1,863 research outputs found

    CO and C_2 Absorption Toward W40 IRS 1a

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    The H II region W40 harbors a small group of young, hot stars behind roughly 9 magnitudes of visual extinction. We have detected gaseous carbon monoxide (CO) and diatomic carbon (C_2) in absorption toward the star W40 IRS 1a. The 2-0 R0, R1, and R2 lines of 12CO at 2.3 micron were measured using the CSHELL on the NASA IR Telescope Facility (with upper limits placed on R3, R4, and R5) yielding an N_CO of (1.1 +/- 0.2) x 10^18 cm^-2. Excitation analysis indicates T_kin > 7 K. The Phillips system of C_2 transitions near 8775 Ang. was measured using the Kitt Peak 4-m telescope and echelle spectrometer. Radiative pumping models indicate a total C_2 column density of (7.0 +/- 0.4) x 10^14 cm^-2, two excitation temperatures (39 and 126 K), and a total gas density of n ~ 250 cm^-3. The CO ice band at 4.7 micron was not detected, placing an upper limit on the CO depletion of delta < 1 %. We postulate that the sightline has multiple translucent components and is associated with the W40 molecular cloud. Our data for W40 IRS 1a, coupled with other sightlines, shows that the ratio of CO/C_2 increases from diffuse through translucent environs. Finally, we show that the hydrogen to dust ratio seems to remain constant from diffuse to dense environments, while the CO to dust ratio apparently does not.Comment: To appear in The Astrophysical Journal 17 pages total, 5 figures Also available at http://casa.colorado.edu/~shuping/research/w40/w40.htm

    Carbon and oxygen depletion and extinction in the translucent cloud toward HD 24534 (X Persei)

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    Recent studies of the gas-phase abundances of carbon and oxygen in diffuse clouds have suggested that the depletions of both elements are invariant and independent of extinction curve properties. We show, however, that in the line of sight toward HD 24534 (X Persei), the depletion of carbon is at least a factor of 3 greater than in the diffuse clouds previously surveyed. For HD 24534, the interstellar gas-phase C/H ratio is lower than the mean of diffuse sight lines by a factor of about 3.5. We conclude that the carbon depletion may be enhanced in translucent molecular clouds and also that carbon begins to show an enhanced level of depletion at lower extinctions than oxygen, which is also discussed. We argue that it is imperative to measure abundances and depletions in translucent and denser clouds in order to understand the interaction between gas and dust as the thicknesses and densities of clouds increase

    Ozone depletion events observed in the high latitude surface layer during the TOPSE aircraft program

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    During the Tropospheric Ozone Production about the Spring Equinox (TOPSE) aircraft program, ozone depletion events (ODEs) in the high latitude surface layer were investigated using lidar and in situ instruments. Flight legs of 100 km or longer distance were flown 32 times at 30 m altitude over a variety of regions north of 58° between early February and late May 2000. ODEs were found on each flight over the Arctic Ocean but their occurrence was rare at more southern latitudes. However, large area events with depletion to over 2 km altitude in one case were found as far south as Baffin Bay and Hudson Bay and as late as 22 May. There is good evidence that these more southern events did not form in situ but were the result of export of ozone-depleted air from the surface layer of the Arctic Ocean. Surprisingly, relatively intact transport of ODEs occurred over distances of 900–2000 km and in some cases over rough terrain. Accumulation of constituents in the frozen surface over the dark winter period cannot be a strong prerequisite of ozone depletion since latitudes south of the Arctic Ocean would also experience a long dark period. Some process unique to the Arctic Ocean surface or its coastal regions remains unidentified for the release of ozone-depleting halogens. There was no correspondence between coarse surface features such as solid ice/snow, open leads, or polynyas with the occurrence of or intensity of ozone depletion over the Arctic or subarctic regions. Depletion events also occurred in the absence of long-range transport of relatively fresh “pollution” within the high latitude surface layer, at least in spring 2000. Direct measurements of halogen radicals were not made. However, the flights do provide detailed information on the vertical structure of the surface layer and, during the constant 30 m altitude legs, measurements of a variety of constituents including hydroxyl and peroxy radicals. A summary of the behavior of these constituents is made. The measurements were consistent with a source of formaldehyde from the snow/ice surface. Median NOx in the surface layer was 15 pptv or less, suggesting that surface emissions were substantially converted to reservoir constituents by 30 m altitude and that ozone production rates were small (0.15–1.5 ppbv/d) at this altitude. Peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN) was by far the major constituent of NOy in the surface layer independent of the ozone mixing ratio

    The translucent molecular clouds toward hd 154368 .1. Extinction, abundances, and depletions

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    We report the results of a comprehensive analysis of a line of sight observed using the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), toward HD 154368, an 09.5 Iab star located about 800 pc away. The line of sight intersects translucent interstellar cloud material, having a color excess E(B - V) = 0.82 and known high molecular abundances from ground-based data. The HST observations consist of high-resolution spectra obtained with grating ECH-B at wavelengths longward of 1800 Angstrom, and moderate-resolution spectra from grating G160M at shorter wavelengths. We observed some 19 wavelength settings, covering the positions of numerous atomic and molecular transitions. We also incorporate IUE and ground-based data in the study, the latter coming from several observatories at visible and millimeter wavelengths. In this paper we report on the general goals and results of the study, with emphasis on the atomic abundances and depletions. We find that the column densities of most species are slightly higher, relative to the adopted total gas column density, than in some thinner clouds in which most of the absorption arises in a single dense component. Consequently the depletions of elements from the gas phase onto the dust are less than in ''typical'' diffuse clouds such as the one toward zeta Oph. Most of the gas toward HD 154368 resides in two main clouds, centered near -3.26 and -20.95 km s(-1) (heliocentric). Our profile analyses show that the depletions in these two clouds are similar. We discuss the possible relationship of this result to the ultraviolet extinction curve toward HD 154368, derived from IUE spectra

    Promoting Client Participation and Constructing Decisions in Mental Health Rehabilitation Meetings

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    The chapter analyzes practices by which support workers promote client participation in mental health rehabilitation meetings at the Clubhouse. While promoting client participation, the support workers also need to ascertain that at least some decisions get constructed during the meetings. This combination of goals—promoting participation and constructing decisions—leads to a series of dilemmatic practices, the dynamics of which the chapter focuses on analyzing. The support workers may treat clients’ turns retrospectively as proposals, even if the status of these turns as such is ambiguous. In the face of a lack of recipient uptake, the support workers may remind the clients about their epistemic access to the content of the proposal or pursue their agreement or commitment to the idea. These practices involve the support workers carrying primary responsibility over the unfolding of interaction, which is argued to compromise the jointness of the decision-making outcome.The chapter analyzes practices by which support workers promote client participation in mental health rehabilitation meetings at the Clubhouse. While promoting client participation, the support workers also need to ascertain that at least some decisions get constructed during the meetings. This combination of goals—promoting participation and constructing decisions—leads to a series of dilemmatic practices, the dynamics of which the chapter focuses on analyzing. The support workers may treat clients’ turns retrospectively as proposals, even if the status of these turns as such is ambiguous. In the face of a lack of recipient uptake, the support workers may remind the clients about their epistemic access to the content of the proposal or pursue their agreement or commitment to the idea. These practices involve the support workers carrying primary responsibility over the unfolding of interaction, which is argued to compromise the jointness of the decision-making outcome.Peer reviewe

    Novel measures of cardiovascular health and its association with prevalence and progression of age-related macular degeneration: the CHARM study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To determine if novel measures of cardiovascular health are associated with prevalence or progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Measures of the cardiovascular system: included intima media thickness (IMT), pulse wave velocity (PWV), systemic arterial compliance (SAC), carotid augmentation index (AI). For the prevalence study, hospital-based AMD cases and population-based age- and gender-matched controls with no signs of AMD in either eye were enrolled. For the progression component, participants with early AMD were recruited from two previous studies; cases were defined as progression in one or both eyes and controls were defined as no progression in either eye.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>160 cases and 160 controls were included in the prevalence component. The upper two quartiles of SAC, implying good cardiovascular health, were significantly associated with increased risk of AMD (OR = 2.54, 95% CL = 1.29, 4.99). High PWV was associated with increased prevalent AMD. Progression was observed in 82 (32.3%) of the 254 subjects recruited for the progression component. Higher AI (worse cardiovascular function) was protective for AMD progression (OR = 0.30, 95%CL = 0.13, 0.69). Higher aortic PWV was associated with increased risk of AMD progression; the highest risk was seen with the second lowest velocity (OR = 6.22, 95% CL = 2.35, 16.46).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results were unexpected in that better cardiovascular health was associated with increased risk of prevalent AMD and progression. Inconsistent findings between the prevalence and progression components could be due to truly different disease etiologies or to spurious findings, as can occur with inherent biases in case control studies of prevalence. Further investigation of these non-invasive methods of characterizing the cardiovascular system should be undertaken as they may help to further elucidate the role of the cardiovascular system in the etiology of prevalent AMD and progression.</p

    The neutron and its role in cosmology and particle physics

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    Experiments with cold and ultracold neutrons have reached a level of precision such that problems far beyond the scale of the present Standard Model of particle physics become accessible to experimental investigation. Due to the close links between particle physics and cosmology, these studies also permit a deep look into the very first instances of our universe. First addressed in this article, both in theory and experiment, is the problem of baryogenesis ... The question how baryogenesis could have happened is open to experimental tests, and it turns out that this problem can be curbed by the very stringent limits on an electric dipole moment of the neutron, a quantity that also has deep implications for particle physics. Then we discuss the recent spectacular observation of neutron quantization in the earth's gravitational field and of resonance transitions between such gravitational energy states. These measurements, together with new evaluations of neutron scattering data, set new constraints on deviations from Newton's gravitational law at the picometer scale. Such deviations are predicted in modern theories with extra-dimensions that propose unification of the Planck scale with the scale of the Standard Model ... Another main topic is the weak-interaction parameters in various fields of physics and astrophysics that must all be derived from measured neutron decay data. Up to now, about 10 different neutron decay observables have been measured, much more than needed in the electroweak Standard Model. This allows various precise tests for new physics beyond the Standard Model, competing with or surpassing similar tests at high-energy. The review ends with a discussion of neutron and nuclear data required in the synthesis of the elements during the "first three minutes" and later on in stellar nucleosynthesis.Comment: 91 pages, 30 figures, accepted by Reviews of Modern Physic