150 research outputs found

    Interplay between electronic topology and crystal symmetry: Dislocation-line modes in topological band-insulators

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    We elucidate the general rule governing the response of dislocation lines in three-dimensional topological band insulators. According to this K-b-t{\bf K}\text{-}{\bf b}\text{-}{\bf t} rule, the lattice topology, represented by dislocation lines oriented in direction t{\bf t} with Burgers vector b{\bf b}, combines with the electronic-band topology, characterized by the band-inversion momentum Kinv{\bf K}_{\rm inv}, to produce gapless propagating modes when the plane orthogonal to the dislocation line features a band inversion with a nontrivial ensuing flux Φ=Kinv⋅b  (mod  2π)\Phi={\bf K}_{\rm inv}\cdot {\bf b}\,\, ({\rm mod\,\,2\pi}). Although it has already been discovered by Y. Ran {\it et al.}, Nature Phys. {\bf 5}, 298 (2009), that dislocation lines host propagating modes, the exact mechanism of their appearance in conjunction with the crystal symmetries of a topological state is provided by the K-b-t{\bf K}\text{-}{\bf b}\text{-}{\bf t} rule . Finally, we discuss possible experimentally consequential examples in which the modes are oblivious for the direction of propagation, such as the recently proposed topologically-insulating state in electron-doped BaBiO3_3.Comment: Main text + supplementary material, published versio

    Impurity Bound States and Greens Function Zeroes as Local Signatures of Topology

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    We show that the local in-gap Greens function of a band insulator G0(ϵ,k∥,r⊥=0)\mathbf{G}_0 (\epsilon,\mathbf{k}_{\parallel},\mathbf{r}_{\perp}=0), with r⊥\mathbf{r}_\perp the position perpendicular to a codimension-1 or -2 impurity, reveals the topological nature of the phase. For a topological insulator, the eigenvalues of this Greens function attain zeros in the gap, whereas for a trivial insulator the eigenvalues remain nonzero. This topological classification is related to the existence of in-gap bound states along codimension-1 and -2 impurities. Whereas codimension-1 impurities can be viewed as 'soft edges', the result for codimension-2 impurities is nontrivial and allows for a direct experimental measurement of the topological nature of 2d insulators.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Self-organized pseudo-graphene on grain boundaries in topological band insulators

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    Semi-metals are characterized by nodal band structures that give rise to exotic electronic properties. The stability of Dirac semi-metals, such as graphene in two spatial dimensions (2D), requires the presence of lattice symmetries, while akin to the surface states of topological band insulators, Weyl semi-metals in three spatial dimensions (3D) are protected by band topology. Here we show that in the bulk of topological band insulators, self-organized topologically protected semi-metals can emerge along a grain boundary, a ubiquitous extended lattice defect in any crystalline material. In addition to experimentally accessible electronic transport measurements, these states exhibit valley anomaly in 2D influencing edge spin transport, whereas in 3D they appear as graphene-like states that may exhibit an odd-integer quantum Hall effect. The general mechanism underlying these novel semi-metals -- the hybridization of spinon modes bound to the grain boundary -- suggests that topological semi-metals can emerge in any topological material where lattice dislocations bind localized topological modes.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Improved discussion compared to the earlier versio

    Hopf characterization of two-dimensional Floquet topological insulators

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    We present a topological characterization of time-periodically driven two-band models in 2+1 dimensions as Hopf insulators. The intrinsic periodicity of the Floquet system with respect to both time and the underlying two-dimensional momentum space constitutes a map from a three dimensional torus to the Bloch sphere. As a result, we find that the driven system can be understood by appealing to a Hopf map that is directly constructed from the micromotion of the drive. Previously found winding numbers are shown to correspond to Hopf invariants, which are associated with linking numbers describing the topology of knots in three dimensions. Moreover, after being cast as a Hopf insulator, not only the Chern numbers, but also the winding numbers of the Floquet topological insulator become accessible in experiments as linking numbers. We exploit this description to propose a feasible scheme for measuring the complete set of their Floquet topological invariants in optical lattices.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures + 2 pages, 1 figure supplementar

    Generalized liquid crystals: giant fluctuations and the vestigial chiral order of II, OO and TT matter

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    The physics of nematic liquid crystals has been subject of intensive research since the late 19th century. However, because of the limitations of chemistry the focus has been centered around uni- and biaxial nematics associated with constituents bearing a D∞hD_{\infty h} or D2hD_{2h} symmetry respectively. In view of general symmetries, however, these are singularly special since nematic order can in principle involve any point group symmetry. Given the progress in tailoring nano particles with particular shapes and interactions, this vast family of "generalized nematics" might become accessible in the laboratory. Little is known since the order parameter theories associated with the highly symmetric point groups are remarkably complicated, involving tensor order parameters of high rank. Here we show that the generic features of the statistical physics of such systems can be studied in a highly flexible and efficient fashion using a mathematical tool borrowed from high energy physics: discrete non-Abelian gauge theory. Explicitly, we construct a family of lattice gauge models encapsulating nematic ordering of general three dimensional point group symmetries. We find that the most symmetrical "generalized nematics" are subjected to thermal fluctuations of unprecedented severity. As a result, novel forms of fluctuation phenomena become possible. In particular, we demonstrate that a vestigial phase carrying no more than chiral order becomes ubiquitous departing from high point group symmetry chiral building blocks, such as II, OO and TT symmetric matter.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures; published versio

    Wilson loop approach to fragile topology of split elementary band representations and topological crystalline insulators with time reversal symmetry

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    We present a general methodology towards the systematic characterization of crystalline topological insulating phases with time reversal symmetry (TRS).~In particular, taking the two-dimensional spinful hexagonal lattice as a proof of principle we study windings of Wilson loop spectra over cuts in the Brillouin zone that are dictated by the underlying lattice symmetries.~Our approach finds a prominent use in elucidating and quantifying the recently proposed ``topological quantum chemistry" (TQC) concept.~Namely, we prove that the split of an elementary band representation (EBR) by a band gap must lead to a topological phase.~For this we first show that in addition to the Fu-Kane-Mele Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 classification, there is C2TC_2\mathcal{T}-symmetry protected Z\mathbb{Z} classification of two-band subspaces that is obstructed by the other crystalline symmetries, i.e.~forbidding the trivial phase. This accounts for all nontrivial Wilson loop windings of split EBRs \textit{that are independent of the parameterization of the flow of Wilson loops}.~Then, we show that while Wilson loop winding of split EBRs can unwind when embedded in higher-dimensional band space, two-band subspaces that remain separated by a band gap from the other bands conserve their Wilson loop winding, hence revealing that split EBRs are at least "stably trivial", i.e. necessarily non-trivial in the non-stable (few-band) limit but possibly trivial in the stable (many-band) limit.~This clarifies the nature of \textit{fragile} topology that has appeared very recently.~We then argue that in the many-band limit the stable Wilson loop winding is only determined by the Fu-Kane-Mele Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 invariant implying that further stable topological phases must belong to the class of higher-order topological insulators.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, v2: minor corrections, new references included, v3: metastable topology of split EBRs emphasized, v4: prepared for publicatio

    Wannier representation of Floquet topological states

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    A universal feature of topological insulators is that they cannot be adiabatically connected to an atomic limit, where individual lattice sites are completely decoupled. This property is intimately related to a topological obstruction to constructing a localized Wannier function from Bloch states of an insulator. Here we generalize this characterization of topological phases toward periodically driven systems. We show that nontrivial connectivity of hybrid Wannier centers in momentum space and time can characterize various types of topology in periodically driven systems, which include Floquet topological insulators, anomalous Floquet topological insulators with micromotion-induced boundary states, and gapless Floquet states realized with topological Floquet operators. In particular, nontrivial time dependence of hybrid Wannier centers indicates impossibility of continuous deformation of a driven system into an undriven insulator, and a topological Floquet operator implies an obstruction to constructing a generalized Wannier function which is localized in real and frequency spaces. Our results pave a way to a unified understanding of topological states in periodically driven systems as a topological obstruction in Floquet states.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure
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