364 research outputs found
Avaliação do pH ruminal de vacas leiteiras em Portugal : relação com parâmetros ambientais, produtivos e fisiológicos
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaEste trabalho visou avaliar a prevalência de acidose ruminal subaguda (ARSA) em explorações
de vacas leiteiras em Portugal através da análise dos valores de pH do líquido ruminal e
posterior relação com os resultados do Penn State Particle Separator (PSPS), qualidade do
leite, beta-hidroxibutirato (βHB) no leite, dados produtivos individuais, práticas de maneio
alimentar e temperatura ambiente fora e dentro do estábulo. Para colheita do fluido ruminal foi
utilizada uma sonda ruminal, e o pH ruminal foi medido através de um aparelho portátil (lacqua
pmeter) previamente validado. De modo avaliar a granulometria da partícula da dieta recorreuse
ao PSPS. Realizou-se ainda no mesmo momento, a colheita de leite para análise
semiquantitativa dos valores de ẞHB através de tiras Ketotest® (Elanco). Os dados da
qualidade de leite foram obtidos através do contraste leiteiro realizado nas explorações. Para a
análise seleccionaram-se aleatoriamente em média 13 vacas de 14 explorações com 100 a
1000 animais em produção. Em quatro destas explorações tinham sido colocados bolos intraruminais
de monensina (Kexxtone®, Elanco) nos animais incluídos no ensaio. No total foram
amostrados 185 animais, com 5 a 100 dias em leite. Os animais do estudo estavam a ser
alimentados com dieta completa com rácios variados de forragem/concentrado. Em todas as
explorações foi medida a temperatura ambiente e das forragens. O pH ruminal médio foi de
6,24, com 28% das explorações a apresentarem animais positivos a ARSA com uma
prevalência média de 19%. Encontrou-se uma relação positiva entre a PSPS19 e os valores de
pH ruminal (p <0,02). Curiosamente, verificou-se uma tendência positiva entre a quantidade de
alimento retido no crivo de granulometria ≥ 1,18 mm e a produção de leite (p = 0,051). Verificouse
ainda uma relação negativa entre o pH ruminal e a temperatura ambiente dentro dos
pavilhões (p = 0,023) e uma relação positiva entre a prevalência de ARSA e a amplitude de pH
ruminal encontrada em cada exploração (p = 0,003). Identificou-se uma relação negativa entre
o somatório da quantidade de alimento composto complementar e silagem de milho e os valores
médios de pH ruminal. As vacas multíparas apresentaram tendência para teores de gordura no
leite mais elevados do que as primíparas (p = 0,05). A prevalência média de vacas com cetose
subclínica (CSC) por exploração foi de 51%. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa
entre a paridade e a probabilidade das vacas apresentarem CSC (p =0,227). Além disso,
constatou-se que, quanto maior é a produção de leite, maior é o risco das vacas terem CSC (p
<0,01). O uso integrado destas metodologias possibilita uma abordagem mais objectiva no
controlo e monitorização da alimentação, do estado hígido e bem-estar da vaca leiteira.
Contudo, mais estudos terão de ser realizados para melhor compreensão da relação entre
algumas variáveis.ABSTRACT - This study aimed to assess the prevalence of sub-acute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in
Portuguese dairy farms by analyzing the pH of the rumen fluid and subsequent relationship
with the results of the Penn State Particle Separator (PSPS), milk quality, beta
hydroxybutyrate (βHB) in milk, individual production data, feed management practices and
environmental temperature outside and inside the barn. To harvest the ruminal fluid it a
rumen probe was used, and rumen pH was measured using a portable device (Lacqua
pmeter) previously validated. The PSPS was used to evaluate the dietary fiber length.
Additionally milk was collected for semi quantitative assessment of ẞHBl through Ketotest®
strips (Elanco). The milk quality data was obtained from routine milk recordings performed
at the farms. For the study an average of 13 cows were randomly selected from each of 14
farms with 100 to 1000 animals in milk. In four of these farms intra-ruminal monensin device
(Kexxtone®, Elanco) had been applied to the animals included in the trial. A total of 185
animals were sampled, with 5 to 100 days in milk. The study animals were eating a total
mixed ration (TMR) with varying ratios of forage/concentrate. In all farms the temperature
inside and outside of barns was measured. The ruminal pH average was 6.24, with 28% of
the farms being positive to ARSA, with an average prevalence of 19%. We found a positive
and statistically significant correlation between the amount of fiber sieve with a particle size
≥ 19 mm and pH values (p <0.02). Interestingly, there was a positive relationship between
the amount of food held in the particle size of ≥ 1.18 mm sieve and milk production (p =
0.051). There was a negative relationship between rumen pH and environmental
temperature inside the pavilions (p = 0.023). A positive correlation between the prevalence
of SARA and amplitude ruminal pH found in each scan (p = 0.003) and a negative
relationship between the sum of the amount of concentrate and corn silage and the average
values of rumen pH, were also found. Multiparous cows tended to have higher milk fat
values compared with primiparous cows (p = 0.05). The average prevalence of sub-clinical
ketosis (SCK) per farm was 51%. There was no statistically significant difference between
the parity and the likelihood for SCK (p =0.227). Furthermore, it was found that higher milk
production was a risk factor for cows having SCK (p <0.01). The integrated use of these
methods allows for a more objective approach to the control and monitoring of feeding,
health status and welfare of the dairy cow. However, more studies need to be conducted to
better understand the relationship between some variables
Avaliação nutricional de praticantes de musculação em academias de municÃpios do Centro-Sul do Paraná
Atualmente, a musculação vem sendo praticada por uma considerável parcela da população, onde a avaliação nutricional torna-se fundamental para elucidar a composição corporal e os hábitos alimentares dentro da prática de atividade fÃsica. O objetivo foi avaliar os hábitos alimentares e a composição corporal em praticantes de musculação da região Centro-Sul do Paraná. Participaram do estudo 68 indivÃduos de ambos os gêneros. As variáveis antropométricas aferidas foram peso corporal, estatura e dobras cutâneas. Para avaliação do consumo alimentar aplicou-se o diário alimentar habitual onde o pesquisado listava alimentos e quantidades consumidas rotineiramente. Adotou-se, para análise das variáveis, a estatÃstica descritiva, o test t de Student e a correlação linear de Pearson para a associação de dados antropométricos e dietéticos. Quanto à classificação do percentual de gordura, 13 (41,9%) praticantes de musculação do gênero masculino apresentaram gordura corporal saudável, enquanto 15 (40,5%) mulheres estudadas mostraram sobrepeso pelo mesmo parâmetro. Verificou-se inadequações no consumo de energia e macronutrientes, com destaque para ingestão elevada de proteÃnas em 62 (91,2%) praticantes. Observou-se também baixa ingestão de vários micronutrientes, sobretudo o cálcio e ferro, onde 41 (60,3%) e 65 (95,6%) praticantes de musculação apresentaram ingestão inferior ao recomendado respectivamente, com valores crÃticos principalmente para a população feminina. Sendo assim, os praticantes de musculação do gênero feminino apresentaram maior percentual de gordura quando comparadas com o gênero masculino, bem como observou-se inadequações quanto ao consumo de energia, carboidratos, proteÃnas e micronutrientes em toda a população, ficando clara a necessidade da inserção do nutricionista no âmbito esportivo.ABSTRACTNutritional evaluation of practicing in weight training academies of municipalities in the South Centre region of ParanaCurrently, the weight has been practiced for a considerable portion of the population, where the nutritional assessment is fundamental to elucidate the body composition and dietary habits within the practice of physical activity. The aim was to evaluate the dietary habits and body composition in bodybuilders South-Central region of Parana. The study included 68 individuals of both genders. The anthropometric variables measured were body weight, height and skinfold thickness. To assess dietary intake applied the usual food diary where it listed researched foods and amounts consumed routinely. Was adopted to analyze the variables, descriptive statistics, Student's t test and Pearson correlation for the association of anthropometric and dietary data. Regarding the classification of the percentage of fat, 13 (41.9 %) bodybuilders men had healthier body fat, while 15 (40.5 %) overweight women studied showed the same parameter. There are inadequacies in energy and macronutrients, especially high protein intake in 62 (91.2 %) practitioners. We also observed low intakes of several micronutrients, especially calcium and iron, of which 41 (60.3 %) and 65 (95.6 %) bodybuilders had lower than recommended intake respectively, with critical values mainly for the female population. Thus, the bodybuilders females showed a higher percentage of fat compared to males, as well as observed inadequacies regarding the consumption of energy, carbohydrates, proteins and micronutrients in the whole population, showing the need of integration nutritionist in sports
Hospital admissions through the National Health System (SUS) in the east of south expanded health region of Minas Gerais, Brazil, between 2014 and 2018
Hospitalizations occur electively in cases with no imminent risk to life or in cases of urgency and emergency, which demand immediate medical assistance. In a Health Region, these hospitalizations are conducted in reference hospitals. This study aimed to analyse hospital admissions in the Eastern South Region of Minas Gerais, by comparing the number of urgency and emergency admissions with elective procedures admissions and with the number of urgency admissions with sensitive to primary care conditions (CSAP). This longitudinal-retrospective-descriptive study was conducted with Hospital Information System (SIH) data relative to the 2014-2018 interval. Altogether, there were registered 129,524 hospitalizations, with 17,546 (13.55%) being elective admissions and 111,978 (86.45%) urgency procedures. Of the urgency hospitalizations total, 20,108 (17.95%) were CASP hospitalizations. The frequency of urgency hospitalization was six times higher than the elective hospitalization one, and even SPCC emergency admissions exceeded the elective hospitalizations offer
Fração exalada de óxido nítrico no controlo e abordagem terapêutica da asma
Introduction: Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by hyper-responsiveness and bronchial inflammation. The bronchial inflammation in these patients can be monitored by measuring the fractional exhaled nitric oxide. This study aims to determine fractional exhaled nitric oxide association with peak expiratory flow and with asthma control inferred by the Global Initiative for Asthma.
Material and Methods: Observational, analytical and cross-sectional study of children with asthma, 6-12 years-old, followed in the Outpatient Respiratory Pathology of Braga Hospital. Sociodemographic and clinical information were collected through a questionnaire. fractional exhaled nitric oxide and peak expiratory flow were determined by portable analyzer Niox Mino (R) and flow meter, respectively.
Results: The sample is constituted by 101 asthmatic children, 63 (62.4%) of males and 38 (37.6%) females. The mean age of participants in the sample is 9.18 (1.99) years. The logistic regression performed with the cutoff value obtained by ROC curve, revealed that fractional exhaled nitric oxide (b(FENO) (classes) = 0.85; chi(2) (Wald) (1) = 8.71; OR = 2.33; p = 0.003) has a statistical significant effect on the probability of changing level of asthma control. The odds ratio of going from "controlled" to "partly controlled/uncontrolled" is 2.33 per each level of fractional exhaled nitric oxide.
Discussion: The probability of an asthmatic children change their level of asthma control, from 'controlled' to 'partly controlled/uncontrolled', taking into account a change in their fractional exhaled nitric oxide level, increases 133%.Introdução: A asma é uma doença respiratória crónica caracterizada pela hiper-reactividade e inflamação brônquica. A inflamação
brônquica destes doentes pode ser monitorizada através da medição da fração exalada de óxido nítrico. Este estudo tem por objetivo
determinar a associação do valor da fração exalada de óxido nítrico com o débito expiratório máximo instantâneo e com o controlo da
asma determinado pela Classificação da Iniciativa Global para a Asma.
Material e Métodos: Estudo observacional, analítico e transversal de crianças com asma, 6-12 anos, seguidas na Consulta Externa
de Patologia Respiratória do Hospital de Braga. Informação sociodemográfica e clínica colhida através de um questionário. Determinado
o valor da fração exalada de óxido nítrico, através do analisador portátil Niox Mino®, e do débito expiratório máximo instantâneo,
através do debitómetro.
Resultados: A amostra é constituída por 101 crianças asmáticas, 63 (62,4%) do sexo masculino e 38 (37,6%) do sexo feminino. A
idade média dos participantes na amostra é de 9,18 (1,99) anos. A regressão logística, realizada com o valor de cutoff obtido pela curva
de ROC, revelou que a fração exalada de óxido nítrico tem um efeito estatisticamente significativo (bNíveis do FENO = 0,85; χ2
Wald (1) = 8,71;
OR = 2,33; p = 0,003) sobre a probabilidade de mudar de nível de controlo da asma. Por cada nível de fração exalada de óxido nítrico
incrementado o odds de passar a não controlada é 2,33 vezes superior.
Discussão: A probabilidade de uma criança asmática mudar o seu nível de controlo da asma, de ‘controlada’ para ‘parcialmente
controlada/não controlada’, tendo em consideração uma alteração no seu nível da fração exalada de óxido nítrico, aumenta 133%
Primeira detecção molecular de Mycoplasma ovis (Micoplasmas Hemotrópicos) em ovinos no Brasil
Mycoplasma ovis is an emerging zoonotic pathogen with a worldwide distribution and can cause mild to severe hemolytic anemia, icterus, and poor weight gain in animals. Although M. ovis has been described in small ruminants worldwide, data on M. ovis in sheep in Brazil is unknown. The objective of the present study was to present the first report of hemotropic mycoplasma (HM) in sheep from Brazil. We evaluated factors associated with this infection, such age group, tick presence, and anemia. Blood samples were collected from 33 sheep from a farm in southern Brazil and screened for hemoplasmas using PCR. Out of 33 samples, 26 (78.8%) tested positive for M. ovis. The sequencing of positive samples showed 100% identity with multiple M. ovis 16S rDNA sequences. No association was observed between the presence of M. ovis and the FAMACHA© score (p = 0.620). Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (15/33, 45.4%) was the tick species found on the animals. No significant association between M. ovis infection and presence of ticks (p = 0.4134) and age group (p = 0.4221) was observed. This is the first report of M. ovis infection in sheep from Brazil and only the second report of this pathogen in sheep in Latin America.Mycoplasma ovis é um patógeno zoonótico emergente com distribuição mundial e pode causar anemia hemolítica de leve a grave, icterícia e baixo ganho de peso em animais. Embora M. ovis tenha sido descrito em pequenos ruminantes em todo o mundo, os dados sobre M. ovis em ovinos no Brasil são desconhecidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar o primeiro relato de micoplasmas hemotrópicos em ovinos no Brasil. Avaliamos os fatores associados a essa infecção, como faixa etária, presença de carrapatos e anemia. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de 33 ovelhas de uma fazenda no sul do Brasil e testadas para hemoplasmas usando a PCR. Das 33 amostras, 26 (78,8%) apresentaram resultado positivo. O sequenciamento das amostras positivas mostrou 100% de identidade com múltiplas sequências de M. ovis 16S rDNA. Não foi observada associação entre a presença de M. ovis e o escore FAMACHA© (p = 0,620). Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (15/33, 45,4%) foi a espécie de carrapato encontrada nos animais. Não houve associação significativa entre infecção por M. ovis e presença de carrapatos (p = 0,4134) e faixa etária (p = 0,4221). Este é o primeiro relato de infecção por M. ovis em ovinos no Brasil e o segundo relato deste patógeno em ovinos na América Latina
Application of a strain gauge to assess drying stresses in normal and tension wood of corymbia citriodora
The quantitative evaluation of longitudinal drying strain can provide relevant information for the processing wood and lumber industry, especially with regard to reaction wood in Corymbia, since little has been published. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the steam conditioning and the cooling on the longitudinal drying strain (LDS) obtained from a strain gauge, called extensometer, in boards of both normal and tension wood of Corymbia citriodora. Lumbers 30 mm thick were produced and kiln dried at the initial temperature of 40 °C, final temperature of 65 °C and drying potential of 2,1. The LDS were measured before and after steam conditioning on hot and cold lumbers. It was observed that the conditioning did not reduce the LDS. Hot lumbers showed higher LDS values than the cold lumbers. The LDS values measured in normal, tension and opposite woods were statistically similar, indicating that the type of wood was not an influential factor in the appearance of longitudinal drying stresses. Extensometer proved to be feasible for measuring LDS, allowing its easy and quick quantification
Are tomato plants co-exposed to heat and salinity able to ensure a proper carbon metabolism? – An insight into the photosynthetic hub
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2023.108270.Abiotic stress combinations, such as high temperatures and soil/water salinization, severely threaten crop productivity worldwide. In this work, an integrative insight into the photosynthetic metabolism of tomato plants subjected to salt (100 mM NaCl) and/or heat (42 °C; 4 h/day) was performed. After three weeks, the stress combination led to more severe consequences on growth and photosynthetic pigments than the individual stresses. Regarding the photochemical efficiency, transcript accumulation and protein content of major actors (CP47 and D1) were depleted in all stressed plants, although the overall photochemical yield was not negatively affected under the co-exposure. Gas-exchange studies revealed to be mostly affected by salt (single or combined), which harshly compromised carbon assimilation. Additionally, transcript levels of stress-responsive genes (e.g., HsfA1 and NHX2) were differentially modulated by the single and combined treatments, suggesting the activation of stress-signature responses. Overall, by gathering an insightful overview of the main regulatory hub of photosynthesis, we show that the impacts on the carbon metabolism coming from the combination of heat and salinity, two major conditioners of crop yields, were not harsher than those of single stresses, indicating that the growth impairment might be attributed to a proficient distribution of resources towards defense mechanisms.The work here presented was partially supported by national funds through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), within UIDB/05748/2020 and UIDP/05748/2020 (GreenUPorto), UIDB/04050/2020 (CBMA), UIDB/50006/2020 (LAQV-REQUIMTE) and UIDB/04033/2020 (CITAB). The authors also recognize the support by the I&D project “AgriFood XXI”, ref. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000041, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), through NORTE 2020 (Northern Regional Operational Program, 2014/
2020). B. Sousa and D. Moreira also acknowledge FCT for providing PhD student grants (BS: 2020/07826/BD; DM: SFRH/BD/143557/2019)
Estudo da fórmula metatarsal em pacientes com metatarsalgia primária
ResumoObjetivosVerificar a prevalência dos tipos de fórmula metatarsal (FM) em pacientes com metatarsalgia primária (MP); comparar a variável “encurtamento do primeiro metatarso em relação ao segundo” (I/II) entre os grupos metatarsalgia (GM) e controle (GC); analisar a concordância intra e interobservadores pelos métodos das linhas transversais (MLT) de Morton e dos arcos (MA) de Hardy e Clapham.MétodosEstudo observacional transversal em 56 pacientes por meio de radiografias dos 112 pés, 56 do GM e 56 do GC avaliados entre dezembro de 2012 e junho de 2013. As mensurações foram feitas por três residentes do terceiro ano em ortopedia, com treinamento prévio dos métodos e uso de template.ResultadosNão houve concordância em nenhum dos dois métodos verificados pelos gráficos de Bland‐Altman, apesar de o coeficiente de correlação intraclasses apresentar uma alta reprodutibilidade intra e interobservadores pelo MLT (0,78 e 0,85) e moderada pelo MA (0,73 e 0,60). Na comparação entre os grupos, observou‐se diferença estatística (p ≤ 0,05) com um encurtamento do primeiro metatarso (3,39mm) maior no GC em relação ao GM (2,14mm). Nos pacientes com MP, a FM tipo index minus foi mais prevalente pelo MLT (62,5%) e o tipo zero plus pelo MA (71,4%).ConclusãoFoi observado que a prevalência da FM depende do método de mensuração. Em ambos os grupos houve predomínio do encurtamento do primeiro metatarso. Não houve concordância intra e interobservadores em nenhum dos métodos propostos.AbstractObjectivesThe aims of this study were (i) to ascertain the prevalence of different types of metatarsal formula among patients with primary metatarsalgia; (ii) to compare the variable of “shortening of the first metatarsal in relation to the second” (I/II) between the metatarsalgia and control groups; and (iii) to analyze the intra and interobserver concordance by means of Morton's transverse line method and Hardy and Clapham's arc method.MethodsA cross‐sectional observational study was conducted on 56 patients by means of radiographs on their 112 feet, of which 56 were in the metatarsalgia group and 56 in the control group. The evaluations were done between December 2012 and June 2013. The measurements were made by three third‐year orthopedics residents with prior training in the methods used, and a template was used.ResultsThere was no concordance between the two methods, as shown by Bland‐Altman plots, although the intraclass correlation coefficients showed that the intra and interobserver reproducibility was high using the transverse line method (0.78 and 0.85) and moderate using the arc method (0.73 and 0.60). Comparison between the groups showed that there was a statistical difference (p ≤ 0.05) such that there was greater shortening of the first metatarsal (3.39mm) in the control group than in the metatarsalgia group (2.14mm). In the patients with primary metatarsalgia, the index minus metatarsal formula was more prevalent according to the transverse line method (62.5%) and the zero plus type according to the arc method (71.4%).ConclusionIn the present study, it was observed that the metatarsal formula prevalences depended on the measurement method. In both groups, shortening of the first metatarsal predominated. There was no intra or interobserver concordance in either of the two proposed method
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