32 research outputs found

    Seroprevalence and epidemiological characteristics of varicella and herpes zoster in AP Vojvodina

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    Uvod: Varičela (Varicella, Ovčije boginje) i herpes zoster (Herpes Zoster) su bolesti koje izaziva virus varicella - zoster. Varičela spada u najčešće dečje osipne groznice. Herpes zoster je bolest ljudi starijeg životnog doba. Imunizacija protiv varičele i herpes zostera je dala značajne rezultate u prevenciji ovih bolesti. Raspoloživi epidemiološki pokazatelji nisu dovoljni za uvođenje adekvatnog programa imunizacije protiv ovih bolesti u našoj zemlji. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se na teritoriji Vojvodine utvrde: seroprevalencija varicella-zoster virusnih antitela, epidemiološke karakteristike obolelih od varičele u periodu 1994−2014. godine i obolelih od herpes zostera u periodu 1997−2005, uzrasno specifične incidencije i udeo hospitalizovanih u ukupnom broju obolelih od varičele odnosno herpes zostera u periodu 2010−2014. godine. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje epidemioloških karakteristika varičele i herpes zostera je sprovedeno retrospektivno, analizom podataka iz epidemiološkog nadzora. Seroepidemiološko istraživanje je sprovedeno prospektivno (april 2015−februar 2016). Prikupljeno je 3.570 rezidualnih seruma uz prethodno informisanje i pisanu saglasnost pacijenata. Uzorak je reprezentativan za populaciju Vojvodine, prema mestu stanovanja, polu i uzrastu. Imunokompromitovani i primaoci transfuzije krvi u poslednjih šest meseci su izuzeti iz istraživanja. Testiranje seruma je sprovedeno ELISA testom u Centru za virusologiju Instituta za javno zdravlje Vojvodine. Referentna evropska laboratorija prosledila je referentni panel seruma koji je testiran pre i tokom testiranja banke seruma. Standardizacija rezultata je sprovedena na osnovu jednačine koju je prosledio Public Health England (PHE). Izračunata je i analizirana seroprevalencija antitela u odnosu na uzrast, pol i područje stanovanja. Istraživanje incidencije hospitalizovanih slučajeva varičele i herpes zostera sprovedeno je retrospektivno prikupljanjem podataka o hospitalizacijama. Statistički značajnim smatrane su vrednosti na nivou značajnosti p < 0,05 a visoko statički značajnim p < 0,01. Rezultati: Seroprevalencija antitela protiv virusa varicella-zoster u testiranom uzorku populacije Vojvodine je 84%. Utvrđen je očekivano visok procenat seropozitivne dece do navršenih devet godina života (73,3%). Osim u uzrasnim grupama < 1 i 1−4 godine, seroprevalencija raste sa uzrastom. Varičela se u Vojvodini održava endemo-epidemijski sa visokim incidencijama. U posmatranom periodu, najviša uzrasno specifična incidencija varičele se registruje u uzrastu 5−9 godina (5.824,6/100.000 stanovnika) i 0−4 godine (5.000,7/ 100.000 stanovnika). Od varičele su češće obolevali muškaraci dok su žene značajno ćešće obolevale od herpes zostera (p = 0,000 < 0,01). Incidencije varičele i herpes zostera se značajno razlikuju u odnosu na mesto stanovanja. Udeo hospitalizovanih u ukupnom broju obolelih od varičele bio je od 0,7 do 0,9%. Najviša uzrasno specifična incidencija hospitalizovanih sa varičelom registrovana je u uzrastu 0−4 godine i opada sa uzrastom. Incidencija herpes zostera najviša je kod starijih od 60 godina života (970,2/100,000 stanovnika), dok je incidencija hospitalizovanih slučajeva herpes zostera najviša kod starijih od 65 godina (105,7/100.000). Udeo hospitalizovanih slučajeva herpes zostera u ukupnom broju obolelih od herpes zostera se kretao u rasponu od 2,2 do 3,6 % ( ≥2% ). Zaključak: Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da varičela i herpes zoster značajno opterećuju zdravstveno stanje našeg stanovništva zbog čega postoji osnov za uspostavljanje epidemiološkog nadzora i kreiranje adekvatnog programa imunizacije.Introduction: Varicella (Varicella, Chicken pox) and herpes zoster (Herpes Zoster) are diseases caused by the Varicella- zoster virus. Varicella is the most common children's rash-causing fever. Herpes zoster is mainly a disease of elderly people. Immunisation against varicella and herpes zoster have led to significant results in the prevention of these diseases. Available epidemiological indicators are not sufficient for introduction of an adequate program of immunization against these diseases in our country. The aim of the research was to establish: seroprevalence of varicella-zoster virus antibodies, the epidemiological characteristics of patients with varicella in the period 1994-2014. and patients with herpes zoster in the period 1997-2005, age-specific incidence and share of hospitalized patients in the total number of patients with varicella and herpes zoster in the period 2010-2014, in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Material and methods: The study of epidemiological characteristics of varicella and herpes zoster was conducted retrospectively by analyzing data from epidemiological surveillance. Seroepidemiological study was conducted prospectively (April 2015- February 2016). The total of 3.570 residual sera were collected with previously taken written informed consents of patients. Immunocompromised patients and recipients of blood transfusions in the last six months were not included in the survey. The sample was representative by residence, sex and age for population of Vojvodina. Testing of sera was conducted by ELISA tests at the Center for virusology, Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina. Reference European laboratory forwarded the reference panel serum which was tested before and during the testing of serum bank. Standardization of the results was based on the equation previously sent by Public Health England (PHE). Seroprevalence of antibodies was calculated in relation to the age, sex and area of residence. Incidence of hospitalized cases of varicella and herpes zoster was determined by retrospective collection of hospitalization data. Statistically significant was considered values at a significance level of p < 0,05 and highly statistically significant at p < 0,01. Results: The seroprevalence of antibodies against Varicella- zoster virus in the sample of the population of Vojvodina was 84%. High percentage of seropositive children under the age of nine years of age (73,3%) was determined, as expected. The seroprevalence increases with age, except in the age groups <1 and 1-4. Varicella in Vojvodina maintains endemo-epidemic mode with high incidence. In the observed period, the highest age-specific incidence of varicella is registered in the age group 5-9 years (5.824,6/100.000 inhabitants) and at the age of 0-4 years (5.000,7/100.000 inhabitants). Varicella was found significantly more often in men while herpes zoster was more often in women (p= 0,000 <0,01). Incidence of varicella and herpes zoster significantly varied among the population of certain municipalities in Vojvodina. The share of hospitalized patients in the total number of patients with varicella ranged from 0,7 to 0,9%. The highest age-specific incidence of hospitalized patients with varicella was registered in the age of 0-4 years and decreases with age. The incidence of herpes zoster is highest in people over 60 years of age (970,2/100.000 inhabitants), whereas the incidence of hospitalized cases of herpes zoster was highest in patients over 65 years (105,7/100.000). Proportion of hospitalized cases in the total number of patients with herpes zoster ranged from 2,2 to 3,6% . Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that varicella and herpes zoster are significant burden of the health status of our population and there is a basis for the establishment of epidemiological surveillance and creation of an adequate program of immunization

    Value differences as a challenge in intergenerational and intercultural learning

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    Svrha prezentovane studije bila je da se istraže razlike u vrednovanju ključnih životnih fenomena među pripadnicima različitih generacija i različitih kultura koji su bili učesnici zajedničkog, međunarodnog obrazovnog programa 'Aktivno starenje i međugeneracijsko učenje - kafe pričaonica' - razmena priča, asocijacija i sećanja u vezi sa važnim ličnostima, ličnim i društvenim događajima na Dunavu. Pretpostavke o razlikama u vrednovanju ključnih životnih fenomena među različitim generacijama i različitim kulturama, kao ulaznih pozicija za ovaj dijalog, učinile su da ovaj proces bude organizovan sa ciljem razvoja interkulturno-generacijske osetljivosti : kroz razmenu u kojoj učesnici uče zajedno, jedni sa drugima, jedni o drugima, razmenjuju svoja znanja, osećanja, sećanja, uverenja, stavove i vrednosti o svetu, ljudima i događajima. Istraživanje koje je sprovedeno na grupi mladih i starijih učesnika iz Nemačke i Srbije imalo je za cilj da utvrdi osnovanost pretpostavki o razlikama na kojima se i iz kojih se uči. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su razlike u vrednovanju ključnih životnih fenomena, kako među generacijama tako i među kulturama, podjednako izazovni i relevantni resursi i izvori za učenje za sve učesnike programa.The objective of this study was to investigate differences in the evaluation of key life phenomena among members of different generations and different cultures who took part in the joint international education programme 'Active Ageing and Intergenerational Learning - Coffee Chats' - exchange of stories, associations and memories about important personalities and personal and social events on the Danube. Assumptions about differences in the evaluation of key life phenomena between different generations and different cultures, as the starting positions for this dialogue, meant this intercultural and intergenerational learning was organized with the goal of developing intercultural and intergenerational sensitivity, through exchange where participants learnt together, with one another and about one another, and shared their knowledge, feelings, memories, beliefs, attitudes and values about the world, people and events. The study aimed to establish the merits of the assumptions about the differences from which people learn draw lessons. The study showed that differences in the evaluation of key life phenomena, both between generations and between cultures, are equally challenging and useful resources and sources for learning for all programme participants

    Vakcinacija žena u trudnoći i laktaciji

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    Imunizacija trudnica predstavlja važnu mogućnost prevencije infekcija buduće majke i njenog ploda. Nadzor nad vakcinisanim trudnicama u svetu je pokazao da je strah od primene vakcine u trudnoći često neopravdan. Cilj ovog rada je da pruži kratak uvid u dostupne podatke o koristi ili eventualnoj štetnosti primene vakcina u trudnoći. Žive vakcine se ne preporučuju za imunizaciju trudnica. U slučaju izloženosti prirodnoj infekciji savetuje se pasivna zaštita, Aplikovana živa vakcina u trudnoći nije obavezno razlog za abortus, ali odluku o tome ipak donosi trudnica i njen ginekolog. Mrtve vakcine su bezbedne za trudnice, jer ce komponente vakcine ne umnožavaju u organizmu. Zaštita trudnica ovim vakcinama, u slučaju eksponiranosti trudnice prirodnim agensima, jeste prednost u odnosu na pasivnu zaštitu naročito kad je u pitanju vakcinacija protiv hepatitisa V, influence difterije i tetanusa. Visoka izloženost infektivnom agensu, mogućnost aktivne zaštite, opasnost koju prirodna infekcija može imati po majku i plod, kao i bezbednost primene određene vakcine u trudnoći neophodni su podaci kojima moramo raspolagati pri donošenju odluke o imunizaciji

    Epidemiology of human trichinellosis in Vojvodina province, Serbia, from 2005 to 2016

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    Trichinellosis is one of the most important foodborne diseases in the Eastern European countries. The main objective of this study was to investigate the epidemiological patterns of trichinellosis outbreaks that occurred between 2005 and 2016 in Vojvodina, a northern province of the Republic of Serbia. The average incidence was 3.5 per 100,000 inhabitants. A total of 828 people acquired the infection. The disease occurred in all age groups, slightly more often in males, and quite frequently in a severe form considering the high share of hospitalised patients and the fatal outcome rate (41.6 ± 31.1% and 0.4%, respectively). Trichinella spiralis was confirmed as the causative agent in eight outbreaks. The outbreaks usually occurred among family members due to the consumption of pork or traditional pork products from not tested backyard pigs. Veterinary control measures and the education of consumers and farmers should be implemented to control this zoonotic disease

    Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory characteristics of the measles resurgence in the Republic of Serbia in 2014-2015

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    The Republic of Serbia is a country with ongoing endemic transmission of measles. The aim of this study is to summarize the main characteristics of the measles resurgence that occurred in Serbia in 2014-2015. The national surveillance data on measles was analysed in relation to the clinical, epidemiological and laboratory data. Between November 2014 and December 2015 a measles resurgence with 420 cases was observed in Serbia. Measles virus was initially introduced by and spread among citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina with temporary residence in Serbia, before spreading to the resident population. Of the 223 patients with available medical records, 173 (77.6%) were unvaccinated. The overall measles incidence during the outbreak was 5.8/100.000. The highest age-specific incidence rate was recorded in children aged lt = 4 years (25.9/100.000), but most cases (67.9%) were gt = 20 years old. Hospitalization rate was high (32.9%) and included two cases of encephalitis associated with measles. In total, 42 health-care workers and 22 related cases including hospitalized patients (n = 13) contracted measles. The overall percentage of laboratory confirmed cases was 81.7% (n = 343/420). All measles virus sequences except one (D9) belonged to genotype D8, suggesting interruption of transmission after the previous outbreak in 2010-2011 caused by genotype D4 viruses. The growing number of adult patients as compared to previous epidemics, suggests an urgent need for supplementary immunization activities targeting susceptible health care workers, unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated adults as well as people without vaccination records. The comprehensive investigation of the 2014/2015 measles resurgence will contribute to decisions about appropriate countermeasures to stop the future measles resurgences in Serbia

    Совершенствование организационной культуры в образовательной организации на примере МАОУ СОШ № 3

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    Проблема исследования заключается в необходимости совершенствования организационной культуры МАОУ СОШ № 3.Целью выпускной квалификационной работы является анализ организационной культуры МАОУ СОШ № 3 и ее совершенствование. Объект исследования: организационная культура образовательного учреждения. Предмет исследования: совершенствование организационной культуры образовательной организации МАОУ СОШ № 3.Структура работы. Работа состоит из введения, двух глав, списка использованных источников


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    Q fever is a globally widespread zoonosis, which has a large number of animal reservoirs. In humans, Q fever is asymptomatic in 60% of cases but may appear in the form of acute or chronic disease. The disease is mostly asymptomatic in animals but may be a cause of abortions or stillbirths. The aim of this study was to present and analyze the epidemiological characteristics of Q fever in Srem district, in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia. We conducted a descriptive study using data from the registries of infectious diseases of the Institutes of Public Health of Vojvodina and Institute of Public Health Sremska Mitrovica in the period 2011-2020. A total of 76 human cases of Q fever were registered in Srem district over ten-year period. The majority of patients (89.47%; N = 68) were registered in municipalities of Sremska Mitrovica and Šid. One third of patients were hospitalized (32.89%; N = 25). Males were 3.2 times more affected than females (M : F = 3.22 : 1). Working age population (20–59 years) were most affected (82.89%; N = 63) with a significantly higher incidence compared to the age category 0-19 years (p < 0.05). The majority of cases were registered in February (60.53%; N = 46). Probable routes of transmission of Coxiella burnetii were: direct contact with animals and the airborne route of transmission (50.00% vs. 47.37%). The highest seroprevalence of Q fever recorded in goats (55.54%) and sheep (11.88%) in the municipality of Šid, which is connected to outbreak in Kukujevci 2017. The high seroprevalence in goats, recorded in Inđija (22.87%) was not accompanied by Q fever in humans. Q fever still represents a significant problem of both veterinary and human medicine and therefore continuous disease monitoring and more efficient cooperation of the veterinary and human health care sectors is necessary

    Seroprevalence and epidemiological characteristics of varicella and herpes zoster in AP Vojvodina

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    Uvod: Varičela (Varicella, Ovčije boginje) i herpes zoster (Herpes Zoster) su bolesti koje izaziva virus varicella - zoster. Varičela spada u najčešće dečje osipne groznice. Herpes zoster je bolest ljudi starijeg životnog doba. Imunizacija protiv varičele i herpes zostera je dala značajne rezultate u prevenciji ovih bolesti. Raspoloživi epidemiološki pokazatelji nisu dovoljni za uvođenje adekvatnog programa imunizacije protiv ovih bolesti u našoj zemlji. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se na teritoriji Vojvodine utvrde: seroprevalencija varicella-zoster virusnih antitela, epidemiološke karakteristike obolelih od varičele u periodu 1994−2014. godine i obolelih od herpes zostera u periodu 1997−2005, uzrasno specifične incidencije i udeo hospitalizovanih u ukupnom broju obolelih od varičele odnosno herpes zostera u periodu 2010−2014. godine. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje epidemioloških karakteristika varičele i herpes zostera je sprovedeno retrospektivno, analizom podataka iz epidemiološkog nadzora. Seroepidemiološko istraživanje je sprovedeno prospektivno (april 2015−februar 2016). Prikupljeno je 3.570 rezidualnih seruma uz prethodno informisanje i pisanu saglasnost pacijenata. Uzorak je reprezentativan za populaciju Vojvodine, prema mestu stanovanja, polu i uzrastu. Imunokompromitovani i primaoci transfuzije krvi u poslednjih šest meseci su izuzeti iz istraživanja. Testiranje seruma je sprovedeno ELISA testom u Centru za virusologiju Instituta za javno zdravlje Vojvodine. Referentna evropska laboratorija prosledila je referentni panel seruma koji je testiran pre i tokom testiranja banke seruma. Standardizacija rezultata je sprovedena na osnovu jednačine koju je prosledio Public Health England (PHE). Izračunata je i analizirana seroprevalencija antitela u odnosu na uzrast, pol i područje stanovanja. Istraživanje incidencije hospitalizovanih slučajeva varičele i herpes zostera sprovedeno je retrospektivno prikupljanjem podataka o hospitalizacijama. Statistički značajnim smatrane su vrednosti na nivou značajnosti p < 0,05 a visoko statički značajnim p < 0,01. Rezultati: Seroprevalencija antitela protiv virusa varicella-zoster u testiranom uzorku populacije Vojvodine je 84%. Utvrđen je očekivano visok procenat seropozitivne dece do navršenih devet godina života (73,3%). Osim u uzrasnim grupama < 1 i 1−4 godine, seroprevalencija raste sa uzrastom. Varičela se u Vojvodini održava endemo-epidemijski sa visokim incidencijama. U posmatranom periodu, najviša uzrasno specifična incidencija varičele se registruje u uzrastu 5−9 godina (5.824,6/100.000 stanovnika) i 0−4 godine (5.000,7/ 100.000 stanovnika). Od varičele su češće obolevali muškaraci dok su žene značajno ćešće obolevale od herpes zostera (p = 0,000 < 0,01). Incidencije varičele i herpes zostera se značajno razlikuju u odnosu na mesto stanovanja. Udeo hospitalizovanih u ukupnom broju obolelih od varičele bio je od 0,7 do 0,9%. Najviša uzrasno specifična incidencija hospitalizovanih sa varičelom registrovana je u uzrastu 0−4 godine i opada sa uzrastom. Incidencija herpes zostera najviša je kod starijih od 60 godina života (970,2/100,000 stanovnika), dok je incidencija hospitalizovanih slučajeva herpes zostera najviša kod starijih od 65 godina (105,7/100.000). Udeo hospitalizovanih slučajeva herpes zostera u ukupnom broju obolelih od herpes zostera se kretao u rasponu od 2,2 do 3,6 % ( ≥2% ). Zaključak: Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da varičela i herpes zoster značajno opterećuju zdravstveno stanje našeg stanovništva zbog čega postoji osnov za uspostavljanje epidemiološkog nadzora i kreiranje adekvatnog programa imunizacije.Introduction: Varicella (Varicella, Chicken pox) and herpes zoster (Herpes Zoster) are diseases caused by the Varicella- zoster virus. Varicella is the most common children's rash-causing fever. Herpes zoster is mainly a disease of elderly people. Immunisation against varicella and herpes zoster have led to significant results in the prevention of these diseases. Available epidemiological indicators are not sufficient for introduction of an adequate program of immunization against these diseases in our country. The aim of the research was to establish: seroprevalence of varicella-zoster virus antibodies, the epidemiological characteristics of patients with varicella in the period 1994-2014. and patients with herpes zoster in the period 1997-2005, age-specific incidence and share of hospitalized patients in the total number of patients with varicella and herpes zoster in the period 2010-2014, in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Material and methods: The study of epidemiological characteristics of varicella and herpes zoster was conducted retrospectively by analyzing data from epidemiological surveillance. Seroepidemiological study was conducted prospectively (April 2015- February 2016). The total of 3.570 residual sera were collected with previously taken written informed consents of patients. Immunocompromised patients and recipients of blood transfusions in the last six months were not included in the survey. The sample was representative by residence, sex and age for population of Vojvodina. Testing of sera was conducted by ELISA tests at the Center for virusology, Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina. Reference European laboratory forwarded the reference panel serum which was tested before and during the testing of serum bank. Standardization of the results was based on the equation previously sent by Public Health England (PHE). Seroprevalence of antibodies was calculated in relation to the age, sex and area of residence. Incidence of hospitalized cases of varicella and herpes zoster was determined by retrospective collection of hospitalization data. Statistically significant was considered values at a significance level of p < 0,05 and highly statistically significant at p < 0,01. Results: The seroprevalence of antibodies against Varicella- zoster virus in the sample of the population of Vojvodina was 84%. High percentage of seropositive children under the age of nine years of age (73,3%) was determined, as expected. The seroprevalence increases with age, except in the age groups <1 and 1-4. Varicella in Vojvodina maintains endemo-epidemic mode with high incidence. In the observed period, the highest age-specific incidence of varicella is registered in the age group 5-9 years (5.824,6/100.000 inhabitants) and at the age of 0-4 years (5.000,7/100.000 inhabitants). Varicella was found significantly more often in men while herpes zoster was more often in women (p= 0,000 <0,01). Incidence of varicella and herpes zoster significantly varied among the population of certain municipalities in Vojvodina. The share of hospitalized patients in the total number of patients with varicella ranged from 0,7 to 0,9%. The highest age-specific incidence of hospitalized patients with varicella was registered in the age of 0-4 years and decreases with age. The incidence of herpes zoster is highest in people over 60 years of age (970,2/100.000 inhabitants), whereas the incidence of hospitalized cases of herpes zoster was highest in patients over 65 years (105,7/100.000). Proportion of hospitalized cases in the total number of patients with herpes zoster ranged from 2,2 to 3,6% . Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that varicella and herpes zoster are significant burden of the health status of our population and there is a basis for the establishment of epidemiological surveillance and creation of an adequate program of immunization

    Communication from the Commission 'it is never too late to learn' and the adult education in Serbia

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    U radu se analizira Komunikacija Evropske komisije "Nikada nije kasno za Učenje", koja sadrži pet ključnih preporuka za način na koji obrazovanje odraslih može da odgovori izazovima savremenih društava Evrope. Autori razmatraju primenljivost ovih preporuka (Ukloniti barijere za participaciju odraslih u obrazovanju, Osigurati kvalitet obrazovanja odraslih, Uspostaviti sistem prepoznavanja i vrednovanja ishoda procesa učenja, ulagati u populaciju koja stari i imigrante, Razvijati indikatore i merila) na Srbiju i slične zemlje u procesu tranzicije, sa pitanjem da li ovakva dokumenta doprinose evropskim integracijama nacionalnih sistema obrazovanja odraslih ovih zemalja, ili ih, naprotiv, udaljavaju od Evrope svojim previsokim zahtevima. Za svaku preporuku analiziraju se teškoće u njenoj primeni, ali se daju i prednosti od ovakve razmene ideja i mogućnosti koje ona otvara za razvoj nacionalnih strategija obrazovanja odraslih.The paper analyses the Communication from the European Commission: "It is never too late to learn" which contains five key recommendations on the ways adult education can respond to the challenges of modern European communities. The authors consider the applicability of these recommendations (Lifting the barriers to adult participation in education; Ensuring the quality of adult learning; Recognition and validation of learning outcomes; Investing in the ageing population and migrants, Developing indicators and benchmarks) in Serbia and similar transition countries asking questions on whether these documents can contribute to European integration of national adult education systems, or do they, on the contrary, make the Europe even more distant by imposing too high standards. Each recommendation is analyzed with respect to the difficulties in its application, but the advantages deriving from such exchange of ideas and the opportunities it opens in developing adult education national strategies are also presented

    Education for all in Serbia: Development, progress and activities

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    Rad predstavlja kratku studiju rezultata u ostvarivanju međunarodnih ciljeva programa "Obrazovanje za sve" u Srbiji - razvoj, strateška dokumenta, važne statističke podatke, aktivnosti, nosioce, prioritetna područja i postignute rezultate do kraja 2005. godine. U centru interesovanja autora nalaze se projekti i mere posvećene ostvarivanju EFA cilja u području obrazovanju odraslih.The paper is a brief study into the results in achieving the international goals of the Education for All Programme in Serbia - development, strategic documents, relevant statistical data, activities, agencies, priority areas and the results obtained by the end of 2005. The projects and measures designed to achieve the EFA goal in the adult education area are at the centre of the author’s interest