99 research outputs found

    Regularities Of Stability For Printing Forms Of Offset Printing With Dampening In Short Runs

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    The complex research for the changes in the properties of the printing plates' printing and gap elements influenced by the printing process short runs was conducted, that allowed to determine the change of printing and gap elements' surface microgeometry, also to determine the change of the oxide layer stability, and to explain the decrease of the ink receptivity coefficient. The mathematical regression equation model of the printing plates' elements' impact onto the imprints' optical density in offset printing was developed, that allows estimating and predicting properties of modern brand of printing plate. Work reveals some new facts about characteristics for printability such as influences of printing plate's elements parameters' on color characteristics of imprints. Dampening solution, printing plates application and printing settings as well as color features of the imprints are analyzed in the context of offset printing

    Печатные свойства офсетных форм

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    Проведено дослідження впливу процесу друку на друкарсько-технічні властивості елементів друкарської форми монометалевих форм плоского офсетного друку із зволоженням.Was explored impact of the printing process on printing-technical properties of the printing and non-printing elements on the offset printing plates.Проведено исследование влияния процесса печати на печатно-технические свойства элементов печатной формы монометаллических форм плоской офсетной печати с увлажнением

    Влияние печатного контакта на изменение микрогеометрии элементов печатной формы

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    Проведено дослідження впливу процесу друку на мікрогеометрію поверхні друкувального і пробільного елементів монометалевих форм плоского офсетного друку із зволоженням.Was explored impact of the printing process on surface microgeometry of the printing and non-printing elements on the offset printing plates.Проведено исследование влияния процесса печати на микрогеометрию поверхности печатающего и пробельного элементов монометаллических форм плоской офсетной печати с увлажнением

    Масс-спектрометрический анализ пробельных элементов печатных форм плоской офсетной печати

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    Проведено дослідження впливу процесу друкування на зміну складників гідрофільної плівки проміжного елементу монометалевих форм плоского офсетного друку зі зволоженням.Was explored impact of the printing process on change of components of hydrophilic film of the non-printing elements on the offset printing plates. The influence of printing contact to replace components hydrophilic film non-printing elements of monometallic offset printing plates with moisture. Was explored the character of processes losing elements of their properties during the printing process, which is characterized by a gradual decrease in the number hydrophilic substances oxide film on the non-printing elements in physico-chemical and physico-mechanical impact printing environment. Determined the necessity for experimental research to create the optimum operating conditions and environment printing contact, allowing maximum identity imprints during print run.Проведено исследование влияния процесса печати на смену составляющих гидрофильной пленки пробельного элемента монометаллических форм плоской офсетной печати с увлажнением

    The Main Stages of Development of International Methodology in the Sphere of Innovations

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    The article is aimed at researching scientific sources, including those relied upon by leading international institutions; allocating the main stages of development of international methodology in the sphere of innovations; clarification of features inherent in the modern stage of development of the methodological instrumentarium of analysis of innovations. Research of scientific sources defining theoretical and methodological foundations of innovations and covering the problems of innovative development of economy, testifies to existence of a stable tendency of development and constant process of improvement of the theoretical and methodological base of innovation policy. On the basis of researching and analyzing international scientific sources five main stages of development of international methodology in sphere of innovations are allocated. It is determined that the main features inherent in the modern stage of development of the international methodology in the sphere of innovations are: comprehensive role of global value chains; emergence of new information technologies and their impact on new business models; growing importance of knowledge-based capital; progress in understanding innovation processes and their economic impact. A special attention in the modern international methodology is given to measurement of innovations in the process of digital transformations

    Features of the Formation of Laws for Motivational Component of Education

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    Автором визначено, що перехід до постіндустріального суспільства обумовлює зростання ролі та значення діяльності пов’язаної із виробництвом, збереженням, та передачею знань, надаючи особливої ваги у цій діяльності освіті. Автором надано пропозиції щодо подальшого удосконалення нормативно-правового забезпечення мотиваційного складника освітньої діяльності. А саме: удосконалення порядку виплати надбавок за вислугу років, недопущення розриву у розмірі посадового окладу працівника І тарифного розряду ЄТС та рівня мінімальної заробітної плати та ін.In the article author determined that the role and importance of activities related to the production, preservation and transfer of knowledge are increased in the transition to post-industrial society. The author provided suggestions for further improvement of the legal provision motivational component of educational activities. Improving the payments of bonuses for length of service, preventing rupture in the amount of the salary of the employee wage category I UTS and the minimum wage and others recommendation author was giving in the article

    Оценка технологичности CtP-систем

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    Методом анкетування визначено пріоритетні параметри CtP-систем. Обґрунтовано і розраховано коефіцієнт їх технологічності.The questioning method defines priority parameters of CtP-system. The factor of their adaptability to manufacture is proved and calculated.Методом анкетирования определено приоритетные параметры CtP-систем. Обоснован и рассчитан коэффициент их технологичности

    SEM Investigation of ZnO and CdO–ZnO Layers Grown by Sol-Gel Technology and a Multifractal Analysis of their Surface Depending on Synthesis Conditions

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    Introduction. Super-thin films of zinc oxide regarded as transparent electrodes can be integrated in effective semiconductor heterostructures for use in modern infrared photo electronics and solar power installations. The most important parameter of zinc oxide thin layers is their surface nanorelief, which can be effectively studied using SEM spectroscopy. SEM images allow for a quantitative description of the surface depending on the synthesis conditions using the method of multifractal analysis. Such an approach reveals quantitative relationships between the fractal parameters of the surface topography of the layers in these systems and the temperature regimes used for their final annealing in conventional sol-gel technology.Aim. To reveal quantitative relationships between the fractal parameters of the surface topography of layers in the Zn–O & Zn–Cd–O systems and the temperature conditions of their final annealing. The MFA method was used for a quantitative description of the surface state depending on the synthesis conditions.Materials and methods. Super-thin films in the ZnO and ZnO–CdO systems were synthesized using a modified sol-gel technology. The temperature-concentration ranges of the parameters of the modified technological process, which allows high-quality layers of the material to be reproducibly obtained on a glass substrate, were determined. The surface morphology was investigated by SEM spectroscopy depending on the temperature of the final annealing of the layers. SEM images of the surface served as a basis for multifractal analysis (MFA) of the surface area and volume of nanoforms, which are formed on the surface of the obtained layers thus determining their surface relief.Results. Renyi’s numbers and the parameters of fractal ordering in MFA were chosen as fractal parameters for describing the nano-geometry of the layer surface. MFA was applied to the description of both the surface areas and volumes of nanoforms. Quantitative correlations between Renyi’s numbers, as well as the parameters of fractal ordering for the areas and volumes of surface nanoforms, and the temperature of the final annealing were found.Conclusion. The numerical values of Renyi’s numbers for the surface and volume characteristics of the surface of layers were used to assess the effect of the fractality of the surface on the molar surface energy of the film. Consideration of the fractal geometry of nanoforms with their characteristic sizes smaller than 5·103μm shows the possibility of both an increase in the surface energy of the resulting film and its decrease when changing the characteristic sizes of nanoforms. The latter effect is due to the formation of a highly porous surface at the nano levelIntroduction. Super-thin films of zinc oxide regarded as transparent electrodes can be integrated in effective semiconductor heterostructures for use in modern infrared photo electronics and solar power installations. The most important parameter of zinc oxide thin layers is their surface nanorelief, which can be effectively studied using SEM spectroscopy. SEM images allow for a quantitative description of the surface depending on the synthesis conditions using the method of multifractal analysis. Such an approach reveals quantitative relationships between the fractal parameters of the surface topography of the layers in these systems and the temperature regimes used for their final annealing in conventional sol-gel technology.Aim. To reveal quantitative relationships between the fractal parameters of the surface topography of layers in the Zn–O & Zn–Cd–O systems and the temperature conditions of their final annealing. The MFA method was used for a quantitative description of the surface state depending on the synthesis conditions.Materials and methods. Super-thin films in the ZnO and ZnO–CdO systems were synthesized using a modified sol-gel technology. The temperature-concentration ranges of the parameters of the modified technological process, which allows high-quality layers of the material to be reproducibly obtained on a glass substrate, were determined. The surface morphology was investigated by SEM spectroscopy depending on the temperature of the final annealing of the layers. SEM images of the surface served as a basis for multifractal analysis (MFA) of the surface area and volume of nanoforms, which are formed on the surface of the obtained layers thus determining their surface relief.Results. Renyi’s numbers and the parameters of fractal ordering in MFA were chosen as fractal parameters for describing the nano-geometry of the layer surface. MFA was applied to the description of both the surface areas and volumes of nanoforms. Quantitative correlations between Renyi’s numbers, as well as the parameters of fractal ordering for the areas and volumes of surface nanoforms, and the temperature of the final annealing were found.Conclusion. The numerical values of Renyi’s numbers for the surface and volume characteristics of the surface of layers were used to assess the effect of the fractality of the surface on the molar surface energy of the film. Consideration of the fractal geometry of nanoforms with their characteristic sizes smaller than 5·103μm shows the possibility of both an increase in the surface energy of the resulting film and its decrease when changing the characteristic sizes of nanoforms. The latter effect is due to the formation of a highly porous surface at the nano leve

    Didactic possibilities of information and communication technologies in the process of development of educational environment in upper secondary school

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    Технологізація навчально-виховного процесу сприяє вільному доступу до сучасних ІКТ і технологій інтерактивного навчання. Серед педагогічних технологій саме інформаційно-комунікаційні технології мають значний потенціал для забезпечення освітнього процесу. Нині педагогічні технології, що використовуються у школі, мають поєднуватися з ІКТ, щоб цілеспрямувати фактичну систему прийомів і засобів організації навчальної діяльності на досягнення освітніх цілей. Завдання дослідження: схарактеризувати технологізацію навчально-виховного процесу у старшій школі з погляду нового етапу у розвитку теорії освіти і навчання; обміркувати розвиток навчального середовища на основі дидактичного потенціалу педагогічних та ІКТ технологій; проаналізувати емпіричні дані опитувань старшокласників, виявити, чи стали ІКТ інструментом здобуття учнями знань.The technological development of the educational process facilitates free access to modern ICTs and interactive learning technologies. Among the pedagogical technologies, information and communication technologies have a significant potential for the educational process. Currently, pedagogical technologies used at school should be combined with ICT to target the actual system of techniques and facilities of organizing educational activities in order to achieve educational purposes. Objectives of the study: to characterize the technological development of the educational process in upper secondary school in terms of a new stage in the development of the theory of education and training; to ponder over the development of the educational environment in terms of the didactic potential of pedagogical technologies and ICT; to analyze the empirical data of upper secondary students' surveys and determine if ICT has become a tool to acquire knowledge