66 research outputs found

    An ultra-thin diamond membrane as a transmission particle detector and vacuum window for external microbeams

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    Several applications of external microbeam techniques demand a very accurate and controlled dose delivery. To satisfy these requirements when post-sample ion detection is not feasible, we constructed a transmission single-ion detector based on an ultra-thin diamond membrane. The negligible intrinsic noise provides an excellent signal-to-noise ratio and enables a hit-detection efficiency of close to 100%, even for energetic protons, while the small thickness of the membrane limits beam spreading. Moreover, because of the superb mechanical stiffness of diamond, this membrane can simultaneously serve as a vacuum window and allow the extraction of an ion microbeam into the atmosphere

    Single-photon-emitting optical centers in diamond fabricated upon Sn implantation

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    The fabrication of luminescent defects in single-crystal diamond upon Sn implantation and annealing is reported. The relevant spectral features of the optical centers (emission peaks at 593.5 nm, 620.3 nm, 630.7 nm and 646.7 nm) are attributed to Sn-related defects through the correlation of their photoluminescence (PL) intensity with the implantation fluence. Single Sn-related defects were identified and characterized through the acquisition of their second-order auto-correlation emission functions, by means of Hanbury-Brown-Twiss interferometry. The investigation of their single-photon emission regime as a function of excitation laser power revealed that Sn-related defects are based on three-level systems with a 6 ns radiative decay lifetime. In a fraction of the studied centers, the observation of a blinking PL emission is indicative of the existence of a dark state. Furthermore, absorption dependence from the polarization of the excitation radiation with about 45 percent contrast was measured. This work shed light on the existence of a new optical center associated with a group-IV impurity in diamond, with similar photo-physical properties to the already well-known Si-V and Ge-V emitters, thus providing results of interest from both the fundamental and applicative points of view.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Measurement and modelling of anomalous polarity pulses in a multi-electrode diamond detector

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    In multi-electrode detectors, the motion of excess carriers generated by ionizing radiation induces charge pulses at the electrodes, whose intensities and polarities depend on the geometrical, electrostatic and carriers transport properties of the device. The resulting charge sharing effects may lead to bipolar currents, pulse height defects and anomalous polarity signals affecting the response of the device to ionizing radiation. This latter effect has recently attracted attention in commonly used detector materials, but different interpretations have been suggested, depending on the material, the geometry of the device and the nature of the ionizing radiation. In this letter, we report on the investigation in the formation of anomalous polarity pulses in a multi-electrode diamond detector with buried graphitic electrodes. In particular, we propose a purely electrostatic model based on the Shockley-Ramo-Gunn theory, providing a satisfactory description of anomalous pulses observed in charge collection efficiency maps measured by means of Ion Beam Induced Charge (IBIC) microscopy, and suitable for a general application in multi-electrode devices and detectors.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    IAEA activities in support of accelerator-based research and applications

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    Accelerator applications is one of the thematic areas, where the IAEA Physics Section supports IAEA Member States in strengthening their capabilities to adopt and benefit from the use of accelerators. A number of activities are being implemented by the IAEA Physics Section focusing on accelerator-based applications in multiple disciplines, facilitation of access to accelerator facilities, organization of meetings, coordination of joint research projects and capacity building in accelerator-based technologies and techniques. This communication reports on the currently implemented activities together with those planned for the near future

    Determination of radiation hardness of silicon diodes

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    In this paper, we describe an experiment aimed to measure the physical observables, which can be used for the assessment of the radiation hardness of commercially available silicon photo diodes commonly used as nuclear detectors in particle accelerator laboratories. The experiment adopted the methodology developed during the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Coordinated Research Project (CRP No. F11016) “Utilization of Ion Accelerators for Studying and Modelling Ion Induced Radiation Defects in Semiconductors and Insulators”. This methodology is based on the selective irradiation of micrometer-sized regions with different fluences of MeV ions using an ion microbeam and on the measurement of the charge collection efficiency (CCE) degradation by Ion Beam Induced Charge (IBIC) microscopy performed in full depletion condition, using different probing ions. The IBIC results are analyzed through a theoretical approach based on the Shockley-Read-Hall model for the free carrier recombination in the presence of ion-induced deep traps. This interpretative model allows the evaluation of the material radiation hardness in terms of recombination parameters for both electrons and holes. The device under study in this experiment was a commercial p-i-n photodiode, which was initially characterized by i) standard electronic characterization techniques to determine its doping and ii) the Angle-Resolved IBIC to evaluate its effective entrance window. Nine regions of (100 × 100) µm2 were irradiated with 11.25 MeV He ions up to a maximum fluence of 3·1012 ions/cm2. The CCE degradation was measured by the IBIC technique using 11.25 MeV He and 1.4 MeV He as probing ions. The model presented here proved to be effective for fitting the experimental data. The fitting parameters correspond to the recombination coefficients, which are the key parameters for the characterization of the effects of radiation damage in semiconductors.</p

    Halo effects on fusion cross section in 4,6He+64Zn collision around and below the Coulomb barrier

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    The structure of the halo nuclei is expected to influence the fusion mechanism at energies around and below the Coulomb barrier. Here new data of 4He+64Zn at sub-barrier energies are presented which cover the same energy region of previous measurements of 6He+64Zn. The fusion cross section was measured by using an activation technique where the radioactive evaporation residues produced in the reaction were identified by the X-ray emission which follows their electron capture decay. By comparing the two system, we observe an enhancement on the fusion cross section in the reaction induced by 6He, at energy below the Coulomb barrier. It is shown that this enhancement seems to be due to static properties of halo 2n 6He nucleus

    Charge multiplication effect in thin diamond films

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    Herein, we report on the enhanced sensitivity for the detection of charged particles in single crystal chemical vapour deposition (scCVD) diamond radiation detectors. The experimental results demonstrate charge multiplication in thin planar diamond membrane detectors, upon impact of 18MeV O ions, under high electric field conditions. Avalanche multiplication is widely exploited in devices such as avalanche photo diodes, but has never before been reproducibly observed in intrinsic CVD diamond. Because enhanced sensitivity for charged particle detection is obtained for short charge drift lengths without dark counts, this effect could be further exploited in the development of sensors based on avalanche multiplication and radiation detectors with extreme radiation hardnes

    Enhancement in the 6He+64Zn fusion cross section at energies around the barrier: static or dynamic effect?

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    A new measurement of fusion cross-section for the system 4 He+64 Zn was performed at sub-barrier energy in order to cover the same energy region of previous measurements of 6 He+64 Zn. The fusion cross-section was obtained using an activation technique. From the comparison of the two excitation functions an enhancement of the fusion cross section was observed, at energy below the Coulomb barrier, in the reaction induced by 6 He in respect to the one induced by 4 He