181 research outputs found

    Hvilke erfaringer har ansatte i barnehagen med dyrestell som del av det pedagogiske arbeidet?

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    Dyr er noe jeg alltid har vist et sterkt engasjement- og stor interesse for. Jeg har selv vært mye sammen med dyr som barn, og i senere tid observert andre barns samvær med dyr. Forskning viser at kjæledyr gir bedre helse (Kvam, 2019), og som fremtidig barnehagelærer er det interessant å finne ut mer om hvilket utbytte barn har av samvær med dyr. I arbeidet med barn i en gårdsbarnehage er det viktig å ha kunnskap om hvordan dyrestell kan påvirke barn positivt. Dette ønsket jeg å finne ut mer om, og valgte derfor dette som tema i min bacheloroppgave. Senere, i min framtidige jobb som barnehagelærer, kan jeg bruke dette som en ressurs i barnehagen. Jeg ønsket å gjøre et forskningsarbeid der jeg kunne undersøke nærmere dyrestell som en del av det pedagogiske arbeidet i barnehagen, og problemstillingen blir da som følger: «Hvilke erfaringer har ansatte i barnehagen med dyrestell som del av det pedagogiske arbeidet?»publishedVersio

    Yucca Mountain Climate Technical Support Representative

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    The principal investigator (PI), Saxon Sharpe, for Task ORD-FY04-012, DOE Cooperative Agreement DE-FC28-04RW12232, will serve as Yucca Mountain Climate Technical Support Representative for the Department of Energy (DOE) in a series of activities related to past, present, and future climate for the Yucca Mountain Project (YMP) climate program. As stated in the Viability Assessment of a Repository at Yucca Mountain: “Climate and its changes over time directly affect system performance at Yucca Mountain.” Currently, information from climate studies is used in models that support the Total System Performance Assessment and Licensing Application. It is a model component of all key attributes in the repository safety strategy (limited water contacting waste package, long waste package lifetime, low rate of release of radionuclides from breached waste packages, and radionuclide concentration reduction during transport from the waste packages). Elements of the climate program are also directly related to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) Key Technical Issue of Unsaturated and Saturated Zone Flow Under Isothermal Conditions and, in addition, address other NRC Key Technical Issues

    FastPathology: An open-source platform for deep learning-based research and decision support in digital pathology

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    Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are the current state-of-the-art for digital analysis of histopathological images. The large size of whole-slide microscopy images (WSIs) requires advanced memory handling to read, display and process these images. There are several open-source platforms for working with WSIs, but few support deployment of CNN models. These applications use third-party solutions for inference, making them less user-friendly and unsuitable for high-performance image analysis. To make deployment of CNNs user-friendly and feasible on low-end machines, we have developed a new platform, FastPathology, using the FAST framework and C++. It minimizes memory usage for reading and processing WSIs, deployment of CNN models, and real-time interactive visualization of results. Runtime experiments were conducted on four different use cases, using different architectures, inference engines, hardware configurations and operating systems. Memory usage for reading, visualizing, zooming and panning a WSI were measured, using FastPathology and three existing platforms. FastPathology performed similarly in terms of memory to the other C++ based application, while using considerably less than the two Java-based platforms. The choice of neural network model, inference engine, hardware and processors influenced runtime considerably. Thus, FastPathology includes all steps needed for efficient visualization and processing of WSIs in a single application, including inference of CNNs with real-time display of the results. Source code, binary releases and test data can be found online on GitHub at https://github.com/SINTEFMedtek/FAST-Pathology/.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to IEEE Acces

    Code-Free Development and Deployment of Deep Segmentation Models for Digital Pathology

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    Application of deep learning on histopathological whole slide images (WSIs) holds promise of improving diagnostic efficiency and reproducibility but is largely dependent on the ability to write computer code or purchase commercial solutions. We present a code-free pipeline utilizing free-to-use, open-source software (QuPath, DeepMIB, and FastPathology) for creating and deploying deep learning-based segmentation models for computational pathology. We demonstrate the pipeline on a use case of separating epithelium from stroma in colonic mucosa. A dataset of 251 annotated WSIs, comprising 140 hematoxylin-eosin (HE)-stained and 111 CD3 immunostained colon biopsy WSIs, were developed through active learning using the pipeline. On a hold-out test set of 36 HE and 21 CD3-stained WSIs a mean intersection over union score of 95.5 and 95.3% was achieved on epithelium segmentation. We demonstrate pathologist-level segmentation accuracy and clinical acceptable runtime performance and show that pathologists without programming experience can create near state-of-the-art segmentation solutions for histopathological WSIs using only free-to-use software. The study further demonstrates the strength of open-source solutions in its ability to create generalizable, open pipelines, of which trained models and predictions can seamlessly be exported in open formats and thereby used in external solutions. All scripts, trained models, a video tutorial, and the full dataset of 251 WSIs with ~31 k epithelium annotations are made openly available at to accelerate research in the field.Peer reviewe

    H2G-Net: A multi-resolution refinement approach for segmentation of breast cancer region in gigapixel histopathological images

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    Over the past decades, histopathological cancer diagnostics has become more complex, and the increasing number of biopsies is a challenge for most pathology laboratories. Thus, development of automatic methods for evaluation of histopathological cancer sections would be of value. In this study, we used 624 whole slide images (WSIs) of breast cancer from a Norwegian cohort. We propose a cascaded convolutional neural network design, called H2G-Net, for segmentation of breast cancer region from gigapixel histopathological images. The design involves a detection stage using a patch-wise method, and a refinement stage using a convolutional autoencoder. To validate the design, we conducted an ablation study to assess the impact of selected components in the pipeline on tumor segmentation. Guiding segmentation, using hierarchical sampling and deep heatmap refinement, proved to be beneficial when segmenting the histopathological images. We found a significant improvement when using a refinement network for post-processing the generated tumor segmentation heatmaps. The overall best design achieved a Dice similarity coefficient of 0.933±0.069 on an independent test set of 90 WSIs. The design outperformed single-resolution approaches, such as cluster-guided, patch-wise high-resolution classification using MobileNetV2 (0.872±0.092) and a low-resolution U-Net (0.874±0.128). In addition, the design performed consistently on WSIs across all histological grades and segmentation on a representative × 400 WSI took ~ 58 s, using only the central processing unit. The findings demonstrate the potential of utilizing a refinement network to improve patch-wise predictions. The solution is efficient and does not require overlapping patch inference or ensembling. Furthermore, we showed that deep neural networks can be trained using a random sampling scheme that balances on multiple different labels simultaneously, without the need of storing patches on disk. Future work should involve more efficient patch generation and sampling, as well as improved clustering

    Realistic Adversarial Data Augmentation for MR Image Segmentation

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    Neural network-based approaches can achieve high accuracy in various medical image segmentation tasks. However, they generally require large labelled datasets for supervised learning. Acquiring and manually labelling a large medical dataset is expensive and sometimes impractical due to data sharing and privacy issues. In this work, we propose an adversarial data augmentation method for training neural networks for medical image segmentation. Instead of generating pixel-wise adversarial attacks, our model generates plausible and realistic signal corruptions, which models the intensity inhomogeneities caused by a common type of artefacts in MR imaging: bias field. The proposed method does not rely on generative networks, and can be used as a plug-in module for general segmentation networks in both supervised and semi-supervised learning. Using cardiac MR imaging we show that such an approach can improve the generalization ability and robustness of models as well as provide significant improvements in low-data scenarios

    H2G-Net: A multi-resolution refinement approach for segmentation of breast cancer region in gigapixel histopathological images

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    Over the past decades, histopathological cancer diagnostics has become more complex, and the increasing number of biopsies is a challenge for most pathology laboratories. Thus, development of automatic methods for evaluation of histopathological cancer sections would be of value. In this study, we used 624 whole slide images (WSIs) of breast cancer from a Norwegian cohort. We propose a cascaded convolutional neural network design, called H2G-Net, for segmentation of breast cancer region from gigapixel histopathological images. The design involves a detection stage using a patch-wise method, and a refinement stage using a convolutional autoencoder. To validate the design, we conducted an ablation study to assess the impact of selected components in the pipeline on tumor segmentation. Guiding segmentation, using hierarchical sampling and deep heatmap refinement, proved to be beneficial when segmenting the histopathological images. We found a significant improvement when using a refinement network for post-processing the generated tumor segmentation heatmaps. The overall best design achieved a Dice similarity coefficient of 0.933±0.069 on an independent test set of 90 WSIs. The design outperformed single-resolution approaches, such as cluster-guided, patch-wise high-resolution classification using MobileNetV2 (0.872±0.092) and a low-resolution U-Net (0.874±0.128). In addition, the design performed consistently on WSIs across all histological grades and segmentation on a representative × 400 WSI took ~ 58 s, using only the central processing unit. The findings demonstrate the potential of utilizing a refinement network to improve patch-wise predictions. The solution is efficient and does not require overlapping patch inference or ensembling. Furthermore, we showed that deep neural networks can be trained using a random sampling scheme that balances on multiple different labels simultaneously, without the need of storing patches on disk. Future work should involve more efficient patch generation and sampling, as well as improved clustering.publishedVersio