763 research outputs found

    Carbon resistors for cryogenic liquid level measurement

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    Carbon resistors for cryogenic liquid-level measuremen

    Radiation Science Using Z-Pinch X-Rays

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    Present-day Z-pinch experiments generate 200 TW peak power, 5–10 ns duration x-ray bursts that provide new possibilities to advance radiation science. The experiments support both the underlying atomic and plasma physics, as well as inertial confinement fusion and astrophysics applications. A typical configuration consists of a sample located 1–10 cm away from the pinch, where it is heated to 10–100 eV temperatures by the pinch radiation. The spectrally-resolved sample-plasma absorption is measured by aiming x-ray spectrographs through the sample at the pinch. The pinch plasma thus both heats the sample and serves as a backlighter. Opacitymeasurements with this source are promising because of the large sample size, the relatively long radiation duration, and the possibility to measureopacities at temperatures above 100 eV. Initial opacity experiments are under way with CH-tamped NaBr foil samples. The Na serves as a thermometer and absorption spectra are recorded to determine the opacity of Br with a partially-filled M-shell. The large sample size and brightness of the Z pinch as a backlighter are also exploited in a novel method measuring re-emission from radiation-heated gold plasmas. The method uses a CH-tamped layered foil with Al+MgF2 facing the radiationsource. A gold backing layer that covers a portion of the foil absorbs radiation from the source and provides re-emission that further heats the Al+MgF2. The Al and Mg heating is measured using space-resolved Kα absorption spectroscopy and the difference between the two regions enables a determination of the gold re-emission. Measurements are also performed at lower densities where photoionization is expected to dominate over collisions. Absorption spectra have been obtained for both Ne-like Fe and He-like Ne, confirming production of the relevant charge states needed to benchmark atomic kinetics models. Refinement of the methods described here is in progress to address multiple issues for radiation science

    Recent ASA presidents and ‘top’ journals: observed publication patterns, alleged cartels and varying careers

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    It has been common for studies presented as about American sociology as a whole to rely on data compiled from leading journals (American Sociological Review [ASR] and American Journal of Sociology [AJS]), or about presidents of the American Sociological Association [ASA], to represent it. Clearly those are important, but neither can be regarded as providing a representative sample of American sociology. Recently, Stephen Turner has suggested that dominance in the ASA rests with a ‘cartel’ initially formed in graduate school, and that it favors work in a style associated with the leading journals. The adequacy of these ideas is examined in the light of available data on the last 20 years, which show that very few of the presidents were in the same graduate schools at the same time. All presidents have had distinguished academic records, but it is shown that their publication strategies have varied considerably. Some have had no ASR publications except their presidential addresses, while books and large numbers of other journals not normally mentioned in this context have figured in their contributions, as well as being more prominent in citations. It seems clear that articles in the leading journals have not been as closely tied to prestigious careers as has sometimes been suggested, and that if there is a cartel it has not included all the presidents

    Point-by-point inscription of 250-nm-period structure in bulk fused silica by tightly-focused femtosecond UV pulses: experiment and numerical modeling

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    By conducting point-by-point inscription in a continuously moving slab of a pure fused silica at the optimal depth (170 ĂŽÂŒm depth below the surface), we have fabricated a 250-nm-period nanostructure with 30 nJ, 300 fs, 1 kHz pulses from frequency-tripled Ti:sapphire laser. This is the smallest value for the inscribed period yet reported, and has been achieved with radical improvement in the quality of the inscribed nanostructures in comparison with previous reports. The performed numerical modeling confirms the obtained experimental results

    Theorizing transnational labour markets. A research heuristic based on the new economic sociology

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    Mense-Petermann U. Theorizing transnational labour markets. A research heuristic based on the new economic sociology. Global Networks. 2020;20(3):410-433.In this article, I suggest that transnational labour markets are characterized by their multi‐layered embeddedness, not only in national but also in transnational institutional settings. Hence, the national institutional factors formerly at the centre of sociological labour market theories insufficiently explain the newly emerging transnational labour markets. To account for the full complexity and institutional context of the latter, I propose an inductive theoretical approach to transnational labour markets and develop a research heuristic to instruct empirical studies about particular transnational labour markets and inductive theory building. This heuristic draws on analytical categories as developed by the new economic sociology of markets. The empirical example of the transnational labour market that matches eastern European workers to jobs in the German meat industry serves to illustrate how one can use this heuristic, which reveals some preliminary features of transnational labour markets compared with national ones, as well as some research gaps to be addressed by future studies

    Inside Organizations: Pricing, Politics, and Path Dependence

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    When economists have considered organizations, much attention has focused on the boundary of the firm, rather than its internal structures and processes. In contrast, this review sketches three approaches to the economic theory of internal organization—one substantially developed, another rapidly emerging, and a third on the horizon. The first approach (pricing) applies Pigou's prescription: If markets get prices wrong, then the economist's job is to fix the prices. The second approach (politics) considers environments where important actions inside organizations simply cannot be priced, so power and control become central. Finally, the third approach (path dependence) complements the first two by shifting attention from the between variance to the within. That is, rather than asking how organizations confronting different circumstances should choose different structures and processes, the focus here is on how path dependence can cause persistent performance differences among seemingly similar enterprises
