2,627 research outputs found

    Growing global brands in foreign markets: A brand equity perspective. Impact of national culture on trademark registrations in emerging economy: Evidence from Russia. ACES Working Papers, August 2010

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    In this study we explore how firms deploy intellectual property assets (trademarks) in international context and the impact of cultural characteristics on such activities. Trademarks capture important elements of firm's brand-building efforts. Using growth model, a special case of hierarchical linear model, we demonstrate that that stock of trademarks in foreign market increase future trademark activity. Also, we explore the moderating roles of two cultural dimensions, individualism and masculinity, on such relationships. The findings indicated that firms from countries closer to host market (Russia) on individualism dimension tend to register more trademarks in host market. The opposite result is observed for masculinity dimension

    A Sociological Approach to the Russian Constitution

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    This article promotes a distinctive sociological interpretation of the Russian Constitution. Much literature on Russian constitutional law is defined by the claim that the Constitution has little factual reality and limited foundation in society. This article challenges this view on two grounds. It argues that there are two deep-lying social processes that underlie the Constitution, and condition its evolution: the Constitution is shaped (a) by the importance of constitutional law for the stabilization of governance structures; (b) by the resultant relative autonomy of judicial practices, which means that legal exchanges (especially litigation) have formative impact on the constitutional order. On both grounds, the Russian Constitution is locked into cycles of societal norm construction. To understand the sociological linkages in which the constitution is located, we require a complex construction of society, and we need to observe how different practices within the legal system affect and even produce constitutional laws

    Control Synthesis for Marine Vessels in Case of Limited Disturbances

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    In view of rapid development of computer technology digital systems of automatic control are installed on the modern marine vessels for performance of various manoeuvres at optimal trajectories taking into account features of the ship and active disturbances. In this connection, great number of problems that deal with construction of automatic control systems, such as minimizing the fulfillment time of the maneuver, searching for the optimal trajectory, the suppression of various types of exogenous disturbances like wind and rough sea, arises. In the work, the problem of suppression of exogenous disturbances acting on a marine vessel, about which we have no information except its boundedness, is considered. The problem of searching of the controller as a static state feedback is the basis of offered approach. The system MATLAB-Simulink is accepted as the basic tool of the computer support. An example of modeling control system for the carrier is presented

    Transformiranje industrije kao odgovor na tranziciju gospodarstva - slučaj pekarske industrije u Rusiji

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    Numerous emerging markets have undergone or are still undergoing substantial transition processes. The aim of this paper is to provide, on the example of the Russian bakery industry, a deeper understanding of and a longitudinal perspective on how the transition process and institutional changes in the economy are reflected in the evolution of an industry. The changes at the industry level have been driven not only by the economic transition, but also by strategic choices of market players. These choices are linked to the intensity and nature of the intra-industry rivalry and finding a new balance of cooperation and competition in the industry. The study aims to contribute to the literature by providing a rich contextual understanding of the industry evolution over the transition period. We apply classic industry analysis to investigating the key driving forces of competition. On the other hand, we focus on the manner in which industry players select a governance mechanism, replacing the previous centrally planned system. The findings of the study demonstrate persistent heterogeneity within the selected industry, resulting in substantial differences in the nature and the process of industry evolution.Mnoga tranzicijska gospodarstva prošla su ili još uvijek prolaze značajne promjene. Ciljevi ovog rada jesu na primjeru pekarske industrije u Rusiji pružiti dublje razumijevanje i longitudinalnu perspektivu o tome kako se tranzicijski proces i institucionalne promjene u gospodarstvu odražavaju na napredak neke industrije. Promjene na razini industrije nisu vođene samo gospodarskom tranzicijom već i strateškim odlukama sudionika na tržištu. Te su odluke povezane s intenzitetom i prirodom natjecanja unutar industrije te pronalaženjem nove ravnoteže između suradnje i natjecanja u industriji. Istraživanjem se nastoji ostvariti doprinos postojećoj literaturi kroz pružanje boljeg razumijevanja konteksta napretka industrije u tranzicijskom razdoblju. Primjenjujemo klasičnu analizu industrije kako bismo istražili ključne pokretačke sile konkurencije. S druge strane, fokusiramo se na to kako sudionici u industriji odabiru mehanizme vladanja zamjenjujući prethodno postojeći sustav centralnog planiranja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju postojanu heterogenost unutar izabrane industrije, što rezultira bitnim razlikama u prirodi i procesu razvoja industrije

    The Main Directions of the Humanization of Industrial Objects in Urban Environment

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    The tendency to transform the old industrial areas began in 1950-1960 last century in Europe and America. By the end of the twentieth century with the development of the world economy, the time has come when the transformation of industrial infrastructure is becoming a comprehensive phenomenon. Currently, in the economies of developed countries, forms of transformation such as global mergers, takeovers, re-equipment and re-functioning are being intensively implemented. Based on the analysis of positive foreign experience, the main directions of humanization of the urban environment are considered through the transformation of industrial facilities. The transformation of industrial facilities and their territories with a change in functionality becomes the main direction of humanization of the urban environment in the XXI century. Numerous architectural and compositional techniques are allowed to adapt any industrial facility in the dynamic infrastructure of the city

    Eastern Europe

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    Russian Federation

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