162 research outputs found


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    Purpose of Study: The main purpose of this research was to describe the effect of dialogue in the process of learning Business English. This was experimental research. two experimental and control groups were identified and a pre-test was conducted on their level of proficiency in English. Then, for the control group, English was taught in a normal way and presented for the English language test group using a dialogue. After the end of the course, their English proficiency was examined. The results showed that English language proficiency in teaching through dialogue has been much greater than normal and the difference between the two methods was significant and the English language method was more effective than the dialectic method. Methodology: This was experimental research. At first, two experimental and control groups were identified and a pre-test was conducted on their level of proficiency in English. Then, for the control group, English was taught in a normal way and presented for the English language test group using a dialogue. After the end of the course, their English proficiency was examined to determine if English language education would affect English language learning through dialogue. To investigate these results, covariance analysis method was used. Results: Results showed that English language proficiency in teaching through dialogue has been much greater than normal. To determine if this difference was statistically significant, the covariance analysis test was performed and the results showed that the difference between the two methods was significant and the English language method was more effective than the dialectic method. Implications/Applications: The results of this study can help to teach English both in private institutions and in schools but in order for the teacher to build on the English language learning process based on the dialogue, the teacher should create an environment in which all students can be expressed, and no student is ashamed of the level of ability and fluency in English

    East-West cooperation for the enhancement of teaching and learning engineering

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    This discussion paper considers the fundamental differences between engineering higher education in the former Soviet countries and those described by leading pedagogical researchers in the ‘west’. In particular, considered here are aspects of student centred active learning to develop ‘professional and transferable skills’ and the involvement of industry in the curriculum. The paper was written to stimulate much needed discussion and provide a vehicle for possible future co-operations by reporting on a 2013 symposium, held at Bauman Moscow State University “Preparation of Engineers – sharing the experiences of the UK”, promoting academia working with industry. The event was attended by representatives of eleven companies with interests in Russia. A centre for excellence is proposed to form an international hub for sharing good practices and pedagogic principles that promote education relevant to today’s global employment market

    Technologies of tutor activity in the educational environment of higher school

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    The relevance of the issue of students' adaptation to the educational environment of the university is caused by the aggravated contradiction between the need of society and the state for high quality higher education and the insufficient willingness of applicants to enter higher education to receive professional education in the new conditions of interaction with the educational environment of higher education. The authors set a goal to consider the factors of successful adaptation of students to the educational environment of higher education, one of which is the technology of tutoring. Turning to scientific sources allowed the authors to identify the provisions adopted as a regularity of the adaptation process, and to define adaptation as an intensive and dynamic, multilateral and complex life process associated with the development of an individual's sustainable skills to meet the requirements for him during training and education in higher education based on appropriate adaptive responses

    Organization of virtual interaction in the context of the coronavirus pandemic

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    The organization of the educational process should be carried out taking into account the epidemiological situation and following the requirements that are due to quarantine measures. The leadership of vocational schools is looking for ways to conduct classes in a safe environment, assessing the potential risks for teachers and students. Higher schools implement the possibilities of electronic technologies as a factor in ensuring the safety of subjects of the educational process for communication between students and teachers at a distance. The purpose of the article is to review the experience of organizing virtual interaction between students and teachers within the framework of e-learning during the spread of coronavirus infection. The article reveals the possibilities of electronic technologies that allow communicating at a remote distance. The preparation of students in critical conditions is carried out using various electronic means that promote active interaction. The results of the study reflect the opinion of students of higher educational institutions about the use of virtual interaction tools. The results obtained using the Likert scale allow us to say that the majority of the respondents are active participants in virtual interaction and are ready to continue to communicate using the presented means despite the existing difficulties

    Повышение уровня готовности преподавателей к педагогическому проектированию

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    In the situation of pedagogical theory focus on a new personality-oriented and competence paradigm of education and upbringing, it becomes necessary to develop design activities of all subjects of educational process in a preschool educational institution. The relevance of the study is due to insufficient development of pedagogical design processes in a preschool educational institution. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to improve pedagogical design process in a preschool educational institution to increase the level of teachers' readiness for pedagogical activity.Pedagogical design in preschool educational institutions is very important due to the following socio-economic, psychological and pedagogical requirements: the development of market relations; development of design taking into account innovative processes in education; need for social protection of a person, preparing him for life in future. The authors developed a model of pedagogical design that ensures unity of administrative, pedagogical, educational activities of the subjects of educational process, thereby improving the level of management activities organization, personal and professional development of teachers and pupils. The treated results will contribute to further improvement of pedagogical design.En la situación de la teoría pedagógica centrada en un nuevo paradigma de educación y educación orientado a la personalidad y competencia, se hace necesario desarrollar actividades de diseño de todas las materias del proceso educativo en una institución educativa preescolar. La relevancia del estudio se debe al desarrollo insuficiente de los procesos de diseño pedagógico en una institución educativa preescolar. Por lo tanto, el propósito del artículo es mejorar el proceso de diseño pedagógico en una institución educativa preescolar para aumentar el nivel de preparación de los docentes para la actividad pedagógica. El diseño pedagógico en las instituciones educativas preescolares es muy importante debido a los siguientes aspectos socioeconómicos, psicológicos y pedagógicos. requisitos: el desarrollo de las relaciones de mercado; desarrollo de diseño teniendo en cuenta procesos innovadores en educación; necesidad de protección social de una persona, preparándolo para la vida en el futuro. Los autores desarrollaron un modelo de diseño pedagógico que garantiza la unidad de las actividades administrativas, pedagógicas y educativas de los sujetos del proceso educativo, mejorando así el nivel de organización de las actividades de gestión, el desarrollo personal y profesional de los docentes y alumnos. Los resultados tratados contribuirán a una mayor mejora del diseño pedagógico.В ситуации, когда педагогическая теория ориентируется на новую личностно-ориентированную и компетентностную парадигму обучения и воспитания, возникает необходимость в разработке проектных мероприятий всех субъектов образовательного процесса в дошкольном образовательном учреждении. Актуальность исследования обусловлена недостаточной разработкой процессов педагогического проектирования в дошкольном образовательном учреждении. Поэтому целью статьи является совершенствование процесса педагогического проектирования в дошкольном образовательном учреждении с целью повышения уровня готовности педагогов к педагогической деятельности. Педагогическое проектирование в дошкольных образовательных учреждениях очень важен в связи со следующими социально-экономическими, психолого-педагогическими требованиями: развитие рыночных отношений; разработка дизайна с учетом инновационных процессов в образовании; необходимость социальной защиты человека, подготовка его к жизни в будущем. Авторами разработана модель педагогического проектирования, обеспечивающая единство управленческой, педагогической, образовательной деятельности субъектов образовательного процесса, тем самым повышается уровень организации управленческой деятельности, личностного и профессионального развития учителей и учеников. Выявленные результаты будут способствовать дальнейшему совершенствованию педагогического проектирования

    Forms and teaching methods in the system of continuing professional education

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    The search for innovative forms and teaching methods is highly significant in the context of continuing education, since the competitiveness of modern teachers depends on the quality of the continuing education process. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of using innovative forms and methods in the system of advanced training and professional retraining of students. The article presents the experience of organizing the work of students using modern forms and methods of advanced training. The implementation of video conferencing allows students to learn advanced professional experience, exchange relevant information, ask leading experts questions of interest and receive recommendations. Training activities contribute to the intensification of the learning process. It is aimed both at mastering the cognitive component of the information transmitted by the teacher, and the formation of new professional models of behavior that meet modern requirements for the implementation of pedagogical activity. Mental maps are a means of logical structuring of information and are aimed at its operational development. Project activities allow students to build professional competence, find new innovative ways to solve problems, assess the feasibility and effectiveness of project ideas

    The use of narrative as a speech behaviour model

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    The authors of this paper view narrative as a way for a human to express his or her attitude to the world, finding its presence virtually in every aspect of human relations. Revealing the essence of a narrative approach, the authors refer to the works by J. Brockmeier, R. Harré, A. Schütz, J.F. Lyotard, J. Bruner who analyzed the essence of narrative in their studies. The structure, characteristics, forms and functions of narrative as a type of discursive reality are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to personal narrative as a way to reflect acquired experience. The authors underline the use of narrative techniques in many knowledge areas: psychology, sociology, linguistics, philosophy, and psychiatry. Analyzing pedagogical aspects of narrative, the authors mention the use of metaphors as a means of influencing the audience. The authors pay a special attention to the practicability of narrative teaching methods, namely a narrative game as one of the methods of active learning in an educational process.peer-reviewe

    Information technologies in teaching humanitarian disciplines

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    The use of information technology in teaching humanitarian disciplines contributes to the formation of highly qualified, competitive specialists who can adapt to rapidly changing conditions, possessing a high level of development of critical and creative thinking, ready for professional self-development and self-improvement, for the implementation of reflection, capable of setting goals and systematically achieving them. The work actualizes the importance of information technology in the training of highly qualified competitive specialists capable of implementing professional activities at a high level. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of implementing information technologies in teaching humanitarian disciplines. Smart boards, multimedia installations, document cameras, electronic textbooks, electronic educational platforms and others were used as information technologies used in the teaching of the humanities. The study made it possible to reveal the influence of information technologies on the level of formation of students' competencies