illustrate trends in environmental and industrial applications of biosurfactants