52 research outputs found

    Innovation and business performance - a provisional multi-regional analysis

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    Although much attention has focussed on the determinants of firms' innovation performance, the relationship between innovation and business performance is less well defined. In this paper we use data from identical plant level surveys conducted in six regions of the UK, Germany and Ireland to examine this relationship and identify some of the implications for regional innovation initiatives. The survey data used was collected by postal survey during 1999 and 2000. In all over 2000 plants responded to the surveys which provide regionally representative information about innovation activity, IT adoption and a number of indicators of business performance. Four main indicators of business performance are examined here: sales and employment growth, export performance, profitability and productivity (value added per employee). The analysis is based on a simultaneous econometric model explaining plants' innovation activity and business performance. Discussion focuses on a number of key themes. First, core-periphery differences are explored by contrasting analytical results for peripheral (Northern Ireland, Scotland) and 'core' regions (Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg) within the sample. Second, attention is focussed on the performance effects of firms, different innovation profiles relating to product and process development but also radical and more incremental innovation activity. Thirdly, contrasts between small and larger businesses are considered and the sensitivity of firms, innovation and performance to their operating environment is explored. The paper concludes with an assessment of the implications of the analysis for regional innovation initiatives and their potential impact on business development.

    Police officers\u27 perceptions of their reactions to viewing internet child exploitation material

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    The purpose of this paper is to extend prior research on the impact of working in the area of Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) investigation by exploring ICE investigators' perceptions of and reactions to viewing child exploitation material. A diverse sample of 32 ICE investigators across all nine Australian jurisdictions individually participated in anonymous in-depth interviews. Participants were asked to discuss their subjective experience of viewing ICE material and its effect on them and to describe a case that evoked an adverse reaction, the nature of the reaction, and the characteristics of the material that contributed to it. The results revealed that ICE investigators experience salient emotional, cognitive, social and behavioural consequences due to viewing ICE material and their reactions can be short and long term. The degree of negative impact appears to vary markedly across individuals, types and content of material and viewing context, with variation based on individual, case-related and contextual factors both in and outside the workplace.No Full Tex

    Police officers\u27 perceptions of the challenges involved in internet child exploitation investigation

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    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore police officers&rsquo; perceptions of the challenges and work stressors of working in Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) investigation.Design/methodology/approachParticipants were a heterogeneous sample of 32 ICE investigators across nine Australian jurisdictions. Officers&rsquo; perceptions of ICE work were elicited via individual, open-ended, anonymous, telephone interviews, which focused on both the nature and impact of work-related stressors and challenges.FindingsThematic analysis revealed that viewing ICE material was not perceived to be a major stressor or particularly traumatic facet of ICE investigation. Rather, the challenges related to three areas; work relationships, workload and resources and the physical environment. Participants also suggested some improvements to their work environment which could reduce the impact of these challenges.Practical implicationsThe stressors identified by ICE investigators in this study place physical, psychological and social restrictions on investigative capacity. Modifications to the workplace environment that facilitate more effective professional collaboration, reduce workload and enhance investigator efficiency and functionality of the physical work environment would likely reduce the potential for harm associated with ICE investigation and improve ICE investigators&rsquo; capacity to perform their role.Originality/valueThis is the first study to use a broad research framework to examine the full range of stressors that ICE investigators face (both organisational and operational). The findings are important for developing comprehensive theories regarding workplace traumatisation as well as holistic intervention models to assist the prevention and management of stress related to ICE investigation.</div

    Endemic Sexual Violence and Abuse: Contexts and Dispositions

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    Endemic sexual violence and abuse has been observed in a number of specific circumstances, most notably conflict zones, remote and marginalised communities, and religious and state institutions. In this article we examine several documented examples and argue that a similar set of causal processes are at work in all of these otherwise apparently disparate circumstances. Rather than construing the problem as ‘organised’ sexual abuse, we present the problem in terms of the breakdown (or disorganisation) of usual individual, situational and ecological constraints

    Techno-economic analysis of the thermal energy saving options for high-voltage direct current interconnectors

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    High-voltage direct current interconnection stations are increasingly used for long-distance electricity transport worldwide, due to efficiency and economic reasons. The identification and evaluation of cost-effective waste heat sources appropriate for recovery and reutilisation represent an opportunity that can improve the efficiency of high-voltage direct current stations, resulting in significant savings in energy consumption and reduction of the carbon footprint. The paper is the first to investigate the technological and economic feasibility of heat recovery at a major interconnector power station. Once identified the potential recoverable heat sources and evaluated the latest advancements in thermal energy recovery technology, a technological and economic analysis of two potential heat recovery strategies has been performed. While the heat-to-electricity technology was proved to be technologically but not economically feasible, the realisation of a combined liquid desiccant and evaporative cooling heat recovery strategy was proved to present the best economic performance with a payback period of about 5 years and a levelised cost of saved energy of 0.155 €/kWh, depending on the heat recovery and size of the system. Additional economic savings can be obtained for high-voltage direct current stations located in hot and humid climates, where the moisture removal ability of liquid desiccant technology could be particularly advantageous

    Further developments towards a genome-scale metabolic model of yeast

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    BACKGROUND: To date, several genome-scale network reconstructions have been used to describe the metabolism of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, each differing in scope and content. The recent community-driven reconstruction, while rigorously evidenced and well annotated, under-represented metabolite transport, lipid metabolism and other pathways, and was not amenable to constraint-based analyses because of lack of pathway connectivity. RESULTS: We have expanded the yeast network reconstruction to incorporate many new reactions from the literature and represented these in a well-annotated and standards-compliant manner. The new reconstruction comprises 1102 unique metabolic reactions involving 924 unique metabolites - significantly larger in scope than any previous reconstruction. The representation of lipid metabolism in particular has improved, with 234 out of 268 enzymes linked to lipid metabolism now present in at least one reaction. Connectivity is emphatically improved, with more than 90% of metabolites now reachable from the growth medium constituents. The present updates allow constraint-based analyses to be performed; viability predictions of single knockouts are comparable to results from in vivo experiments and to those of previous reconstructions. CONCLUSIONS: We report the development of the most complete reconstruction of yeast metabolism to date that is based upon reliable literature evidence and richly annotated according to MIRIAM standards. The reconstruction is available in the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) and via a publicly accessible database http://www.comp-sys-bio.org/yeastnet/

    Sex Offenders’ Perceptions of the Police and Courts:Are There Spill-Over Effects?

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    Individuals convicted of sexual offenses are rarely asked their views of the police and courts. The aims of this study were to examine the impact of feelings of guilt on perceptions of the police and police interview outcomes and spill-over effects from perceptions of the police to perceptions of the courts. Participants were 116 adult males incarcerated for sexual offenses who were invited to report their perceptions of police interviewers, feelings at the time of interview, interview outcomes, and perceptions of the court process. Feelings of guilt were related to perceptions of the police. Both feelings of guilt and perceptions of the police were associated with interview outcomes. Spill-over effects were found as perceptions of the police were directly related to perceptions of the courts. The findings highlight the important role of police officers as gatekeepers to the criminal justice system, with associated implications for police officers’ training and practice

    Can Systemic Interventions Designed to Reduce Reoffending by Youth also Reduce their Victimization?

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    Previous research indicates considerable overlap between populations of boys who are victimized and boys who victimize others. This study was concerned with whether a systems-focused treatment program designed to address individual and systemic risk factors associated with the perpetration of sexual and violent crimes might also be successful in reducing boys’ victimization by others. Boys adjudicated for sexual offences who received ‘treatment as usual’ (TAU; n = 335) were compared with similarly adjudicated boys who completed the treatment program (n = 200) on their histories of contact with police either as offenders or victims. Despite their higher rates of pre-intervention victimization, the treatment group were victimized less frequently post-intervention than the TAU group. Continued offending was the strongest predictor of victimization post-intervention. These findings suggest that offending and victimization share common risk factors that may be addressed simultaneously within offence-focused treatment
