
Yucca Mountain Climate Technical Support Representative


The principal investigator (PI), Saxon Sharpe, for Task ORD-FY04-012, DOE Cooperative Agreement DE-FC28-04RW12232, will serve as Yucca Mountain Climate Technical Support Representative for the Department of Energy (DOE) in a series of activities related to past, present, and future climate for the Yucca Mountain Project (YMP) climate program. As stated in the Viability Assessment of a Repository at Yucca Mountain: “Climate and its changes over time directly affect system performance at Yucca Mountain.” Currently, information from climate studies is used in models that support the Total System Performance Assessment and Licensing Application. It is a model component of all key attributes in the repository safety strategy (limited water contacting waste package, long waste package lifetime, low rate of release of radionuclides from breached waste packages, and radionuclide concentration reduction during transport from the waste packages). Elements of the climate program are also directly related to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) Key Technical Issue of Unsaturated and Saturated Zone Flow Under Isothermal Conditions and, in addition, address other NRC Key Technical Issues

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