566 research outputs found

    Cavity optomechanics with ultra-high Q crystalline micro-resonators

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    We present the first observation of optomechanical coupling in ultra-high Q crystalline whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) resonators. The high purity of the crystalline material enables optical quality factors in excess of 10^{10} and finesse exceeding 10^{6}. Simultaneously, mechanical quality factors greater than 10^{5} are obtained, still limited by clamping losses. Compared to previously demonstrated cylindrical resonators, the effective mass of the mechanical modes can be dramatically reduced by the fabrication of CaF2 microdisc resonators. Optical displacement monitoring at the 10^{-18} m/sqrt{Hz}-level reveals mechanical radial modes at frequencies up to 20 MHz, corresponding to unprecedented sideband factors (>100). Together with the weak intrinsic mechanical damping in crystalline materials, such high sindeband factors render crystalline WGM micro-resonators promising for backaction evading measurements, resolved sideband cooling or optomechanical normal mode splitting. Moreover, these resonators can operate in a regime where optomechanical Brillouin lasing can become accessible

    Роль інституціонального напрямку дослідження фінансового ринку в процесі системної трансформації

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    ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана»Обґрунтовано необхідність застосування інституціональної теорії для формування ринкової економічної поведінки контрагентів — учасників нових фінансових відносин у процесі становлення фінансового ринку на постсоціалістичному просторі

    Anhedonia in the shadow of chronic social defeat stress, or When the experimental context matters

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    One of the core symptoms of major depression in human is anhedonia. For that reason, one of the main requirements towards experimental depression models is that they be able to demonstrate anhedonia in animals, that have been exposed to stressful events, and other behavioral changes attributable to a depression-like state. However, the results presented in the literature are contradictory: sweet solution intake, which is considered as a parameter of hedonic/anhedonic behavior in animals, responds quite differently to stressful situations in that it is either unaffected or increased or decreased. Different experimental designs used for the study of anhedonia in male mice exposed to chronic social defeat stress were tried to understand the reasons for so contradictory responses. Anhedonia appears as an abrupt reduction in sweet solution consumption in stressed animals and by failure to attain recovery after deprivation. However, it was also demonstrated that sucrose solution intake and preference strongly depend on the experimental context; that the possible critical factor may be prior acquaintance with the hedonic stimulus – or the lack whereof. Analysis of literature data and ours allowed us to conclude that the lack of a significant decrease in sweet solution intake in stressed animals is no evidence of lack of depression. This decrease is evidence of anhedonia only provided other symptoms of depression are present. Hedonic consumable intake can be decreased over various motivations, conditions or diseases, in particular, a high level of anxiety or pathological aggression

    Особливості механізму функціонування фінансового ринку в умовах трансформаційної економіки

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    В статті розглядається та обґрунтовується необхідність функціонування дієвого механізму фінансового ринку в умовах трансформаційної економіки для найбільш ефективного забезпечення взаємозв’язку всіх його сегментів в процесі акумуляції і перерозподілу фінансових активів у вигляді інвестицій у реальному секторі економіки

    Marketing of Nice Run

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    Idea for doing this thesis came when Forssan Salama ry started arranging its annual event, called Nice Run. Nice Run is sports event for women held in nine different cities around Finland, these cities were; Pietarsaari, Vaasa, Seinäjoki, Forssa, Jyväskylä, Mikkeli, Lahti, Hämeenlinna and Espoo. Nice Run consists of parts where women run, walk, or jog through marked 5 kilometre route, have a picnic at the area and may participate to other activities arranged. Hanna-Maija Haikka, project manager in Nice Run suggested to do a research about marketing in Nice Run, since there has been no previous researches made about the subject and it would provide beneficial information for main organizer Forssan Salama ry. Objectives of this thesis were to investigate how Nice Run was marketed and see which channels of marketing worked and which might need improvement. Also provide suggestions for Forssan Salama ry how to improve marketing in future. Suggestions were gotten from women who participated in Nice Run and answered to the questionnaire which was given to them during the event. Participants also had a chance to answer the questionnaire in the Internet. Women were asked two questions concerning marketing (see appendix 1.); where did you hear about Nice Run and where could Nice Run be visible and reach women? In first question women had eight sources of which they could choose; e-mail, workplace, media, local organizers, friend, previous Nice Run event, advertisement was sent to me and other. Results were divided into five groups according to age ; this was done in order to see whether there are differences between age groups. Sixth figure is showing the averages of all sources in all age groups. Second question was open question, where women could freely give suggestions for improving marketing. In the end of this thesis suggestions are put together and they provide ideas for Forssan Salama ry how to improve marketing for upcoming events. Most common answer in designated question was that women had heard about the event at their workplace. In open question most common suggestion for marketing in future was through local magazines. Women were eager to help and gave a lot of good advices concerning future. Forssan Salama ry may use information gotten from these results and try to do improvements for years to come