82 research outputs found

    Cirurgia do septo nasal

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2019Tratamentos cirúrgicos para a obstrução da via aérea nasal são comuns na prática em otorrinolaringologia. A cirurgia do septo nasal é a terceira cirurgia mais realizada em ORL nos Estados Unidos da América. É uma técnica que se tem sofrido alterações nos últimos dois séculos, nos quais foram derrubados muitos dos obstáculos inerentes à mesma. Elaborou-se esta revisão de forma a rever quais foram os avanços ao longo do tempo, que opções existem nos dias de hoje, tentar perceber quais são alguns dos próximos passos e qual o rumo a seguir no futuro. A técnica endoscópica melhorou bastante os resultados por meio de uma identificação mais exata da patologia, minimizar o risco hemorrágico intraoperatório, bem como representar uma ótima ferramenta pedagógica. No futuro, as indicações para Tomografia Computorizada dos seios perinasais podem alargar com o avanço da técnica de baixa radiação, bem como a redução de custos da mesma. A cirurgia do septo nasal evoluiu bastante ao longo dos anos com o aparecer de variadas técnicas. Continua, no entanto, a ser um procedimento desafiante para o otorrinolaringologista. Não há um plano único que sirva todos os doentes. É essencial uma boa avaliação da localização e gravidade das alterações e planear caso a caso.Surgical treatment for Nasal airway obstruction are common practice in otolaryngology. The surgery of the nasal septum is the third most performed in otolaryngology, in the USA. This technique has changed over the last two centuries, in which many obstacles were tackled. An article review was carried out in order to revisit the advances through time, what options are available today, try to understand some of the next steps and what is the course for the future. Endoscopy was a major improve for the results due to a more exact identification of the pathology, minimizing the intraoperatory hemorragic riscs, and stand as a prime teaching tool. In the future, the indication for the perinasal sinus computorized tomography can widen with the enhancement of the low dose radiation technique, as well as the costs of it. The surgery of the nasal septum has evolved a lot through the years, and with the advent of many techniques. It still remains challenging for the otolaryngologist. There is no sigle plan that suits every patient. A good evaluation of the location and severity of the deviation is essencial, as well as planning each case individually

    Ensino online da olaria da roda baixa - um estudo das representações sociais

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    Esta investigação tem como objetivo o estudo das representações sociais do ensino online da olaria da roda baixa, tendo por base as técnicas dos oleiros do barro negro, de Bisalhães (Vila Real) e Gondar (Amarante). Muita da arte popular mais típica, tradicional, chegou aos nossos dias através da passagem de testemunho do mestre ao aprendiz, mas atualmente há um risco de grande parte desaparecer, por não haver quem se queira dedicar a ela. Por outro lado, o ensino online tem vindo a crescer, quer devido às potencialidades das tecnologias móveis, quer pela importância que a formação contínua e não formal tem assumido na vida das pessoas. Neste projeto foram realizados dois estudos. Um deles baseou-se em entrevistas empíricas, num total de cinco, sendo que três foram a oleiros (dois de Bisalhães, em Vila Real e um de Gondar, em Amarante) e duas a professores de artes, uma do ensino superior e um do ensino secundário. As entrevistas tiveram uma duração média de 35 minutos, tendo variado entre 15 e 52 minutos. O segundo estudo, de estatísticas descritivas, consistiu num questionário que foi preenchido por 42 alunos, 28 deles de um curso de Artes Gráficas do ensino secundário (12º ano) e 14 do ensino superior (Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto). Os resultados do questionário foram analisados por meio do software de análise estatística SPSS.Depois de analisadas as respostas às entrevistas, verificamos que há consenso relativamente à necessidade de preservar as técnicas tradicionais de produção de arte popular. Quanto à análise dos questionários, verifica-se que há pouca experiência no ensino online (apenas 17% dos inquiridos frequentaram cursos a distância), apesar de reconhecerem a pertinência deste tipo de formação.Relativamente à pertinência e funcionalidade do curso online do ensino das técnicas da olaria da roda baixa, o carácter antropológico surge como uma vantagem, mas apenas 17% dos inquiridos manifestou vontade em frequentar um curso a distância online de ensino de técnicas usadas na olaria nos próximos doze meses. 45% afirmaram não ter a certeza, tendo a possibilidade de frequência do curso sido rejeitada por 26% dos alunos inquiridos.The main goal of this research is the study of a social representations of online teaching of low wheel pottery, based on the techniques of potters of black clay from Bisalhães (Vila Real) and Gondar (Amarante). Most of the folk art, more traditional and typical has reached recent days through the passage of the witness from the master to the apprentice. However, nowadays there is the risk of extinction due to the fact that there is no one willing to devote to it. On the hand, online teaching has been developing not only because of the potential of Mobile technologies but also because of the growing importance of life-long and non-formal learning that has been taking a leading role in people's lives.Two studies have been performed in this project. One of them was based in empirical interviews in a total amount of five. Two were made to potters (two from Bisalhães from Vila Real and one from Gondar in Amarante) and two to two teachers of arts, one form university and the other from secondary teaching. The interviews took about 35 minutes, ranging from 15 to 52 minutes. The second study, of descriptive statistics, consisted in a questionnaire to 42 students, 28 attending the course of graphic arts in secondary school (12.º year) and 14 attending university (Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto). The findings of this questionnaire were reviewed by means of the SPSS statistics analysis software.Having analyzed the answers to the interviews, it was concluded that there is a consensus on the need to preserve the traditional techniques of the production of folk arts. Regarding the analysis of the questionnaires, little experience on the online teaching (only seventeen percent of the surveyed attended long distant courses) was observed despite the recognition of the relevancy of this kind of learning. Regarding the importance and function of the online course of the teaching of low wheel pottery techniques, the anthropological character appears as an advantage, but only 17% of the surveyed revealed the will to attend an online long distance course of the teaching of pottery techniques used in the following 12 months. 45% said they were not sure. 26% of the students surveyed rejected the possibility of attending the course


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    Strengthening the role of village communities must be carried out in order to build reform for the village itself. One of the most prominent social empathy attitudes as a symptom of rural community life is mutual cooperation. In the Kore-Metan traditional practice, the people of Aiteas Village, Municipio Manatuto, Timor Leste also apply the principle of mutual cooperation. In the effort to develop tradition, the most competent is the customary leader, because he is the informal leader of the tribe. This study aims to determine the role of informal leaders in the practice of Kore-Metan tradition in Aiteas Village. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. Data obtained by interview. The research was conducted in Aiteas Village, Posto Administrative Manatuto, Municipio Manatuto, Timor Leste. Based on the research results, the practice of the Kore-Metan tradition has a function for the people of Aiteas Village: First, the Kore-Metan tradition is a tradition passed down from generation to generation as a useful historical heritage. Second, it gives legitimacy to the beliefs, institutions and rules that already exist in Aiteas Village. Third, the Kore-Metan tradition provides a convincing symbol of collective identity, in this case loyalty to traditional ties and local cultural values. Fourth, the Kore-Metan tradition as a means of consolation. The role of the traditional leader of Aiteas Village is very important in the practice of the Kore-Metan tradition. The role of the Traditional Leader of Desa Aiteas in the practice of the Kore-Metan tradition, namely first, to give direction to the socialization process; second, the inheritor of traditions, beliefs, values, norms and knowledge; third, to unite society; and fourth, turn on the control control system. Social institutions through the role of the Traditional Chairman of Aiteas Village in the practice of the Kore-Metan tradition can be a means for building the character of the Aiteas Village community, because these social institutions contain the values ​​of mutual cooperation, responsibility, adherence to customary values, as well as community unity and integrity

    Expedition on the Lower São Francisco: An X-ray of fisheries and agriculture, pollution, silting and saline intrusion / Expedição no Baixo São Francisco: um raio-X da pesca e agricultura, poluição, assoreamento e intrusão salina

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    The São Francisco River represents 2/3 of the Northeast Region freshwater availability. Its basin is divided into Upper São Francisco, Middle São Francisco, Sub-Middle São Francisco, and Lower São Francisco. The Lower São Francisco is one of the most impacted regions of the Northeast, considering factors related to fishing, electric power generation and city sewage pollution. The first Scientific Expedition of the Lower São Francisco aimed at evaluating the water quality, pollution, silting, deforestation of the ciliary forest, socio-economic survey, environmental education, ictiofaunal composition, analysis of metals in fish, fishing and catching and salt intrusion. The samples were collected in seven coastal municipalities in the states of Alagoas and Sergipe. The results indicate that all the municipalities studied have water pollution problems from household and diffuse sewages, pesticides, and organic matter deposited in the sediment. Much of the crops are dependent on the use of agrochemical in crops on the banks of the river, with a prevailing environmental degradation scenario. There was a decrease in the number of native fish species and predominance of exotic and invasive marine species. In addition, it was possible to detect the occurrence of catch methods with high impact on the fishes. The saline wedge is already 16 km from the river mouth, replacing agricultural activities by shrimp farming. Fish show metal content, but a large part of them are within acceptable limits and a georeferenced database with the results of the expedition was made available for consultation

    Características biométricas e fisiológicas de plantas jovens de Mikania glomerata Sprengel e Mikania laevigata Schultz Bip. ex Baker cultivadas sob malhas coloridas

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    Mikania glomerata and Mikania laevigata are commonly called “guaco” and are among the species used to treat fever, rheumatism, flu and respiratory diseases. The understanding of the physiological behavior of these species and their responses to environmental conditions is necessary to improve methods of cultivation. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of the controlling of the light spectrum, using colored nets, on the biometric and physiological characteristics of M. glomerata and M. laevigata during early development. Plants were obtained from cuttings and kept under the treatments for 120 days, using colored nets with 50% shading in red, gray and blue and full sunlight (0%). Total and partitioned (leaf, stem and roots) dry weight, leaf area, leaf area ratio, leaf weight ratio, specific leaf area and photosynthetic pigment contents (chlorophylls and carotenoids) were determined. The results revealed that the blue net allowed the increase in total dry and partitioned matter accumulation in the shoots and increased the height of the plants. The levels of chlorophyll a, b and total, were also increased under the blue net. On the other hand, the plants under red net showed higher allocation of dry matter to roots. No changes in the leaf weight and in chlorophyll a/b ratio were observed.  Shading significantly altered the plant dry weight distribution, while the use of different nets modified the content of photosynthetic pigments in the plant species under study.Mikania glomerata e Mikania laevigata são comumente chamadas de guaco e estão entre as espécies mais usadas popularmente, principalmente para o tratamento de febre, reumatismo, gripe e doenças do trato respiratório. Por isso, o entendimento do comportamento fisiológico dessa espécie e as suas respostas às condições do ambiente tornam-se necessários ao aperfeiçoamento dos métodos de cultivo. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do controle do espectro de luz, utilizando malhas coloridas, sobre as características biométricas e fisiológicas em M. glomerata e M. laevigata, durante o desenvolvimento inicial. As plantas foram obtidas a partir de estacas e mantidas sob os tratamentos por 120 dias, utilizando malhas de 50% de sombreamento nas cores vermelha, cinza e azul e a pleno sol (0%), determinando-se posteriormente a massa seca total e particionada (folha, caule e raízes), área foliar, razão de área foliar, razão de peso foliar, área foliar específica e conteúdo de pigmentos fotossintéticos (clorofilas e carotenóides). Os resultados revelaram que a malha azul proporcionou aumento no acúmulo de massa seca total e particionada da parte aérea e as plantas apresentaram maior crescimento em altura. Além disso, houve aumento nos teores de clorofilas a, b e total, para ambas as espécies em relação às outras malhas e ao tratamento a pleno sol. As plantas sob malhas vermelha e azul apresentaram maior alocação de matéria seca para as raízes. Não foram observadas, entretanto, alterações na razão de peso foliar e relação clorofila a/b. Porém, observou-se que o sombreamento alterou significativamente a distribuição de massa seca particionada e que o uso de diferentes malhas modifica o conteúdo de pigmentos fotossintéticos nas espécies de guaco em estudo

    Assessment of the efficacy of commercial anthelmintics in horses naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes

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    The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of commercial anthelmintics in horses naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes from the southern Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The anthelmintic efficacy was assessed by fecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) and coproculture. Fecal samples were collected from 110 animals in seven farms located in the southern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the south of Brazil. Criteria used to suspect anthelmintic resistance included percentages of efficacy lower than 95% and a lower limit of the confidence interval below 90%. Anthelmintic resistance was detected in five of the seven farms studied. Coproculture results show that, even after horses were treated with anthelmintics, infection by nematodes of the subfamily Cyathostominae was still present in animals from five farms

    Caracterização sociodemográfica e epidemiológica de cesarianas em uma maternidade pública de referencia em Teresina

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    OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico e epidemiológico das indicações de cesarianas em uma maternidade pública de referência em Teresina no período de 2007 a 2012. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, documental e retrospectivo. Foram levantados 38715 prontuários de mulheres cesareadas com registo no arquivo da instituição em estudo compondo a amostra de 396 prontuários. RESULTADOS: achados de maior relevância: idade de 20 a 30 anos (60%), casadas (41,7%), ensino médio completo (45,3%). Condições maternas associadas ao parto cesariano: infecção urinaria (40%), hipertensão arterial (22,6%) seguida de diabetes (11,7%). Condições fetais como indicador de cesariana: apresentação pélvica (22,9%) seguida de apresentação de face (18,3%) e sofrimento fetal agudo (14,7%). CONCLUSÃO: este estudo revelou que a caracterização sociodemográfica e epidemiológica estão fortemente associadas com

    Prevalence of Pressure Injury of Bedridden Patients, Hospitalized in a Public Hospital

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    Objective: To analyze the prevalence of pressure injury in bedridden patients, hospitalized in a public hospital. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in the city of Teresina, state of Piauí. The sample consisted of 27 bedridden patients, with pressure injuries. Results: The injury prevalence was 31,4%. From the 27 patients studied, 59.3% were elderly, 77.8% were male, 48.1% had circulatory system diseases, 22.2% had respiratory system diseases and 59.3% of the pressure injuries were located in the sacral region. Conclusion: The prevalence of pressure injury was high among bedridden patients, which shows the need of preventive measures, such as protocol implantation, use of scale of risk assessment, appropriate supporting surface, repositioning in bed, adequacy of dressings and instructions for patient discharge. Keywords: Pressure ulcer. Prevalence. Nursing