85 research outputs found

    Another look on tense and related operators

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    Motivated by the classical work of Halmos on functional monadic Boolean algebras we derive three basic sup-semilattice constructions, among other things the so-called powersets and powerset operators. Such constructions are extremely useful and can be found in almost all branches of modern mathematics, including algebra, logic and topology. Our three constructions give rise to four covariant and two contravariant functors and constitute three adjoint situations we illustrate in simple examples

    Natural visual cues eliciting predator avoidance in fiddler crabs

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    To efficiently provide an animal with relevant information, the design of its visual system should reflect the distribution of natural signals and the animal’s tasks. In many behavioural contexts, however, we know comparatively little about the moment-to-moment information-processing challenges animals face in their daily lives. In predator avoidance, for instance, we lack an accurate description of the natural signal stream and its value for risk assessment throughout the prey’s defensive behaviour.We characterized the visual signals generated by real, potentially predatory events by video-recording bird approaches towards an Uca vomeris colony. Using four synchronized cameras allowed us to simultaneously monitor predator avoidance responses of crabs. We reconstructed the signals generated by dangerous and non-dangerous flying animals, identified the cues that triggered escape responses and compared them with those triggering responses to dummy predators. Fiddler crabs responded to a combination of multiple visual cues (including retinal speed, elevation and visual flicker) that reflect the visual signatures of distinct bird and insect behaviours. This allowed crabs to discriminate between dangerous and non-dangerous events. The results demonstrate the importance of measuring natural sensory signatures of biologically relevant events in order to understand biological information processing and its effects on behavioural organization

    Untangling the hedge: Genetic diversity in clonally and sexually transmitted genomes of European wild roses, Rosa L.

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    While European wild roses are abundant and widely distributed, their morphological taxonomy is complicated and ambiguous. In particular, the polyploid Rosa section Caninae (dogroses) is characterised by its unusual meiosis, causing simultaneous clonal and sexual transmission of sub-genomes. This hemisexual reproduction, which often co-occurs with vegetative reproduction, defies the standard definition of species boundaries. We analysed seven highly polymorphic microsatellite loci, scored for over 2 600 Rosa samples of differing ploidy, collected across Europe within three independent research projects. Based on their morphology, these samples had been identified as belonging to 21 dogrose and five other native rose species. We quantified the degree of clonality within species and at individual sampling sites. We then compared the genetic structure within our data to current rose morpho-systematics and searched for hemisexually co-inherited sets of alleles at individual loci. We found considerably fewer copies of identical multi-locus genotypes in dogroses than in roses with regular meiosis, with some variation recorded among species. While clonality showed no detectable geographic pattern, some genotypes appeared to be more widespread. Microsatellite data confirmed the current classification of subsections, but they did not support most of the generally accepted dogrose microspecies. Under canina meiosis, we found co-inherited sets of alleles as expected, but could not distinguish between sexually and clonally inherited sub-genomes, with only some of the detected allele combinations being lineage-specific

    Non-Deterministic Kleene Coalgebras

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    In this paper, we present a systematic way of deriving (1) languages of (generalised) regular expressions, and (2) sound and complete axiomatizations thereof, for a wide variety of systems. This generalizes both the results of Kleene (on regular languages and deterministic finite automata) and Milner (on regular behaviours and finite labelled transition systems), and includes many other systems such as Mealy and Moore machines

    Roll-to-Roll pilot line for large-scale manufacturing of microfluidic devices

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    Roll-to-roll (R2R) technologies with roller-based nanoimprinting methods enable manufacturing of highly cost-effective and large-scale sheets of flexible polymer film with precise structures on a micro- and nanoscale 1. Areas that can benefit strongly from such large scale technologies are microfluidics, biosensors, and lab-on-chip products for point of care diagnostics, drug discovery and food control. Here, R2R fabrication could greatly reduce production costs and increase manufacturing capacity with respect to currently used products. A pilot line with this technology is investigated in the European Horizon 2020 project R2R Biofluidics and its capabilities are tested on two Demonstrators: - Demonstrator 1: In-vitro diagnostic chip with imprinted microfluidic channels based on optical chemiluminescence measurement by photodetectors. - Demonstrator 2: Neuronal cell culture plate with imprinted cavities and channels for controlled culturing and fluorescence imaging of neurons, for high throughput drug screening. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    High-throughput roll-to-roll production of polymer biochips for multiplexed DNA detection in point-of-care diagnostics

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    Roll-to-roll UV nanoimprint lithography has superior advantages for high-throughput manufacturing of micro- or nano-structures on flexible polymer foils with various geometries and configurations. Our pilot line provides large-scale structure imprinting for cost-effective polymer biochips (4500 biochips/hour), enabling rapid and multiplexed detections. A complete high-volume process chain of the technology for producing structures like μ-sized, triangular optical out-couplers or capillary channels (width: from 1 μm to 2 mm, height: from 200 nm up to 100 μm) to obtain biochips (width: 25 mm, length: 75 mm, height: 100 μm to 1.5 mm) was described. The imprinting process was performed with custom-developed resins on polymer foils with resin thicknesses ranging between 125–190 μm. The produced chips were tested in a commercial point-of-care diagnostic system for multiplexed DNA analysis of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (e.g., mecA, mecC gene detections). Specific target DNA capturing was based on hybridisation between surface bound DNA probes and biotinylated targets from the sample. The immobilised biotinylated targets subsequently bind streptavidin–horseradish peroxidase conjugates, which in turn generate light upon incubation with a chemiluminescent substrate. To enhance the light out-coupling thus to improve the system performance, optical structures were integrated into the design. The limits-of-detection of mecA (25 bp) for chips with and without structures were calculated as 0.06 and 0.07 μM, respectively. Further, foil-based chips with fluidic channels were DNA functionalised in our roll-to-roll micro-array spotter following the imprinting. This straightforward approach of sequential imprinting and multiplexed DNA functionalisation on a single foil was also realised for the first time. The corresponding foil-based chips were able to detect mecA gene DNA sequences down to a 0.25 μM concentration.This research was supported by R2R BIOFLUIDICS project (http://www.r2r-biofluidics.eu/) under Horizon 2020 European Union (EU) Research and Innovation Programme with grant agreement no 646260. The research was also partially supported by NextGenMicrofluidics project (https:// www. nextgenmicrofluidics.eu/) under HORIZON2020 with grant agreement no 862092. The authors cordially thank Gerburg Schider & Gerhard Mohr, Markus Postl, Paul Patter and Alexander Wheeldon (JOANNEUM RESEARCH – Materials, Weiz, Austria) for revising the manuscript, preparing all the chip and R2R pilot line illustrations, taking the photographs and providing technical support, respectively. The authors are also grateful to Christian Wolf and Johannes Götz (JOANNEUM RESEARCH – Materials, Weiz, Austria) for their supports in the fluidic design and R2R UV-NIL structuring, respectively. We further kindly thank Alba Simon Munoz and Robert Fay (SCIENION AG, Berlin, Germany) for providing the illustration of the R2R micro-spotting line. PT specially thanks Ege Ozgun (NANOTAM, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey) for critically reading the manuscript

    Blunted ventral striatal responses to anticipated rewards foreshadow problematic drug use in novelty-seeking adolescents.

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    Novelty-seeking tendencies in adolescents may promote innovation as well as problematic impulsive behaviour, including drug abuse. Previous research has not clarified whether neural hyper- or hypo-responsiveness to anticipated rewards promotes vulnerability in these individuals. Here we use a longitudinal design to track 144 novelty-seeking adolescents at age 14 and 16 to determine whether neural activity in response to anticipated rewards predicts problematic drug use. We find that diminished BOLD activity in mesolimbic (ventral striatal and midbrain) and prefrontal cortical (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) regions during reward anticipation at age 14 predicts problematic drug use at age 16. Lower psychometric conscientiousness and steeper discounting of future rewards at age 14 also predicts problematic drug use at age 16, but the neural responses independently predict more variance than psychometric measures. Together, these findings suggest that diminished neural responses to anticipated rewards in novelty-seeking adolescents may increase vulnerability to future problematic drug use

    Cost analysis of nondeterministic probabilistic programs

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    We consider the problem of expected cost analysis over nondeterministic probabilistic programs, which aims at automated methods for analyzing the resource-usage of such programs. Previous approaches for this problem could only handle nonnegative bounded costs. However, in many scenarios, such as queuing networks or analysis of cryptocurrency protocols, both positive and negative costs are necessary and the costs are unbounded as well. In this work, we present a sound and efficient approach to obtain polynomial bounds on the expected accumulated cost of nondeterministic probabilistic programs. Our approach can handle (a) general positive and negative costs with bounded updates in variables; and (b) nonnegative costs with general updates to variables. We show that several natural examples which could not be handled by previous approaches are captured in our framework. Moreover, our approach leads to an efficient polynomial-time algorithm, while no previous approach for cost analysis of probabilistic programs could guarantee polynomial runtime. Finally, we show the effectiveness of our approach using experimental results on a variety of programs for which we efficiently synthesize tight resource-usage bounds

    Cost Analysis of Nondeterministic Probabilistic Programs

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    We consider the problem of expected cost analysis over nondeterministic probabilistic programs, which aims at automated methods for analyzing the resource-usage of such programs. Previous approaches for this problem could only handle nonnegative bounded costs. However, in many scenarios, such as queuing networks or analysis of cryptocurrency protocols, both positive and negative costs are necessary and the costs are unbounded as well. In this work, we present a sound and efficient approach to obtain polynomial bounds on the expected accumulated cost of nondeterministic probabilistic programs. Our approach can handle (a) general positive and negative costs with bounded updates in variables; and (b) nonnegative costs with general updates to variables. We show that several natural examples which could not be handled by previous approaches are captured in our framework. Moreover, our approach leads to an efficient polynomial-time algorithm, while no previous approach for cost analysis of probabilistic programs could guarantee polynomial runtime. Finally, we show the effectiveness of our approach by presenting experimental results on a variety of programs, motivated by real-world applications, for which we efficiently synthesize tight resource-usage bounds.Comment: A conference version will appear in the 40th ACM Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2019
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