194 research outputs found

    The role of CDC48 in the retro-translocation of non-ubiquitinated toxin substrates in plant cells

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    When the catalytic A subunits of the castor bean toxins ricin and Ricinus communis agglutinin (denoted as RTA and RCA A, respectively) are delivered into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of tobacco protoplasts, they become substrates for ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). As such, these orphan polypeptides are retro-translocated to the cytosol, where a significant proportion of each protein is degraded by proteasomes. Here we begin to characterise the ERAD pathway in plant cells, showing that retro-translocation of these lysine-deficient glycoproteins requires the ATPase activity of cytosolic CDC48. Lysine polyubiquitination is not obligatory for this step. We also show that while RCA A is found in a mannose-untrimmed form prior to its retro-translocation, a significant proportion of newly synthesised RTA cycles via the Golgi and becomes modified by downstream glycosylation enzymes. Despite these differences, both proteins are similarly retro-translocated

    What factors shape surgical access in West Africa? A qualitative study exploring patient and provider experiences of managing injuries in Sierra Leone

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    Introduction Surgical access is central to universalising health coverage, yet 5 billion people lack timely access to safe surgical services. Surgical need is particularly acute in post conflict settings like Sierra Leone. There is limited understanding of the barriers and opportunities at the service delivery and community levels. Focusing on fractures and wound care which constitute an enormous disease burden in Sierra Leone as a proxy for general surgical need, we examine provider and patient perceived factors impeding or facilitating surgical care in the post-Ebola context of a weakened health system. Methods Across Western Area Urban (Freetown), Bo and Tonkolili districts, 60 participants were involved in 38 semistructured interviews and 22 participants in 5 focus group discussions. Respondents included surgical providers, district-level policy-makers, traditional healers and patients. Data were thematically analysed, combining deductive and inductive techniques to generate codes. Results Interacting demand-side and supply-side issues affected user access to surgical services. On the demand side, high cost of care at medical facilities combined with the affordability and convenient mode of payment to the traditional health practitioners hindered access to the medical facilities. On the supply side, capacity shortages and staff motivation were challenges at facilities. Problems were compounded by patients’ delaying care mainly spurred by sociocultural beliefs in traditional practice and economic factors, thereby impeding early intervention for patients with surgical need. In the absence of formal support services, the onus of first aid and frontline trauma care is borne by lay citizens. Conclusion Within a resource-constrained context, supply-side strengthening need accompanying by demand-side measures involving community and traditional actors. On the supply side, non-specialists could be effectively utilised in surgical delivery. Existing human resource capacity can be enhanced through better incentives for non-physicians. Traditional provider networks can be deployed for community outreach. Developing a lay responder system for first-aid and front-line support could be a useful mechanism for prompt clinical intervention

    Incidence and risk factors of surgical site infections and related antibiotic resistance in Freetown, Sierra Leone: a prospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: There is limited information on surgical site infections (SSI) and the related antibiotic resistance needed to guide their management and prevention in Sierra Leone. In this study, we aimed to establish the incidence and risk factors of SSI and the related antibiotic resistance among adults attending a tertiary hospital, and a secondary health facility in Freetown, Sierra Leone. METHODS: This is a prospective cohort study designed to collect data from adult (18 years or older) patients who attended elective and emergency surgeries at two hospitals in Freetown between February and July, 2021. Data analysis was done using STATA version 16. RESULTS: Of 338 patients, 245 (72.5%) and 93 (27.5%) had their surgeries at the tertiary and secondary hospitals, respectively. Many were males 192 (56.8%), less than 35 years 164 (48.5%), and 39 (11.5%) developed an SSI. Of the 39 patients who acquired an SSI, 7 (17.9%) and 32 (82.1%) had their surgeries at the secondary and tertiary hospitals, respectively. The incidence of SSI is higher in contaminated 17 (43.6%) than in clean-contaminated 12 (30.8%) and clean 10 (25.6%) wounds. Wound swabs were collected in 29 (74.4%) patients, of which 18 (62.1%) had bacterial growth. In total, 49 isolates of 14 different bacteria including gram-negative 41 (83.7%) and gram-positive 8 (16.3%) isolates were identified. Of these, 32 (65.3%) were Enterobacteriaceae, 9 (18.4%) were Non-fermenting gram-negative bacilli and 10 (12.2%) were Enterococci. The most common isolates were Escherichia coli (12, 24.5%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (10, 20.4%), Acinetobacter baumannii (5, 10.2%), Klebsiella oxytoca (4, 8.2%) and Enterococcus faecalis (4, 8.2%). The Enterobacteriaceae were either resistance to carbapenems (4, 8.2%) or were extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing organisms (29, 59.2%). Male sex [p = 0.031], an ASA score >/= 2 [p = 0.020), administration of general anaesthesia [p = 0.018] and elevated fasting glucose [p = 0.033] were predictive of SSI. CONCLUSION: The incidence of SSI in this study is comparable to other low- and middle-income countries, but a substantial proportion of these postoperative wounds have an ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae. Therefore, routine surveillance of SSI and related antibiotic resistance is required in resource-limited settings

    A Model for the Development of the Rhizobial and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbioses in Legumes and Its Use to Understand the Roles of Ethylene in the Establishment of these two Symbioses

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    We propose a model depicting the development of nodulation and arbuscular mycorrhizae. Both processes are dissected into many steps, using Pisum sativum L. nodulation mutants as a guideline. For nodulation, we distinguish two main developmental programs, one epidermal and one cortical. Whereas Nod factors alone affect the cortical program, bacteria are required to trigger the epidermal events. We propose that the two programs of the rhizobial symbiosis evolved separately and that, over time, they came to function together. The distinction between these two programs does not exist for arbuscular mycorrhizae development despite events occurring in both root tissues. Mutations that affect both symbioses are restricted to the epidermal program. We propose here sites of action and potential roles for ethylene during the formation of the two symbioses with a specific hypothesis for nodule organogenesis. Assuming the epidermis does not make ethylene, the microsymbionts probably first encounter a regulatory level of ethylene at the epidermis–outermost cortical cell layer interface. Depending on the hormone concentrations there, infection will either progress or be blocked. In the former case, ethylene affects the cortex cytoskeleton, allowing reorganization that facilitates infection; in the latter case, ethylene acts on several enzymes that interfere with infection thread growth, causing it to abort. Throughout this review, the difficulty of generalizing the roles of ethylene is emphasized and numerous examples are given to demonstrate the diversity that exists in plants

    Analysis of the functional conservation of ethylene receptors between maize and Arabidopsis

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    Ethylene, a regulator of plant growth and development, is perceived by specific receptors that act as negative regulators of the ethylene response. Five ethylene receptors, i.e., ETR1, ERS1, EIN4, ETR2, and ERS2, are present in Arabidopsis and dominant negative mutants of each that confer ethylene insensitivity have been reported. In contrast, maize contains just two types of ethylene receptors: ZmERS1, encoded by ZmERS1a and ZmERS1b, and ZmETR2, encoded by ZmETR2a and ZmETR2b. In this study, we introduced a Cys to Tyr mutation in the transmembrane domain of ZmERS1b and ZmETR2b that is present in the etr1-1 dominant negative mutant and expressed each protein in Arabidopsis. Mutant Zmers1b and Zmetr2b receptors conferred ethylene insensitivity and Arabidopsis expressing Zmers1b or Zmetr2b were larger and exhibited a delay in leaf senescence characteristic of ethylene insensitive Arabidopsis mutants. Zmers1b and Zmetr2b were dominant and functioned equally well in a hemizygous or homozygous state. Expression of the Zmers1b N-terminal transmembrane domain was sufficient to exert dominance over endogenous Arabidopsis ethylene receptors whereas the Zmetr2b N-terminal domain failed to do so. Neither Zmers1b nor Zmetr2b functioned in the absence of subfamily 1 ethylene receptors, i.e., ETR1 and ERS1. These results suggest that Cys65 in maize ZmERS1b and ZmETR2b plays the same role that it does in Arabidopsis receptors. Moreover, the results demonstrate that the mutant maize ethylene receptors are functionally dependent on subfamily 1 ethylene receptors in Arabidopsis, indicating substantial functional conservation between maize and Arabidopsis ethylene receptors despite their sequence divergence

    An Assessment of Medication Errors Among Pediatric Patients in Three Hospitals in Freetown Sierra Leone: Findings and Implications for a Low-Income Country

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    Onome T Abiri,1,2 Alex Ninka,3 Joshua Coker,4 Fawzi Thomas,2,5 Isaac O Smalle,6 Sulaiman Lakoh,4 Foday Umaro Turay,7 James Komeh,2,3 Mohamed Sesay,2,7 Joseph Sam Kanu,8 Ayeshatu M Mustapha,9 Nellie VT Bell,9 Thomas Ansumus Conteh,2,5 Sarah Kadijatu Conteh,10 Alhaji Alusine Jalloh,10 James BW Russell,4 Noah Sesay,3 Mohamed Bawoh,1 Mohamed Samai,1 Michael Lahai7 1Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone; 2Department of Pharmacovigilance and Clinical Trials, Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone; 3Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone; 4Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone; 5Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone; 6Department of Surgery, College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone; 7Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone; 8Department of Community Medicine, College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone; 9Department of Pediatrics, Ola During Children Hospital, Freetown, Sierra Leone; 10Department of Pediatrics, King Harman Road Maternity and Children Hospital, Freetown, Sierra LeoneCorrespondence: Onome T Abiri, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone Freetown, Sierra Leone/Department of Pharmacovigilance and Clinical Trials, Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone, Tel +23276370315, Email [email protected]: Pediatric patients are prone to medicine-related problems like medication errors (MEs), which can potentially cause harm. Yet, this has not been studied in this population in Sierra Leone. Therefore, this study investigated the prevalence and nature of MEs, including potential drug-drug interactions (pDDIs), in pediatric patients.Methods: The study was conducted in three hospitals among pediatric patients in Freetown and consisted of two phases. Phase one was a cross-sectional retrospective review of prescriptions for completeness and accuracy based on the global accuracy score against standard prescription writing guidelines. Phase two was a point prevalence inpatient chart review of MEs categorized into prescription, administration, and dispensing errors and pDDIs. Data was analyzed using frequency, percentages, median, and interquartile range. Kruskal–Wallis H and Mann–Whitney U-tests were used to compare the prescription accuracy between the hospitals, with p< 0.05 considered statistically significant.Results: Three hundred and sixty-six (366) pediatric prescriptions and 132 inpatient charts were reviewed in phases one and two of the study, respectively. In phase one, while no prescription attained the global accuracy score (GAS) gold standard of 100%, 106 (29.0%) achieved the 80– 100% mark. The patient 63 (17.2%), treatment 228 (62.3%), and prescriber 33 (9.0%) identifiers achieved an overall GAS range of 80– 100%. Although the total GAS was not statistically significant (p=0.065), the date (p=0.041), patient (p=< 0.001), treatment (p=0.022), and prescriber (p=< 0.001) identifiers were statistically significant across the different hospitals. For phase two, the prevalence of MEs was 74 (56.1%), while that of pDDIs was 54 (40.9%). There was a statistically positive correlation between the occurrence of pDDI and number of medicines prescribed (r=0.211, P=0.015).Conclusion: A Low GAS indicates poor compliance with prescription writing guidelines and high prescription errors. Medication errors were observed at each phase of the medication use cycle, while clinically significant pDDIs were also reported. Thus, there is a need for training on prescription writing guidelines and medication errors.Keywords: pediatrics, prescription, medication errors, drug-drug interactions, Sierra Leon

    Two Prp19-Like U-Box Proteins in the MOS4-Associated Complex Play Redundant Roles in Plant Innate Immunity

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    Plant Resistance (R) proteins play an integral role in defense against pathogen infection. A unique gain-of-function mutation in the R gene SNC1, snc1, results in constitutive activation of plant immune pathways and enhanced resistance against pathogen infection. We previously found that mutations in MOS4 suppress the autoimmune phenotypes of snc1, and that MOS4 is part of a nuclear complex called the MOS4-Associated Complex (MAC) along with the transcription factor AtCDC5 and the WD-40 protein PRL1. Here we report the immuno-affinity purification of the MAC using HA-tagged MOS4 followed by protein sequence analysis by mass spectrometry. A total of 24 MAC proteins were identified, 19 of which have predicted roles in RNA processing based on their homology to proteins in the Prp19-Complex, an evolutionarily conserved spliceosome-associated complex containing homologs of MOS4, AtCDC5, and PRL1. Among these were two highly similar U-box proteins with homology to the yeast and human E3 ubiquitin ligase Prp19, which we named MAC3A and MAC3B. MAC3B was recently shown to exhibit E3 ligase activity in vitro. Through reverse genetics analysis we show that MAC3A and MAC3B are functionally redundant and are required for basal and R protein–mediated resistance in Arabidopsis. Like mos4-1 and Atcdc5-1, mac3a mac3b suppresses snc1-mediated autoimmunity. MAC3 localizes to the nucleus and interacts with AtCDC5 in planta. Our results suggest that MAC3A and MAC3B are members of the MAC that function redundantly in the regulation of plant innate immunity

    Regulation and Role of Arabidopsis CUL4-DDB1A-DDB2 in Maintaining Genome Integrity upon UV Stress

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    Plants use the energy in sunlight for photosynthesis, but as a consequence are exposed to the toxic effect of UV radiation especially on DNA. The UV-induced lesions on DNA affect both transcription and replication and can also have mutagenic consequences. Here we investigated the regulation and the function of the recently described CUL4-DDB1-DDB2 E3 ligase in the maintenance of genome integrity upon UV-stress using the model plant Arabidopsis. Physiological, biochemical, and genetic evidences indicate that this protein complex is involved in global genome repair (GGR) of UV-induced DNA lesions. Moreover, we provide evidences for crosstalks between GGR, the plant-specific photo reactivation pathway and the RAD1-RAD10 endonucleases upon UV exposure. Finally, we report that DDB2 degradation upon UV stress depends not only on CUL4, but also on the checkpoint protein kinase Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related (ATR). Interestingly, we found that DDB1A shuttles from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in an ATR-dependent manner, highlighting an upstream level of control and a novel mechanism of regulation of this E3 ligase

    Arabidopsis CULLIN3 Genes Regulate Primary Root Growth and Patterning by Ethylene-Dependent and -Independent Mechanisms

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    CULLIN3 (CUL3) together with BTB-domain proteins form a class of Cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases (called CRL3s) that control the rapid and selective degradation of important regulatory proteins in all eukaryotes. Here, we report that in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, CUL3 regulates plant growth and development, not only during embryogenesis but also at post-embryonic stages. First, we show that CUL3 modulates the emission of ethylene, a gaseous plant hormone that is an important growth regulator. A CUL3 hypomorphic mutant accumulates ACS5, the rate-limiting enzyme in ethylene biosynthesis and as a consequence exhibits a constitutive ethylene response. Second, we provide evidence that CUL3 regulates primary root growth by a novel ethylene-dependant pathway. In particular, we show that CUL3 knockdown inhibits primary root growth by reducing root meristem size and cell number. This phenotype is suppressed by ethylene-insensitive or resistant mutations. Finally, we identify a function of CUL3 in distal root patterning, by a mechanism that is independent of ethylene. Thus, our work highlights that CUL3 is essential for the normal division and organisation of the root stem cell niche and columella root cap cells
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