252 research outputs found

    Pipelined Two-Operand Modular Adders

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    Pipelined two-operand modular adder (TOMA) is one of basic components used in digital signal processing (DSP) systems that use the residue number system (RNS). Such modular adders are used in binary/residue and residue/binary converters, residue multipliers and scalers as well as within residue processing channels. The design of pipelined TOMAs is usually obtained by inserting an appriopriate number of latch layers inside a nonpipelined TOMA structure. Hence their area is also determined by the number of latches and the delay by the number of latch layers. In this paper we propose a new pipelined TOMA that is based on a new TOMA, that has the smaller area and smaller delay than other known structures. Comparisons are made using data from the very large scale of integration (VLSI) standard cell library

    Опыт применения онлайн-технологий в транспортном образовании

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    The objective of this article is to identify pedagogical technologies traditionally used in full-time education, which found their place when educational formats changed in the era of digital transformation. The discussion concerns the project method, the case method, the analysis of the digital footprint, the use of game teaching methods, virtual laboratory work, various types of Internet testing, methods of collective search for a solution to the problem. The application of the considered methods in learning the Physics as a discipline at Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI) constituted the empirical basis of the study.The design method turned to be the most effective and developed one. Its application made it possible to organise participation of students of 1–2 years of study in educational and research work under the guidance of lecturers who are related to physics and the chosen fields of training at MADI. It is shown that as a result, students acquire the skills to search and select the necessary information, learn to complete project work on time, prepare presentations, write scientific texts both for presenting them as oral reports and as texts of scientific articles. Possibilities of using electronic registers are described, in which both attendance at classes and performance of tasks are recorded, and the time factor (indication on whether the work was completed on time or was late) is considered. The article studies the use of a point-rating system to control current assignments, and also provides description of developments by the teaching staff of the department on organisation of an oral exam and test in physics in an online format.Целью настоящей статьи является выявление педагогических технологий, традиционно применявшихся в очном формате обучения, которые нашли своё место при изменении образовательных форматов в эпоху цифровой трансформации. Обсуждаются проектный метод, кейс-метод, анализ цифрового следа, использование игровых методик обучения, виртуальные лабораторные работы, различные виды Интернет-тестирования, методы коллективного поиска решения проблемы. Эмпирической основой исследования стало использование рассмотренных методов в учебном процессе по дисциплине «Физика» в Московском автомобильно-дорожном государственном техническом университете (МАДИ), в том числе с учётом перехода на дистанционные формы обучения в период пандемии.Самым эффективным и разработанным методом оказался проектный метод. Его применение позволило организовать участие обучающихся 1–2 курсов в учебно исследовательских работах под руководством преподавателей, которые связаны с физикой и выбранным направлением подготовки в МАДИ. Показано, что в результате студенты приобретают навыки поиска и отбора необходимой информации, учатся выполнять проектные работы в срок, готовить презентации, писать научные тексты как для произнесения их в качестве докладов, так и в качестве текстов научных статей. Приведены возможности использования электронных журналов, в которых фиксируются и посещение занятий, и выполнение заданий, причём принимается во внимание временной фактор (вовремя сдал работу или опоздал). Рассмотрено применение балльно-рейтинговой системы для контроля текущих заданий, а также приведены разработки преподавателей кафедры по организации устного экзамена и зачёта по физике в онлайн-формате

    Perigo aumentado de violência doméstica durante o confinamento? - dados da pandemia SARS-COV2

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    Apresentação Oral realizada no 20º Congresso Nacional de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses, 5ª Reunião da rede de Serviços médico-legais e Forenses de Língua Portuguesa, Coimbra, 2022N/

    5 Anos das agressões sexuais: análise da prevalência e fatores do risco

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    Apresentação Oral realizada no 20º Congresso Nacional de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses: 5ª Reunião da Rede de Serviços Médico-Legais e Forenses de Países de Língua Portuguesa, Coimbra 2022N/

    Human Innate Mycobacterium tuberculosis–Reactive αβTCR+ Thymocytes

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    The control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection is heavily dependent on the adaptive Th1 cellular immune response. Paradoxically, optimal priming of the Th1 response requires activation of priming dendritic cells with Th1 cytokine IFN-γ. At present, the innate cellular mechanisms required for the generation of an optimal Th1 T cell response remain poorly characterized. We hypothesized that innate Mtb-reactive T cells provide an early source of IFN-γ to fully activate Mtb-exposed dendritic cells. Here, we report the identification of a novel population of Mtb-reactive CD4− αβTCR+ innate thymocytes. These cells are present at high frequencies, respond to Mtb-infected cells by producing IFN-γ directly ex vivo, and display characteristics of effector memory T cells. This novel innate population of Mtb-reactive T cells will drive further investigation into the role of these cells in the containment of Mtb following infectious exposure. Furthermore, this is the first demonstration of a human innate pathogen-specific αβTCR+ T cell and is likely to inspire further investigation into innate T cells recognizing other important human pathogens

    Immune evasion versus recovery after acute hepatitis C virus infection from a shared source

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    Acute infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) rarely is identified, and hence, the determinants of spontaneous resolution versus chronicity remain incompletely understood. In particular, because of the retrospective nature and unknown source of infection in most human studies, direct evidence for emergence of escape mutations in immunodominant major histocompatibility complex class I–restricted epitopes leading to immune evasion is extremely limited. In two patients infected accidentally with an identical HCV strain but who developed divergent outcomes, the total lack of HCV-specific CD4+ T cells in conjunction with vigorous CD8+ T cells that targeted a single epitope in one patient was associated with mutational escape and viral persistence. Statistical evidence for positive Darwinian selective pressure against an immunodominant epitope is presented. Wild-type cytotoxic T lymphocytes persisted even after the cognate antigen was no longer present

    MARC1 p.A165T variant is associated with decreased markers of liver injury and enhanced antioxidant capacity in autoimmune hepatitis

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    The clinical picture of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) varies markedly between patients, potentially due to genetic modifiers. The aim of this study was to evaluate genetic variants previously associated with fatty liver as potential modulators of the AIH phenotype. The study cohort comprised 313 non-transplanted adults with AIH. In all patients, the MARC1 (rs2642438), HSD17B13 (rs72613567), PNPLA3 (rs738409), TM6SF2 (rs58542926), and MBOAT7 (rs641738) variants were genotyped using TaqMan assays. Mitochondrial damage markers in serum were analyzed in relation to the MARC1 variant. Carriers of the protective MARC1 allele had lower ALT and AST (both P < 0.05). In patients treated for AIH for ≥ 6 months, MARC1 correlated with reduced AST, ALP, GGT (all P ≤ 0.01), and lower APRI (P = 0.02). Patients carrying the protective MARC1 genotype had higher total antioxidant activity (P < 0.01) and catalase levels (P = 0.02) in serum. The PNPLA3 risk variant was associated with higher MELD (P = 0.02) in treated patients, whereas MBOAT7 increased the odds for liver cancer (OR = 3.71). None of the variants modulated the risk of death or transplantation. In conclusion, the MARC1 polymorphism has protective effects in AIH. Genotyping of MARC1, PNPLA3, and MBOAT7 polymorphisms might help to stratify patients with AIH


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    On the basis of the analysis of own and literary data, proved the interaction psychophysiologic and immunologic parameters in healthy people and in patients with bronchial asthma. The main accent was made on the investigation of the role of the functional asymmetry of a brain, as the base phenomenon defining features of mental, vegetative and immunologic activity

    Human mucosal associated invariant T cells detect bacterially infected cells

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    Control of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) requires Th1-type immunity, of which CD8+ T cells play a unique role. High frequency Mtb-reactive CD8+ T cells are present in both Mtb-infected and uninfected humans. We show by limiting dilution analysis that nonclassically restricted CD8+ T cells are universally present, but predominate in Mtbuninfected individuals. Interestingly, these Mtb-reactive cells expressed the Va7.2 T-cell receptor (TCR), were restricted by the nonclassical MHC (HLA-Ib) molecule MR1, and were activated in a transporter associated with antigen processing and presentation (TAP) independent manner. These properties are all characteristics of mucosal associated invariant T cells (MAIT), an "innate" T-cell population of previously unknown function. These MAIT cells also detect cells infected with other bacteria. Direct ex vivo analysis demonstrates that Mtb-reactive MAIT cells are decreased in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from individuals with active tuberculosis, are enriched in human lung, and respond to Mtb-infected MR1-expressing lung epithelial cells. Overall, these findings suggest a generalized role for MAIT cells in the detection of bacterially infected cells, and potentially in the control of bacterial infection. © 2010 Gold et al

    Knowledge, opinions and attitudes of Polish women towards banking and donation of human breast milk

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to obtain information on the knowledge, opinions and attitudes of Polish women in terms of functioning of human milk banks, as well as the possibility to be a donor. Specific objectives included consideration of responses in the sociodemographic aspect and identification of factors influencing donation decisions.Material and methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted, obtaining 871 responses. Women were asked to provide basic sociodemographic data, information related to pregnancy and lactation. Knowledge and opinion about breast milk banks as well as the impact of various factors on a potential donation decision were investigated.Results: Of all women participating in the study, 604 (69%) were aware of the breast milk banks existence. 69% of respondents indicated the Internet, 10% — a nurse or midwife, while only 4% — a doctor as source of knowledge about human breast milk donation. Among women who had children (n = 453), only 9 (2%) donated breast milk in the past. The indicated reasons for not donating were no milk excess (38%), insufficient knowledge about the procedure or unawareness of its existence (33% and 25%, respectively), long distance to affiliated facility (17%).Conclusions: The awareness of breast milk banks existence, possibilities and terms of donation in the studied group is not satisfactory. Widely sharing reliable information on banking and promoting the idea of donating human breast milk in society can lead to impressive results. There is a need for further development of human breast milk banks and continuous improvement of their availability in Poland