126 research outputs found

    Getting the most out of citizen science for endangered species such as whale shark

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    Citizen science by which the general public is enlisted to participate in data collection programmes, can shed light on the biology and ecology of enigmatic species. The whale shark Rhincodon typus, the world’s largest fish, is listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species due to continued population declines, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region. The species is highly mobile, capable of crossing international boundaries, yet the species’ movements in Southeast Asia remain poorly understood. Citizen science has been used broadly in the region and beyond, to understand the species’ biology and ecology. Here, we report the first international movement of a whale shark between the Philippines and Malaysia as determined through photo-ID and citizen science. A juvenile female whale shark, P-1159, was first identified in Oslob, Cebu, Philippines in December 2017 by ongoing research at the site, and resighted in Pulau Sipadan, Sabah, Malaysia, in October 2019 by a citizen scientist. Pulau Sipadan is one of Southeast Asia’s most popular diving destinations, yet whale shark sightings are uncommon. Citizen scientists ready to collect and share data with ongoing research plays a key role in monitoring enigmatic species. Protocols should be developed to systematically collect unique sightings and behaviours accessible to divers as citizen scientists that would otherwise be lost to science

    Bridging the impactibility gap in population health management: a systematic review

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    Objectives Assess whether impactibility modelling is being used to refine risk stratification for preventive health interventions. Design Systematic review. Setting Primary and secondary healthcare populations. Papers Articles published from 2010 to 2020 on the use or implementation of impactibility modelling in population health management, reported with the terms a € intervenability', a € amenability', and a € propensity to succeed' (PTS) and associated with the themes a € care sensitivity', a € characteristic responders', a € needs gap', a € case finding', a € patient selection' and a € risk stratification'. Interventions Qualitative synthesis to identify themes for approaches to impactibility modelling. Results Of 1244 records identified, 20 were eligible for inclusion. Identified themes were a € health conditions amenable to care' (n=6), a € PTS modelling' (n=8) and a € comparison or combination with clinical judgement' (n=6). For the theme a € health conditions amenable to care', changes in practice did not reduce admissions, particularly for ambulatory care sensitive conditions, and sometimes increased them, with implementation noted as a possible issue. For a € PTS modelling', high costs and needs did not necessarily equate to high impactibility and targeting a larger number of individuals with disorders associated with lower costs had more potential. PTS modelling seemed to improve accuracy in care planning, estimation of cost savings, engagement and/or care quality. The a € comparison or combination with clinical judgement' theme suggested that models can reach reasonable to good discriminatory power to detect impactable patients. For instance, a model used to identify patients appropriate for proactive multimorbid care management showed good concordance with physicians (c-statistic 0.75). Another model employing electronic health record scores reached 65% concordance with nurse and physician decisions when referring elderly hospitalised patients to a readmission prevention programme. However, healthcare professionals consider much wider information that might improve or impede the likelihood of treatment impact, suggesting that complementary use of models might be optimum. Conclusions The efficiency and equity of targeted preventive care guided by risk stratification could be augmented and personalised by impactibility modelling

    Life History, Growth, and Reproductive Biology of Four Mobulid Species in the Bohol Sea, Philippines

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    In light of the global decline of mobulid populations and the necessity for sustainable fisheries management, baseline data for population dynamics were collected from a targeted fishery in the Bohol Sea, Philippines. This study focused on life-history parameters and reproductive cycles of four mobulid rays (Mobula thurstoni, Mobula japanica, Mobula tarapacana, and Manta birostris), and re-estimated their intrinsic population growth rates. Size and reproductive data were collected from 1,509 specimens (30% of catch) landed in two fishing seasons in 2015 and 2016. Size-at-birth was reviewed, and analysis of the embryos and follicles did not show any clear seasonality in the reproductive cycle, but supported an interbreeding interval. Females of all species matured at a larger size than males, and exhibited a larger size-at-pregnancy than -at-maturity. This delay in reproduction resulted in population growth rates lower than the actual rmax when based on size-at-pregnancy (rmat = rmax = 0.016–0.055 year−1 and rpreg = 0.008–0.044 year−1), and a population doubling time of 15.8–86.6 years. This study suggests that population growth rates previously reported were overestimated. In light of the Convention on International Trades of Endangered Species (CITES) and Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) assessments, while fisheries management should reflect the delayed maturation of these species and the slower population growth potential, at the current status of these population, the sustainability of any exploitation level seems unrealistic and strongly discouraged

    Satellite tracking of juvenile whale sharks in the Sulu and Bohol Seas, Philippines

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    The whale shark Rhincodon typus was uplisted to ‘Endangered’ in the 2016 IUCN Red List due to >50% population decline, largely caused by continued exploitation in the Indo-Pacific. Though the Philippines protected the whale shark in 1998, concerns remain due to continued take in regional waters. In light of this, understanding the movements of whale sharks in the Philippines, one of the most important hotspots for the species, is vital. We tagged 17 juvenile whale sharks with towed SPOT5 tags from three general areas in the Sulu and Bohol Seas: Panaon Island in Southern Leyte, northern Mindanao, and Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park (TRNP). The sharks all remained in Philippine waters for the duration of tracking (6–126 days, mean 64). Individuals travelled 86–2,580 km (mean 887 km) at a mean horizontal speed of 15.5 ± 13.0 SD km day−1. Whale sharks tagged in Panaon Island and Mindanao remained close to shore but still spent significant time off the shelf (>200 m). Sharks tagged at TRNP spent most of their time offshore in the Sulu Sea. Three of twelve whale sharks tagged in the Bohol Sea moved through to the Sulu Sea, whilst two others moved east through the Surigao Strait to the eastern coast of Leyte. One individual tagged at TRNP moved to northern Palawan, and subsequently to the eastern coast of Mindanao in the Pacific Ocean. Based on inferred relationships with temperature histograms, whale sharks performed most deep dives (>200 m) during the night, in contrast to results from whale sharks elsewhere. While all sharks stayed in national waters, our results highlight the high mobility of juvenile whale sharks and demonstrate their connectivity across the Sulu and Bohol Seas, highlighting the importance of the area for this endangered species

    Football fans in training: the development and optimization of an intervention delivered through professional sports clubs to help men lose weight, become more active and adopt healthier eating habits

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    <p>Background: The prevalence of obesity in men is rising, but they are less likely than women to engage in existing weight management programmes. The potential of professional sports club settings to engage men in health promotion activities is being increasingly recognised. This paper describes the development and optimization of the Football Fans in Training (FFIT) programme, which aims to help overweight men (many of them football supporters) lose weight through becoming more active and adopting healthier eating habits.</p> <p>Methods: The MRC Framework for the design and evaluation of complex interventions was used to guide programme development in two phases. In Phase 1, a multidisciplinary working group developed the pilot programme (p-FFIT) and used a scoping review to summarize previous research and identify the target population. Phase 2 involved a process evaluation of p-FFIT in 11 Scottish Premier League (SPL) clubs. Participant and coach feedback, focus group discussions and interviews explored the utility/acceptability of programme components and suggestions for changes. Programme session observations identified examples of good practice and problems/issues with delivery. Together, these findings informed redevelopment of the optimized programme (FFIT), whose components were mapped onto specific behaviour change techniques using an evidence-based taxonomy.</p> <p>Results: p-FFIT comprised 12, weekly, gender-sensitised, group-based weight management classroom and ‘pitch-side’ physical activity sessions. These in-stadia sessions were complemented by an incremental, pedometer-based walking programme. p-FFIT was targeted at men aged 35-65 years with body mass index ≥ 27 kg/m2. Phase 2 demonstrated that participants in p-FFIT were enthusiastic about both the classroom and physical activity components, and valued the camaraderie and peer-support offered by the programme. Coaches appreciated the simplicity of the key healthy eating and physical activity messages. Suggestions for improvements that were incorporated into the optimized FFIT programme included: more varied in-stadia physical activity with football-related components; post-programme weight management support (emails and a reunion session); and additional training for coaches in SMART goal setting and the pedometer-based walking programme.</p> <p>Conclusions: The Football Fans in Training programme is highly acceptable to participants and SPL coaches, and is appropriate for evaluation in a randomised controlled trial.</p&gt

    The Gly2019Ser mutation in LRRK2 is not fully penetrant in familial Parkinson's disease: the GenePD study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We report age-dependent penetrance estimates for leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (<it>LRRK2</it>)-related Parkinson's disease (PD) in a large sample of familial PD. The most frequently seen <it>LRRK2 </it>mutation, Gly2019Ser (G2019S), is associated with approximately 5 to 6% of familial PD cases and 1 to 2% of idiopathic cases, making it the most common known genetic cause of PD. Studies of the penetrance of <it>LRRK2 </it>mutations have produced a wide range of estimates, possibly due to differences in study design and recruitment, including in particular differences between samples of familial PD versus sporadic PD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A sample, including 903 affected and 58 unaffected members from 509 families ascertained for having two or more PD-affected members, 126 randomly ascertained PD patients and 197 controls, was screened for five different <it>LRRK2 </it>mutations. Penetrance was estimated in families of <it>LRRK2 </it>carriers with consideration of the inherent bias towards increased penetrance in a familial sample.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirty-one out of 509 families with multiple cases of PD (6.1%) were found to have 58 <it>LRRK2 </it>mutation carriers (6.4%). Twenty-nine of the 31 families had G2019S mutations while two had R1441C mutations. No mutations were identified among controls or unaffected relatives of PD cases. Nine PD-affected relatives of G2019S carriers did not carry the <it>LRRK2 </it>mutation themselves. At the maximum observed age range of 90 to 94 years, the unbiased estimated penetrance was 67% for G2019S families, compared with a baseline PD risk of 17% seen in the non-<it>LRRK2</it>-related PD families.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Lifetime penetrance of <it>LRRK2 </it>estimated in the unascertained relatives of multiplex PD families is greater than that reported in studies of sporadically ascertained <it>LRRK2 </it>cases, suggesting that inherited susceptibility factors may modify the penetrance of <it>LRRK2 </it>mutations. In addition, the presence of nine PD phenocopies in the <it>LRRK2 </it>families suggests that these susceptibility factors may also increase the risk of non-<it>LRRK2</it>-related PD. No differences in penetrance were found between men and women, suggesting that the factors that influence penetrance for <it>LRRK2 </it>carriers are independent of the factors which increase PD prevalence in men.</p

    CATALISE: A multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study. Identifying language impairments in children

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    Delayed or impaired language development is a common developmental concern, yet thereis little agreement about the criteria used to identify and classify language impairments inchildren. Children's language difficulties are at the interface between education, medicineand the allied professions, who may all adopt different approaches to conceptualising them.Our goal in this study was to use an online Delphi technique to see whether it was possibleto achieve consensus among professionals on appropriate criteria for identifying childrenwho might benefit from specialist services. We recruited a panel of 59 experts representingten disciplines (including education, psychology, speech-language therapy/pathology, paediatricsand child psychiatry) from English-speaking countries (Australia, Canada, Ireland,New Zealand, United Kingdom and USA). The starting point for round 1 was a set of 46statements based on articles and commentaries in a special issue of a journal focusing onthis topic. Panel members rated each statement for both relevance and validity on a sevenpointscale, and added free text comments. These responses were synthesised by the firsttwo authors, who then removed, combined or modified items with a view to improving consensus.The resulting set of statements was returned to the panel for a second evaluation(round 2). Consensus (percentage reporting 'agree' or 'strongly agree') was at least 80 percentfor 24 of 27 round 2 statements, though many respondents qualified their responsewith written comments. These were again synthesised by the first two authors. The resultingconsensus statement is reported here, with additional summary of relevant evidence, and aconcluding commentary on residual disagreements and gaps in the evidence base.</p
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