30 research outputs found

    Mineral Profile of Some Dried Fruits

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    The aim of this work was to determine the content of 16 elements in the seven samples of dried fruits: plums (Prunus domestica), figs (Ficus carica), apricots (Prunus armeniaca), white and black raisins (Vitis vinifera), dates (Phoenix dactylifera) and cranberries (Vaccinium oxycoccus), which are available in local markets. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) was used after wet digestion method. Potassium is the most common macroelement while boron and zinc are the most common microelements. As, Cd and Hg were not detected while the content of Pb is below the MAC. The obtained results were statistically analyzed and compared with the literature values

    Karakteristike kvalitete izabranih proizvoda od mlijeka u Srbiji

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    The aim of this paper was to assess and compare the compliance of the chosen quality characteristics of commercially available dairy products with the requirements of the current Serbian legislation. A total of 706 samples of liquid milks (pasteurized and UHT-treated), fermented milks (liquid and solid yoghurt) and milk powders (skimmed and whole milk powder) were collected from the market and analysed for milk fat content, pH value, water content and protein content, depending on the type of product. The obtained results were interpreted in relation to the dairy plants capacities in which the analysed dairy products were produced. Except the fermented milk samples with a declared milk fat content of 3.2 %, all other analysed compositional and quality parameters of the selected dairy products were in compliance with the current legislation. It was observed that dairy plants of smaller capacity had a higher variation of quality characteristics of dairy products.Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti usuglašenost izabranih karakteristika kvalitete komercijalnih proizvoda od mlijeka sa zahtjevima zakonske regulative Republike Srbije. Uzorkovano je 706 različitih proizvoda i obuhvaćeni su mlijeko (pasterizirano i UHT), fermentirani proizvodi od mlijeka (jogurt i kiselo mlijeko) i mlijeko u prahu (punomasno mlijeko u prahu i obrano mlijeko u prahu). Svi proizvodi prikupljeni su s tržišta a ovisno o vrsti proizvoda, analizirani su mliječna mast, pH vrijednost, udjel vode i proteini. Rezultati su tumačeni u odnosu na kapacitet mljekara u kojima su proizvedeni. Osim u slučaju fermentiranih proizvoda od mlijeka sa sadržajem mliječne masti od 3,2 %, sve ostale karakteristike bile su u skladu s vrijednostima zahtijevanim u zakonskoj regulativi. Istraživanjem je uočeno da su u mljekarama manjeg kapaciteta veća variranja vrijednosti karakteristika kvalitete proizvoda od mlijeka

    Smoothed particle hydrodynamics for blood flow analysis: development of particle lifecycle algorithm

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    The aim of this research was to facilitate the application of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method to Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis of turbulent flow through complex geometry blood vessels, and to compare it with the state-of-the-art Finite Element Method (FEM). SPH offers the possibility to observe motion of fluid fragment or particle inclusion within the Lagrangian material framework, giving researchers greater insight into the Fluid-Structure interaction such as transportation and distribution of medical particles, or buildup of plaque in atherosclerosis. In order to generate the fluid flow in SPH, the particles are created at inlet, and destroyed at the outlet. In this paper we present a novel lifecycle algorithm for generation and destruction of the particles using particle types, which is more flexible and suitable for the complex geometry models in comparison to the current state of the art commercial solutions, which use boundary planes. Our algorithm features mother and new-born particle types located at inlets used for the particle flow generation, and at the outlets, we have dying and killer particle types, which are used for deletion of particles. Based upon the current neighbors, the type of the particle is updated within the nearest neighbor search method, which is invoked in each time step. The capabilities of the new algorithm are demonstrated using a benchmark example and a realistic patient specific geometry, showing similar results, but the SPH advantages of particle tracking are yet to be utilized in our future work.Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of SerbiaPublishe

    Organic composition of Igalo bay peloid (Montenegro)

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    837-848Igalo peloid is known for a number of therapeutic properties (resort of healing, cosmetic or aesthetic application) and its closeness of the sea, which makes the peloid extremely valuable. So far, the organic composition of the Igalo peloid was not investigated or determined. Also, there are studies for its medical application and biological activity, which are directly related to its chemical composition. In this paper we analyzed the content of organic compounds (fatty acids, proteins, amino acids, sugars) and we also listed their main and well-known biological, pharmaceutical and medical roles and purposes. For the purpose of this study, different analytical techniques were applied to the collected peloid, including extraction, chromatographic, electrophoretic and NMR techniques

    Organic composition of Igalo bay peloid (Montenegro)

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    Igalo peloid is known for a number of therapeutic properties (resort of healing, cosmetic or aesthetic application) and its closeness of the sea, which makes the peloid extremely valuable. So far, the organic composition of the Igalo peloid was not investigated or determined. Also, there are studies for its medical application and biological activity, which are directly related to its chemical composition. In this paper we analyzed the content of organic compounds (fatty acids, proteins, amino acids, sugars) and we also listed their main and well-known biological, pharmaceutical and medical roles and purposes. For the purpose of this study, different analytical techniques were applied to the collected peloid, including extraction, chromatographic, electrophoretic and NMR techniques

    Tick population in goats and sheep in Šabac

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    TICK POPULATION IN GOATS AND SHEEP IN ŠABAC ABSTRACT During our examination performed in the period from 2010 to 2012, we collected ticks from 52 flocks of sheep and 38 goat flocks. Ticks infestation occured in 15.97% (214/1340) of sheep and 16.93% (107/632) of goats. The result showed the presence of Ixodes ricinus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, R. bursa, Dermacentor marginatus, D. pictus, Haemaphysalis punctate and Ha. inermis. Additional to determination of tick species during the research, the sex ratio and the monthly influence of microclimate conditions (temperature, relative humidity and precipitation quantity) on the dynamics of populations of ticks were followed. Obtained results indicate the importance of the impact of climatic factors on the population dynamics of some species of ticks as well as the dynamics and abundance of different sexes within established species of ticks. Key words: ecological factors, goat, sheep, tick

    Effect of goat breed on the meat quality

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    The quality of goat meat has recently become an important aspect in the marketing of goats in Serbia. The aim of this study was to compare some goat meat quality parameters of various races and to determine the differences between them. Goat breeds were Balkan goat and Serbian white goat, both female in the age of four years. Analysis of quality parameters: chemical composition (moisture, protein, total fat, ash,), pH value, fatty acids, amino acids, microelements content, tenderness, cooking loss and colour measurements were done. Statistically significant difference was found between the samples of two groups of goat meat (P < 0.05) in relation to: live weight (kg), water (%), fat (%), protein (%) and ash (%), among 11 of 15 tested fatty acids, amino acid leucin, sensory examination of fresh meat for the palpatory evaluated firmness and in the content of copper and zinc. Statistically significant differences between the groups did not existed regarding the pH value, fatty acids eicosenoic, cis-heptadecenoic, t-elaidic, t-linolelaidic and amino acids alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine and valine. Also there was no statistically significant difference in instrumental testing of the meat color, sensory evaluation of surface color, visual evaluated structure, olfactory evaluated odor and iron and manganese. These results suggest that the race of animal has an impact on meat quality.Kozije meso ima otprilike istu hranljivu vrednost kao i ovčije (bliže rečeno više belančevina, a manje masti). Zbog niske zastupljenosti zasićenih masnih kiselina i holesterola, kozije meso u ishrani ljudi je zdravija alternativa u poređenju sa drugim vrstama crvenog mesa. Bez obzira na nutritivnu vrednost, ono je ipak manje cenjeno zbog specifičnog mirisa i ukusa koji su intenzivniji kod starijih životinja. U Srbiji se malo zna o kvalitetu kozijeg mesa u poređenju sa ostalim vrstama, a posebno je nedovoljno poznavanje kvaliteta mesa autohtonih rasa koza. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se prikupe i uporede podaci hemijskog sastava, pH vrednosti, sastava masnih i amino kiselina, pojedinih mikroelemenata, boje i mekoće (instrumentalno), senzorne analize svežeg mesa i određivanje kala toplotne obrade srpske bele i balkanske koze iste starosti. Iz uzoraka m. longissimus dorsi, uzetih nakon klanja navedenih životinja, ispitivan je hemijski sastav i pH vrednost, primenom ISO metoda. Sastav masnih kiselina i određen je primenom gasne hromatografije (GC6890N, Agilent Tech., USA) i poređen je sa standardom masnih kiselina (standard mix of FAMEs 37, Supelco, USA). Aminokiseline u navedenim uzorcima određene su nakon hidrolize tkiva primenom AOAC metode 982.30. Određivanje mikroelemenata u mesu koza vršeno je u metodom AOAC method 999.10. Princip metode za određivanje kala toplotne obrade sastoji se u određivanju gubitka mase usled toplotne obrade uzorka. Određivanje mekoće je obavljeno aparatom Warner–Bratzler. Boja svežeg mesa je takođe određivana u m. longissimus dorsi upotrebom Minolta chromameter CR-400. Senzornu analizu su radili obučeni ocenjivači u skladu sa ISO metodom. Dobijeni rezultati su statistički obrađeni primenom programa MS-Excel 2003, ANOVA, i utvrđene razlike srednjih vrednosti poređene t-testom na nivou značajnosti 99 i 95%. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je postojala statistički značajna razlika u kvalitetu mesa između ispitivanih uzoraka

    The influence of thermodynamic parameters on alkaline activators of geopolymers and the structure of geopolymers

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    Thermodynamic parameters (densities, viscosities, speed of sound, and refractive index) of four series of alkaline activators were determined over the temperature range from 15 to 60 degrees C for the process of geopolymerization. Mixtures of Na2SiO3 and NaOH of different molar concentrations ( from 2M to 8M with step 2) were used as an alkaline activator. The sample with the highest NaOH concentration also shows the highest values of all thermodynamic parameters. Metakaolin, obtained by calcination of kaolin at 750 degrees C, was used as the starting material. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), FTIR and Raman spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Energy-Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) Spectroscopy. Results of FTIR analysis correlated with results of Raman Spectroscopy. Due to the polymerization process, the changes in the phonon spectrum were confirmed. The different concentrations of activators do not notably change the Si/Al ratio