4,369 research outputs found

    Retarded versus time-nonlocal quantum kinetic equations

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    The finite duration of the collisions in Fermionic systems as expressed by the retardation time in non-Markovian Levinson-type kinetic equations is discussed in the quasiclassical limit. We separate individual contributions included in the memory effect resulting in (i) off-shell tails of the Wigner distribution, (ii) renormalization of scattering rates and (iii) of the single-particle energy, (iv) collision delay and (v) related non-local corrections to the scattering integral. In this way we transform the Levinson equation into the Landau-Silin equation extended by the non-local corrections known from the theory of dense gases. The derived nonlocal kinetic equation unifies the Landau theory of quasiparticle transport with the classical kinetic theory of dense gases. The space-time symmetry is discussed versus particle-hole symmetry and a solution is proposed which transforms these two exclusive pictures into each other.Comment: slightly revised, 19 page

    Kinetic equation consistent with the equation of state of nuclear matter

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    A kinetic equation which combines the quasiparticle drift of Landau's equation with a dissipation governed by a nonlocal and noninstant scattering integral in the spirit of Snider's equation for gases is derived. Consequent balance equations for the density, momentum and energy include quasiparticle contributions and the second order quantum virial corrections. The medium effects on binary collisions are shown to mediate the latent heat, i.e., an energy conversion between correlation and thermal energy. An implementation to heavy ion collisions is discussed

    A spin field effect transistor for low leakage current

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    In a spin field effect transistor, a magnetic field is inevitably present in the channel because of the ferromagnetic source and drain contacts. This field causes random unwanted spin precession when carriers interact with non-magnetic impurities. The randomized spins lead to a large leakage current when the transistor is in the ``off''-state, resulting in significant standby power dissipation. We can counter this effect of the magnetic field by engineering the Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction in the channel with a backgate. For realistic device parameters, a nearly perfect cancellation is possible, which should result in a low leakage current.Comment: To appear in Physica E. The revised version has additional material which addresses the issue of which way the contacts should be magnetized in a Spin Field Effect Transistor. This was neither addressed in the previous version, nor in the upcoming journal pape

    Optimizing Data Collection in Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) workloads take a notoriously long time to train due to the large number of samples collected at run-time from simulators. Unfortunately, cluster scale-up approaches remain expensive, and commonly used CPU implementations of simulators induce high overhead when switching back and forth between GPU computations. We explore two optimizations that increase RL data collection efficiency by increasing GPU utilization: (1) GPU vectorization: parallelizing simulation on the GPU for increased hardware parallelism, and (2) simulator kernel fusion: fusing multiple simulation steps to run in a single GPU kernel launch to reduce global memory bandwidth requirements. We find that GPU vectorization can achieve up to 1024×1024\times speedup over commonly used CPU simulators. We profile the performance of different implementations and show that for a simple simulator, ML compiler implementations (XLA) of GPU vectorization outperform a DNN framework (PyTorch) by 13.4×13.4\times by reducing CPU overhead from repeated Python to DL backend API calls. We show that simulator kernel fusion speedups with a simple simulator are 11.3×11.3\times and increase by up to 1024×1024\times as simulator complexity increases in terms of memory bandwidth requirements. We show that the speedups from simulator kernel fusion are orthogonal and combinable with GPU vectorization, leading to a multiplicative speedup.Comment: MLBench 2022 ( https://memani1.github.io/mlbench22/ ) camera ready submissio

    Automated Determination of Stellar Parameters from Simulated Dispersed Images for DIVA

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    We have assessed how well stellar parameters (T_eff, logg and [Fe/H]) can be retrieved from low-resolution dispersed images to be obtained by the DIVA satellite. Although DIVA is primarily an all-sky astrometric mission, it will also obtain spectrophotometric information for about 13 million stars (operational limiting magnitude V ~ 13.5 mag). Constructional studies foresee a grating system yielding a dispersion of ~200nm/mm on the focal plane (first spectral order). For astrometric reasons there will be no cross dispersion which results in the overlapping of the first to third diffraction orders. The one-dimensional, position related intensity function is called a DISPI (DISPersed Intensity). We simulated DISPIS from synthetic spectra (...) for a limited range of metallicites i.e. our results are for [Fe/H] in the range -0.3 to 1 dex. We show that there is no need to deconvolve these low resolution signals in order to obtain basic stellar parameters. Using neural network methods and by including simulated data of DIVA's UV telescope, we can determine T_eff to an average accuracy of about 2% for DISPIS from stars with 2000 K < T_eff < 20000 K and visual magnitudes of V=13 mag (end of mission data). logg can be determined for all temperatures with an accuracy better than 0.25 dex for magnitudes brighter than V=12 mag. For low temperature stars with 2000 K < T_eff < 5000 K and for metallicities in the range -0.3 to +1 dex a determination of [Fe/H] is possible (to better than 0.2 dex) for these magnitudes. Additionally we examined the effects of extinction E(B-V) on DISPIS and found that it can be determined to better than 0.07 mag for magnitudes brighter than V=14 mag if the UV information is included.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    TSH-CHECK-1 test: diagnostic accuracy and potential application to initiating treatment for hypothyroidism in patients on anti-tuberculosis drugs.

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    Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) promotes expression of thyroid hormones which are essential for metabolism, growth, and development. Second-line drugs to treat tuberculosis (TB) can cause hypothyroidism by suppressing thyroid hormone synthesis. Therefore, TSH levels are routinely measured in TB patients receiving second-line drugs, and thyroxin treatment is initiated where indicated. However, standard TSH tests are technically demanding for many low-resource settings where TB is prevalent; a simple and inexpensive test is urgently needed

    Lectin Pathway of Complement Activation Is Associated with Vulnerability of Atherosclerotic Plaques

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    Inflammatory mechanisms may be involved in atherosclerotic plaque rupture. By using a novel histology-based method to quantify plaque instability here, we assess whether lectin pathway (LP) of complement activation, a major inflammation arm, could represent an index of plaque instability. Plaques from 42 consecutive patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and the lipid core, cholesterol clefts, hemorrhagic content, thickness of tunica media, and intima, including or not infiltration of cellular debris and cholesterol, were determined. The presence of ficolin-1, -2, and -3 and mannose-binding lectin (MBL), LP initiators, was assessed in the plaques by immunofluorescence and in plasma by ELISA. LP activation was assessed in plasma by functional in vitro assays. Patients presenting low stenosis (≤75%) had higher hemorrhagic content than those with high stenosis (>75%), indicating increased erosion. Increased hemorrhagic content and tunica media thickness, as well as decreased lipid core and infiltrated content were associated with vulnerable plaques and therefore used to establish a plaque vulnerability score that allowed to classify patients according to plaque vulnerability. Ficolins and MBL were found both in plaques’ necrotic core and tunica media. Patients with vulnerable plaques showed decreased plasma levels and intraplaque deposition of ficolin-2. Symptomatic patients experiencing a transient ischemic attack had lower plasma levels of ficolin-1. We show that the LP initiators are present within the plaques and their circulating levels change in atherosclerotic patients. In particular, we show that decreased ficolin-2 levels are associated with rupture-prone vulnerable plaques, indicating its potential use as marker for cardiovascular risk assessment in atherosclerotic patients