19 research outputs found

    Cell identity specification in plants: lessons from flower development

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    Multicellular organisms display a fascinating complexity of cellular identities and patterns of diversification. The concept of ‘cell type’ aims to describe and categorize this complexity. In this review, we discuss the traditional concept of cell types and highlight the impact of single-cell technologies and spatial omics on the understanding of cellular differentiation in plants. We summarize and compare position-based and lineage-based mechanisms of cell identity specification using flower development as a model system. More than understanding ontogenetic origins of differentiated cells, an important question in plant science is to understand their position- and developmental stage-specific heterogeneity. Combinatorial action and crosstalk of external and internal signals is the key to cellular heterogeneity, often converging on transcription factors that orchestrate gene expression programs.Peer Reviewe

    Single-nucleus RNA sequencing of plant tissues using a nanowell‐based system

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    Single-cell genomics provides unprecedented potential for research on plant development and environmental responses. Here, we introduce a generic procedure for plant nucleus isolation combined with nanowell-based library preparation. Our method enables the transcriptome analysis of thousands of individual plant nuclei. It serves as an alternative to the use of protoplast isolation, which is currently a standard methodology for plant single-cell genomics, although it can be challenging for some plant tissues. We show the applicability of our nucleus isolation method by using different plant materials from different species. The potential of our single-nucleus RNA sequencing method is shown through the characterization of transcriptomes of seedlings and developing flowers from Arabidopsis thaliana. We evaluated the transcriptome dynamics during the early stages of anther development, identified stage-specific activities of transcription factors regulating this process, and predicted potential target genes of these transcription factors. Our nucleus isolation procedure can be applied in different plant species and tissues, thus expanding the toolkit for plant single-cell genomics experiments.Peer Reviewe

    SELEX-seq : A method to determine DNA binding specificities of plant transcription factors

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    Systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) is a method that allows isolating specific nucleotide sequences that interact with a DNA binding protein of choice. By using a transcription factor (TF) and a randomized pool of double-stranded DNA, this technique can be used to characterize TF DNA binding specificities and affinities. The method is based on protein-DNA complex immunoprecipitation with protein-specific antibodies and subsequent DNA selection and amplification. Application of massively parallel sequencing (-seq) at each cycle of SELEX allows determining the relative affinities to any DNA sequence for any transcription factor or TF complex. The resulting TF DNA binding motifs can be used to predict potential DNA binding sites in genomes and thereby direct target genes of TFs.</p

    Differences in DNA binding specificity of floral homeotic protein complexes predict organ-specific target genes

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    Floral organ identities in plants are specified by the combinatorial action of homeotic master regulatory transcription factors. However, how these factors achieve their regulatory specificities is still largely unclear. Genome-wide in vivo DNA binding data show that homeotic MADS domain proteins recognize partly distinct genomic regions, suggesting that DNA binding specificity contributes to functional differences of homeotic protein complexes. We used in vitro systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment followed by high-throughput DNA sequencing (SELEX-seq) on several floral MADS domain protein homo- and heterodimers to measure their DNA binding specificities. We show that specification of reproductive organs is associated with distinct binding preferences of a complex formed by SEPALLATA3 and AGAMOUS. Binding specificity is further modulated by different binding site spacing preferences. Combination of SELEX-seq and genome-wide DNA binding data allows differentiation between targets in specification of reproductive versus perianth organs in the flower. We validate the importance of DNA binding specificity for organ-specific gene regulation by modulating promoter activity through targeted mutagenesis. Our study shows that intrafamily protein interactions affect DNA binding specificity of floral MADS domain proteins. Differential DNA binding of MADS domain protein complexes plays a role in the specificity of target gene regulation.</p

    Building Transcription Factor Binding Site Models to Understand Gene Regulation in Plants

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    International audienceTranscription factors (TFs) are key cellular components that control gene expression. They recognize specific DNA sequences, the TF binding sites (TFBSs), and thus are targeted to specific regions of the genome where they can recruit transcriptional co-factors and/or chromatin regulators to fine-tune spatiotemporal gene regulation. Therefore, the identification of TFBSs in genomic sequences and their subsequent quantitative modeling is of crucial importance for understanding and predicting gene expression. Here, we review how TFBSs can be determined experimentally, how the TFBS models can be constructed in silico, and how they can be optimized by taking into account features such as position interdependence within TFBSs, DNA shape, and/or by introducing state-of-the-art computational algorithms such as deep learning methods. In addition, we discuss the integration of context variables into the TFBS modeling, including nucleosome positioning, chromatin states, methylation patterns, 3D genome architectures, and TF cooperative binding, in order to better predict TF binding under cellular contexts. Finally, we explore the possibilities of combining the optimized TFBS model with technological advances, such as targeted TFBS perturbation by CRISPR, to better understand gene regulation, evolution, and plant diversity

    The Chromatin-Associated Protein PWO1 Interacts with Plant Nuclear Lamin-like Components to Regulate Nuclear Size

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    Spatial organization of chromatin contributes to gene regulation of many cellular processes and includes a connection of chromatin with the nuclear lamina (NL). The NL is a protein mesh that resides underneath the inner nuclear membrane and consists of lamins and lamina-associated proteins. Chromatin regions associated with lamins in animals are characterized mostly by constitutive heterochromatin, but association with facultative heterochromatin mediated by Polycomb-group (PcG) proteins has been reported as well. In contrast with animals, plant NL components are largely not conserved and NL association with chromatin is poorly explored. Here, we present the connection between the lamin-like protein, CROWDED NUCLEI1 (CRWN1), and the chromatin- and PcG-associated component, PROLINE-TRYPTOPHANE-TRYPTOPHANE-PROLINE INTERACTOR OF POLYCOMBS1, in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). We show that PWO1 and CRWN1 proteins associate physically with each other, act in the same pathway to maintain nuclear morphology, and control expression of a similar set of target genes. Moreover, we demonstrate that transiently expressed PWO1 proteins form foci located partially at the subnuclear periphery. Ultimately, as CRWN1 and PWO1 are plant-specific, our results argue that plants might have developed an equivalent, rather than homologous, mechanism of linking chromatin repression and NL.</p

    Dual specificity and target gene selection by the MADS-domain protein FRUITFULL

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    How transcription factors attain their target gene specificity and how this specificity may be modulated, acquiring different regulatory functions through the development of plant tissues, is an open question. Here we characterized different regulatory roles of the MADS-domain transcription factor FRUITFULL (FUL) in flower development and mechanisms modulating its activity. We found that the dual role of FUL in regulating floral transition and pistil development is associated with its different in vivo patterns of DNA binding in both tissues. Characterization of FUL protein complexes by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry and SELEX-seq experiments shows that aspects of tissue-specific target site selection can be predicted by tissue-specific variation in the composition of FUL protein complexes with different DNA binding specificities, without considering the chromatin status of the target region. This suggests a role for dynamic changes in FUL TF complex composition in reshaping the regulatory functions of FUL during flower development

    Dynamic and spatial restriction of Polycomb activity by plant histone demethylases

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    Targeted changes in chromatin state at thousands of genes are central to eukaryotic development. RELATIVE OF EARLY FLOWERING 6 (REF6) is a Jumonji-type histone demethylase that counteracts Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2)-mediated gene silencing in plants and was reported to select its binding sites in a direct, sequence-specific manner(1-3). Here we show that REF6 and its two close paralogues determine spatial 'boundaries' of the repressive histone H3K27me3 mark in the genome and control the tissue-specific release from PRC2-mediated gene repression. Targeted mutagenesis revealed that these histone demethylases display pleiotropic, redundant functions in plant development, several of which depend on trans factor-mediated recruitment. Thus, Jumonji-type histone demethylases restrict repressive chromatin domains and contribute to tissue-specific gene activation via complementary targeting mechanisms

    Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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    The growth-regulating factors (GRFs) are plant-specific transcription factors. They form complexes with GRF-interacting factors (GIFs), a small family of transcriptional co-activators. In Arabidopsis thaliana, seven out of the nine GRFs are controlled by microRNA miR396. Analysis of Arabidopsis plants carrying a GRF3 allele insensitive to miR396 revealed a strong boost in the number of cells in leaves, which was further enhanced synergistically by an additional increase of GIF1 levels. Genetic experiments revealed that GRF3 can still increase cell number in gif1 mutants, albeit to a much lesser extent. Genome-wide transcript profiling indicated that the simultaneous increase of GRF3 and GIF1 levels causes additional effects in gene expression compared to either of the transgenes alone. We observed that GIF1 interacts in vivo with GRF3, as well as with chromatin-remodeling complexes, providing a mechanistic explanation for the synergistic activities of a GRF3?GIF1 complex. Interestingly, we found that, in addition to the leaf size, the GRF system also affects the organ longevity. Genetic and molecular analysis revealed that the functions of GRFs in leaf growth and senescence can be uncoupled, demonstrating that the miR396-GRF-GIF network impinges on different stages of leaf development. Our results integrate the post-transcriptional control of the GRF transcription factors with the progression of leaf development.Fil: Debernardi, Juan Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Rosario. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Mecchia, Martin Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Rosario. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Vercruyssen, Liesbeth. University Of Ghent. Faculty Of Sciences. Department Of Plant Systems Biology; BélgicaFil: Smaczniak, Cezary. University Of Amsterdam. Department of Molecular Biology; Países BajosFil: Kaufmann, Kerstin. University Of Amsterdam. Department of Molecular Biology; Países BajosFil: Inze, Dirk. University Of Ghent. Faculty Of Sciences. Department Of Plant Systems Biology; BélgicaFil: Rodriguez Virasoro, Ramiro Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Rosario. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Palatnik, Javier Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Rosario. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario; Argentin